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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SuzanneG

  1. SuzanneG

    Help, Jachut, are you out there?

    Hey Mimi, have you called your doctor? What's going on? I don't know what you're going through, but for me, I can always drink hot/warm liquids, but sometimes I can't drink cold. Hope you are feeling better soon.
  2. SuzanneG


    Ha, I sure hope so. I'm going with a girl I knew in HS who works with my daughter. My DH and hers haven't met, but I'm hoping they'll hit it off too. Actually my DH gets along with everyone, he's another reason I'm looking forward to it. Glad you had a good time. How was the 5k? I ran a couple of them before my foot surgery, but now I'm sidlined and it's killing me.
  3. SuzanneG


    It's good that you called your doctor, you can't be too careful. I think once you get to where you can get an ample amount of liquids in you, you will feel much better. Let me know what he tells you.
  4. LL, hang in there and keep your eye on the prize. I know there are folks on this forum who went in for surgery and were closed up and sent home without the band because they didn't follow thier diet. The better you shrink your liver, the safer the surgery is. Did you have any "last suppers" before you started your liquid diet? I must have had 30. ha ha The first three days are the hardest and after that your body seems to adjust. If you flat out cannot make it, allow yourself one lean/green meal per day. My doc allowed it for me and it's what got me through. I had 2 shakes a day and one meal with 4oz of meat and 1 cup of veggies. Still very low carb, but gave me something to sink my teeth into. Skip the Mexican place, nothing good can come of that!
  5. SuzanneG

    More fill with Fluro?

    I just had my first pressure fill. It's only for Realize band and it was an interesting experience. I was still under fluro like usual (I prefer to see it also and I didn't want any surprises as I work about 130 miles from my doctor). Anyway I didn't look down, but they rolled what looked like an IV pole next to me, he attached something to the needle and just like a tire gauge he knew exactly how much pressure was in my band. He put .3cc in and I feel pretty tight, but since I saw the numbers, and I saw the swallow, it's helping me know that I just needed to get back to my super careful eating like I did post-op.
  6. SuzanneG


    Erin, do you have any better luck with warm liquids? For me, even a year and 8 months out, I can't swallow a thing until I've had my warm coffee. Seems to open things up for me. Did you doc put Fluid in during surgery or do you know? Do you know what band you have? Let me know what your doctor says and congrats on the 5 pounds, although I know you didn't want to lose them like this.
  7. Nora, welcome to LBT and Congratulations for choosing the band. It has been a life changing experience for me and I know you will have a year to remember.


    Keep me posted on your progress!

  8. SuzanneG


    Erin, the nausea is likely from dehydration. Try making yourself a really yummy warm drink, coffe or tea, but be sure its DECAF as caffiene will dehydrate you more. Sip sip sip on the hot drink, this will ease the tightness in your band and help you get rehydrated. Also broth is excellent warm thing to sip. One of my favorites is wonton Soup without the wonton. I actually ordered it that way from my favorite chinese place. YUM!!! I do hope you're feeling better soon. Take care of yourself and sip away at that Water, broth or whatever, it will ease the nausea.
  9. SuzanneG


    Hey Erin! I hope you are doing well. Check in when you are feeling up to it and let us know how you are doing!
  10. SuzanneG

    I made it to my final goal!

    Thanks, I'm so close, yet so far away. I've been spinning my wheels for months now. Doc gave me a pressure fill (only for realize band) on Friday and we're hoping it'll push me over the edge. So what did you do to Celebrate? I've promised myself a pair of rediculously expensive jeans. ha ha
  11. SuzanneG


    Bill, how was your wife's reunion? My 25th is this fall and it will be the first one I've ever attended. I was too embarassed about my size before, I was so skinny in HS. Hope you guys had a great time. I'm really looking forward to mine!
  12. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Mac - holy smokes you're going to disappear! Kathy - I totally understand. A coworker and good friend of mine's son is autistic and we talk daily about his struggles. I'm so happy for your son. GA - how are the headaches? Still holding them at bay? Carol - Keep after your goal, you'll get there! Anne - Congrats on the run, that's a great time. Kristen - Sounds like you are right on track and staying on your feet! Woot! Way to go you guys! You're all doing great!
  13. For all you lime lovers out there, you might want to try Mikaritas! They are made by the same folks that make Mike's hard lemonade. They are not carbonated, come in a smaller bottle (less filling) and pack quite a punch with 8% alchohol. I love them! If you don't see them at your grocery store, but they carry Mike's brand drinks, then ask for it! Worked for me! Cheers!
  14. SuzanneG

    stomach burns

    I'm having a similar problem. My burning is right at my sternum though, but like you I have no reflux and none of the heartburn symptoms I was used to. I thought I was too tight since mine started right after a fill in Oct. I've had a few slight unfills and they seemed to help at first, but then it came back. I'm def not too tight now and I still have it. I'm going to see my doc tomorrow so I'll let you know what he tells me.
  15. No need to limit your liquids other than take care not to consume too much calories or salt. It should go down pretty good. Also sometimes the band doesn't feel tighter until a couple of days (some say a couple of weeks) later. Good luck to you.
  16. SuzanneG

    in pain! need help 911

    I have heartburn in my chest, without reflux, which has me a little worried, but I'm not in terrible pain. Sounds like you are too tight all of a sudden. I'd call your doctor and get in right away to have it checked.
  17. SuzanneG

    It has been awhile

    Congrats on your weight loss everyone. I too am stuck at a plateau. Since January I've lost and gained the same 5 pounds. I started running and lost a size, but not any weight, then had to have surgery on my foot. Gained back my size, but no weight. So very stuck around 150 mark. I decided to do my liver shrinking diet again to see if it will jumpstart my weightloss. I considered doing the 5 day pouch test, but the 2 days on liquid only makes me grouchy. So I'm doing 2 shakes and 1 lean/green meal per day. This is day two, so far so good!! Keep in touch everyone!
  18. SuzanneG

    I made it to my final goal!

    Mech - CONGRATS!!!! I'm so excited for you!!
  19. SuzanneG


    Erin, Best of luck on surgery day. I won't be back online until Monday, but I'll check back to see how you are doing. You're young, I'm sure you'll bounce back really quickly. It took me about a week to start feeling like myself again, but I have a friend that I met on LBT and we have the same doctor. She had her surgery on Friday and was back at work on Monday, so you never know. I'll be thinking about you!
  20. SuzanneG

    Gas/Stomach pain after protein shakes

    You may not be able to tollerate that kind of protein. If it's Whey, try Soy and if it's soy try Whey. I've also heard that some folks develop an intollerance to lactose that didn't used to have a problem. You might want to experiment with different kinds of protien to find one that doesn't bother your stomach.
  21. SuzanneG


    Erin, I'm sure you'll do great in your surgery. Have you tried starting a thread on here asking for young LBTers? I know there is a section for 20's, maybe they would be good support system for you. This will be the most amazing year of your life. I've heard so many on here say they wish they had done this wehn they were younger, so you're one step ahead of the game! I wish you the very best!
  22. SuzanneG

    Sharing a funny story

    Ha ha, that was right on time, Bill. Thanks for the laugh.
  23. SuzanneG

    Getting Started,

    Jenny, Good luck with your appointment and on congrats on choosing the band.
  24. I would have a talk with your current PCP and tell her you do not want to wait a year as you've been researching and considering the band for a year already. Ask her for a referral to the bariatric doc (if you need one). If she won't cooperate, I'd switch doctors.
  25. SuzanneG


    Way to go Bill!!! Wow, you've done amazingly well. Too cute about the jean size.

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