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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by SpecialK

  1. BrandNewLisa -- good to hear from you! Yep, I am thinking I need a small tweak on my fill level because I'm also going up and down on the same 2 lbs or so but I am under extreme work stress until Sept 30 so I'm not going to change things for myself until after that. Just hanging in there. I haven't had a fill adjustment since March and if I do it in October, I think that is a good long stretch between my fill levels now.

  2. The invitation is open to all! Whether you are pre-band, newly banded or an old band pro. If this is your first time, feel free to bring a friend or spouse along as we welcome your support system folks too.

    Everyone is welcome!

    Where: Polaris Mall food Court

    When: Saturday September 12, 2009

    Time: 2 p.m.

    Look for us near the entrance to the Great Indoors store in the back corner seating area next to Chik-Fil-A. If we're not there look for a large group of folks sitting at several tables pushed together in the areas on either side of the Great Indoors... that's usually us :-)

    Hope to see you there!

  3. Lynn - good to hear you are feeling well enough to go back to light duty for work. I think everyone is busy trying to enjoy the last bits of the summer. I love the Fall season with its leaves but then I am also mourning the long glorious days in the summer where it stayed light out past 9pm - its already getting dark mostly at 8pm now...booo hoo... Actually September marks the 18 months or 1.5 years anniversary for us March lapbanders --- can't believe how much time is flying by.

  4. Hi Joyce/Sillypuddy -- Wow 9 days to go. That time has gone by fast and I'm wishing you all the best. I think the board is quiet due to the summer with everyone so busy, hopefully outside and enjoying the weather while we can.

    I'm glad you are keeping the focus on the mental commitment things - you've got good advice there from your friend who said mental mental mental. I had got some counseling before I made my decision to get a lapband because I desperately wanted to lose the weight and was trying to deal with issues that would get me eating to "self medicate" as my counselor said. food was cheap and easily available and I had to refocus to think of food only as fuel for my body instead of comfort. I still goof up at times, (this weekend I found ice cream) but for the long haul I'm doing okay. I definitely would go back to counseling if I started struggling to keep off what I have lost or I get stuck and can't get this last 50-60 lbs off. I am one who also enjoys the compliments I have been getting now with this much lost but I have to remember to get Healthy -- that I need to lose this last 50-60 lbs.

  5. Congrats MESCHULTZ! I know the feeling of being so proud of where you've come from and knowing you have to stay motivated to continue for the long haul. Consider coming over to the 100+ or 200+ lbs to lose thread as there are those of us in the same boat encouraging the long haul lapbanders.

    P.S. I hit my -120 lbs mark in the last week or so and I've never posted on this thread...just slipped my mind.

  6. Ajoneen -- please come here and stay in touch. We can be here for you at no cost and we do care about your long term health and success as you try to get on track and keep moving on down!

    I really feel for you about pre-paying for the exercise help and then it going down the drain. I had something like that years ago with a fitness center that was just women and they had me pre-pay like a 2-year membership and went under only a year into it and I lost that. So when I joined one this past winter, I made sure it is a monthly payment thing that I can shut off if they go out of business and I specifically asked if I was able to shut off paying if they go out of business even though I signed up for a 2 year total commitment to get the monthly rate I did.

    Yes, STRESS plays a huge part in our weight loss and metabolisn, hormones, etc. and you have more than your share right now so I'd say if you are maintaining within a 3 lb range for this stressful period that it is a success you can appreciate if you think about it because in the past, I would have been on the way back up in lbs when I was under alot of stress - it would be 3 lbs, then 10 and then 20 lbs before I even knew it and then I'd give up on whatever diet I was doing. So hang in there!

    Good luck to EVELAS on her P/S today!

  7. Here is a fun NSV from me today that is Columbus related -- I signed up to walk in the American Heart Assn START Heart Walk today and the kickoff event was in the new Huntington Park baseball park. I fit into the fold down seats with arms on each side with room to spare and no pinching my thighs! Yea!

    P.S. It is a really nice baseball park for those who haven't seen the new home of the Columbus Clippers.

  8. Texas Rose - I have to confess I am also trying to see what I can do to firm up my neck at a low cost and I saw this add for something called the NeckSlimmer and its an exercising device that you put under your chin and you do 3 sets of 10 up and down exercises of two different kinds every day. It comes with three different springs that go inside it. You start off with the less powerful spring and then when that level gets too easy, they say advance up to the next spring strength, and finally to the third strongest spring they provide. I just started using it with level 1 spring. I sit and use it while I watch TV. It was $19.99 so I figured if it didn't work as well as advertised, (I'm always skeptical), I won't be out too much money. I ordered it off Amazon.com to get a secure website to buy it from.

    I am also using a generic CVS brand Vit E cream on my neck for moisturizing. I put it on before bed.

    I'm not sure I'm ready to sign up for Olay or whatever brand products at $90 a month for a bottle until I give this other thing a try.

    Everyone comments on how much my face and neck have changed with my weight loss and I just want to feel as good as I can about it.

  9. Scrappy -- I forget if you only had a horizontal incision for your Tummy Tuck or if they did what is called an Anchor incision where you have a vertical incision plus the horizontal. I think I've also heard this called a Fluer de lis incision approach. I was told they can do my skin tightening and muscle tightening if they have the vertical incision also and the trade off is you can see the vertical incision. If someone has had a RNY, and it was open, they maybe have a big vertical incision anyway to it would be no more than same on that but for now, I don't have a vertical incision so I've gone back and forth on the idea of the Anchor incision but I think I'd rather be tight and firm muscle and skin-wise because I don't think I want to try a 2 piece swimsuit ever anyway. I'd rather look the best in my normal daily clothes given I don't live in a coastal area where I'd be at the pool or beach much.

    Maybe he can do a touch up repair for you at no cost if you aren't happy or at least at a discount? I'd ask.

    I'm like you with -180 lbs that I think I'm going to need a full set of incisions to handle all the excess skin - maybe 360 degree body lift like OHJuli did. She said she is glad she had the incisions go all the way around as well as up and down in the front.

  10. 4MyHealth and others who need motivation help -- come on over to the March Master lapband thread -- link below and join in encouraging others on that thread and also start tracking weight progress weekly with those of us who wanted to feel accountable for a weekly weigh in and be able to look back on when he hit different milestone goals. I'm with you with lots left to lose and I'd appreciate you encouraging me and I'll do the same back at ya!

    March Master Thread


    March Shrinking Shamrocks Weekly Friday Weigh in Accountability Thread


  11. I hit my -120 milestone this week!! Still lots to go but I'm trying to keep our weigh in accountability thread going for Friday check-in. I actually saw another 2 lbs lower but it was only for a single weigh in and it fluctuates up and down a little but I claim victory when I've seen the scale number for a few times in a row so that's where I'm at. I'm so envious of all of you who are already close or at goal and wish I could be there too, just trying to be patient, that is what I signed up for when I told the surgeon I was willing to lose it slower and more gradually over a 2-3 year period (instead of dramatically fast with RNY) but reality to accept that is harder than a surgeon's office visit pre-surgery when you are so excited about the future.

    Come on Shamrocks -- let's keep each other accountable.

    aJoneen.........................-080 pounds lost!

    Andrew6........................ 119 lbs lost

    Bandana....................... 0 92 lbs lost

    BrandNewLisa............0 97 pounds LOST forever!!!

    evelas5000...................0 50 pounds Lost -- PS coming up!

    Desdemona...................0 67 pounds lost -- PS already!

    Fenton...........................0 102 POUNDS LOST !! -- MIA!

    HarleyGirl....................0 90 pounds LOST!

    Hopeinapril................. 0 69.3 pounds lost


    Lynnt1215.....................+1 64 lbs lost -- post PS!

    NurseNiki......................0 -119 lb lost

    Nycm00........................ 0 -66 lbs lost

    Potatie............................0 150 POUNDS LOST!!

    Scrappy_Friend........ - 1 182 POUNDS LOST!!!! - post PS!

    SpecialK........................-1 120 lbs GONE forever!

    Sugarbean....................0 117 POUNDS LOST !!!

    Sharona.........................0 -70 lbs lost

    stellabella......................0 75 POUNDS LOST!

    Tess415..........................0 -80 lbs lost

    Thin2bme...................- .8 100 POUNDS LOST!!


    Wishin4...........................-2 86 pounds gone

  12. Hi out there to all the Shrinking Shamrocks. I officially crossed or hit the -120 lbs mark this week. Still alot to go and its going slower but going down. I'm really doubling my efforts to get exercise. I'm convinced my body is going to fight giving up this last 60 lbs because I have lost 100 lbs before and then hit this kind of a wall and then slowly slid down the slippery slope and gained it back.

    Our work place had a Wellness campaign that started mid-June and ends today and we had a website to log our minutes and type of exercise in for that time period and I had over 3,000 minutes in 2 months! I signed up for an August 2,000 minutes exercise challenge on obesityhelp's lapband forum and boy I now realize that was quite the stretch goal. Even with dedicated working on it, I'm at 1070 minutes at Aug 21 with 10 days left to go to fit in 930 minutes -- averaging 93 minutes a day -- no way that is possible with my crazy life right now, but it has pushed me to get up and get moving.

    I plan to start checking into plastic surgery consultations when I get to about 30 lbs left to go or so because I figure they will probably take 15-18 lbs of skin and fat off me and I know to get the insurance to cover the panniculectomy, you have to jump through a bunch of hoops just like getting approved for lapband WLS surgery. I also want to go to at least two different surgeons to get a second opinion and get a couple different price quotes since most of this cost is not covered by insurance and I figure I have to pay out of pocket by taking a loan out probably. I'm hoping to trade off a monthly car payment (done about next July) for the payments on the plastic surgery!

    I'd love to see some pictures if any of you who have had your surgery would be willing to post and/or share via a Private Message.

  13. I miss Fenton too. It was nice to hear from the male perspective and he clearly has a tremendous gift for words. I hope he is working on the next great novel and hasn't given up on his band. Even if he has for a short time, the beauty of the lapband is that he could go back to his surgeon, for an adjustment/fill and get back on track when he can commit to that.

    Best wishes to all of you who are so close to your plastic surgery -- its wonderful to hear how you are doing.

    I'm stablized at the -118 lbs level for a few weeks here and with my job stress level at the moment maybe that is okay but I'd like to make the personal commitment to myself to see the -120 lbs mark by the end of August. We'll see. I have been having a weird number realization thing going on in my head lately. When I hear someone talk about their weight (usually guys just blurt out what their exact weight number is and us ladies never do!) I think, oh, wait I'm not in the 300s anymore, I'm not even over 250 anymore. I can remember in the fall as Ohio State football season would come around, I'm a huge fan, and they would say what the weight was of the front linebackers, tackles, etc. and I would cringe at the thought I was heavier than some of those football players. Now I am not even close to the weight of the lower guys on the team. My family would never understand me comparing myself to a football player given I'm a lady who likes to dress feminine and feel pretty but it was hard to do in the past with my weight where it was.

    Anybody else having to fight off the ideas in your head that you deserve "treats" because you have done so good and people are giving you so many compliments about your looks. This is becoming more of a mental battle for me to say, heh, you don't need Cookies or you don't need a Friday night treat, just keep on working your program!

  14. Yes, I agree, not alot of posting going on so we must all be really busy. I go from days where I am really good to other times when I realize I've eaten too much in a day from grazing. Still trying everyday and that is what counts to me.

    Again, job is stressful and working long hours is cutting into my personal commitment time to myself but if I stay even over the next 6 weeks to meet my big deadline at work, that will be good.

  15. I respect your privacy and initial concerns so only tell those you feel will be supportive of you until you have some time pass and you feel more comfortable opening up. Once I had passed the 30 and then 40 lb mark of weight loss, people were noticing at work and I slowly started privately telling a few more. There are folks who still don't know (after -118 lbs!) and I don't feel any obligation to tell them. I listened for verbal cues from people on whether they were encouraging or just being nosy.

    Best wishes.

  16. I stocked up on the 1 cup size of containers -- I have maybe 2 dozen of them! some with lids that screw on to keep things like Soup really secure and some with the basic push down plastic lid. I actually think the ones with the screw on lids (Zip-lok) are maybe 2 cup and I usually use these for soup as I can have more than 1 cup of soup.

    I cook things up on the weekend or when I come home from the grocery, I divide things into my 1 cup containers and freeze them. They make easy take to work lunch things.

  17. If its something the insurance needs after you've completed all the pre-reqs they require, and the surgeon's office is the gathering point for all that info, I seem to remember my surgeon had to write a letter explaining why he thought I needed the surgery, that I was a good candidate and that he had reviewed all the pre-reqs and was certifying that I was being recommended for surgery.

  18. Hi Sillypuddy - I keep chocolate and vanilla Protein Powder around and make shakes occasionally but I don't have to rely on those to get my Protein in -- it is better to eat your calories than drink them in my opinion.

    Exercise, if 4 days is what you can do, then do 4 days and you'll be glad you did. I do Water aerobics 2x a week and I try to take walks in my neighborhood or on my lunch hour 2x a week, and then I try to use either the gym at work or my gym membership at Urban Active to do elliptical climber/trainer and/or treadmill and weight machines mostly for upper body strength. They say if you build muscle it burns more calories than fat at the same weight so in the long run its a good thing.

    Some suggestions for possibly fitting in other exercise - I keep 8 lb. free weights by my TV-watching chair and I do exercises while I watch TV.

    It took me awhile to work up to this level but the surgeons really do say that even 15 minutes in a day is a good start if it gets you in the habit of committing to it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
