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Everything posted by SuzanneG

  1. Jason, Welcome to LBT and good for you! I'm sure you will succeed and have your surgery. Working with the doctor and toward the goal of LB should keep you well motivated. Good for you for taking that first big step! Keep us posted on your progress!!
  2. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Hey Guys, Thanks for the encouragement and the tips. I bought a new pair of running shoes, wider than my first pair and with more cushion and they seem to be doing well for me. I had a very disappointing run Sat. DH and I went to a school to run on the track (I prefer outside and thought the crushed stone track would be softer on my foot than pavement). After a few laps, he was soaking wet with sweat and I hadn't broke a sweat. I thought that was cool at first, but then by the time we reached 2 miles, I was still dry and my head was pounding and I felt nauseous. DH said my face was red. It was hot out and I was beginnig to feel like something wasn't right, so we decided to walk the last mile. I felt so let down. This Sat I'm going back to DD's neighborhood so I can run her block (1.2 mile per lap). Mentally, I find it way easier, but the pavement is really hard on my foot. I felt like I was breezing through the C25K and then felt like I hit a wall when I started doing straight running. I've resigned myself that I will likely end up walking part of the race on the 9th. I'm hoping maybe the excitment will pull me through, but who knows.
  3. LOL - I posted this exact same thread when I was first banded! Someone explained it to me like this and it made sense. Your body normally has several pounds of stuff in your intestines. When you go on liquids, that stuff gets flushed out. When you go on mushies, it fills back up to normal. This is not an actual weight gain and will have no bearing on your progress. Keep the faith and hang in there. Next stop for you is Bandster Hell. Stick with the suggestions above and that will help with Bandster Hell also.
  4. Duh, I just noticed the second post. Letters are on their way!

  5. No problem. Just PM me your email address or send me an email to suzanne.gracik@uscg.mil.

  6. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    I just talked to my podiatrist. He basically told me that I'm not going to do any damage to it by running on it. He said to ice it and that it was OK to push through the pain. I asked if I should reconsider running and was I possibly going to cause a new neuroma from running . He said it was possible, but he said : "People don't die from sore feet, but they do die from heart and lung disease". I love that quote! He told me I'm doing way more good by running than any bad I could do to my feet. I feel better now! I'm going to try to push through and get my race on!
  7. Have you considered the sleeve? By-pass is pretty serious stuff. I know 3 people who've had it. One is my mom and she has had intestinal problems ever since. She goes in the hosptial at least twice a year with a kink in her intestines. She is skinny though and had her surgery in 1997. Another nearly died on the table and spent 9 days in ICU, got down to a size 6 and has gained back up to a size 16 so far. The third had no complications. She lost 100 pounds, she probably had close to 200 to lose, and now she's gained about 1/2 that back. I honestly can't tell she ever had the surgery. That's all I know on the subject, but I wish you luck. Holy Cow, I just noticed you only need to lose 26 more pounds?! You should seriously look into the sleeve.
  8. SuzanneG

    LOOSE is not LOSE.

    One of my favorites: IRREGARDLESS Irregardless is a word that many mistakenly believe to be correct usage in formal style, when in fact it is used chiefly in nonstandard speech or casual writing. Coined in the United States in the early 20th century, it has met with a blizzard of condemnation for being an improper yoking of irrespective and regardless and for the logical absurdity of combining the negative ir- prefix and -less suffix in a single term.
  9. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Hi Guys, Well, here I am just a couple of weeks from my 5k and my foot decides to protest. I have a Morton's Neuroma in my left foot and am scheduled to have it removed 5/19. Suddenly the thing has decided that even my roomy, cushy shoes are not enough, it's going to hurt anyway. It pretty much feels like I'm walking around with a bumble bee in my shoe and I get stung with every step. I'm struggling now with what to do. I thought if I iced it and went easy on the treadmill (the road is what caused it to flare up), that maybe I could get back to it. I ran 1.5 miles on Wed night and it was too much, I had to quit. Tonight I'm going to try to walk my property, down a hill, then flat, then up a hill, but on grass. Not sure if I can even do that. :w00t: I'm seriously bummed. I think I'll end up walking the 5k instead of running and how am I going to maintain my endurance and muscle tone from now until the end of June (when I hope to be able to run on it again)? Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
  10. Yeah, I kind of think he's on crack too. I made an appoitnment with an endochronologist for May 22. I haven't been to one since I was first diagnosed. Still trying to get a handle on the sugar, but it has been a little better lately.
  11. I want to start the Couch to 5K today and I have one problem. I'm hypoglycemic and when I exercise it invariably causes my sugar to drop. I've tried dozens of things, but wanted to know if anyone has any suggestions on what may work the best. I was thinking about having either a snack sized protien bar or a bannana before working out, but how much before and what's the best choice? This is one of the reasons I've always hated exercise. :cursing:
  12. The letters are on their way. Good luck to you!

  13. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Whosya, Congrats! I had no idea you were only a year out from your first 5K. You are truly and inspiration!!! Thanks for the pre-race tips. I'm running my first 5k May 9. I'm also having surgery on my foot on May 19th, for a Morton's neuroma. Recovery for walking should be about 2 weeks, but not sure how long it will take to run again. I sure hope it doesn't set me back much. Fri morning I ran with 21 year old DD and she couldn't keep up! She's fit and trim, but in her defense, she had mono about a month ago and is still feeling the effects. I ran again Sat for 3.6 miles! I was running around the block 1.2 miles per lap and only stopped once per lap for a quick sip of water! I feel much better about the race after that. I did have some serious foot pain from the Morton's neuroma, and a mysterious new pain on the other foot, but I'm hanging in there!
  14. SuzanneG

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Tina, Congrats! You look amazing already. Michelle, I agree with what Beth said and seriously, how do you feel qualified to tell her that her ex truly loves her and has learned his lesson? She's not desperate as you seem to suggest. She's a beautiful, warm and caring person. She has every right to enjoy her new life, her new body. I did the same thing when I was her age (the divorce and partying part) and ended up meeting my soul mate. We'll be celebrating our 10th anniversary this June and I couldn't be happier. My cheating ex, and the father of my children, is still an ASS and now that the kids are grown, they can see it too. I wouldn't have him back if he came with a billon dollar bonus. Keep up the good work Tina. What an exciting summer you have in store for you. Ouchie on the drain tubes, I've had those, but it feels oh so good when they come out!
  15. Hi Yaz, I've been following your thread and wanted to know how you're doing now. Did you grow to love your band or are you still hoping to get it out? I hope all is well.
  16. I hope the Papaya helps. I was going to mention that, but thought it only helped with meat. Of course you aren't an idiot. We've all eatten something we shouldn't at one time or another. Good luck to you.
  17. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Hey Guys, Well, I'm up to 35 mins running now, but still no where near 3.1 miles. :tt2: Last night, I warmed up for 5 mins, jogged for 35 mins, cool down 5 mins and still not at 3.1, I was at 2.8 or something, so I decided to keep walking until I reached 3.1 just to see how long it takes me. I'm embarassed to admit that including my 5 min warmup and cool down and the extra time walking to reach my distance, it took me 48.44 mins to go 3.1 miles. My 5k is May 9, only 3 more weeks. I'm not ready! :thumbup: Any words of wisdom, encouragement, tips? You guys rock!
  18. Hmm, when that happens to me, I just go to the bathroom, act like I'm going to burp and see if it comes back up. If it doesn't, then it's probably going to work its way through the band. Not sure how to help it along.
  19. KMCD, good for you! This is only the beginning! Good luck with your banding and keep us posted!
  20. SuzanneG

    2 Tall for High Heels

    My daughter is 5'7" and she LOVES heels and wears them all the time. Her fiance is 6' or 6'1" I think. I have a girlfriend who is 5'9" and her DH is 5'7" and she doesn't let that stop her from wearing heels. I say go for it!
  21. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Whosya - you're amazing. I can't imagine! Mac - 4.5 miles, congrats! Carol - Good job getting to week 5, completing day 3 is amazing. Good luck to you. Krtork - I want to be additcted too. I enjoy running, but I can't say I'm addicted just yet. auggies - Welcome and good luck on the C25K! I ran 33 mins last night. I'm trying to get up to 40-45 mins before my 5K on May 9. I'm still sooo slow. I keep picturing mom's with baby strollers passing me by. LOL Mac, I'm taking your advice and trying the interval training once a week. Thanks for all the support!
  22. SuzanneG

    OH MY GOD...21 days!!!

    Tina, Good luck! I'm so excited for you. I'm also envious! I know you will do so well and you will look amazing. What a year of changes for you huh? And all for the better!
  23. Di, I have been going throught the exact same thing! My goal is 135 also. I noticed that everyone around me was really supportive until I started getting smaller than them. Now they say I'm giong to look like a crack head if I lose anymore, etc. I HATE to hear that I look fine or why do I want to be smaller than a size 6! I set my goal to where I would end up in the MIDDLE of my healthy BMI range. I think that is reasonable, healthy, and normal. I weighed 105 when I married my kid's dad (the ex). Why is it so hard to accept that I can weigh 135 at 43? Geeze! Leave us alone already!!!!!!!!!! Best of luck to you Di and congrats on your weight loss!!!
  24. SuzanneG

    Huntington WV Tri State area anyone?

    Hey! I live in VA now, but grew up in South Point, OH! It's great to see folks from back home!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
