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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SuzanneG

  1. I used it with Sugar Free Carnation Instant Breakfast and skim milk. I didn't have a problem with the taste, but found it made my lips feel sticky and that kind of grossed me out.
  2. SuzanneG

    I'm Back!!

    Georgia, so sorry about the headaches, I can't imagine. I know how difficult it is to be on steriods too. Hopefully you can wean off of them effectively. I've been off track lately too and I'm going to try and get back on track myself. You might have read on the C25K thread, but I've had surgery on my foot and the nerve isn't healing right. Lots of nerve pain and I haven't been able to run, it's killing me. I may have to have surgery on it again, so I decided that I best get my eating under control first or I'll start to gain weight. I'll join you, let's get back on this wagon and make it work for us!
  3. I have federal BC/BS and I pay my regular co-pays. Doctor's appt is $30 for specialist, I had a $100 surgery co-pay. I also have to pay that co-pay when I have a fill. I know some docs include the fills for a year or something like that, so it really does depend on how they bill it. Hope this helps.
  4. SuzanneG

    Jeans circa 1991 fit!

    Congrats! Wanna feel even better about it? I just read an article that said that American clothes makers have been making the clothes bigger as we grow as a population. As nation gains, 'overweight' is relative - CNN.com I knew that when I was 139 pounds, for 5 minutes 10 years ago, I was squeezing into a size 8. Now I'm 147-150 and I'm squeezing into a size 6. WTH? As for those Lands End jeans, I had the same problem with not wanting to spend a lot on clothes while I was losing. If you have a Ross in your area, they have a lot of name brand jeans/clothes for very reasonable prices. I have gotten a lot of Liz Claiborne, Jones New York, and many many others there. DH said I shop all the time now. I would say "I'm celebrating my weight loss" and he would say "You're always celebrating!". ha ha
  5. SuzanneG

    Bad breath

    Introduce more healthy carbs into your diet. Too low carb is not good for you. I only eat complex carbs and nothing white (rice, potato, bread...ect) and I don't have a bad breath problem.
  6. SuzanneG

    Is this what "Stuck" is?

    I definitely have trouble with corn. I also have trouble with white potatos, even mashed. It's a little bit like swollowing sawdust and glue, it just packs up on me. I can eat it, but I have to be very careful and take small bites. You perfectly described a stuck. Good thing you took it slow. A PB often follows that same feeling if you can't get it through. I used to think if I took one more bite or drink a sip that it would push it through. NOT, it just compounds the problem. Good job figuring that out so early on your band journey though. Now you know that corn may not be your friend right now. You will also find that what you can eat one day may not be the same as what you can eat another day. The band can be fickle from time to time.
  7. I don't know what to say that Jodi and Headhunter haven't already said. I do know of one example where it was clear to see what went wrong. My daugther works with two ladies that each had lapband. One is losing great and the other isn't losing at all. She said the one who isn't losing seems to know nothing about how to make good food choices. She ate a huge loaded baked potato and then asked DD if it had any protien. She eats candy and slider foods all the time. It goes back to what Jodi said, you have to be willing to make lifestyle changes, the band will give you the boost you need, but you have to do the work. By the way, MacMadame is also on this site. You can often find her in the Fitness section, look at the C25K thread. She's awesome and would probably be more than happy to chat with you about this as well.
  8. I loved Miller Chill (the limey beer) and really missed it at first. Now I drink mostly margarittas and sometimes wine. Wine gives me a headache, so I stick mostly to my ritas. I've discovered Patron Tequila, YUM! Like Jodi said, it does suck at events. We were at an outdoor concert this past weekend and they had wine, but it sucked. So I got a beer, first one in almost 2 years, and I sipped at it and did OK. It was draft, so it wasn't as bubbly as a can or bottle might have been. I still take sips from DH's beer when we go out, but I wouldn't risk the bubbles to do it on a regular basis, not to mention the calories. We've had too many celebrations lately, time for me to take it down a notch. lol Best of luck to you!
  9. Way to go BigPapa2!! What an amazing year for you, eh?
  10. SuzanneG

    Denied by tricare prime =(

    Determined, good luck with your appeal. I too had to appeal. Sounds like you've already sent yours in, but if its not too late, I would suggest getting letters of support from your doctors. I wrote 2 letters from me, one medical, one emotional and then went to each of my doctors (gyn, gastrointerologist, podiatrist, GP) and asked for letters of support and then submitted the entire thing as a package. It certainly got their attention, the ins rep called me directly to tell me they decided to approve me. I've shared my letters with dozens of folks on LBT and would be happy to do so again if you or anyone else would like to use them as a template. Keep us posted and good luck!
  11. I use medical adhesive remover. SMITH & NEPHEW Uni-Solve Adhesive Remover: Compare Prices, View Price History and Read Reviews at NexTag You can buy it online or at a medical supply place. I had a major surgery a couple of years ago and was covered in that sticky mess. I tried everything and nothing worked until I found out about the adhesive remover.
  12. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Hey Guys, I just wanted you all to know I'm still here. I read this post everyday, but since I still can't run, I don't have much to add. The doc is giving me another 8 weeks before he decides if he'll have to operate on my foot again. I'm going to PT twice a week and it seems to be helping but I'm a long way from running. I can walk without a limp in running shoes, but can only walk on my heel in any other shoe. :thumbup: Keep your fingers crossed. I really need to get back to running. You guys are doing great! Keep up the good work.
  13. SuzanneG


    Ha, Kristine, I love the scales idea. Although, I have serious old lady ass, so no way I'd tattoo that! ha ha I like the word idea. I might just pick one and do it.
  14. SuzanneG

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Sorry to hear that you didn't get the job. That happened to me too not long ago. I'm also government. Gonna start looking for a job when/if my foot ever heals enough to wear real shoes. Right now I'm stuck in running shoes only. I don't think that would go over well in an interview. ha ha
  15. SuzanneG

    Has this happened to anyone else?

    Keep me posted on your progress!
  16. SuzanneG


    Thanks for the ideas. I saw one time where Lindsey Lohan has one on her wrist. I'm not a fan of hers, but she had "Breathe" tattooed in white (so it's barely visible) on the inside of her wrist. I thought that was a really neat idea and would kind of like to do something similar, but not sure what I would put there other than maybe 01-04-08 (my band date). But that's pretty boring, I'd rather have some cool inspirational words.....hmmmm now I just have to think them up.
  17. SuzanneG

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Good luck Tina! Plain, you are funny, thanks for the chuckle.
  18. SuzanneG

    To Much PBing ='s throat swelling?

    I rarely eat leftovers, especially meat because it's almost always too dry for me the second time around. Glad you're feeling better.
  19. SuzanneG


    Ha ha Kristine, I love your logic. What did you get? I was also thining of a tatt on my foot, but not sure what I want.
  20. SuzanneG

    Has this happened to anyone else?

    Sounds like the first step would be to call and tell them that some information was missing from your package. sleep apnea, I'm pretty sure would get you approved under most insurances. I was denied throught BC/BS and ended up having to appeal. I wrote 2 letters of my own, plus asked each of my docs for letters of support. I've shared my letters with many folks on here and would be happy to send them to you if you end up having to appeal. You are wlecome to use them as a template. If you want the letters, just PM me with your email address and I'll send them to you. Best of luck to you.
  21. SuzanneG

    Full or stuck?

    What you are describing sounds like stuck. You already guessed it, you need to take smaller bites and chew longer. Also, I couldn't eat bread for the first year at all. For some strange reason I can now, but never before. You might want to considering cutting bread down or out of your diet for the time being. Full should just feel mild pressure, not painful and of course you should feel satisfied.
  22. SuzanneG

    Argh... Coffee

    I have never given up my coffee, not on WW, calorie counting, and now the band. I drink decaf, so that's not an issue. I do, however, like mine sweet and creamy and I use the good stuff. But I only drink one mug a day so I allow myself the treat. It really just depends on how much you like it and how important it is to your day. For me, it helps to get my band relaxed so I can eat. Like most people my band is really tight in the mornings and warm coffee really helps.
  23. Letters are on the way.

  24. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    I never heard of staying away from caffiene. Why is that? A lady here at my work used to be a personal trainer, she told me to take excedrine before my race and it would give me energy without making me have to go the bathroom the way coffee would. I tried it and it really worked! Of course I don't normally drink caffiene so I am sensitive to it. I have my last PT tonight before going to see my podiatrist tomorrow. He's going to decide if I need further surgery. I'm not sure what to think. PT is helping and I can pretty much walk without a limp now, but only in running shoes. I can almost do a two or three step jog, but with pain. My biggest fear is getting caught in the middle....good enough to walk, not good enough to run and unsure whether to have more surgery. I'll keep you posted. Keep your finger's crossed. Carol, good luck on your race. Kathy, when do we get to hear about the torch?
  25. SuzanneG

    Husband hid my scale

    reneek, good for you! That's exactly the way I look at it, I look forward to my weigh in on Friday and days when I feel fat, I'm glad I'm not getting on them. Let us know how it works out for you.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
