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Everything posted by *****

  1. *****

    OVER 300 lbs

    Check my stats on the left. I started out at my highest over 500lbs. I lost some before surgery and have not weighed since my surgery on 10/13. Good luck to you!!!
  2. *****


    Mine is a twice a day. I think because how the body absorbs minerals and nutrients post op, you need to take supplements at intervals throughout the day.
  3. Check youtube, I've seen some favorable reviews on the nutri ninja. Whatever you purchase, make sure it has a good warranty.
  4. I live in Lubbock and was sleeved on 10/13 in San Antonio. Glad to hear you all doing well!
  5. *****


    I am currently slated to restart my vitamin regimen two weeks post op. I take the bariatric advantage multi EA, twice a day and calcium citrate, three times a day, both chewables.
  6. *****

    5'10" - 550lbs / Dr. Quinones

    @@james1112, I was recently sleeved on 10/13 by Dr. John Pilcher in San Antonio, TX. When I first met Dr. Pilcher at my initial consult, i weighed over 500lbs. He gave me a small weight loss goal of about 16 pounds, which was easy to meet. I would strongly encourage you to reach out to him. Another surgeon you may want to consider is Dr. David Syn, located in Lubbock, TX. He hosts informational seminars and has had experience with patients weighing 1,000 lbs. Best of luck to you!
  7. West Texas VSG on 10/13 Clear liquids for one week post op, then semi solid foods (yogurt, Protein shakes) am also able to start Vitamin regimen on 2nd week post op (Bariatric Advantage multi EA and Calcium citrate, both chewables) my nutritionist included a nice packet of example meal plans beginning my 2nd week post op. one ingredient included HEB Mootopia fat free milk. I had never tried it but was curious. Apparently its a "designer milk" that has less sugar and more protein and calcium that regular milk. The taste is ok but im looking forward to mixing it with powders and fruits with my shakes. Not sure when ill lock in on a powder but i have tried the AMP products and BSN Syntha-6, both very good.
  8. *****

    A question

    @@alyce20, im definitely not a physician but it sounds to me that since you would normally be off to work at this time, the movement and walking would help to make the gas travel down through your intestines as opposed to up and exiting your body as a burp. Not sure about the indigestion but since you take nexium, im guessing your pumps tend to be active from time to time.
  9. *****

    3 days post op

    Gas pain is something ive had since the surgery. I have found that walking more and being on my feet more help to alleviate and expel the pressure. As your new stomach heals it should help with the pain.
  10. It is definitely tough to get the 64oz. of liquid in. I must add that today was the first day that I woke up and actually felt like drinking Water. I got an early start and kept pace pretty much all day! At this very moment im at about 55oz. for the day. I was able to get my 30 minutes of walking in today - three sessions, ten minutes each. Pain has really subsided in all my incisions aside from the lower right one that is slightly larger. Getting in and out of vehicles is a little tricky but riding without a pillow is no problem at all. Went by hastings to rent a couple of movies. ::sip::sip::sip...56oz
  11. I had my surgery on the 13th and was released on the 14th in the afternoon. Going into my surgery i was definitely nervous and downright scared at times. When the nurse was prepping me for surgery i was concerned about the clippers she used to trim my belly hair. Such a trivial thing to be concerned with im sure but i was trying to take in everything as it happened that i found myself focusing on the smallest things. My family members watched as i was carted into the OR, i waved to them and said a silent prayer to myself. The nurse attempted to make some small talk and i happily engaged. After getting situated on the OR table the anesthesiologist went to work. I remember being asked if i felt anything from the medication flowing from the mask affixed to my face. "No", i replied. They then told me they would give me an injection in my IV. I felt a warm feeling rush down my legs and up my body and that was the last piece i remember. One hour and five minutes later the surgeon visited my family members in the waiting area and reported that everything went as planned and it was a "routine" procedure. My gallbladder looked fine so he left it in and there were no signs of a hernia. Meanwhile, i was in recovery. Still out from the anesthesia. I came out of it some time later, maybe an hour after being in recovery. I was in and out for about another two hours while in my room. Staff were busy getting me situated and my family had made it in too. Four hours after getting into my room - six hours after surgery - I was up walking. Pain was moderate but the pain medication was doing its job. I felt like i slept like a log that night despite the staff coming in to check on me. My labs in the morning were fine and all blood sugar tests during the night were good. I took a shower the next morning and started on my clear liquid diet. I had significant dry mouth but used Water to help keep it wet. I was released later that afternoon, one day after surgery. I have been trying to keep up with the fluids and am doing much better today than yesterday. Its a challenge but im getting better at it. I still have very brief bouts of discomfort from gas buildup but it usually goes away in a matter of seconds. Deep breaths also seem to help. Pain at this point is still somewhat moderate if i move or stretch certain ways. I've used a little pain medication and it certainly helps. Tomorrow will be another step closer to a healthier me! Hope everyone else is doing well!
  12. I recently had my surgery done by Dr. John Pilcher. Excellent bedside manner and proven track record. He is practicing in San Antonio and is moving to http://www.texasbariatric.com, also in San Antonio.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
