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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SuzanneG

  1. SuzanneG

    low calorie sweetner

    Absolutely and welcome to LBT.
  2. By far the best thing I've ever done for myself. Not only do I have my health and my life back, but for the first time in my life, I'm enjoying exercise! Since heart disease runs in my family, I'm excited that I have started a running program (Couch to 5K) and I'm enjoying it! Even if I did have complications, I'd deal with them and do whatever I have to do to keep my band.
  3. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Hey Guys, Week3 Day2 was GREAT! Every time I think I can't handle the next week, I surprise myself. I'm sure I'm too new to the game to have a runner's high, but I did have runner's envy yesterday. When I was walking at lunchtime in my work clothes, a runner past me and my coworker and I instantly felt envy that he was in workout clothes and jogging! WTH? I thought that was cool and couldn't wait to get home so I could do my own run. Only thing now is that I sure wish I could run on the ground. I'm nervous about how much harder the ground will be compared to the treadmill. I think I'm going to revert back a few weeks after I finish the program on the treadmill and head out to a local school to run the track and try to get the full 5k on the track before my two 5K races in May!
  4. I agree with what the others are saying. Although you will likely be fine to return to work a week after surgery, that is very different from something like a wedding. Enjoy your day and your honeymoon without having to deal with liquid diets and stitches. I'd push the surgery out far enough so you will be back from your honeymoon before you have to start the liquid diet. I was hell on wheels when I was on liquids, I couldn't imagine trying to enjoy one of the most special events of your life. Live it up and CONGRATULATIONS!
  5. SuzanneG

    To sell out or not to sell out

    I saw a commercial for a wl product and it was showing all these before and after pics. One guy claimed to have lost 230 pounds in 10 months. I haven't even met a bander who has done that, so I decided to investigate. After googling his name (Scott R??? - I forgot it now), I found his pics advertising SEVERAL different wl products. Even though I knew that had to be true, I felt angry when I saw it. How do these people get away with this stuff? Good job on your decision. Since we've all been there, we can easily imagine how we would feel to be deceived like that. Technically you could take the product now, and then "honestly" claim you took it, but it would still be wrong. Kind of reminds me of Marie Osmond hawking, I forget, is it Nutrasystem or Jenny? Either way, she lost her weight on Dancing With the Stars. Seriously, was no one watching?
  6. We have a contest here at work too and I went through the same thought process. Should I or shouldn't I? In the end I decided not to join in. Like pbp, our contest is for a nominal prize, but I felt like it would be dishonest to join. On the other hand, I work for the Coast Guard, and the Coasties are alloted workout time during their workday whereas us civilians have to workout on our own, so in a way, that gives them an unfair advantage.
  7. SuzanneG

    Restraunt food - what do YOU order??

    Bobbie, how was the birthday dinner? What did you end up ordering?
  8. SuzanneG

    question for at goal re: plateaus

    Jacqui, if you opt for lipo, would you also need a tt? I never thought I'd say I was thinking about it, because I kind of feel like you do about it, if I'm just a little wrinkly, I can live with that. Unfortunately, as time goes by, I'm noticing a serious bannana roll on my back that is showing through in my clothes and the extra skin on my legs gets pushed into my hips to give the appearance of saddlebags (which I don't have). The risk, price, and pain of PS have kept me from wanting to look into it, but the closer I get to goal, the more I think about it. Do you have any issues other than your skin not being as tight as you would like?
  9. SuzanneG

    Weight Watchers with the Band?

    I decided to come clean on the ticker and post my first gain. :blushing: I've been up since Dec 8, immediately after my lowest weight of 149.5 on Dec 7th. :cursing: So here it is, the real weight and hopefully I'll be changing it again next week.
  10. SuzanneG

    Weight Watchers with the Band?

    I eat every single point, every single day. I only get 20 so it's really not that hard. This is the first time I've done WW with so few points. LOL They did away with the Core Plan, which is the one I wanted to do and "combined" it, but mostly just looks like the old points system to me. Supposedly they add in flexibility in later weeks. I'll let you know. Kiz, I showed Erin what I was eating and was pointing out how I can't stay in the "white" zone on my WW tracker. They have you track how hungry you feel throughout the day and connect the dots to create a graph of your hunger for the day. Erin liked it so much, she took it to show Brengman and they made a copy of it, so I guess they're happy with the WW. Also, I only use my activity points if I need them to cover my preworkout protien bar. WW says use them or don't use them, either is fine. I have hypoglycemia so I always need something immediately before I run and don't always have the extra points for it. Got an extra .1cc taken out at that visit and feel MUCH better. So far so good with WW and C25K. Now if I could just see 14? on the scale again!
  11. I have a complaint to add... Too many folks keep telling me that I'm getting too thin! WTH?
  12. SuzanneG


    I had surgery Jan 4th and my first glass of wine Jan 17th. I've periodically had wine or margaritas since then. The good news is that you can get a very nice buzz from 1 or 2 drinks. The bad news is you can get a very nice buzz from 1 or 2 drinks. LOL
  13. SuzanneG

    Restraunt food - what do YOU order??

    I usually order fish or chicken and veggies. I don't order that different than before, but I do try to stay away from fried foods. Happy Birthday!
  14. SuzanneG

    question for at goal re: plateaus

    I am 15 pounds from my goal, but my doc considers me at goal. I hit a plateau about 5 months ago. Gained and lost the same 2-3 pounds over and over. I pretty much made it all the way to 76 pounds lost before hitting the wall. Between the holidays and being too tight, I was a mess. Last week I joined WW. Lost 3.2 pounds the first week! I also started the Couch to 5K and believe that has helped. I'm on week 3 this week. Best of luck to you.
  15. SuzanneG

    Weight Watchers with the Band?

    hockey - I was down 3.2 on Sat at WW! Only thing is, I'm still up a pound from my lowest (I don't update my ticker until it's good news. - LOL). I'm hoping to edit the ticker by next week. I was 151 this morning.
  16. SuzanneG

    January '08 Bandsters

    Bandana - Doc took out another .1cc for a total unfill of .3cc and I feel AMAZING! I think it's perfect now. No more heartburn and no PBs!!! If you think you need one, it's totally worth it. I'll let you know how my weight does this week as well.
  17. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    You guys are all such inspirations! Congrats to each of you! I did Week3Day1 yesterday. I was nervous that I wouldn't be able to do it, but I did. Now I'm nervous about week4. LOL
  18. SuzanneG

    At Risk for Erosion or Slipping?

    I think if it was me, I'd want to ask for the x-ray to be sure. Does your doctor know how much you PB?
  19. SuzanneG

    Band isn't what I thought it would be

    I couldnt' agree more with Alex. Call your doctor about a slight unfill and get back to your band basic meals. I kept waiting mine out and all I got for it was chronic heartburn and ZERO weight loss.
  20. SuzanneG

    Weight Watchers with the Band?

    I'm going to talk to Erin about it tomorrow. I'm going for a slight unfill. Right now, I only get 20 points which isn't a whole lot of food, but I've been having 3 meals and 3 Snacks. One after Breakfast, one before I go home, and one before I run. Usually 1-3 points and very small. Brengman basically cut me lose and said he considered me a success story and the only way I was going to lose any more was probably going to have to be with diet, so I figured I'd just mix it up a little and try something different. As long as I don't go over my points, it shouldn't hurt anything....I hope. So far, 5 days into WW -- NOTHING ON THE SCALE! Grrrrrrr! :biggrin: If I don't make some progress by next Saturday, the 21st, I'm going to stop dieting, go back to my old way of eating and focus solely on RUNNING! Also, I've been eating slider foods because I am too tight and sometimes I can't eat anything and other times, I can eat more than a cup. I'm sick of being too tight. Getting a partial unfill tomorrow.
  21. Krista, Welcome. This is an excellent place for information AND for support. Glad to hear you are able to get it done!
  22. SuzanneG

    Weight Watchers with the Band?

    Ashley, that's exactly why I did it. I also wanted to know exactly how much they thought I should be eating. I thought maybe I had lost my perspective. I've stuck to the program all week and ran M-W-F (tomorrow) and so far NOTHING. I'm frustrated. I remember from when I did WW before though, sometimes it would wait and come off on weigh in day, so I'm still holding out hope. DH joined with me and has already lost 4 pounds, even though he has enough points to have a KLONDIK bar every night. WTH? I'll let you know how my weigh in goes on Saturday.
  23. SuzanneG

    Quiet group here, how is everyone?

    I work with a lady who is a personal trainer and she told me this morning that I need to do weight training if I want to lose weight. I told her I was too tired between work and C25K and she insists I won't start losing until I incorporate some weight trianing. Right now, I think it would overwhelm me. Guess I'll have to come up with a plan....
  24. SuzanneG

    Have you noticed?

    Has anyone noticed that Dan appears to be bored and simply looking for a fight? I've seen other threads by him and he's appears to be a troll.
  25. SuzanneG

    Quiet group here, how is everyone?

    B-Man, congrats on the 4 inches! I wish I had measured, I may have to start because the scale is giving me nothing. Gingerbug, how goes the C25K? I did Week2Day2 last night. Kicked my butt good, but I got through it. If only I could move the SCALE! Grrrrr!

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