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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by SpecialK

  1. Lyn - 25 lbs in 6 weeks or so is tremendous! Hang in there. Have you had a fill yet? Keep close track of what you are eating and check in with Andrea for a nutrition class to go over food journals if that might help. She said if we were struggling to bring in a few food journals so she could give us ideas on what to do. Also, getting plenty of exercise in to keep revving up our metabolism.

    Okay, now I better practice what I preach!

    I got a nice walk in at noon to go see the display of 3000 small flags on the Ohio Statehouse lawn to commemorate Sept 11 and the lives that were lost. Gave me a chance to exercise a bit and it was such a beautiful day to be out.

  2. I have never been on this site before. The Psychiatrist I seen today gave me the address. I hoping someone can ease my mind a little. I see a lot of success stories regarding the psych eval but mine didn't go well. The dr basically said that I'm at high risk for bipolar disorder due to sleeplessness and past hx due to post partem depression and thyroid disfunctions. I explained that the sleeping probs are only when I take perscribed med adipex. Anxiety was related to too much synthroid while getting the disease under control. I'm a mother of 2 and I'm in nursing school with a 3.86 GPA. I told him I'm under some stress but I'm a happy person. I don't like my weight problem, that is why I was there. I need to be healthy for my girls. I guess because I answered too many questions as being happy in life and successful w/ school he said that was manic or states of euphoria.

    He didn't ask hardly any questions he was just going off the computer test which I found to be difficult. (I'm an analyzer) Questions like most people are truthful, people have alterior motives. Well I'm guilty of giving people the benefit of the doubt and answered mostly true.

    Anyways I have to see a therapist now for 12 session. I'm even more scared than before and I just want to cry. Can someone please give me some advice or even a story that relates to mine and let me know I'm not the only one.


    You will be fine. I am actually glad that bariatric surgeons and their prep practices require the psychological counseling aspect to getting the surgery as it really does make you deal with head hunger - the reasons I eat to satisfy feelings and deal with stress -- which isn't going to be any different with a band. In fact, I've had a death in my immediate family, a knee surgery, and a job exam to pass to keep my job, and other things that were high stress SINCE getting banded which in the past may have been excuses to eat. I'm happy to say I made it through it all and am still losing. My psychologist did the same with about 4 visits, plus the 200 question test, and a follow up after the test to give me insight on where I have weaknesses to work on and her professional opinion, which she had to provide to the surgeon and the insurance company, was that I was prepared to work with the lapband and not defeat it myself. So, all in all, it was more hoops to jump through, but when I read stories of those who hate their lapband, aren't losing with the band, or whatever reasons they are failing, I am glad I had to take the long road to get my lapband because I was fully aware of what I was getting myself into.

    God Bless!

  3. Greetings Shamrocks!

    I am convinced I have hit the sweet spot. The weight loss has FINALLY kicked it. (It is hard to watch week after week when everyone else is losing and I was not!) I hit 250 this morning on the scale. I can't wait for the next .1 pound and I will be in the 240's! This puts my total at 37 pounds now! I am thrilled!

    Anyone else so busy this September? I'm not sure what it is about the month of September, but I am usually so crazy busy!

    Congratulations HopeinApril-- that is great. I'm sensing the same frustration because I've been stuck in the same numbers for a few weeks now but I had a fill Monday and am hoping this kicks me to the sweet spot. I am surprised I haven't lost anything though in 2 days on full liquids which I have in past fills so this could be my time to hang in there and be patient. Thanks and keep up the good work! We know its not magic but work to get us to our goal. :biggrin:

  4. Hi Shamrocks - I passed my PMP exam for my job today that I was studying for, and stressing over too, and now that is such a relief. I have to just keep up with continuing education to keep it current. Thanks for the well wishes and prayers.

    P.S. It is fun seeing some of you adding to the Why we want Fenton back.

  5. Hi friends. I passed my PMP certification test for my job today-- what a relief after 8 months of prep for that!

    I also am trying to reintroduce food today after my fill on Monday and it could be the stress of exam day for that test but I've found I can only eat just a few bites and then I'm full and sliming a tiny bit. I guess I better go mushies for a couple days until I give it more time to settle in. Definitely different restriction now than I had before the Monday fill. Interestingly enough though... my scale hasn't given me a new number since Monday which is a surprise given I've been real careful with my full liquids and watching to keep my Protein level up with shakes. Hopefully the body will kick in and have a drop here. I signed up for the Labor Day to Hallow-Lean challenge and haven't been able to make progress yet.

    Finally, I read a good article from that Kim trainer on Biggest Loser that said if you add more intervals of quick bursts of exercise in, plus walking, that it revs up your metabolism which is what I think I need to keep doing. I tried running for 30 seconds - going maybe 40 yards - and then walking the next 100-200 yards then run/jog, then walk and it definitely got my heart working more and me more winded. My legs almost felt like they had lead in them to run on them - I haven't done jogging in a very long time for any amount of time sad to admit, and maybe the muscles and joints have forgotten what it takes to do it. Interesting that I am not sore today which must mean I did not overdo it so I'm going to try it again. Anyway, with a fill that will restrict me more on eating and continuing to try to move this body, I am hoping for progresss -- make that WORKING for progress!

  6. I've heard alot of patients that have been challenged on whether they know why they are choosing lapband and being asked to consider GB instead but if you stand up for what you want, they are pretty good at then working toward that decision. On the skin issue, for some of us, we have alot to lose and have been overweight so much of our lives that it is true that no matter how slowly I lose, I will have excess skin and I've just accepted that I will be considering plastic surgery for a Tummy Tuck when I get to goal or close to it as my reward for making such a big positive change in my life losing the weight.

    If you have less weight to lose, and have been overweight for less time than some of us, you are right that if you are young, your skin has more elasticity and you may not have the same degree of problem as others.

  7. Why we want Fenton back:

    1. We need some testosterone to help offset all the estrogen from us lady bandsters!

    2. We want to hear about life in the big city --NYC!

    3. We want to be able to Celebrate with him when he changes his ticker to say -100 lbs lost!

    4. We want to know how his new book writing is coming along.

    5. We want to hear about Paris so we can live vicariously through his adventures and gourmet meals.

    6. We want to hear all about your first fill!!

    7. We want to hear about his cat and his blender...of course never in the same sentence...Fenton would never do that!

    8. The suspence of not knowing if he's back on the wagon or not is killing us.

    9. He has the personality of a cyber teddybear that gently tells us what we NEED to hear....with a sense of humor to boot!

    Combining to keep us rolling....

  8. Hi friends. Just a reminder that tonight is the Mt. Carmel Bariatric Support group meeting in the Medical Staff bldg. Hope to see some of you there. I have on an orange top and brown slacks so if you spot me, come on over.

    I got my 4th fill of 1cc this a.m. taking me now to 9.5 cc's in my 14 cc band. Liquids for the next 2 days. I am anxious to see how this helps. Dr. Miller was pleased with my progress and I see him again in 6 more weeks.

  9. I commend you for passing on the homemade ice cream... that is excellent. I had 1 small bowl on Labor Day after having 2 large bowls on 4th of July when we had family gatherings so now its time to go to Zero bowls! Congrats and thanks for setting a good example.

    On losing 55 lbs and still seeming like its not enough, how much I can relate. I've been stuck at this number for a few weeks now and I have my next surgeon appt on Monday at 8:45 am and I was worried he will think I am not trying enough but I really am. I feel like I made it through a really emotional month where I lost track of writing down what I ate those two weeks around the funeral and just maintaining was a victory. So yes, I know I have lost 55 lbs, and feel confident I can lose another 55 lbs and then another until I get there but I'm going to have to hang in for the long haul.

  10. Okay Shamrocks... let's send some positive encouragement out to our bandster brother Fenton and add to this list by copying it and adding your wishes and hopefully when he gets online, he'll see he is missed and we're all hoping he is doing well in Paris or wherever he is.

    Why we want Fenton back:

    1. We need some testosterone to help offset all the estrogen from us lady bandsters!

    2. We want to hear about life in the big city --NYC!

    3. We want to be able to Celebrate with him when he changes his ticker to say -100 lbs lost!

    4. We want to know how his new book writing is coming along.

    5. We want to hear about Paris so we can live vicariously through his adventures and gourmet meals.

  11. Desdemona - I have the AP-Large or 14 cc band. Here is my fill record. I'd have to go back and look at a weight chart to tell you how each fill helped me on weight loss but this last fill really didn't last me as long as I thought it would for being 2.5cc's. I'll chime in Monday after I have my appt and see if he gives me a 4th fill and what level that takes me to. My personal goal is to get to 60 lbs lost at my 6 month bandiversary which is Sept 17 so at 55 lbs now, I'm close to that. With so much to lose still, I thought I'd lose faster but I'm still pleased and feel great.

    Banded 3/17/08

    1st Fill April 29, 2008 4.5 cc's in AP-L band

    2nd Fill June 10, 2008 1.5 cc's

    3rd Fill July 22, 2008 2.5cc's = Total 8.5 cc's

  12. I really want my band removed. I have had it for a year and my hair is very thin and falling still everyday. My doctor recommende d 1000 mg of Biotin. It's still falling. I have had my food stuck and hospitalized . I have always had thick beautiful hair and I am losing a lot. I need help desperately. Iknow that if I had the band removed I could get all of my nutrition . I want to know does the stomach return to its natural shape? I need help and I am very desperate for my hair and thickness.

    My hair stylist and multiple people told me that Biotin - 2000 mcg/day is very helpful and I'm taking it now faithfully. Do your own research to see if you think its right for you. I found a good brand at CVS/Walgreens but I am betting you can find it lots of places. Since I started taking it, I have beautiful long nails!

  13. To fill or not to fill -- good question. I think I'm going to ask for a small fill when I see my doctor Tuesday a.m. That would be my 4th fill and the reason I'm asking for it is I definitely can eat about anything (steak, 1/2 a bagel) as long as I eat it slow, small bites. I am controlled on the volume I eat - that part surprises me still because I was always a volume eater, but I'm not staying full long enough and I'm definitely following band rules about not drinking to wash the food down and out of my stomach pouch. We'll see what he says but I'm just trying whatever I can each day to hang in here. Thanks for sharing your experiences on this.

  14. I saw where we had a request to help bolster all of our emotional energy, Celebrate our successes and give us a motivation energy shot in the arm by adding up and sharing where we are at our 6 months out time frame.

    Please copy the previous post and add your info to it at the bottom so we keep adding on and don't lose anybody. I'll try to keep an eye on this thread to keep it going.

    Congratulations to all!

    Here we go.....:thumbup::smile:;):smile::lol::smile: -- 6 smilies for 6 months!

    1. SpecialK Banded 3/17/08 Current Loss 9/7/08 --> 53.9 lbs.

  15. Its interesting sometimes how a sermon sometimes hits me right between the eyes that it was totally for me so I thought I'd pass this along. For those who aren't religious it still has a great motivational meaning.

    1. Attitude - You have to take the mindset that you have to be in it ("the race") to win it, no sitting on the sidelines or wishing you were finding success. You have to take the view that you are in it for the long haul, it isn't a sprint and you absolutely cannot give up.

    2. Aim - Stay focused, you must have a goal and the more you set yourself a goal and keep your eyes on it, the more likely you are to achieve it. Also, staying focused in your race means staying in your lane, running straight and true, following the rules, not cutting corners.

    3. Action - Knowing that I have to actively participate in this and give it my all, knowing I have to discipline my body. Know I cannot "coast" or start skipping workouts or eating things that aren't on my action plan. Remembering you don't win without discipline. Don't give up!

    P.S. For those who would like it only, 1 Cor 9: 24-27 was his reference.

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