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Everything posted by SuzanneG

  1. SuzanneG

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Hey Tina! Good for you on your weekend plans! I'm so glad to hear that things are working out so well for you. Glad to hear you are doing the 3 day. I run in the Susan G. Komen 5K every year. I made a donation for you!
  2. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Georgia, Glad the fill is working for you. I can't imagine running in the heat. I think when the doc clears me to run again, I'll likely be on the treadmill. Have you considered looking in the paper or at yard sales for a treadmill to use at home? That would give you a very affordable alternative to the gym. As a matter of fact, if you ask around, you're likely to find someone at your work or church or wherever who may have one to give away! Maybe try craigslist? I've never been able to do the gym thing. Between my schedule and how far I live out in the country, it's never really been an option. I hope you can work something out soon!
  3. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Kathy - WTG! And very cool that your family was happy for you while envious! Carol - I hope you try Kathy's advice. You may surprise yourself. Mac - Holy cow you are a machine! And 13 below goal? WTH? I wish I could get there. I feel like a marshmallow since my surgery. Jane - Good for you! The race will make you feel better. Breast cancer is everywhere in my family. I had a preventive mastectomy in 07 and I have run the Race for the Cure for the past 3 years. It's empowering, but can be very emotional if you have someone close to you fighting bc. My best friend has stage 4 bc and is going through treatment now and will have surgery on the 27th. I found myself wanting to cry alot during the race. I'm doing an autism 5k in October with a coworker. I'm looking forward to running a race that, although very important, it's a little less close to my heart so I'm hoping to really go all out in the race. BTW, you'll be racing on my birthday. I'll be cheering for you!! Kristen - Keep up with good work! Georgia - How's the fill treating you? Have you been running? I'm feeling very fat and soft these days. I can't wait until I can run again! Keep at it ladies! You all inspire me! Lynn - Looks like we may be ready to re-start C25K around the same time. I'm so sick of limping, I can't imagine how you must feel. Here's to hoping we can start running again soon.
  4. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Malissa - Welcome and congrats on signing up for the 5k. Sounds like you are on the right track! Carol - Don't worry, you will be ready for the 5k. I was sure I wouldn't be ready for mine and I ended up running it in 35:33 (I finally saw my official time). Then less than a week later, I ran one in 32 mins! I can't wait to start running again. I already feel like a marshmallow.
  5. SuzanneG

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Hey Tina, Glad things are working out so well for you. You certainly deserve it. I know how you feel about the work thing. I'm just back after 2 weeks off with foot surgery. Getting up at 4:00am really sucks, but it pays the bills. ha ha So where are you going on vacation?
  6. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Hey Guys! Kathy - Thanks for asking about me. I am back to work after having surgery on my left foot. I'm in a surgical shoe for 2 more weeks, then hopefully tennis shoes. Doc said I can bike in 2 weeks, then run after 6. I hope I'll be up to it. Right now it hurts pretty bad, not sure how long it will take, but I'll get there. Lyn - Glad to hear you've graduated to a walking cast. I was complaining after just 2 weeks in the surgical shoe. Carol - way to go on your run! Lacy - Wow, great run! Sounds like you are off to a great start. Katie - hope you're feeling better. I can't wait to start running again, I'm signed up for a 5k in October, so that should work out just about right if I have to do C25K all over again.
  7. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Thanks Carol and Kristen and way to go both of you!! I never knew I could be so excited about running. Now I'm bummed that I'm going to be out of it for 6 weeks then have to build back up. I'm determined to do it though!
  8. Thanks bambam, I have recieved mixed reviews when asking my friends and neighbors opinions. Some think I'm crazy for even wanting to run out there. The others are more like you and tell me I should def carry something. One good thing, a few coworkers have expressed interest in running at least one day a week in the morning, in DC. That will solve one day a week, my SIL comes over when he can to run with me and DH fills in too, so I'm not having to run alone much. SIL and I passed a family walking with 2 kids and 2 dogs the other day, I felt a little silly for worrying, but I still believe better safe than sorry. Jachut, almost EVERYONE where I live has guns. Mostly for hunting, but I live in a rural county and guns are a normal part of life. I'm all for the right to bear arms, but it would be nice to live somewhere where it's just not an issue.
  9. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Hey Everyone! Mac - Thanks for the info. As soon as I recover from surgery, I'm going to do C25K again and start on training for a 1/2 marathon. DE - Ouch, 97 degrees, I see why you do the treadmill. I think I will spring for a nicer treadmill for me soon. Mine is so loud, if I want to look at TV instead of iPod, I'd have to blow the speakers to hear it over the treadmill. ha ha Kathy - Where are you? Hope you'll be coming on to report good news soon. Speaking of good news. I ran a 5k again at my work picnic yesterday. I beat my Saturday time by FOUR minutes!! THIRTY TWO (32) MINUTES!!! I'm so excited. This race required a partner and I ran with a Navy guy at my work. He was great, stayed with me and encourged me to really sprint it out in the end. It was nice and cool and overcast with a fairly flat run. Sat was hot and hilly, so I guess that made a big difference too. By the way, I work for the Coast Guard and ALL of the other runners, except another team from my office, were in their 20's and super fit. When we started, they all sprinted off like rabbits and were soon out of sight. LOL When we were almost at the finish line, my partner said "OK now increase your pace", then when I did, he said "Good, now increase your pace", then I did, he said "Good, now increase your pace!!!" Then as I was running out of wind and thought for sure my feet were going to trip over each other, he kept telling me to push push push! I was on cloud nine all day. It was amazing!!!!!! The best part... he came back to the office today and bragged about me to everyone!
  10. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Kathy - Thanks. What are you waiting for? Get out there!! Mac - you have my interest now. Do you have a link to the 1/2 marathon programs? I guess I'll have to do C25K again in late July when doc lets me run again. He said I could use a recumbent bike while I'm recuperating, so maybe I can maintain some of my muscle tone. I also am not sure how I'll get to 13.1 miles with how little time I have in the evenings. Holy cow, how long does it take to run that far? Carol - WTG! Good for you! You're on your way! GA and DE - I couldn't imagine having to run down there in that heat. How do you beat the boredom of the treadmill?
  11. Thanks. Wait until you see Jachut's stats. She is really amazing!
  12. SuzanneG

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Tina, Hey, good for you for getting your drains out, going back to work, and getting stares! Gotta love it! You have done so amazingly well. You should be really proud of yourself! Congrats!
  13. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Thanks Carol. You know, for tonight, why don't you just go for it and if you just can't run another step, just switch over to walk/run.
  14. Maybe PM Jachut. She lives in Australia.
  15. Thanks Living. I can carry open in VA without a permit or apply for a concealed. I'm going to target practice with our 38 Special in a few weeks when things settle down and I have some time. SIL ran with me last night and there was a family, mom, dad, 2 kids, and 2 dogs walking down that road. Kind of made me feel silly for worrying, but when I'm alone, that road seems awfully long. I do LOVE that run though, so pretty.
  16. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Hey Everyone! Well, I did my 5k and finished in 36 mins. I'm pretty happy with that. I also just found out that my work is having a picinc on Thursday and there is a 5k there! I've already signed up! Yay! One question, I ran the 5k on Sat, then ran 3 miles last night and was planning to run W and Fri, but with the 5K on Thursday I have to change gears. Should I run tonight and rest tomorrow night or rest from now until Thursday? I'm having surgery on my foot on Tuesday. Doc said no running for 6 weeks after that. I'm so bummed. I am signed up for another 5k in Oct. though, I'll have to do C25K all over again. I'd like to run a 1/2 marathon by next fall. Loong goal, I know, but with the surgery, I figured I'll try for 10K next year and then the 1/2 marathon. DE - good luck on your race! Lacey - I sympathize with the cast. I'm having surgery next Tuesday. About the knee wheely thingy. Did you have to buy that outright or get a prescription for it? GA - Hope your back is treating you OK. Mac - Thanks! A coworker wants me to do a team triathalon next year, but she wants me to run and her swim and bike. I have to take some swim lessons before I could do that part myself. LOL I can dog paddle and float and play, but can't really swim. Carol - hope you get back on track. Kathy - NICE DRESS! You look great! Renewed - Hope you'll be reporting that your back on your program soon! I love this thread! You guys are the BEST!
  17. Sounds good. I'm not sure how the friend thing works on here, but I'm always up for emailing and chatting. My email is suzanne.gracik@uscg.mil

  18. SuzanneG

    Amazed at my success so far!

    Congratulations! You should be very proud of yourself. You've come a long way and really done well for yourself. Did you ever go back and thank that doctor?
  19. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Carol, so sorry about your stiff neck. I can relate about missing your run. I am having surgery on my foot on the 19th. I'm nervous about missing that time running, wondering how long until I can run, then how far back I'll have to start again. I have one week between Sat's race and my surgery and I keep wrestling between, what's the use, I'm having surgery and workout like crazy to preserve muscle until the last minute. I had a stiff neck once that kept me out of work for a week, it was awful. Do be careful.
  20. Thank you WSB, you're a lifesaver, maybe litteraly! I'll PM you my email address so we can swap paypal info. Vegas, thanks for that story. It validates my concern. Only problem with the 30 mins, is that I just don't have it to spare. I get home 7pm, I go to bed at 10pm and get up at 4am. No slacktime in my schedule. Running means, quickie dinner or leftovers, but still have to pack lunch, get stuff ready for the next day, and the most important -- wind down before trying to get my precious 6 hours of sleep. That's not nearly enough sleep by the way. Since I started running, I feel exhausted most every day, especially weekdays. I thought I'd have more energy, but doc says I'm running too close to bedtime. Problem there is that I work in DC. No time during the day and I'm NOT getting up at 3am to run. Not going to happen, not in this lifetime. LOL
  21. I think I would. Can you tell me how much it costs and how I can pay you? Do you have a paypal account?
  22. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Amy, welcome! I talked my DH into starting it with me too, but he only lasted a few weeks. He lost interest. LOL I did the podcast and kept at it on my own and finished the program. I now really enjoy running and will be running my first 5K this Sat! Woot! Good for you for taking this step toward better fitness!
  23. Thanks, I may take you up on that. Where do you live? I live in VA.
  24. Small BEAR one's? The only one I saw for bear was about the size of a hairspray can. I did get a keychain sized one, but figured it would do nothing against a bear and even question how far it might get me with an angry dog. A coworker, who lives in MD, just told me a story about a husband and wife her were jogging down a rural road at 6:30 in the morning recently. A van pulled over, shot and killed the husband and raped and beat the woman and left her for dead. What a sad sad thing. I hate that I feel like I need protection, but everyone says I'm crazy if I don't do something.
  25. I did look into bear spray but that can is ginormous! I think it would be easier to carry the gun. I do have a shoulder holster for it and I'm comfortable with guns, just never ran with one before. My local school is also quite remote and oftentimes has young guys out there playing basketball. I feel more comfortable staying close to home. I came up with the idea to find a running partner. DH goes with me on Sat, but the only fit guy on my street (there are only 20 houses on my street) has asthma and can't run. DSIL lives near by, but is going to school and working full time, so he'll only be available once in a while. I think I may just practice with the gun a little bit and then give it a go. Thanks for the advice!

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