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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SuzanneG

  1. I was BMI of 35.1 and denied by BC/BS the first time through. Then I assembled an appeal package, very much like your initial request. I went to all my docs, pediatrist, gastrointerologist, GYN, GP, and asked each for a letter of support. Then I wrote 2 letters of my own and attached them to the package and sent it to the bariatric doctor. By this time my BMI was 36.7 since I figured I would have to eat my way to approval. He submitted the appeal and it was approved. Best of luck to you. Sounds like you are on the right track.
  2. I had every one of my fills with fluro and not a single problem. Then I had my first fill in the office and ended up having to have a partial unfill. If you have the option, request fluro, it is 100 times more accurate.
  3. I'm just starting my second year, so techincally I don't qualify to answer your post. I just wanted to tell you congrats and that this will be a changing event in your life. I'm 15 pounds from my goal and it is finally a struggle for me. Think I'll have to take Jacqui's adivse and start exercising! LOL Good luck to you. I'll be cheering for you!
  4. SuzanneG

    soon to be banded-Richmond VA!

    Congrats on your surgery date! You are about to experience a life changing event! My daugther is 21 (she'll be 22 in July), I wonder if you ever went to the same school? She went to Brock Road Elm and then Ni River Middle and Spotsy High.
  5. SuzanneG

    Realize band vs. Lap band

    Kiz, who's your doctor? I had Dr. Brengman at Richmond Surgical and I LOVE him! Congrats on your weightloss. You're almost 1/2 way there!
  6. SuzanneG

    One year update

    Bandana, I know exactly how you feel. Mine basically told me if I wanted to lose more, I'd have to "diet" it off. It appears he was right. I can't just skate along like I have so far, my weight isn't going anywhere. I'm trying to get back to following the band rules more strictly and cut out the Snacks I've allowed myself to have. I'll get this last 15 pounds off or die trying! LOL
  7. OMG - Heather ONE pound to goal!?! WAY TO GO!!!! I've been stalled since before Christmas, ugh!
  8. Tell her you have to have your gallbladder removed or a hiatal hernia repaired. It's none of her business. Based on what you said, she will judge you and different people have strange reactions to it. Tell her you are going on the (you fill in the blank) diet, if and when you want to explain weight loss. Otherwise, what she doesn't know won't hurt her. Best of luck to you!
  9. I agree with mansaw. I think a week is a safe bet. I have a friend who had surgery on Friday and went back to work on Monday, didn't skip a beat. She's about my age, size, and we had the same doctor. I thought it would be the same for me. I needed an entire week off. I work at a desk too, but the problem I had was that when I got up to walk anywhere, I had to hold my stomach up with hands to prevent pain and of course, I couldn't go around work hoisting my gut up and holding it like I was cradleing a baby. LOL After a week, I was good to go! Good luck to you and congratulations on a new begining.
  10. SuzanneG

    What should I say to Doctor???

    Thanks JeepGal. I'm really struggling right now. It's very frustrating to get so close to goal and then hit a wall. I'm too tight right now, going to get a slight until tomorrow and hoping that will help. You've done amazing and should be very proud of yourself. You've proven you are willing to do what it takes, I know you'll make it to your ultimate goal!
  11. SuzanneG

    What should I say to Doctor???

    JeepGal, Congrats on being so close to goal! Way to go!
  12. Tanya, you took the words right out of my mouth. Bravo! Amy, I hope you get your fill. I know you can do it. I'll be cheering for you!
  13. SuzanneG

    I'm so cold-is this normal?

    I've read where a lot of folks on the board, like me, are constantly cold. I bought myself an electric blanket this year for the first time ever. Crawling into those cold sheets felt like torture and I just couldn't do it anymore. DH bought me some nice slippers and a very cozy robe for Christmas and I am finally feeling comfortable (mostly). I too refuse to turn the thermostat up. LOL
  14. SuzanneG

    how much?

    My first fill was 4.5cc and it didn't make much difference. I didn't feel true restriction until around 7cc. Best of luck to you!
  15. SuzanneG

    What should I say to Doctor???

    CrazyCatLady, I agree with keyke. I am at 149.5 right now and my doctor is telling me that I may be as low as the band will take me. He said I can get the extra 15 pounds off (my goal is 135) but that I would have to diet if off and work at it. There are many on this board who reach low weights and small sizes, but I've yet to find one who didn't say that they worked their butts off for it, both with food choices and exercise. Good luck to you! My daughter is getting married May 2010 and I'm already starting to plan! Isn't it exciting!?!
  16. SuzanneG

    Should I get fluid taken out?

    smanda, that sounds awful! How long did you do liquids after the unfill? I would try liquids for 2 days and if you are still too tight after that, have a little more taken out.
  17. SuzanneG

    Should I get fluid taken out?

    jenhay, Did he do a complete unfil? I'm planning on only getting a tiny amount out. Now I'm nervous about it.
  18. SuzanneG

    Fist city (aka Richmond!)

    I was banded by Dr. Brengman Jan 4, 2008. You folks are in good hands. Both Brengman and Shroeder are amazing! I LOVE Dr. Brengman!!!! Good luck on your journey. I'll be cheering for you!
  19. SuzanneG

    One year update

    Wow, Congrats everyone! Karen - WTG! You look amazing! Yesterday was my bandiversary. I've lost 76 pounds, but have stalled over the holidays. Doc is happy with my current weight, but I'm determined to stick with my original goal. I recently discovered that I am too tight. Going for a slight until next Friday the 16th. I'm hoping that will help me get closer to my goal. Great to hear that we are all doing so well. I would have loved to be at goal by my bandiversary, but at this point, I'll settle for hitting it by mid summer. I don't care how slow it comes off as long as it keeps coming off. Karen - so what's your maintenance plan?
  20. SuzanneG

    Should I get fluid taken out?

    I had the same problem with heartburn and over the holidays, I was eating more, so I thought I needed a fill. When I talked to the doctor about it, he said it sounded like I was too tight. I thought I was treating myself to holiday favorites, but I had subconciously leaned toward slider foods. Weight loss stopped and the heartburn was awful. I'm scheduled for a slight unfill under fluro on the 16th. Since my appt I've tried to eat the right foods and they simply won't go down, I'm forced to have protien shakes and soft foods until I can get the unfil. I can now see how being too tight can hamper weight loss. I'm actually looking forward to getting back to normal. Good luck to you and let me know what you doctor tells you.
  21. SuzanneG

    Inconsistent Tightness?

    I think I have that very problem. I haven't been losing lately although I was eating lots of holiday fun foods. Then went to see my doc and asked for a fill. I was pretty surprised when he told me it sounded like I was too tight. I was having heart burn, but didn't think that was the band. Anyway, I'm scheduled to show up for fluro on the 16th. Since leaving his office, I've paid much closer attention to what I was eating and I think he's right. I didn't realize I had gravitated toward slider foods and didn't notice. I guess with the holidays, I thought I was just treating myself, but then when I tried to go back to my healthy eating, I'm too tight. I'm looking forward to a slight unfill. Never thought I'd say those words, but I see for certain now how being too tight can hamper weight loss.
  22. SuzanneG

    They might deny me!!

    Teresa, Best of luck to you! I've got my fingers crossed!
  23. You're very welcome. It makes me feel so good whenever another person gets approved. I feel very confident that you will be approved as well.


    Do keep in touch. If you want to send me email, my address is suzanne.gracik@uscg.mil. I don't have internet at home because I live so far out in the country, we only have dialup and it's just not worth it, so I check email M-F. :-) I'm at my brother's house today watching football and using his high speed internet. LOL


    I'll be cheering for you!

  24. SuzanneG


    My electric blanket is my new bff.
  25. I know people who have bands and several who had gastric bypass. Of the 4 people I know personally who had bypass, only 1 is still skinny. That's my mom and she's sick (vomiting or diarrhea) every day of her life. Some folks don't do well on the band, but unlike gastric, the band is adjustable so you get a longer window of restriction, and it's reversible. Once they take part of your intestines out with bypass, you're stuck with it. I think your plan sounds like a good one, try the band first and see where it gets you. Good luck.

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