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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by SpecialK

  1. I have started my holiday baking and candy making and its been a little hard keeping my fingers out of my mouth - two for the cookie jar, one for me. Nah, not that bad but definitely having sweets craving. I am enjoying the process and its definitely getting me in a holiday mood.

    Second, went to see a new endocrinologist today because I really was never happy with the first one I saw earlier in 2008. Bottom line, all prior test results are normal and there isn't much else he can do to run except he did draw blood today because he'd like to check my B12 and Vit D levels since my primary care doc didn't run that test during my physical. He does have experience dealing with weight loss surgery patients and he was very patient (and very young) but I was so much happier. Actually when I let go of the anger I had about that other doctor, I started to cry. He stopped and said what is wrong here. I explained how frustrating it is dealing with doctors who treat you like a number and as long as a test shows a certain number, then they don't want us asking questions and I hated that. Same with doctors measuring you all the time by your weight number. Anyway, got through that whole process and he does want to see me back in 6 months to see if any metabolism changes have occurred as I continue losing weight. That's the upside, the downside is he was very frank about the one year mark for losing weight being the key marker on how much a person will lose after surgery. I said I really wanted to prove him wrong and that I have many others I've met in WLS support groups who are blowing those old statistics out of the Water and I plan to also! He said, great, let's see if you do, but there is a lot of statistical evidence on the patterns from the past. Okay, I love a challenge when a doctor or anybody says something like well, at a year out, that could be the max you will lose. Not going to let that happen! Okay, Susan and Juli -- let's blow those stats out of the water for those of us who are planning a 2 year journey to get to goal!

  2. Looks like I won't be able to do the Jingle Bell run/walk after all but those of you who can, let me know how it is and hopefully I can next year.

    Also, I am doing my weekly weigh-ins at home on Saturday a.m. and was surprised to see -2.5 lbs this week even though I'd been getting into some sweets but I still got alot of exercise in and still was good on total calories. Anyway, I'm now showing less than 100 lbs to go on my ticker. Can't wait until I can say I'm 50% of the way there, or when I hit the -100 lbs mark.

  3. Here's two examples of the Michelina brand frozen entree I try for my lunch:

    Nutrition Facts

    for Lean Gourmet ~ Beef Pepper Steak and Rice

    spacer.gifServing Size: 1 package

    spacer.gifAmount Per ServingCalories270spacer.gifTotal Fat4g Saturated Fat1g Trans Fat0gCholesterol10mgSodium700mgCarbohydrate47g Dietary Fiber2g Sugars3gProtein11gspacer.gifVitamin A 4%Vitamin C 20%Calcium 4%Iron 8%


    Nutrition Facts

    for Lean Gourmet ~ chicken Alredo Florentine

    spacer.gifServing Size: 1 package

    spacer.gifAmount Per ServingCalories250spacer.gifTotal Fat7g Saturated Fat3.5g Trans Fat0gCholesterol40mgSodium690mgCarbohydrate34g Dietary Fiber2g Sugars3gProtein12gspacer.gifVitamin A 10%Vitamin C 0%Calcium 8%Iron 10%

    Some have higher fat than others but again, I'm only eating about 300 calories total to get 12g Protein and its satisfying to me and quick, which counts for alot for me.

  4. Scrappy - big time congratulations from me too.

    Fenton - glad to hear you are back. We always take our own Shrinking Shamrocks "family" back no matter how long the prodigal son has been gone.

    For me on food, days vary but I'm around 1200 calories.

    Typical for me is

    B: cheese stick and/or 80 calorie Dannon FF yogurt.

    or 1 packet instant oatmeal with brown sugar Splenda.

    L: Lean Cuisine or other brands of microwaveable lean or light entree. I can usually eat most of one of these, sometimes not all.

    snack before workouts: Protein bar

    D: Varies alot - I usually cook for myself - tonight I'm having homemade chili made with ground turkey.

    I like FF cottage cheese with crushed pineapple (own juice).

    Snack: Turkey bacon cooked crisp in the microwave - kind of like a beef Jerky like snack.


    sugar free /FF Jello pudding Snacks or Jello Gelatin.

    Like I said it varies but I'm aiming for around 1200 calories and trying to do 300-400 calories worth of exercise at least 4-5 times a week.

  5. For those of you who don't know, there is a nice plus size consignment shop out on Brice Rd. just north of Livingston Ave. and on the West side of Brice.

    I called today - Nov 10th to get an appointment to start doing some consignment with them and was shocked to find they are booked up with appointments until March 6, 2009! So I can't consign my fall/winter things I had already to take into them but I do have a big bag ready for spring.

    WOW - I had no idea I'd have to wait almost 5 months.:eek:

  6. Hi. I am getting ready to help host a scrapbooking presentation in our hospital's bariatric support group meeting in January. I've been doing searching on the internet for different funny weight loss jokes, inspirational sayings for weight loss, etc. I thought it might be fun if we share material to use in our scrapbooks.

    Here's some ideas to get started:

    1. Christmas cards - cut out various design components from last year's old cards (if you keep them until the next year so you know who to send cards to again). You can find all kinds of pretty inspirational scenes and funny things too. One of my before pictures was in a Snoopy Christmas T-shirt so I'm going to see if I can find some Charlie Brown, Snoopy things to dress up my scrapbook page.

    2. PowerPoint from Microsoft Office is a really powerful tool to help do lettering in different sizes, fonts. There is a whole library of free clip-art images that comes with the basic package of MS Office but you can go out to www.microsoft.com and download additional free clip-art images. You can do the same idea with MS Word if you are comfortable with that more.

    Okay, as you think of ideas to add and share, copy the last person's post and add the next numbered item so we can keep the list going.

    I know I never want to forget the journey that has brought me from severe morbid obesity to a normal and healthier life.


  7. The November meeting was fun and I'm glad I was able to make it plus help out things with my Mom -- keeping everyone happy including me!

    I have a great picture of the 4 of us from Mt. Carmel that have been banded that I'll email out if you'll send me your email via a PM from this forum or whatever way to let me know you want it.

    Heather, that picture of us in the salmon pink winter coat you gave me is hilarious. When I look at you in that coat and realize that was 84 lbs ago, it gives me a great mental image of when I can be another 84 pounds down from where I am now, so that's great motivation. I'm promising I'll be ready to pass it down to the next bandster to enjoy!

  8. Christine -- just know we are here for you! I can't tell you all how much it has meant to me to be able to share this journey with you also. My family and friends really can't relate because they've never tried to lose weight to the amount I need to so they don't know what its like to commit to maybe 2 years of weight loss effort with dedication - they think dieting a few weeks is tough! Try our shoes on!

    I too had a particularly stressful week actually month but I'm hoping I'm over the hump and I have actually crossed the -70 lbs lost mark so I'm really happy about that. In my case not married and no kids, just job stress, worrying about keeping my own finances and things afloat, my greatest stress is my mother who is 80 years old and can give me a guilt trip faster than a lightning strike if things don't go her way. Before I know I've done something she didn't like, or forgot something she said I promised (which I probably didn't promise but said Maybe we can....) she goes on a sulking period. Ugh! I finally brought out my need for emotional support to my ladies Bible study group and asked them to pray and things have turned around this week. I'm getting ready to head out and spend the day with her today so say a prayer for emotional healing for me and my family when you raise up prayers for you and your family.

    God Bless to all you Shrinking Shamrocks.

  9. Yes, big change in the look and feel of LapbandTalk -- I have noticed they are dedicating more and more space to advertising of all kinds and that is a little frustrating to me but I guess since its a free forum for us as users, and it has been a blessing to me, I will tolerate it. I have no intention of buying anything from their advertisers though so I skip right on by and just focus on the part of the screen where the real forum goodies are -- the posts and encouragement from my fellow bandsters. Thanks gang!

  10. Hang in there everybody! We are now seeing the whole concept in its 360 Degrees glory of what having a lapband means and that means me too. That I said last October "Yep, I'm willing to lose slower and steady and take time to get to my goal" was easier to have those words roll off my tongue a year ago than it is to see it trickling off at 5 lbs a month but Thank God -- it is coming off at the rate of 5 lbs a month -- I wasn't able to do that with WW no matter how dedicated I was so I really needed this tool.

    I'm coming out of the closet per se about having lapband surgery with more and more people now because at -70 lbs and getting new clothes, people keep asking if I've changed my hair style or giving me compliments on how I'm melting, etc. Feels good and if they ask, I'm being honest about what I'm doing but I've asked folks not to broadcast it out. That if someone asks them about me, tell that person I'm watching what I'm eating, working out alot, and come see me and let me know you've noticed to encourage me.

  11. 10/30 I had my first surgeon appointment with Dr.Price. We talked about getting banded and what clearances I need to get the surgery approved. I am 5'6" and I currently weight 252. My ideal weight would be 135. I was told that may not be possible with the lapband.

    I am 38, I want to lose weight so I can have a healthy baby. He said I may have to wait 2 - 3 years.

    I got my paperwork for the clearances I need, but I am changing insurance companies at the first of the year. So I may need addtional or different clearances.

    My mood is currently a little disappointed, but I am moving ahead. It seems the more you have to wait or work for something the more you appreciate it.

    Things are not meant to happen in my time, they happen in God's time. I just need to let him bring me to it and be patient.

    Hi Octoberfest -- I also had Dr. Price as my surgeon and he asked me if I didn't want to consider RNY too but I was firm that I wanted lapband and he said okay, if you know you'll have to work at it, then that's what we'll do. That with RNY the weight would come off much faster but I was okay with the pace I'm at. I'm at -70 lbs from where I was a year ago and I'm about 30% of my excess weight gone in a year and that is a fantastic rate of loss as far as I'm concerned and I see the potential to be at -100 lbs by my bandiversary on March 17 2009 so hang in there. If you want lapband then be committed but I respect whatever decision you make with the doc. BTW - after Dr. Price did my surgery, Dr. Miller has been my follow up surgeon for my fills and I've been very happy with him too. I think he assisted Dr. Price on my March surgery anyway and vice versa, Dr. Choban assists on Dr. Miller or Dr. Price assists for the other two, they work as a team and that's great to know there is redundancy on who can take care of us long term.


  12. I hope we can keep this going by just copying the old post of the person prior to yours and add or update your scale progress.

    NAME..............................surgery date.....todays date....Lbs lost

    1. SpecialK .............................3/17/08........11/3/08............70 lbs

    2. scrappy_friend .....................3/17/08........9/4/08............54.0 lbs

    3. aJoneen.............................. 3/04/08........9/4/08............31.0 lbs

    4. WestCoastMom..................... 3/27/08........9/4/08............60.0 lbs

    5. julietj1970............................ 3/03/08........9/4/08............40 lbs

    6. SugarBean........................... 3/24/08........9/4/08............88 lbs

    7. Tess415................................3/10/08........10/808............65 lbs

    8. jegtlf.....................................3/24/08........9/5/08............56lbs

    9. emmersglue ..........................3/18/08........9/5/08............48lbs

    10. lglenn3000............................3/17/08........10/4/08............32 lbs

    11. Busy....................................3/17/08........9/6/08............41 lbs.

    12. tp78.....................................3/13/08........9/25/08............44lbs. 13.potatie..................................3/27/08........10/26/08...........72lbs

    14. TKT2FLY...............................3/17/08........9/14/08...........63lbs

    15. MSBoss08...............................3/06/08........9/17/08..........64lbs

    16. Hazel-Eyes............................3/14/08........10/8/08...........33 lbs

    17. hungry4help............................3/3/08...........9/18/08........65lbs

    18. sisterc..................................3/17/08..........9/18/08........28 lbs

    19. Anniedub...............................3/6/08............9/26/08........55 lbs

    20. wishin4.................................3/26/08..........9/26/08........48 lbs

    21. AuntLucy...............................3/10/08.........9/26/08........64 lbs

    22. nycm00.................................3/24/08.........9/25/08........60lbs.


  13. I have to share with you that we had the neat experience at the Water aerobics class where our instructor is the kind of wild and wacky lady who wraps up the class each time with a little social get to know you thing like sharing your name and favorite color, or whatever - just to help us all enjoy time in class together. Well, she really topped herself on October 30th and brought us Smarties candies - only 25 calories for a package as treats - a smart treat -- and she read us a story book at the end of the class that was so good, we were all chanting along with her as she read the book, Go Hazel, Go Hazel, Go Hazel! Its a great story about a overweight good little witch (nothing scary) who wants to go to a Halloween Ball and she goes to get a costume and finds nothing will fit. She goes on a diet and exercises like crazy and they go through all the gyrations she went through to be beautiful and get a date to the Ball. So here's Boris her date thinking she did it all for him, to please him... Go Figure! and she says Heck no! I did this for me... The book had a great comical ending, so I won't spoil it if you want to get the book. I found some used copies in good condition off Amazon.com and bought me a couple, one to share with our bariatric program coordinator at our hospital for maybe next October's support group meeting.

    Here's a image file of the book front for those who might be interested. It really spoke to my heart about some of the struggles those of us who have been overweight have been through!


  14. I've started backing off to stay off the scale on a daily basis and now going to try just weighing weekly to not get discouraged if things aren't going faster. I did hit a milestone of -70 lbs since where I was last October but I lost some in my 2 weeks of pre-op diet so the surgeon's office gives me less credit than that - only counting what weight you have lost post surgery when I go in for checkups. So mentally, I'm still celebrating 70 by my own accountability of knowing where I've been. I think with the extra exercise I'm doing that I'm having the same experience that things are toning up and changing shape even if the number of pounds is not drastically dropping. I figure if I am building muscle during this stage with the exercise the muscle eventually will help me burn more calories daily so I'm in this for the long haul.

    Happy November!

  15. Well I had been staying off the scale for 2 weeks until the "Labor Day to Hallow-lean!" challenge ended today so I woke up ready to see how I have been doing. I didn't hit the goal of -14 lbs I had set out to do but I did lose 10.5 in that period of time so I'm really happy with that.

    I have 4 lbs until some new numbers so that's my next goal! I have annual physical exam scheduled with my primary care doctor in November and I'd love to be at least -70 lbs since last year on that day. Remember this is a doctor who was anti-WLS so I will be glad to show her there are positive things it can do.

  16. This was hard. Thanks for helping motivate me. I'm still happy with what I accomplished.

    Happy Halloween!

    ****NAME***********START WEIGHT*****CURRENT WEIGHT*******GOAL********LBS. LOST

    ****:lol: ************:)************:frown: ***********:teeth_smile:**********:thumbup:






















    lindar172 .........274.2..........258............256.........16.2





























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