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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SuzanneG

  1. SuzanneG

    Help..Please answer if you can

    I am hypoglycemic and it does sound like blood sugar problems. Mine has never really bothered me when I first wake up. For me, it's once I start eating for the day, then I have to watch the clock and make sure I don't go more than 4 hours without at least a snack or I'll get sick. You may try a small, high protien snack in the evening. Maybe some cheese and crackers, or a hand full of nuts or maybe even just a glass of milk (maybe with SF CIB), yogurt, or something like that. Be careful of the OJ, if you are having hypoglycemic problems, the OJ can backfire on you. Super sweet things will bring it up quickly (which also causes symptoms), but will also create a crash shortly thereafter. Be sure to have a protien and a complex carb at each meal/snack. Let us know what the doc tells you.
  2. SuzanneG

    Banded Yesterday - This hurts!

    Robin congrats on your surgery. You are NOT a whimp. I limped around like that for about a week. More than likely, this time next week, you'll be sailing along, no pain and melting like Frosty in a greenhouse!
  3. I'm glad he was understanding. For me, looking is just not OK under any circumstances. If you are OK with it and he's being respectful of your wishes, then that's really good. I'm glad he was agreeable.
  4. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Thanks Kathy, I think I'll try the coffee and yogurt idea. GA Girl, CONGRATS! I LOVE getting into a new size, but it does usually spark a shopping spree. Carol, good for you on running. I'm thinking about getting a body bugg. Anyone on here tried it?
  5. SuzanneG

    Boddy Bugg Users

    Gingerbug, Thanks! I think you have me sold! I think I might order one. Sounds like it would be very motivating.
  6. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Thanks Carol. Interesting Read. I heard that Cinnamon helps with BS. I'm hypoglycemic, but after reading this, I'm not so sure it would help with that since my sugar is already oftentimes too low. I like the idea of appetite suppression though. Good luck with your run tonight.
  7. SuzanneG

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Tina, Very good suggestions here (minus the ex idea of course). Can you stay with your brother or parents during that week? Seems that would be least disruptive to thier lives and make it easier for them to help you. Don't freak out if you are mind crushingly lonely when you are there by yourself at first. Like Donna said, you will grow to love your alone time. Maybe go for a run tomorrow night, it's supposed to be in the 70's. Running is the next best way to get your endorphins up. :biggrin: You won't be able to exercise for a while after PS so you may as well get it in now. I can't wait to see your rocking body. I'm envious. I've been dreaming about PS for a couple of months now.
  8. SuzanneG

    Boddy Bugg Users

    gingerbug, can you be more specific on how it helped you get your last 14 pounds off. As you can see, I have 12 pounds left and I'm really fighting to lose it. I have started exercising with the C25K, and would really like to understand how the Gowear Fit plays into my daily routine. Thanks for any info!
  9. SuzanneG

    Just banded 02/19/09

    Lane77, the only thing you can do is try to get some variety in your diet. It does suck, there's no way around that, but it is oh so worth it. Just hang in there and keep your eye on the prize!
  10. SuzanneG

    Weigh and measure food ?

    With the band, it's all about VOLUME, not weight. I wouldn't recommend a scale, but you may want to buy some extra measuring cups. In the beginning I measured everything, so you're 1/2 cup and 1/4 cups are always in the dishwasher. Congrats on your upcoming band!
  11. Organdaisy, you are absolutely correct. I noticed your band to sleve revision schedule in your signature. I'm ignorant about the sleeve. Can you tell me why you are having it done?
  12. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Thanks Kathy and Carol. W6D1 went very well and I woke up feeling strong this morning. Then I got to work and the stairs made me feel so TIRED. LOL I think I'm almost ready to include other exercises into my week. I was thinking about doing kick boxing tonight. Up until now I was afraid I'd make myself too tired for the C25K, but I'm feeling pretty good about that. Then again, I may wait until I've run 20+ minutes for 3 days in one week, which would be after next week. I too am struggling with the scales. They just will not cooperate. I've always heard the last few pounds are difficult, but this is rediculous. LOL Carol, what's the cinnamon for?
  13. SuzanneG

    Normal or Not

    I agree with Guy. Also the triglicerides, etc could be genetic and not affected by what you do and don't eat. You should talk to your PCP about that as well.
  14. SuzanneG

    Hi, I'm new!!

    Welcome azsimone! Sounds like you are doing wonderfully. Good for you!
  15. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    I don't know how you do it. I get up at 4am to get ready for work and don't get home until 6:45pm. It takes all I have to get dinner made, 30 mins on treadmill, eat, cleanup, wind down and get to bed. Good luck on your marathon!
  16. Carrie, I agree with your thoughts completely. Good luck with your talk.
  17. I agree with OregonDaisy, it is addictive and can be impossible to get away from. I dated a guy once who was addicted to it. It is ultimatly what split us up. He would cry like a baby and tell me he didn't know why he couldn't quit. He said it was like being part of an occult. We went to counseling and he sat there and lied through his teeth about his use of it. We split up and he moved out, then shortly after that, I got a $2,000 phone bill with 900 numbers on it. Phone company said the calls were made from inside the house. He had broken in the house and used my phone! We went to court over it and he had to pay restitution, but the whole thing was just so sad. You won't believe me when I tell you this, but he was about one of the nicest guys you'd ever want to meet. Treated me like a princess and we were engaged when I found out about the porn. I would have never believed how serious and how addictive it was if I hadn't met that guy. Have a serious talk with your husband and watch him like a hawk, if he doesn't improve, don't ignore it as it can get out of control.
  18. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Kathy - I ended up not getting home early enough to run outside so I did the treadmill. I did it though, I ran my 20 mins and start Week6 Day1 tonight. Woot! Whosya - Congrats on the weightloss. Where do you find the time for all this exercise? I'm in awe.
  19. SuzanneG

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Tina, So glad the weekend went smoothly. You're doing great! We're so proud of you!
  20. I'm 5'4.5". I started at 225 and am 147 now. I thought I was OK with my skin until recently. I have the wrinkles under my backside that caused me to order bathing suit bottoms that are made like shorts. I have a banana roll on each side of my back, bat wings, and very bumpy, baggy thighs and tummy. It's not extreme, I think I look pretty good in a pair of jeans these days, but underneath my clothes, I look like a pair of cheap panty hose that have stretched out completely. I'm a little afraid of the pain of PS and def don't know if I'll ever be able to afford it, but have found myself thinking about it more and more.
  21. SuzanneG

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Tina, Enjoy yourself tonight and stay strong. Your life is about to take another momumental turn for the better! You'll be amazed at how happy and good you are without him. You deserve someone who will treat you with respect and appreciate you for who you are. Eventually, after you're finished getting to know yourself again, he'll come along and you'll live happily ever after. Make sure you have a DD tonight and ENJOY!
  22. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    I have a question for you guys. I'm on Week5 Day3 tonight. So far I've done all my runs on the treadmill, but it's finally warming up and I was debating about going to a track tonight. It's my first 20 minute straight run and I'm wondering how much the change will affect my ability to make it the full 20 mins. Should I stick with the treadmill until I complete the program and then go to the ground or try it on the track tonight?
  23. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Carol, Robert Ullrey's podcast is free, but be forewarned, the music on that one isn't that great either. I like it for running though I'd never listen to it in real life. LOL But it keeps me steady and I just focus on the beat to help me keep my rhythm. Kathy, thanks for the advice. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!
  24. SuzanneG

    I have to ask....

    I had wine 2 weeks after surgery. One thing to be careful of is that you will feel the effects VERY fast. 1 glass and I'm feeling no pain, 2 and I'm down right silly. The biggest danger with drinking is that you do NOT want to allow yourself to get sick and you will be taken by surprise at how much less you can drink now. So any old rules of number of drinks you can have wtihout a hangover are out the window. Just be very cautious.
  25. SuzanneG

    I think I'm Overfilled! Help

    If he never got fills, then what caused him to lose his band? How long ago was that and how is he now?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
