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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SpecialK

  1. SpecialK

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Lisa - that is fabulous to be in a size 10 -- I'm the little caboose for us -- still a ways to go, you're doing great!
  2. SpecialK

    2010 Shamrocks Weight Challenge

    I'm bouncing up right now and I think it is due to the amount of heavy yard work so maybe my sore muscles are retaining some water weight? I really haven't been eating badly so that is all I can figure. Just keep working it one day at a time. Still on track for my BR surgery April 22. I'm trying to get as much exercise and yard work in before that because I know I'm going to be limited for most of May and maybe into June for any major lifting stuff.
  3. From LadyRoz from Mt Carmel Bandsters -- I would like for the banders' of Columbus or anyone who wants to come to walk in the MS walk on April 17, 2010 at 7:30am it will be at the Columbus Zoo It is a 1.5 mile walk through the Zoo cost is 25.00 for any one over 10 years old and 10.00 for 10 and under My oldest daughter has MS and finally she is going to be able to get the band she will be band hopefully before the walk Dr.Choban is going to do her band. She goes in Monday to see the Dr. and get her band date pray for her she needs the band to help her deal with MS if she gets the weight off. Hope the Columbus bander can come a walk http://walkoha.nationalmssociety.org/site/TR?fr_id=12180&pg=entry
  4. Niki - that is fabulous about the size 11 Capri's and jeans in the Juniors Department!!! You've come a long way baby! I'm wearing one of your pretty blouses you shared with me that are more fitted Lane Bryant long sleeve shirts that are a 18/20 or 18 and I'm so proud of being at that number for the top at this point and can't wait until I can see the next size down. I can get into size 18 pants and size 20 jeans - seems like jeans are always a size bigger than pants. My size 20 pants are falling off me but I keep using them to get through the winter and into spring clothes. I need to splurge on myself with some new clothes shopping. Maybe I'll get out when my sister is hear for my BR surgery and we'll pick up some new spring/summer things. So happy to hear that the removal of the drain was just a funny feeling and not painful. Thanks for the honesty and openness you've shared on this board with all who will follow you.
  5. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying life. I got a load of topsoil delivered yesterday and began shoveling it to get it moved to where I need it. I lasted a good solid 2 hours of very physically intense work -- never could have done that 2 years ago without major pain afterward in my hips and knees. I have decided to work at it gradually so I don't injure myself like I did 5 years ago - I hurt my shoulder shoveling topsoil when I moved into a new house and tried to get flower beds and things established from scratch. Interestingly enough, my weight has been fluctuating up for the past week or so and I'm not sure why. Gotta get back to careful food tracking on mydailyplate.
  6. SpecialK

    Mimilou2004's TT

    Mimi- how are you doing?
  7. SpecialK

    The Day has Come!!

    I checked Aetna and they will pay for my panniculectomy but not abdominoplasty - tummy tuck - and so if I want the better surgery, I will have to pay the difference between the two and I definitely plan to do that. They absolutely rule out arm lift and thigh lift as cosmetic and cover nothing.
  8. Niki -- that's good that you recognized right away to call your surgeon and take his advice - to let things dry out and rest. I always wonder when I see things posted on different boards like this where someone clearly should be either calling their doctor and getting to the E.R. if they are in crisis why they first ask for advice from the internet. I know we get alot of good info from each other but in the immediate time frame, nothing beats talking to your own doctor you can trust.
  9. SpecialK

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    One more for my Shrinking Shamrock friends -- I got this link in an email and I've always wanted to go to see Ireland and this has some beautiful video of the Emerald Isle and also some positive thoughts. It is a little long but I enjoyed it and thought I'd pass it along. This Blessing Is For You
  10. Niki, so glad to hear you are doing so well. I ordered my breast compression garment - ordered 2 since I think I have to wear it for quite a few weeks which will take me into the summer and if I can start jogging again after 2 months (?maybe) I might wear it to keep everything held in place well.
  11. SpecialK

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Here is a great quote for the new week that was shared during a sermon at my church and it is a good positive thought! "TO LOVE OUR OWN BODY DOES NOT MEAN TO ADMIRE OR ADORE IT BUT TO CARE ABOUT ITS NEEDS" Dr. Kenny Boles
  12. Hi Sue. I was just out on a website to also order a compression garment for me as I'm having BR on April 22 and I'm 40" around at the body and am aiming for a large B or small C in the end and I know I'll have some swelling so I'm trying to decide which to order for me because it says a large is 38-40" and XL is 42" and I know I have to wear this garment for awhile and so I don't want to get the XL but I'm concerned about how tight a L is going to be if its for 38-40" -- I guess I'll call the web site customer service too! Thanks for that idea. Here is the website I was checking out: http://nouvelleinc.com/
  13. SpecialK

    2010 Shamrocks Weight Challenge

    Name -Starting Wt .......Goal/End Wt 2010 .CurrentWeight- SpecialK.............232.2.........155...................221.7 Scrappy_friend....149...........135...................141 LadyRoz.............220............190...................212 CandyStarr.........312............212...................312 I had a solid drop to hit my -133 lbs mark and then have bounced up and down a bit this week. Going to buckle down and make sure that 221 number sticks and keep going down from there! Celebrated my 2 year bandiversary this past week.
  14. Niki -- looking fabulous. Now I want a mini-thigh lift after seeing your incisions and how great they look just so soon after your PS. Keep on taking it easy -- even with feeling better don't forget to give your insides plenty of time to heal. I got all my pre-surgery paperwork for my Breast Reduction surgery on April 22 including got scheduled for my pre-Admission test stuff on April 1. I am on my own countdown and been thinking about the pain of the upper chest area -- you are an inspiration that I will get through just getting the top down because you are doing so well with the whole body overhaul. Take care!
  15. SpecialK

    Mimilou2004's TT

    Hi Mimi-- you are such a trooper. I hope I can do as well. Did you not want your port moved so he could do more aggressive muscle tightening or was it just extra $$$ for more extensive and you felt you'd be fine with just the skin gone.
  16. We welcomed a new lapband friend at our March 13 mall gathering yesterday and she asked some good questions that I thought I would proactively post here as info in case other newbies are considering joining us for support. 1. Who attends - those who are successful or those who have had complications? Both-- most of us have had some experience with needing adjustments in our fill level to handle some acid reflux, some have learned they were "too tight" and couldn't eat a solid lapband friendly meal and were loosened and did fine, others have had a slip and had an unfill which corrected their slip and then started back into a gradual series of fills to get back to the restriction level they needed. 2. Where all did the people who come to these meetings have their surgery? Riverside, OSU, Mt. Carmel, Dr. Curry in Cincinnati, and Barix. 3. What stages are the people who attend at? We have a couple pre-band folks who are scheduled to be banded in April 2010, some who are 1 year out, 2 years out, and starting into year 3 post banding. Some who are 2+ yrs out now, are either into considering plastic surgery or having it now. 4. Is it normal not be able to eat a "regular" diet once you are past surgery lapband - and past the initial 1 months of "mushies" and on now to "full food" diet. NO-- if you cannot eat solid Proteins and a good mix of vegetables and fruits without vomitting, sliming, or productive burping, PBing, or without pureeing the foods or are existing on mostly Protein shakes and other liquids, we discussed as a consensus this is not the normal mode for us lapband eaters. Please continue follow ups with your surgeon on what quantity you can eat, what foods, and what your digestive experiences with eating are until you can get to a normal lapband diet. 5. Do support groups help -- Yes, even if you have a supportive spouse or family, coworkers, friends who have not had WLS, it still is different to be able to talk with a person who has walked in your shoes, who can really say, I understand and here is what I think. 6. Why is this support group different than the support group through the hospital's bariatric program? First, its almostly exclusively Lapband only patients - occasionally we have a RNY person come, but the discussions are totally based on our Lapband expeirence and what we think Lapband life should be like. We also like the ability to compare experiences by different hospital's programs to see what are the same and what are different. Mostly we find our hospital programs are heavily focused on the higher percentage of RNY patients that attend those. We feel like we can be open about things we may not like about our hospital's bariatric program whereas we probably would not voice these in the hospital's own meetings -- a little peer pressure there being the one dissenting person in a room full of others who are happy?? maybe 7. Support groups that form informally can be for lots of reasons - diet help, body image support, exercise support, or friendship. Some attend the meetings and have become good friends and social friends outside of the monthly meeting. It is up to you to make the support group what you need it to be. Remember, paying forward, to help others get through what you have been through, is a really positive thing even if its done in small ways. Hope this helps for those who wonder if attending might be helpful.
  17. SpecialK

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Happy Bandiversary to all the Shrinking Shamrocks out there! I'll hit my 2 years on St. Patty's Day and I would do the last 2 years all over again in a wink! Our March '08 bandster NurseNiki had her plastic surgery yesterday - check out the Plastic and Cosmetic thread - and she is doing really really well. I am so looking forward to my turn at the PS table maybe a year from now when I have the rest of my tummy and butt weight off.
  18. Happy Bandiversary Niki! I hope to see you May 1 when Mt. Carmel does the Annual Bariatric Fashion Show. Cindy B. is going to be representing us lapbanders. Are you going to be in the show? I bet you'd look great in a slinky little black dress and some red high heels!! Ooo La La!!! Enjoy that great body, you've worked hard for it.
  19. Hi LAP-BAND® friends. I am happy to report that I got approved by my Aetna insurance for my breast reductionn and lift surgery and it will be on April 22. Apologize in advance for a VERY Long post here but doing this so those who consider Plastic Surgery post WLS will learn from my experience. Sorry to say I had a totally different experience with my 2nd opinion surgery consult I went to who is the primary plastic surgeon the hospital where I had my bariatric surgery. It was a very easy decision to choose Dr #1 for me and I felt the relationship and comfort I had in who my plastic surgeon is was critical as well as their skill. Surgeon #1 experience: Scheduled me for an appointment quickly after I contacted the office. Sent me a very nice packet of info in advance to my home to review. Requested my mammograms and a PCP or other supporting doctor letter for recommendations of past breast history. Dr. had reviewed info in advance and gave the mammogram films back and said she appreciated me getting them in advance. Appointment was on a very snowy day when offices were closing but they didn't cancel. Office is set off two roads that are in a very safe area. Office staff greeted me and were very friendly and welcoming, nice surroundings for the office. Dr. #1 invited me back to her office to talk with me before I was taken to an exam room to disrobe. She had reviewed all the materials she had received in advance and gave me a positive view that she felt I was a good candidate. Pictures:She had an assistant come in to take the naked pictures. It went fast and was not as embarrassing as I worried it might be. Exam -- she did a breast exam plus examined for symmetry, asked me what size, etc. talked about what the possible complications could be, explained, etc. After exam - invited me back to her office to finish discussing moving ahead and then escorted me back to the Financial person to give me the info about payment, estimates on costs, etc. Financial person was profession and helpful. It is uncomfortable to be told you have to pre-pay upfront 2 weeks for any uncovered surgery costs. Insurance Submission: Office staff submitted for insurance approval to Aetna - got approved in 2-3 weeks. Surgery schedule date offered on March 4th for April 6 (1 month out) but I can't do that date due to work deadline so I chose April 22. Okay, Dr. #2 experience: Office is located off a major road in a place hard to pull into, has locked doors for security to get in due to where it is located. I had a hard time getting out of the parking lot due to heavy traffic. The lobby had Hard Rock music blaring making it hard to concentrate while I filled out the forms. Obviously the young staff in the office picks the music based on their taste without thinking what patients might like. Receptionists gave me a set of paperwork to complete -not sent to me in advance- the forms were Xeroxed crooked on cheap paper and were basic and did not ask for near the medical history and things that Dr. #1 paperwork packet did. Visit - Provocatively dressed receptionist takes me back to disrobe immediately without meeting the surgeon first. Got put for at least 15-20 min to sit there in room with my gown on and I could hear the doctor and staff talking outside the door about other patients and the walls of the exam rooms were obviously paper thin walls. Seriously thinking of walking out because of that. Dr - Very professional and very skilled. - He saw I had breast rash pictures, and mammogram films in the chair, did not look at them, did not ask to see the mammogram films, did not do a breast exam, but did a minimal exam (2 min.)of my breasts. Tried to talk me out of proceeding for any breast surgery at least for several more months if I am going to lose any more weight this year. He didn't even ask why I would want to proceed now versus wait. He then talked to his office person outside the door and told her what financial quotes she should give me - I could hear every word he said outside with the door closed. She comes in and takes pictures --picture this--she was in a tight black mini-dress, up to her butt, fortunately had white knit tights on to cover her butt and legs but then was wearing 5" high spike heels. Clearly he hires young, beautiful women for his office and they all have had big boob jobs. It is intimidating to have to have naked pictures taken under this situation. She starts saying she needs a face picture first so that she won't get breast pictures on the same camera confused with someone else's pictures. Are you kidding me telling me you could make that kind of mistake? She left, said get dressed - we'll send the financial lady in. Financial lady Sarah comes in - she is another young lady with big boobs too, doesn't have the $ info I need, comes back twice, hands me paperwork and just leaves me to figure it out myself. Says she will start submitting for Pre-D and it could take a month before I'd know, I should contact my own insurance company in 3 weeks to try to encourage them to act faster. Okay, I call Dr. #2 next day - definitely know I don't like them and don't want to proceed. I get same receptionist answers, and ask for Sarah to tell her not to proceed with any insurance approval work - it would be a waste of their time. Receptionist says Sarah is out today can I take a message. I ask if I can leave a voicemail for Sarah. Nope, no voicemail, receiptionist says I'll write her a note and give it to her...not sure Sarah will get the note. If this Dr. #2 ever calls and asks why I didn't come back, it will be easy to remember why I didn't go back even for tummy tuck after this experience. I will give another friend who is very happy with her tummy tuck and arm lift a chance on my 2nd consult for tummy tuck and my arms maybe a year from now if I don't think I want Dr. #1 for that also. So, go with what your gut tells you on who you want as a plastic surgeon. OHJuli had told me that and now I totally understand why she drove 2 hours to another town to find the plastic surgeon she could really trust.
  20. Niki - you sound so much like the great nurse you are in real life -- "pain is 2 out of 10" -- come on... you are tough if you had all that done and only have a 2! It is amazing to me that you get to come home same day with such extensive surgery.
  21. SpecialK

    2010 Shamrocks Weight Challenge

    Crossed the -130 lbs lost milestone this week! Yea Name -Starting Wt .......Goal/End Wt 2010 .CurrentWeight- SpecialK.............232.2.........155...................224.6 Scrappy_friend....149...........135...................141 LadyRoz.............220............190...................212 CandyStarr.........312............212...................312
  22. Yes, I said I was having pain in my neck, shoulders and back that I felt was related to the excess weight in my chest and I had breast rash pictures to back up my complaints of the rubbing problems. I got my Primary Care Dr. to also support the surgery with her recommendation. They take photos to submit to insurance and I guess with medical history, photos and size of breasts in the pictures, Aetna decided to just okay it without fighting. I was prepared to have to appeal if needed. Glad I didn't have to.
  23. Niki-- So happy for you. I will say a prayer for quick healing! Kathy
  24. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    How is everyone out there in Columbus? I recently had a coworker ask me about lapband and she is very interested. She sounds like she is ready to make a decision. She checked out Barix and RNY a few years back but decided that didn't feel right for her. Hope you are all having a great 2010. P.S. Passed my 130 lb lost milestone this week. Also approved for a breast reduction surgery on April 22 so maybe I'll be at -140 before I know it too!
  25. SpecialK

    Finally The Next Level

    Congrats Goodtimes! I hope to be where you are now a year from now but at least April 22 I get to have my breast reduction surgery and lift and that should help me alot with increasing my exercise level, e.g. jogging even, to get a better calorie burn going to finish losing the abdominal area fat I still have. I will definitely need tummy tuck.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
