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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SuzanneG

  1. SuzanneG

    Really need some advice ~ HELP!!

    Andrea, What did you decide to do? How are you now?
  2. I think you'll be glad you called. Let us know how you are doing after your appt.
  3. Thanks emjay. BTW, what part of Ohio are you in? I'm originally from South Point, OH.
  4. SuzanneG

    2 weeks of nausea

    I just had my Fluid removed for the same reason. Do you feel better since having the fulid out? I feel 100% better. I had nausea, vomiting, and heartburn....all GONE. Now the question is, where do I go from here?
  5. You should definitely call your doctor and have a tiny unfill. Being too tight is really bad for you and can ultimately make you gain weight.
  6. Well, they took ALL of my Fluid out on Friday. I was at 6.8 in a 10cc band. My symptoms are all gone! I feel amazing. I'm going to try to do WW until we can figure out what to do about this. The doctor's office is supposed to call me mid-week to see how I'm feeling. He's asked for an endoscopy for this Friday, but I feel like I don't need one. I'm not sure where we'll go from here. I'll keep you guys posted.
  7. Thanks emjay, I'll keep you posted.
  8. Fret, Why would you go 5 years without finding out what is wrong? You didn't say what your symptoms are but some things to check would be gallbladder and band tightness. I've had a rough year myslef with many of the same symptoms. My gallbladder checked out fine so the next step for me is that they are going to remove all of my Fluid on Friday and see if my problems ease up. I don't know if you noticed how old the original post is, but I just thought I should point that out. Good luck to you.
  9. SuzanneG

    Judgement by Gastric

    Eh, I think it's the same as "my kid is smarter than your kid" or "my dog is bigger than your dog". Just human nature. ha ha My mom had gastric by-pass and she lost all her weight, but her quality of life is zero. She sick, every day of her life and of course, since it's not reversable, she's stuck with that. Then if I get a stuck or have any kind of band issue she'll say "I'm sure glad I didn't have your surgery". Like her choice was better. In her case, it was not better, but she had hers so long ago, band wasn't a choice for her and her doc said lose weight or die, so she did what she had to do. At the end of the day, its mostly competitive nature if you ask me.
  10. How are you feeling now? What finally worked for you? For me, I do the "downward dog" position. I stand and put my hands on the floor and let gravity pull it up until its high enough to trigger my gag reflex. Also, for some reason, when I take clothes from the washer and put them in the drier, that helps. I guess alternating between twisting and bending kind works it through the band. Sometimes if I think I can get it down, I just mimic that motion and it works pretty good. I can usually tell by the amount of slime and if my nose is running, that's a pretty good sign it's not going to go down. If just a little extra saliva, I have a shot at not PBing.
  11. I update mine on weigh-in days, which is Friday for me. Good news, bad news, or no news, I update it. Also update my iPhone app Tap&Track. Just ordered a bodybugg, so I guess I'll soon add that as well.
  12. SuzanneG

    Cocktails anyone???

    Ditto! I never heard the term "John Daly" before though. Is that the name of the vodka drink? I've always heard a regular tea and lemonade referred to as an "Arnold Palmer". I also love wine and MARTINIS!! But you do have to watch the calories.
  13. Mimi, You sound like you are almost in the same boat as me. Do you have other doctors in your area that you maybe could switch to? Jeni, thanks for the comments and encouragement. I will certainly try to follow your advice. I tried resting my band with liquid diet, but it doesn't seem to help. Yesterday, after a week of liquids, I was craving food and decided to test it. I ate Breakfast and lunch perfect and although my stomach burned like batter acid during lunch, after I ate, it all seemed to calm down to a dull burn. I thought I had it in the bag. I went home and made a baked potato for dinner. I thought that would be soft and bland. I put plenty of butter and sour cream because white potatos can be a bit "sticky" for me if I'm not careful. I took TINY bites and chewed until it was Soup consistency. A few bites in and I knew it wasn't going down. I PBd so much and so hard. Afterward, I usually have an ice cream bar to soothe my esophogas, this time, even ice cream wouldn't go down. Water was barely passing through. I had packed food for my breakfast and lunch. I went back in the kitchen and swapped that out for protien drinks, then went to bed hungry and sick. I'm getting all the Fluid out of my band Friday. I guess we'll see what that brings. I ordered a bodybugg last night, hoping that will help keep me in check. Just the fact that it is something new should get me motivated for the short term. Fingers crossed that I don't gain weight!
  14. Thanks Mimi, I just talked to his office. My band doc does not think I need Zoloft. They want to take ALL my Fluid out of my band this Friday. I'm really nervous about that. I think I'll buy a bodybugg and count calories while I'm unrestricted. What's the latest with yours? Have you talked to your doc lately?
  15. SuzanneG

    Severe acid reflux

    Acid reflux feels like what the name implies, that you have acid washing up your throat. It burns and chokes you. I'm having the same issue, plus I am having problems with restriction but the doc says my band is LOOSE. Some days I can only get liquids down, and barely, other days I can eat like a lumber jack. I'm on 80mg of Nexium a day and still have heartburn. My issues are: Restriction, Heartburn, Nausea Anyone else have this problem?
  16. SuzanneG

    Questions about my fill issues

    ty, that's my question too! ha ha My primary care thinks that anxiety is causing my symptoms. They did kind of start after some intense pressure in my life, but the stress is all gone and the symptoms are still there. My band doc named some tests he wants to run, but he hasn't called me back yet. He wanted me to try Reglan, but I was afraid of the side effects. My mom had a really bad reaction to it and I was afraid to try it. I don't know what to do. I'm frustrated and this little voice in the back of my head (actually it's my brother's voice, ha ha) keeps saying "it's the band, it's the band". I'm starting to wonder if maybe I could have adhesions. I've read a couple of stories about them and they kind of match what I'm going through. I think my doc is getting sick of me, but I'm taking 80mg of Nexium a day and still feel heartburn. My biggest issues are: Restriction Heartburn Nausea My band is loose, even during fluro, yet sometimes I can't eat at all. Other times I can eat like a lumber jack. I'm UP 15 pounds and can't seem to budge the scales. I'm frustrated!
  17. SuzanneG

    Realize Band and nausea

    Tex, did you consider revising to the sleeve? I'm 2 1/2 years out and am having near constant nausea. I've had an endo, gallbladder ultrasound, HIDA Scan, so far...nothing. Doc says my band is fine, but I'm having my doubts.
  18. SuzanneG

    Questions about my fill issues

    Happygirl, I don't know what to do next. My gallbladder tests came back fine, so I'm back to square one. I have a loose band, but yet my food gets stuck. I put myself on liquids and soft foods. Heavy Soups make me queazy. I have no idea what's next. I have an appointment with my primary car doc next Friday. He wants me to try Zoloft. I guess if there are no other ideas, I'll tray that next.
  19. Leigh, gb as in gallbladder. I might have to have mine out. I've been waiting for 2 days for the doc to call and let me know. Speaking of patience, mine is runing OUT! Grrrr!
  20. SuzanneG


    I don't know about you guys, but being on liquids made me grumpy. Maybe they are just looking to vent and get some reassurance. :sigh:
  21. Pretty much no way to avoid it. Basically, when you are on liquids, your GI tract empties out completely. Normally, you keep a certain amount of matter in there. When you start on mushies, this goes back to normal and it shows on the scales. You are not gaining WEIGHT, however, as in fat, you are simply putting the Fluid and solids back in your GI tract where they belong. It comes right back off, don't fret it.
  22. SuzanneG

    need help

    What part of VA? My doc is in Richmond and if it's within commuting distance for you, I can't say enough nice things about him. Search his name on this forum and you will see what I'm telling you. Dr. Mathew Brengman, 804-285-4133. Once you call that number, there is a button to push to schedule a free seminar. That's your jumping off point! Good luck and let me know what you decide to do!
  23. For me, I was tired for a couple of weeks before the tide began to turn and I started to have more energy. I'd say, hang in there, if you are already taking a multi then I think you are fine. Keep the protien up to at least 60g a day and you'll soon start feeling more like yourself....only better.
  24. You should be able to swallow pills, just nothing larger than an M&M. At least that's what I was told. I just take store brand stool softner. I usually buy it at Wal-Mart or Giant food. Just be sure that it says that it does not contain laxative. You certainly don't want to take those on a daily basis. I take one a day and if I'm having a little trouble, I'll take an extra one at night for a few days.
  25. SuzanneG

    New to forum, not to banding.

    Thanks. I'll ask her about her fill history. Keep up the good work!

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