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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SuzanneG

  1. SuzanneG

    100 pounds GONE!!!

    Wow congrats! 100 pounds is awesome. You have every right to be excited. I feel a shopping trip coming.......;-D I rewarded myself with clothes shopping, OFTEN, during my weight loss and still do. Now I can't seem to quit. ha ha Good work everyone!
  2. SuzanneG

    Unexpedted negativity!!

    Restless, I have near hero worship of my doc. I ADORE him and he has been fantastic to work with. He too tells me how great I've done and that he's super pleased with my progress. He said he considers me "at goal", but I keep fighting to get to my ideal weight. As for the docs comments, it does kind of sound like a backwards compliment. After all 20 pounds is VERY good for your stage of the game. Good work and keep it up!!
  3. SuzanneG

    Please help, not sure if it's too tight!!

    Sounds like you might be too tight. However, you should never be able to guzzle liquid, that is a pre-band habit that you have to break. It was really hard for me. If you can drink your protien shake just fine, then give it a couple of days. My doc says liquid diet for 2 days, mushies for 2 days, then back to regular food. If you can do that, you're OK.
  4. TSB, good luck to you. Def avoid the cigs. Why are you having to journal your food? Are they forcing you to diet while waiting for approval? My surgeon said once I did that initial weigh-in and approved by ins, it didn't matter what my weight did, the surgery was ON. I had so many "last suppers", you have no idea. I ate like CRAZY before I started my preop diet. For me, journaling is kin to HELL. I just can't/won't do it. Luckily the band will liberate you from that chore. Best of luck to you! Please keep posting throughout your journey. We want to know how you're getting along.
  5. SuzanneG

    How did you get through the preop diet?

    Neo, for me the big motivation was that I didn't want to risk my surgery. You work for and plan so long for this and you know it will change your life. The diet is intended to shrink you liver to make the surgery safer. There are folks on this board that didn't do that. My doc said if your liver isn't smaller when they go in, they'll close you up and send you home, sans your band. There was no way I was going to take off work, go through the insurance appeals and months of work and then be sent home without my band. I found fear of that was a terrific motivator. Besides, you already know it's only for a couple of weeks, so there IS a light at the end of the tunnel. The popsicles helped a lot. Good luck to you and congratulations on this life changing decision!
  6. SuzanneG

    Husband hid my scale

    I'm with JuJu, for at least 20 years I weighed myself EVERY day. And it would control my mood for that day. 1/2 pound down and I was flying high 1/2 up and I was miserable. Even after being banded, I obsessed over everything. A very good friend of mine, who I met through LBT, asked me to make a pact with her that we would weigh only on Fridays. If it hadn't been for my commitment to her and my word, I wouldn't have survived the first few weeks. Literaly, for the first time in my life, I'm weighing once a week and it IS liberating. I too am happy to be rid of the monkey on my back. Some weeks I'm tempted to step on the scales, but a promise is a promise and I didn't want to have to tell her I slipped up, so I stick with my Friday weigh-ins and I'm a happier, gentler ME! So, you still sneaking onto the scales? Would you consider trying the weekly thing? JuJu - Congrats on making it to Twoterville!!!!! Way to go!!!!!
  7. I lost pretty much the same way Jacqui did. For me, it's the only way that makes sense. Doing the other stuff is just like being on a diet. If I could do that, I wouldn't have needed the band. I can't stand the idea of being chained to a journal or weighing and measuring my food. I will say my doc harps on measuring though, but I seldom pull out a measuring cup.
  8. SuzanneG

    To Diet Or To Lifestyle

    Erick, Excellent advice! I've changed my whole way of thinking and try to think of myself as an "active" person now. I play tennis, run, swim and do any other physical activity that I can find. My daughter bought me a shirt for mother's day that says "Athletes Run". I love that simple statment.
  9. SuzanneG

    Stomach Exercises?

    I 100% agree with Jacqui. For me, running was the first and only time in my life that I saw results in my stomach. I never knew that running would flatten my stomach. I completed the Couch to 5K program (you'll see a thread on it here) and my stomach was drastically smaller, not to mention my hips and thighs. I've fallen in love with running now after years and years other workout vidoes, classes and other exercises, running was the first one to make such drastic results in my body.
  10. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Hey Everyone! Its so great to read about your successes. Kee up the good work. Jane - Thanks for the encouragement. I will try to find something that I can do until the foot heals. Lyn - Welcome back. I'm envious, but hearing your story encourages me. I walked for 30 mins today, it was rough, the foot was very sore. Malissa - Way to go! You're well on your way. When I started my DD could walk faster than my run, but I kept at it and it does get easier and faster! Good for you! Kathy - Thanks for your vote of confidence. Also, congrats on the loose jeans and great job on the cake. I can't wait to hear if you win the contest for the torch. Based on what you told us, I'd say you have a great chance. Mac - You're amazing! And still losing I see. You give me something to strive for. Everyone else, keep on keeping on! I hope to join you soon! ** I've promised myself a very fancy treadmill if I can get this foot to heal. Trying to make sure I keep my head in the game and keep my motivation up too.
  11. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Carol - Thanks for thinking of me. You should be really proud of yourself! You've stuck to your program and are making excellent progress! I'm so miserable with this bum foot. I'll find out on the 17th if I'm going to require more surgery. If I do, it'll be 6 months from now! I never thought I'd see the day, but I'm dying not being able to run or exericise. I desperately want to get back on the treadmill. I start physical therapy next week, keep your fingers crossed for me. Kathy - OMG that is so amazing. I so hope you get to carry the torch. And if you do, think of us and you can carry it for all of us here on LBT!!! I'd love to read your essay. You willing to share? I miss you guys. I'm feeling like a marshmallow, feels very much like my fat days and I'm losing my confidence that running had given me. Really hoping for a miracle with the foot....
  12. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Way to go Jane and Carol! I know you'll both do great on your upcoming races! Wish I was running too. Still limping... :thumbdown:
  13. SuzanneG

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Hey Tina, Congrats. I'll keep my fingers crossed on the job.
  14. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    For me, I worked on endurance first, so I ran slower but for longer distance. I would think it works out either way, except if you are going for cardio fitness, the longer time is better for you than the short burst. Having said that, I'll defer to the real experts on here: Mac, Kathy, et al?
  15. SuzanneG

    ran first nonstop 5k yesterday

    Bill, you look great! Nice action pic!
  16. SuzanneG

    ran first nonstop 5k yesterday

    Way to go and congrats to your wife as well. It's so much better when your SO likes to run too! Pat each other on the back, you deserve it!
  17. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Thanks Tkl. Ouch $50 for a month supply! Is it all that expensive? If so, I'll have to suffer a while longer. ha ha
  18. SuzanneG

    ran first nonstop 5k yesterday

    Bill, how was the 5k? I bet it did seem easy after a 10k. Keep running!
  19. SuzanneG

    January '08 Bandsters

    How about instead of eating the bad food up, you throw it out? Might give you an emotional buoy and jump start your new eating plan!
  20. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Kathy - Wow 20K, way to go! I'm envious. Glad to hear you got the shoes. They make a huge difference and help prevent injuries. Carol - Sounds like you are really doing well. Keep up the good work. I was wondering, what kind of glucosamine/condroitin are you taking? The one's I have found are either huge, or I've found liquid kind, but it was carbinated! Grrrr! I was thinking about trying it to see if it would help my knees. Jane - way to go! I'm still working up to a 10 min mile! So I went to see the podiatrist on Friday. He is not happy with my progress. He said if the foot still hurts in two weeks I have to try physical therapy and if that doesn't help, he'll have to OPERATE AGAIN in 6 months! Oh dear, I don't want this!! That would RUIN running for me for a year! How does one recover from that? I'm already feel pudgy from not running for a month. I need to get better. Fingers crossed everyone!
  21. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    I tried adjusting the seat height and it helped a little, but not much. I have something going on with my left knee, it pops and cracks alot. On the bike, with each revolution, my knee cap would catch and grind, but not quite pop. Ouch, I didn't like it at all. I also tried a recumbant bike, same problem.
  22. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Carol - way to go! I know you have to be excited. This is where is really starts to get addictive. You're going to do great on your 5k! Kristen - Keep at it! You'll be ready! Mac - You're awesome. I wish I could do what you do. I tried stationary bike the other day since I still can't run on the foot. It's KILLED my knees. I was surprised I can run but not bike with them. I can't imagine doing a triatholon. My hat's off to you lady!
  23. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Mac - Way to go! And I see you lost another pound. You're amazing! Congrats!
  24. SuzanneG

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    I do the Richmond race. It was May 9th. I don't like coming to DC on my days off if I can avoid it. ha ha
  25. SuzanneG

    ran first nonstop 5k yesterday

    Congrats! That is exciting. I just ran my first 5k a few weeks ago. I had to have surgery on my foot, but hope to get back at it in a few weeks! Keep running!

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