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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SpecialK

  1. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    :clap2: Debbie, You Look wonderful. Seeing something that didn't fit before or you could get it on but my fat rolls showed, will be such a wonderful feeling. Congratulations and keep up the hard work. You're going great!
  2. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    I'm posting alot today but I had a big week of making progress with the jumping through the hoops. Specifically today I met Dr. Phil Price who will be my lap band bariatric surgeon. He had a 4th year resident, Dr. Matt Bauer, come in and talk with me and he was great. They both asked me for my BMI if I really didn't want to consider Gastric Bypass or why I was sure I wanted Lap Band surgery instead of GB. There were real satisfied about how I answered and why I thought LB was for me, I showed them how much I had read and asked them lots of questions, and they were real patient answering all my questions. Dr. Price said, okay, we'll do a lap band on you!!! I asked him about his medical experience and he graduated about 20 years ago from Ohio State with his medical degree and completed residency at Mt. Carmel and is a specialist in laprascopic surgeries and he's also a trauma surgeon. He was one of the very first surgeons in Columbus performing the GB surgery. He's on the teaching faculty of Mt. Carmel helping other new and young doctors earn their 'wings' per se just as he had to do himself. What Dr. Price and Dr. Bauer both emphasized is that I will lose weight more slowly with LB than I would with GB and that I'll have to work harder to lose with a LB. I said I was ready to do this for the long haul and that I've been real pleased with the progress I hear from others posting on the board about how they are doing with the band. I think from what I'm reading the lap band is catching up really well with the GB results within that first year. Finally, Dr. Price said that I'd get my first fill about 6-8 weeks after surgery and that they do this with fluroscopy. P.S. He has a sense of humor - his biography on the web site said he graduated from Capital University and then went on to Ohio State for his medical degree. I went to Otterbein College which is Capital's biggest rival - kind of like the OSU-Michigan rivalry of small colleges in Ohio! He teased back to the resident doctor (Dr. Bauer) and said jokingly "put a note on her chart, no anesthesia for surgery since she went to Otterbein!" HA HA!!! Okay, I'll stop hogging all the web space here!
  3. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Debbie, congratulations on your very well deserved compliments. I'm planning to attend the December 3rd Mt Carmel Support Group forum next week and if they say the schedule of 2008 classes, I'll post it here.
  4. The appointments this week went fine. I liked Dr. Price and just need to get through the cardiology and psych clearance steps and he said he'd send a letter to the insurance company to see if they will approve. It would be an answered prayer if they made me do less than 6 months of the nutrition counseling but we'll see.
  5. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Yes, always, always check your own medical insurance list of In-Network doctors as I got the list of clearances I needed, and the names that the doctors were giving me as options, and I had to go and find which of those were on Aetna for my health insurance and they all were not in network. Same with the psych eval, the names Mid Ohio Surgical Assoc sent me had none that were on my in-network for my behaviour health coverage plan (Magellan Health) and so I just got one In Network on my plan and she's qualified to do the clearance and its covered. Yea! Bottom line to newbies who are starting the insurance and clearances process - pick doctors on your In-Network plan list.
  6. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Just a quick note. I met my bariatric surgeon Dr. Phil Price today and I really liked him. He was pretty strong about presenting that I could lose alot faster with GB than the band but that I'm a great candidate for the lap band and as soon as I complete my psych and cardiologist clearances, he'll write the letter to my insurance and we'll see what they say. He has a good sense of humor - he went to Capital University and I went to Otterbein College - kind of the OSU-Michigan level rivalry for smaller liberal arts colleges. He said to mark down on my chart for no anesthesia during surgery due to patient attending Otterbein --Ha Ha! Anyway, I'm encouraged by all that has happened this week.
  7. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    I completed the psychologist appt and cardiologist appt this week so far and both of those doctors were great but but require more tests or a 2nd appointment with each before they will write my bariatric surgery clearance letter. The psychologist says the insurance companies want a hard set of facts and not just a professional opinion so there is some kind of a test with lots of questions I have to take and then it is scored by the psychologist and then interpreted by her to make the decision to recommend me as clear for surgery or not plus her professional opinion as a psychologist. Sounds like alot of steps to prove I know what I want but I'll jump through whatever hoops they give me. Second, the cardiologist says I'm a great candidate for surgery but again the insurance qualification is that he has to now have an echocardiogram and a stress test done so I have to now schedule an appt for those. He reads off those test results and makes his decision to give me the cardiology clearance for bariatric surgery. Again, hoops to jump through. Maybe I should ask Santa for a jump rope for Christmas to get in practice with jumping! :-) First appointment with Dr. Price is this Friday.
  8. SpecialK

    Riverside In Columbus??

    :clap2:Congratulations Heather on getting your insurance approval. Surgery in 2 weeks - wow - that is really moving along!
  9. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    I have 2 kitties one is about 6years old and is an angel and never bothers the tree, the other is about 2 years old and she won't let the Christmas tree alone - believe it or not, I tried putting non-breakable ornaments on the bottom third of the tree but she stretches and bats off whatever she can reach so now the bottom 2' or so doesn't have any ornaments on it. Crazy. Last year she climbed the tree (I had a bigger one - artificial) and she actually laid inside the bottom row of branches and looked out at me. I'm doing WW to keep holding myself accountable for controlled eating and tracking my food until I get through all the insurance approvals. It is a small miracle but I lost .2 lbs during Thanksgiving week when I went to my weigh in tonight - I know its a small loss but that is just the point - its a loss! I really put in alot of effort and I'd like to see better than a .2 lb loss in a week - that is something I am looking forward to having my band for - more rewarding weight loss if I follow the program. Tonight my WW leader gave us a good mantra to live by ... she said look at your eating program as Living a Lifestyle, not doing a diet. Good concept for us future bandsters too.
  10. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    How did everyone do over the holidays?
  11. I am so thankful to hear you say how you started at around 349 as that's pretty close to where I am and I can't wait until I get past the ankle swelling thing where my socks leave indentations around my ankles. Its encouraging to hear how positive you are about the change its made in your life. I got my MBA at the University of Dayton but mostly completed classes here in Columbus and only drove to Dayton a few times. The graduation ceremony at the UD arena building was a blast - silly string flying all over and just a great party atmosphere. I was debating on whether to go to graduation or just have my diploma mailed to me and I'm glad I went. I have a first appointment with my surgeon this week and clearance doctor appts with cardiologist and psychologist also this week. I'm not a fan of having to disrobe at doctors offices, I don't think anyone who is seriously overweight does, but I know this is part of the process.
  12. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    My mom and I are cooking up a storm but I asked if we could skip doing dressing as we're going to have yams and mashed potatoes and she was fine with that. I am making a Jello salad with shredded cabbage, carrots and pineapple as something sweet to enjoy. We've got a green bean casserole (made with cream of mushroom Soup and the dried onions) and of course turkey! My house smells wonderful. I chopped up some carrots, celery and green pepper to munch on to keep me out of the potato chips. I did sneak into that bag last night - craving something crunchy and salty but I did stop before I ate way too many. Happy Thanksgiving to all! I'm thinking of you because next year I'll hopefully have my lap band at the holidays!:)
  13. Juli - 8 months and 97 lbs lost! You sure must be doing something right! Keep up the work. You're inspiring me as I go through all the paperwork stages. I have my first surgeon appt on November 30th. Its becoming more real just thinking about meeting him.
  14. Nice to see you on the postings too. Do you live central Ohio or Cincy? Cleveland? The Central Ohio group of bandsters is going to get together in January to meet each other at Polaris mall. More details to come.
  15. Nice to hear from you. Is your city of McArthur outside Cincy or Columbus? Good luck.
  16. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    WOW. I can so relate to you being upset with losing Dr. Vigilianco as your doctor now for Barix. Wonder what happened. I think Dr. Choban was with Barix and she's now with the Mt. Carmel Bariatric Center with Mid Ohio Surgical Associates. For me, I discussed the three doctors I have to choose from with my Mom and with my own research and I have asked for my first surgeon appointment to be with Dr. Phil Price. He's on Mt. Carmel's faculty, has worked at Mt. Carmel quite a while, is a trauma surgeon in addition to a general surgeon which is a extra specialty, and he's also listed on the American Bariatric Society as a Circle of Excellence surgeon for bariatric surgery. I really liked Dr. Miller too he just doesn't have as much years of experience as Dr. Price. I really liked Dr. Choban too based on what everyone said of her too. So, as you said, its an emotional decision picking a surgeon. Keep us posted on who your new doctor is. I have Cardiology clearance dr. appt Nov 27 I have Psychologist clearance dr appt Nov 29 I have Dr. Price's first surgeon consultation appt Nov 30th !
  17. SpecialK

    Columbus Area

    I'm hoping this works. This is my first time trying to post with pictures. There is one file with the AP band - see how its rounded all the way including under the buckle part. Second file has the other models of bands in it and the one on the right is the VG band that doesn't have a saline pocket under the buckle area. Seems like they are going to the AP band on new surgery patients but will be checking this out. AP New Band Type picture.bmp Bands filled and unfilled.bmp
  18. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    I got a call from Charlene and they asked if I want to do my initial surgeon appointment now or wait and I think I'll go ahead and meet them now. I think they want me to pick between Dr. Choban, Dr. Price and Dr. Mark Miller for an appt. I think I remember reading one of you had Dr. Choban, has anyone else had Dr. Price or Dr. Miller in the same practice group? If so, thoughts?:help:
  19. SpecialK

    Columbus Area

    Informal meet and greet at Polaris mall for Columbus area bandsters. We got this idea started to meet as the Mt. Carmel banded group but we can open up to others in the area. Meet January 8, 2008 at Polaris Mall in the food Court area - That's the 2nd level of the mall. Let's say 6:30 to let everyone get off work and get there. We can find a nook or spot where we can sit together and the food court will offer alot of choices of what to get to eat or you can just get a beverage. Whatever is best for you. Wear PINK and I'll get a helium balloon to mark where the meeting spot is. Shouldn't be too hard to spot a group of us that are losing substantial weight and wearing pink!
  20. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    I was able to get my new psychologist appt set up for Nov 29 by being flexible and taking a 2pm appt which is no problem for me because I can work from home that day and go the appointment and then come home and keep on working through the beauty of the internet. That will be one busy week for me. Cardiologist Nov 28, Psychologist Nov 29 and the Mt. Carmel Support Group mtg Dec 3rd! Since we've been saying meet at Polaris, how about if I throw out a specific day and time day and everyone can chime in if they can make it.? So here goes... Meet January 8, 2008 at Polaris Mall in the Food Court area - That's the 2nd level of the mall. Let's say 6:30 to let everyone get off work and get there. We can find a nook or spot where we can sit together and the food court will offer alot of choices of what to get to eat or you can just get a beverage. Whatever is best for you. Wear PINK and I'll get a helium balloon to mark where the meeting spot is. Shouldn't be too hard to spot a group of us that are losing substantial weight and wearing pink!
  21. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    I have a ladies Bible study group that meets in Westerville on Wednesday nights and these ladies are as close to me as sisters so I decided it was time to open up and tell them what I'm investigating and trying to get approved for. I don't know what I was so worried about telling them -- they were super supportive. I thank God for such good friends. I just hope my family and other friends will be understanding and supportive too. The whole issue of do I tell or do I keep it secret until its something that I have to tell them (like at work) is on my mind. Anybody else out there eBay shoppers? I found a great deal on a hand blender and a food processor and I'm hoping to be able to experiment with cooking and chopping with these over the next months to see what I can do with recipes for after surgery. I like homemade soups so it should be interesting.
  22. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    I actually delivered my $300 administrative fee to the doctors' office with the paperwork they needed me to sign so that step is done. I am still waiting to hear about an appointment with the psychologist. I had a couple doctor appointments today and I had a chance to discuss weight loss surgery with them but decided to keep quiet. My primary care doctor (a woman I really like) was so friendly and things for my annual physical were going so good at my 7:00 am appointment, that I just didn't feel like talking about it with her because she's been real opposed to weight loss surgery, gastric bypass in the past. I figure I'll tell her when I'm ready. Second, I had laparascopic gallbladder surgery by a really great surgeon at Mt. Carmel and it went wonderful and I went in today for a quick post op check to let him see for himself things were all healed and I was doing fine. It was all of 5 minutes in there. I am really encouraged though because that surgery was very similar in length and things to the lap band laparascopic procedure in several ways. I had a 1-2" size incision up on my abdominal area below the center of my breasts and 3 little tiny 1/2" incisions for the ports for the other instruments. I was in surgery on a Wednesday afternoon for that and able to go back to work on Monday. I was really happy with how that went. The incisions have healed up great from that. So at least I know they can operate laparascopically on me in the abdominal area successfully. I had soreness of my abdominal muscles and I was told it was from where they put CO2 gas in the abdomen to elevate the abdominal wall from the organs underneath the muscles. Anyway, it was only bad for a day or so, by a week, I could barely remember I'd had the surgery. I've seen other postings on this lap band surgery for laparascopic that sounded very similar. I didn't tell the surgeon about the possible lap band because I was only in there 5 minutes but I think I could call and ask him a question if I needed it. I'm sure he must know the doctors (Choban, Price, Miller) at Mt. Carmel because he's done general surgery there for a very long time. Oh well, my 2 cents for the day.
  23. Nice to have you join the thread here. I'm just learning bits and pieces too. I just figured out how to use smiley faces yesterday! Haven't got my signature working with a BMI ticker showing progress but I'll get there. Did you have to pay a $300 or so administrative fee to your doctor's office? a fee to the nutritionist? I am scheduling my clearance appt now for December mostly and start the 6 months of nutritionist appts my insurance Aetna requires in January probably. That means I can't probably even think I'll get banded until June or so. We'll see.
  24. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Lining up the hoops to jump through!:bounce: I called today to get scheduled for a cardiac clearance appt and got in for Nov 28 with Dr. Chawla at Mt. Carmel West. I called today for a new psychologist and their voicemail said they are booking appts about 4-6 weeks out at this point. I'm trying for a new counselor doctor that will be near my home so I have access ongoing for counseling versus using the ones on the list Mt. Carmel sent me. Those on their list weren't on my insurance plan for behavioral health. I called the sleep doctor's office and found out that I won't have to have an appointment with him since I saw him in the last 45 days or so. So that's one clearance down! He'll just send in the report! :clap2: P.S. Thanks for helping me figure out the use of the smiley faces! It worked. Now I'll try working on the ticker.
  25. SpecialK

    Columbus Area

    Can someone explain what you're talking about or provide a link to the manufacturers' website or somewhere I can read about the differences in them. Got my acceptance letter to the program at Mt. Carmel Bariatric yesterday. Mailing in my $300 administrative fee they require and scheduling the various consults I have to do for insurance like psychologist, cardiac clearance, etc.

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