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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SuzanneG

  1. SuzanneG

    Today is my bandiversary... yippiddy doo dah.

    I agree, you sound too tight. I have the exact same problem. I haven't lost weight since early December. I'm miserable and tired of fighting with this too tight band. I'm going Friday to get more Fluid out. He put .6cc in and made me too tight. Took .2 back out and was better but not good. He said maybe .1cc more needed to come out, but at this point, I almost want to ask for .2cc out this time too. Get a slight unfill and eat the right foods and I'm sure the scale will start to move for you again.
  2. SuzanneG

    Weight Watchers with the Band?

    I joined last Saturday. Of course they knew me there from years of trying and quitting. I told them up front that I had lapband, had lost 76 pounds and am currently STUCK. I said doc told me if I wanted to go lower, I'd have to diet it off, so here I am. They were very nice about it. My daughter, on the other hand, gave me a hard time and said I was going to get hazed for showing up at a WW meeting in a size 8 pant. I'll admit I was a little worried, but there were several there my size and one lady was smaller. No one seemed to notice. I can't wait until Saturday to see if I can finally break this plateau. So far, no luck on the home scale I'm the same. I also just started doing the Couch to 5k and met a lady at the WW meeting who was looking for someone to run a 5k with her! She's going to run Race for the Cure with me and I'm going to run Marine Corps one with her. They are back to back weekends! Egads!
  3. SuzanneG

    I am so happy :-)

    I used Sugar Free Carnation Instant Breakfast mixed with unflavored Unjury (unjury.com), mixed with skim milk. About 35g or protien and pretty tastey.
  4. SuzanneG

    January '08 Bandsters

    Hey Guys. I hope I have the same experience some of you have had. I've been on a plateau for several months and I'm struggling with a too tight band. Going for a slight unfill this Friday. I started Couch to 5K last week and WW on Saturday. Surely something will knock me off this plateau, huh?
  5. SuzanneG

    Aggressive Fill

    I was filled too full and didn't realize it for a couple of months. Apparently I was indulging in slider foods and telling myself it was holiday cheer. And true to their name, the slider foods went down no problem. Once the holidays were over and I decided to get back to business. I had fallen back into my old habits of eating carbs, wrecked my sugar (I'm hypoglycemic) and felt like I was starving all the time. I thought this meant I needed a fill! I made an appiontment with the doctor and between the fact that I had heartburn for the first time since my surgery and from my 3 day food history, my doc said I was too tight. He told me to come back so he could look under fluro. I thought he was wrong, but made the appt, then tried my best to eat according to the band rules, I couldn't do it. He took out .2cc and I felt better, but still fighting with the heartburn and still can't eat things I was able to eat before that last fill (back when I was LOSING weight). I haven't really lost since then. Too tight is very frustrating, I'm looking forward to a little breathing room. Getting another slight unfill this Friday. That wet feeling in your mouth, if you are like me, is your body salivating because of the tight band. When I eat something that doesn't want to go down, my nose runs and of course I slim. Pay close attention to what you are eating and how it's going down. I found that eating slider foods without knowing it was like choosing the bigger/looser clothes from my closet while ignoring the fact that I was gaining weight.
  6. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Thanks Kathy. I felt great last week when I was running but this week I feel exhausted. Not sure if its the WW, my too tight band, or the running. I'm looking forward to reaching the point where I really enjoy it. I'm struggling this week, with work, with exercise, with food, and don't even get me started on my HAIR (which I'm trying to grow out and it looks awful). LOL I'm getting a slight unfill on Friday so that should help me get more lean protien. I'm going to bed earlier. I get up at 4am so I have a very long day. I don't get to run until 7pm and I'm well tired by then. Any suggestions for more energy?
  7. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Wow, I have such a long way to go. I started Week 2 last night and it was hard. Easier with the podcast than watching the second hand, but it was exhausting. Reading all your times, I wonder if I'll ever get there. I'm super slow, way slower than any of you. The program says not to rush it, but geeze, I wanna do better. Having said all that, how much slower will I be on the ground after training on a treadmill?
  8. SuzanneG

    New bander in Va

    Don't you love them? I'm going there Friday. A friend of mine is going with me to ask a few questions. I'm hoping she'll get banded there too.
  9. That's great! I am so attached to my doctor, I can only imagine how I would feel in your shoes. Tuesday isn't that far away. Hopefully you'll be able to salvage some of the weight you lost. Either way, you know you'll be losing again after the fill, so you are on the right track!
  10. I think you're right. DH is thrilled already! Hey, Ruther Glen is very close. I'm between Ladysmith and Partlow!
  11. 1. Buy a pair of expensive jeans 2. Sit on DH's lap 3. Go horseback riding
  12. SuzanneG

    Quiet group here, how is everyone?

    That's fantastic! I started the Couch to 5K on Wed last week also, but my OCD caused me to want to start week 2 on a Monday so I ran yesterday in order to finish week 1. LOL I'll be running M-W-F. Keep me posted on how you're doing on that!
  13. Welcome James and best of luck on your journey. Did your wife have lapband as well? If so, how has she done with hers?
  14. SuzanneG

    Just beginning...

    mmd007, you have come to the right place. Welcome! You will find mountains of information here and the nicest people you'll ever meet. Sounds like you are ready for the band and I know that you will succeed. Best of luck to you!
  15. SuzanneG

    Lap Band with Hypoglycemia ?

    Goddess84, you are the first hypoglycemic that I have met on this board. I have had it for 20 years and it has been a major stumbling block for me in the past with dieting. I am happy to report that this surgery and the follow-on eating plan drastically improve the hypoglycemia. You may have to play with it a little as you start the pre-op diet. My doc said 1 TBS of jelly, honey, or two other things I can't remember, to control low sugar. Once you get over the initial withdraw from carbs, you level out and hypoglycemia nearly disappears. However, let me forewarn you, if you go back to eating junk food and carbs, it will come back just like before. I did this over the holidays and had a terrible time getting back on track, but am having no problems lately. Best of luck to you and feel free to PM me anytime.
  16. SuzanneG


    Welcome! You're in for an awesome ride! Congrats on your decision to have it done.
  17. SuzanneG

    Quiet group here, how is everyone?

    Hey Gingerbug, Wow, 1 pound from goal! Congrats! I've been on a plateau for a few months now, been fighting with a too tight band. I go for my second slight unfill this Friday. I joined WW over the weekend and am excited about that. I got DH, my brother, and a girlfriend to join with me. My girlfriend is considering LapBand so I'm excited about that. I finally started exercising. I started the Couch to 5K last week. Tonight I'm doing Week2 Day1. I'm signed up for two 5K races in May! Did you have any plateau's and if so, how did you break out of them?
  18. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Slinky thanks for the input. On the bunions, you may want to see about different shoes. We have a store called VA Runner and they actually watch you run in the shoes and decide which shoe is best suited for your situation. DH, my brother, and I all went Saturday to get shoes. It was a fun experience and I found out that besides all my normal foot problems, my gait is normal. Go figure.
  19. SuzanneG

    What FINALLY made you decide to get banded??

    Mine was simple. After years of dieting and failing I knew I needed to do something soon, but when I could no longer reach to wipe my rear end the conventional way, well, that was a deal breaker for me. I called my doctor. Speaking of your mind keeping up with your body. I was a skinny kid and a very slim teenager, I gained weight with my first pregnancy and went up and down from then on. All these years, in every single dream I've ever had, I've never been fat in my dreams. I'm not talking about dreams about weight either, I mean when I'm being chased by a monster or lost on the street, or running from a tornado (I know I have bad dreams) or even kissed by prince charming, I'm always thin. I'm finally starting to feel more like myself these days.
  20. I would call the other doc immediately and schedule an unfill. I like your idea of starting fresh with your new doctor. Will Dr. Thomas use fluro? That would give you piece of mind as to the placement of your band. Congratulations on the baby! First one for you?
  21. SuzanneG

    New bander in Va

    Mechbanster, welcome and congrats on your weight loss! Bravo! What part of VA? I live in Spotsylvania and was banded in Richmond.
  22. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Hi Guys. I finished week 1 and am excited to start week 2 tonight. I joined WW this weekend and met a lady there who was looking for someone to run a 5k with her. I agreed and asked her to run in the Race For the Cure with me. They are both in May so I have plenty of time. One is May 9 and the other is May 17th. Is that enough time to rest and be able to run both races? I've done the breast cancer one 2 years in a row now, but since I was heavy before, I had to walk it. I'm excited about running it and was evening considering timing it if I do well on my training.
  23. SuzanneG

    Holy crap...what size is that?

    Tina Congrats!!! I tried on 6's this past weekend. They were tight, DH LOVED them. I could almost wear them, but need 5 more pounds to get into them. I loved the comment about wearing them wrongside out! Too cute!
  24. SuzanneG

    I just don't think I can do this.

    RSG - I was wondering where you were. I look forward to your posts. Sorry to hear you are discouraged. I can relate! I've been stuck for a while now myself. Soooo I decided to make some changes. I'm going to Weight Watchers tomorrow to sign up and I started the Couch to 5K this past Wed. Do them with me? We can motivate each other! One thing is for sure......If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you always got. I'm not getting anywhere with my current routine so I decided I needed fresh motivation. What do you say?
  25. Kiz, isn't he the best!?! I have to force myself not to hug the stuffing out of him every time I see him! Maybe I'll see you there. You can see my pic in my avatar, but I have glasses now. My next appt is next Friday the 13th at 10:00 with Erin. I always wonder how many people in that waiting room have I talked to online. LOL

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