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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by SpecialK

  1. Hi! I hit my -140 lbs mark yesterday -- so happy. Went to a great thrift shop and bought some new short sleeve tops to match my new smaller top and I am so shocked to have choices among so many things now that I am a smaller size. Bought some Size Medium and size 12/14 things, some L but I am pretty sure my XL or 1X days are finally behind!

    Now, if I can just get down to that next lower size in jeans! One day at a time!

  2. Hi Shamrocks! I hit my -140 lbs mark yesterday -- so happy. Went to a great thrift shop and bought some new short sleeve tops to match my new smaller top and I am so shocked to have choices among so many things now that I am a smaller size. Bought some Size Medium and size 12/14 things, some L but I am pretty sure my XL or 1X days are finally behind!

    Now, if I can just get down to that next lower size in jeans! One day at a time!

  3. I love my Mom but I slip up so many times on my eating when she and I get together and go out - she'll suggest sharing a dessert, buys sweets, and yesterday she had a hankering for Ice Cream and we went for the good stuff at a place called GRAETERS. Its the best but I can't even admit to myself how many calories were in those 2 dips - yes, I did it even worse by getting 2 dips instead of 1. Going to burn off some calories today with some extra walking to help with my guilt!

    Tomorrow is a family cookout and that usually involves Mom's potato salad, baked Beans, deviled eggs -- can you spell HIGH FAT! I'm going to try to keep the portions small.

  4. Hello all. I am hoping to get a clearance at a surgeon follow up appt yesterday to increase my level of exercise and eventually get up to being allowed to do the arms on the elliptical trainer and jog! I did break into a new set of numbers for me and I am trying to just keep going each day.

    Still all in all, I would never, ever go back to where I was pre-band!

  5. Hi Sue! It is great to hear from you on here. I wonder if Greg that got banded same day as us is doing well too. Hope so. I really only had the heartburn for a short time before I got a .5 unfill that immediately resolved it. I later got a .25 fill back in and have stayed at that level for a long time.

    I'm in the 16/18 range but have a long way to go for my weight - can't picture what size I will be but I am going to see how the body goes and it will let me know. I had a breast reduction surgery April 22 of this year to help me get going on my exercise a bit more. I want to lose another 40 lbs from where I am now before I try for a Tummy Tuck to get rid of my awful tummy skin and flab. Anyway, I am so with you on I could live this way for a long time and never ever want to go back to where I was.

    I just stopped by to say hi to my fellow Shrinking Shamrocks and all the other bandsters here.

    Special K...it looks like you're still doing great. I see you have also had issues with heart burn. I had to have an unfill right before Thanksgiving last year due to HB and by the time I got a little fill again after Christmas I had gained 12 lbs! I have lost most of that again but I still have a problem of knowing when to stop eating!:thumbup: Well ...no matter what...I am so glad I have my band. I may never be skinny but I feel so much better and

    I can live with a size 16.:)

  6. Lost .2 this week after some Mothers Day weekend splurging on high calorie foods and I am thankful for where I am.





  7. Thin2beme -- I guess it must seem like you are on a roller coaster right now - eating and emotions combined -- if he only gives you a small fill pre-vacation - buy yourself a small notebook and write down every bite you eat in a paper notebook until you are home from vacation and can track it online or whatever. Just writing it down and being accountable for what I eat does help me. If you have a hard time on vacation, give yourself a break, start fresh when you return and start tracking your food and exercise one day at a time.

    Best wishes!

  8. I plan on being at the mall today.

    Also, anybody with extra Size 20 or so clothes - especially tops? I know one of our lapband friends who is in need of some summer things. I'd say 20 would translate to 1X or maybe 2X if its cut small.

    I'm happy to share I was able to find a Blue Jackets Stinger navy T-shirt at a Goodwill Thrift in Gahanna on Hamilton Rd. & Morrison shopping center - $1.99 and it was a size L -- looked so small to me on the hangar that I couldn't believe it when it fit okay.

  9. I haven't posted to this accountability thread in a while but I do want to get on track and hold myself accountable to keep going downward now that I am past my BR surgery. I am so hoping that as the summer comes, I can get the level of activity I hope the BR will let me have, and the pounds will go down a little more quickly.

    I've been on this same set of numbers for what feels like forever and it is definitely my own fault - splurged on carbs and sugary things while I was recovering from surgery since my sister was here and loves all those things too. Back on track this week pretty well now that I am back to a normal working schedule.

    Re: 2010 Shamrocks Weight Challenge






  10. Hi there Thin2bme (Teri) - sorry to hear about the foot stuff - hope you are healing now and can get back to your level of working out and exercise you want and need.So here we are at 2 years out and we are still learning how to manage our eating... clearly a lifetime commitment -- it is interesting how a lifetime now seems like 2 years and going -- I don't think our pre-surgery excitement could have prepared us for what Lifetime Commitment really means, at least not for me. Its 1 Day at a time. Thanks for visiting and posting.

  11. Hi there to the Mt. Carmel folks. I learned the hard way by going to the 1st Monday support group meeting time to find that the Nutrition Support Group and the Bariatric Support Group have swapped times/dates due to Missy being in the surgery department as a surgical nurse on the Mondays now. So if you want to go to the support group that Melissa Webb leads for us post op patients, it is the 2nd Tuesday.

    There will NOT be a May Support Group next week (would have been on May 11) due to the May Support event was last Saturday's Bariatric Fashion Show - which again was fun.

    So, see you 2nd Tuesday in June at the Mt. Carmel Auditorium which is in the basement (same floor as the cafeteria).

  12. Saw my plastic surgeon today for my first follow up. She said I'm healing fine and she'll see me for follow up at 3 more weeks. She said I can start lifting my arms above my head but gently and gradually, can do walking, elliptical trainer without the arms, lifting okay up to 10 lbs, and just see how it goes.

    The big news she gave me which I didn't even think about is that the Biopsy of my breast tissue was all clear - no masses or anything bad. Wow -- hadn't even thought about it.

    The smaller breasts should be easier to do a breast self exam now!

  13. The Mt. Carmel Bariatric Fashion Show at Tuttle Mall yesterday was inspirational ...again! Two lapband patients were in it with Cindy losing 140 and the guy in the show losing I think like 150 lbs -- it is so good for the public to be seeing how successful lapband patients can be, including lapband success for those with more than 100 lbs to lose.

    P.S. Just want to say congrats to the RNY folks too!

  14. The invitation is open to all! Whether you are pre-band, newly banded or an old band pro. Friends and family members are also welcome to join us for these meetings. The more the merrier!

    Everyone is welcome!

    Where: Polaris Mall food Court

    When: Saturday May 8, 2010

    Time: 2 p.m.

    Look for us near the entrance to the Great Indoors store in the back corner seating area next to Chik-Fil-A. If we're not there look for a large group of folks sitting at several tables pushed together in the areas on either side of the Great Indoors... that's usually us :-)

    Hope to see you there!

  15. A week post op now and doing great. Yes, a breast reduction does reduce their size and lift them up to be in the right position they started out in life... pointing forward now down to the floor...lol.

    I would highly recommend this surgery as it was a short stay in the hospital for outpatient surgery - got there at 11am and was on my way home by 4:30 pm. Really only took a minimal number of pain pills in the first 3 days and by day 4 was on Aleve/Advil only. Able to drive and do most things around my house. I'm very good about pushing, pulling, lifting things though and intend to follow the doctors orders on restriction for as long as she says.

    Still feeling a good amount of restriction on eating but I got sloppy and was eating ice cream and other easy to eat things while I was recuperating because they are the foods my sister loves -- it was too easy to slip into the mode of eating a little because she was. The house is cleared out of "bad or slider" foods now so I'm feeling much more in control.

    I still have a long way to go so I cannot lose sight of the goal to get to the end. I could be the last crazy Shrinking Shamrock posting on here in a year or two more years but I want to keep going.

    I am finding that I can get some size 16 things on but then my arm hanging skin holds me back on some of the sleeves in those. On others, it it is cut pretty straight, it is the excess tummy skin that is holding me back -- can't stand having a blouse with bulges showing so I guess I will just keep buying a size larger to keep me looking okay or watch what styles I choose.

    I am still Thrift Store shopping on the hope that I don't want to spend too much money on clothes when I know I have another 3-4 sizes to go down through still. Crazy -- maybe finish at a size 12 or 10? Who knows.

  16. Niki - yes, each nipple has an incision all the way around it, then a line down from the nipple to the breast crease line and then a smile shaped incision across the bottom of each breast. The little steri-strips are still hanging in there so I can't really see things too good yet when I take the compression garment off to shower. Yes, gotta wear that for 2 months probably - going to ask more about that on Monday at my first PS follow up appointment. I bought the new bra's as a celebration and just itching to see what I am size wise but cannot probably wear it for awhile. Its amazing to look at what a C cup looks like compared to my old G cup bras.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
