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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SpecialK

  1. SpecialK

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Checking in here but not with the best eating habits. Ice Cream has turned into my comfort food and I gotta kick the habit. The job interviews are happening this week and I'm having trouble handling the stress of wanting to find work so bad. I had the best interview yesterday and really want that job with all my heart. I have another interview today and I have one scheduled for when I return from my vacation on September 2 so hopefully I can get a job nailed down and get this stress under some better control. I am not going crazy on weight as I am getting walks and activity in every day. I guess its a day at a time thing for now. Sorry this isn't more positive but its where I am for now.
  2. Congrats Kathy from another Kathy -- aka SpecialK. I've been stuck around -140 lbs down and want desperately to see 199 on my scale and its been elusive so I did get a small fill a few weeks ago and its helping some but I think I still need even more restriction to get past this plateau I've been at. Still, with the stress of losing my job, maintaining at this point is a victory.
  3. SpecialK

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    HopeinApril -- welcome back. We never stray too far but we always have lots of second chances with our band. Stay in touch. I had a phone interview with McGraw-Hill for a contractor Project Manager "PM" position and I have a phone interview today with Tween Brands Justice today for a PM job and I have an in-person interview tomorrow for a PM job with a big local bank. At least getting interviews gives me some hope something is going to break open and pour out blessings on me big time! Pretty much the market is paying less than what I was earning but I'd be glad to just get back to work and enjoy what I do professionally again. Doing okay with eating - keeping my hands out of things I shouldn't is a challenge when you are bored, lonely, depressed, etc. so I'm doing what I can to stay busy, reading, working some puzzles, doing yard work, anything other than sit around and have a food pity party!
  4. SpecialK

    Getting back on track?

    This is a great thread! So glad I took the time to read every one tonight for inspiration. I haven't had a major backslide but I have let old habits creep in and keep me at plateaus. I just went and had a .4 cc fill this week when I hadn't seen my surgeon since last October and he said why did you stay away so long.... it was clear he wanted good things for me. I'm going to get active in my support groups my hospital has. Also, I've started logging my eats in DailyPlate and he wants me to increase Protein much more and he said that will help get my carb cravings back under control. Just hoping to get this last 60 lbs off and then maintain. I have one contribution because I have a problem with depression and I was actually glad that they made me do the psych clearance before surgery to be sure I knew what I was getting into as a lifetime commitment. When I feel down and worry I could be slipping, I definitely go see my counselor. She has helped me get through crazy family stuff, insane work things, and just now I'm working with her due to losing my job I had for 14 years! So, in effect, losing weight and eating healthy is one of those things I can be in control of if I want to. Jobs and family -- not so much. Consider counseling if you haven't tried that to get back on track. Best wishes to all.
  5. SpecialK

    Long time, no fill

    I say a hearty Amen and a prayer to you to have success in your restarted journey! The past is gone, leave it and look to your future blessings -- Go Band!
  6. SpecialK

    3rd Year Band-Annivesary Today 7/17

    Congrats Indigo! I am taking it looks like 3 years to complete my journey if I keep staying on track to lose a total of 200 lbs but I know with my little band friend I will get there. Can't wait until my 3rd bandiversary, the 2nd one slipped by in a flurry of crazy times at my job and I didn't really take time to celebrate. Now I had another .4 cc fill this week and restriction is back and I now realize I needed something months ago. So, I keep on plugging away. It is a lifetime commitment!
  7. SpecialK

    How do surgeons pick band sizes?

    My surgeon went with the 14cc Large AP band based on the size of the stomach structure he had to work with. I am glad he did because I'm at 10.4 cc fill level now and still working on losing and if I had a 10cc band I would have maxed out by now. Definitely go with what your surgeon recommends since he will be the one to see the size of stomach to band.
  8. Don't know what part of the country you are from, but here in Ohio there is a very good lapband surgeon in Cincinnati area, Dr. Curry, and several people in Columbus went to Cincy due to being self-pay and their total cost was in the $12,000-$15,000 range and then they can get fills done locally at his Columbus office. I'd definitely try to stay in the U.S. given your BMI and the definite long term relationship you will need to have with your lapband surgeon's office. I had 200 lbs to lose when I started and I have lost 140 of it so far and I'm still chipping away at this last 60 lbs but I've changed my life tremendously with what I have lost. Best wishes.
  9. SpecialK

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Okay, this fill thing may be starting to kick in. I tried to eat salad with chopped chicken breast for lunch and that wasn't going down too easy so I switched over and had a yogurt (like 100 calories) and before I knew it, dinner time was here and I was thinking, what the heck did I eat for lunch? I had to go to the refrigerator and look at what was in there before I hit the realization I had gone from 2 eggs at breakfast, 1 yogurt for lunch and it was 6pm and I was allowed to be hungry. I was able to eat the salad with chopped chicken breast as my dinner. Then followed up with a nice long walk. I am hoping this keeps going strong in terms of me not looking for food for snacking and meals. I think I will even have some Unjury protein drink to get more protein in and maybe that is what is kicking in too, upping my protein like the doc said.
  10. SpecialK

    Columbus Area

    I got a .4 cc fill and was on the liquids thing for Tuesday and boy, was I ever hungry - protein shakes and the Unjury chicken soup to get my protein in liquid form. Yesterday I went up to soft foods and did fine. By dinner I thought I'd try some grapes and that was evidently too much fiber with the skins. Two eggs went down (over medium with some yolk to help moisten the whites) for breakfast today and now I'm trying to do a simple lettuce salad with finely chopped chicken and that is taking some time and I'm probably not going to get much of this down. Interesting that chicken nuggets from Wendy's went down with the ranch dipping sauce as my lunch yesterday okay. I don't recommend a repeat of that as the dipping sauce was as many calories as the chicken nuggets were! Not sure I could have got the chicken nuggets down now without the dipping sauce. Anyway, I still could use some good thoughts aimed my way on the job front. I've applied for so many now and was so hopeful early on but I've barely had any nibbles now in a few weeks. One recruiter is interested and tried to call me today and I missed the call because I didn't have my cell phone back in the computer room with me. That was dumb on my part. Anyway, I called him back and then he wasn't available so I'm hoping he'll call again this afternoon. Financially things are getting pretty tight and I am trying my best to keep my spirits up and not let eating be my stress outlet. I will take a walk later today if he hasn't called by 5pm. After I get through this, I am going to be even more sensitive and caring to others in this same position in terms of a job loss that was no fault of their own, just corporate America doing its thing. I feel the same about being continued kind and respectful of people regardless of their size no matter what size I am.
  11. SpecialK

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I got a .4 cc fill and was on the liquids thing for that day and boy, was I ever hungry - Protein shakes and the unjury chicken Soup to get my Protein in liquid form. Yesterday I went up to soft foods and did fine. By dinner I thought I'd try some grapes and that was evidently too much Fiber with the skins. Two eggs went down (over medium with some yolk to help moisten the whites) for Breakfast today and now I'm trying to do a simple lettuce salad with finely chopped chicken and that is taking some time and I'm probably not going to get much of this down. Interesting that chicken nuggets from Wendy's went down with the ranch dipping sauce as my lunch yesterday okay. I don't recommend a repeat of that as the dipping sauce was as many calories as the chicken nuggets were! Not sure I could have got the chicken nuggets down now without the dipping sauce. Anyway, I still could use some good thoughts aimed my way on the job front. I've applied for so many now and was so hopeful early on but I've barely had any nibbles now in a few weeks. One recruiter is interested and tried to call me today and I missed the call because I didn't have my cell phone back in the computer room with me. That was dumb on my part. Anyway, I called him back and then he wasn't available so I'm hoping he'll call again this afternoon. Financially things are getting pretty tight and I am trying my best to keep my spirits up and not let eating be my stress outlet. I will take a walk later today if he hasn't called by 5pm. After I get through this, I am going to be even more sensitive and caring to others in this same position in terms of a job loss that was no fault of their own, just corporate America doing its thing. I feel the same about being continued kind and respectful of people regardless of their size no matter what size I am.
  12. SpecialK

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Okay, I had an ice cream splurge last night and now I'm off to the lapband surgeon this a.m. for a fill. I've got the house with lapband friendly things so I'm hopeful this will help me both physically to stay full longer and not want Snacks as well as mentally recommitting by acknowledging again I do have this tool and I shouldn't undo the progress with it but 'treating' myself to things I shouldn't eat. Again, a lifetime of discipline is taking longer than I thought!
  13. SpecialK

    What to do with too-big clothes?

    Please don't thrown them away -- I found that during my 140 lbs of weight loss time, that Goodwill Thrift Stores became my salvation for finding clothes as I lost weight and they have a PLUS Section so you don't have to go through all the white blouses to find something that at least starts at a 16 or whatever. So, if you can't find a clothing swap another way and donate, consider donating to a place that does put the Plus sizes together to help those of us who have struggled with our weight. 2nd Option - Craig's List where you specifically say what sizes of Plus Size you have available as I also searched there while losing. I recently lost my job and even though I am getting down into smaller sizes (16/18) I will probably always be cost conscious.
  14. SpecialK

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hi Fenton, usually it helps me to know the Calorie content of those tempting things and 1/4 cup of that trail mix is 170 Calories -- I would be able to munch down 1/4 cup in a single handful grabbing off one desk let alone the damage I'd do from others. Think of what else you could have for 170 calories -- 3 healthy oranges for example. Calories in Trader Joe's Omega Trail Mix - Nutrition Facts, and Healthy Alternatives | LIVESTRONG.COM
  15. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    I heading into the Mt Carmel West office to see Dr. Miller for a fill next Tuesday. I keep thinking I could get it under control on my own but I'm just stuck at the same number. I definitely am hoping to get more portion control back and to keep that saity for longer. Will let you know. It has been so long since I had a fill I can't remember when the last was.
  16. SpecialK

    Columbus Area

    Hi FunnyFlamingo -- yes I was faithfully attending Mt. Carmels support group and then they switched it and I showed up on a 1st Monday instead of a 2nd Tuesday so I need to get back on track - when is the next support group meeting for August? I am considering going to this as motivation if I am not going to Arizona for my sister's election! I'll know in the next couple weeks if I have a job option lined up and if I do, I probably can't go to Arizona but if not, then I will be out there to support her. The election is on her birthday and I think she will be celebrating big time if she wins and she'll be so down and depressed if she loses so either way, I want to be there for her. Anyway, I love watching the show Big Medicine and hope it returns in the fall.
  17. SpecialK

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I am making some progress but you are right, I need to keep getting out of the house and not keeping things at home is helping. I also called and made a fill appointment for next Tuesday as I'm convinced I am not at the right restriction level. I am eating more quantity than I should of the right kinds of things, like a huge salad or double the portion of meat/protein that I used to eat and not staying full long enough. Okay, off to get in some outdoor time!
  18. SpecialK

    Columbus Area

    Event Announcement Cincinnati, Aug 20-21, 2010 Hello from OH Events! It’s time again to join your friends at an OH event and kick up your heels! We have so much fun at the events, reconnecting with old friends and meeting new friends we may have met on the boards! We learn together, laugh together and sometimes even dance together! Come show off and be a part of our member fashion show. Bring a friend or family member…we encourage everyone to join us. This year we are proud to bring back our main stage speakers (new topics, of course) who are joining us to provide you with the tools and inspiration you need to get on track or stay on track! Gather your friends and take home free photos of yourselves from our sponsored photo booth! Come see Dr. Garth Davis and Mary Jo Rapini from TLC's Big Medicine. Link over to Obesity Help for more info: http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/amos/4204067/Event-Announcement-Cincinnati-Aug-20-21-2010/
  19. SpecialK

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    My family went to Cedar Point in 2001 and I couldn't ride hardly any rides and I know I was that heavy for at least 4-5 years before that. I am thinking about calling Monday for a fill - haven't seen my surgeon in forever. I am trying hard to eat healthy but I'm just eating too much of the healthy stuff I am eating and then I'm getting hungry quicker. I thought that adding exercise would stem this but its almost like I'm looking at those calories I burn are "extra" ones I can eat. Totally the wrong mindset. It will probably take a month to get in to see him. In the meantime, I'll just keep plugging along. This boredom factor of being home so much due to being out of work is a tough one too. I am trying to stay busy but its way to convenient being able to walk into the kitchen for Snacks. I have had a couple phone interviews and 1 in person interview that I came in 3rd on it, and I keep hoping something will work itself out by the end of August at the latest. I'm doing to get back in touch with my support groups more often as I really did my best when I was getting encouragement from others and giving it back too. P.S. I'm wearing a "Silly Band" that is a shamrock to remind me visiby to keep on trying.
  20. SpecialK

    Central Ohio Get Together - Monthly

    I'll bump this up so it doesn't get lost too far down in the list. We are still meeting 2nd Saturdays. I haven't made it in the past 2 months but others have.
  21. SpecialK

    200 LBS to Lose

    Hi newbie lapbanders! I am about 2+ years out on my journey to lose about 200 lbs also - I'm 140 lbs down at this point and have to make some mindset changes now that this last 60 lbs is going to be tough but I am in this for a lifetime commitment to be healthy. I just got to ride 8 of the 10 roller coasters at an amusement park that 9 years ago, I couldn't fit on any of those rides. Hang in there you can do it!
  22. SpecialK

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Cedar Point NSV this past weekend but still room to improve! -- I was able to fit on 8 of the 10 roller coasters at Cedar Point and 2 the seatbelt was about 2" too short and I couldn't ride. I am carrying the weight I have left in my stomach area especially so I am planning to take waist and hip measurements monthly until I know I have those last 2 inches gone that would make me roller coaster eligible for any of them! Even so, I am so, so proud of the ones I could proudly fit into after losing what I have. And, a huge NSV for me is that I walked and walked hours around the park and my knees, legs, and ankles, feet were not holding me back! I was tired but I kept up with the rest of the family niece/nephews youngsters (20 somethings) I was with. I bought a size Medium Tshirt with all the names of the roller coasters on it to remember the day! Confession time- had a huge ice cream cone that day at the park but walked 14,500 steps that day too!
  23. SpecialK

    Columbus Area

    Cedar Point NSV this past weekend but still room to improve! -- I was able to fit on 8 of the 10 roller coasters at Cedar Point and 2 the seatbelt was about 2" too short and I couldn't ride. I am carrying the weight I have left in my stomach area especially so I am planning to take waist and hip measurements monthly until I know I have those last 2 inches gone that would make me roller coaster eligible for any of them! Even so, I am so, so proud of the ones I could proudly fit into after losing what I have. And, a huge NSV for me is that I walked and walked hours around the park and my knees, legs, and ankles, feet were not holding me back! I was tired but I kept up with the rest of the family niece/nephews youngsters (20 somethings) I was with. I bought a size Medium Tshirt with all the names of the roller coasters on it to remember the day!
  24. SpecialK

    Columbus Area

    Thought I'd give this one for Columbus a bump and see what's new with any bandsters out there in Columbus. Still fighting to get my last 40-50 lbs off before I can consider my abdominoplasty *tummy tuck* surgery. Also, since I lost my job here recently, I am out job hunting and am not sure what could happen if I get on at a new place and then need an extended sick leave to have that PS surgery. Will just see how those cards fall when I get there.
  25. SpecialK

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hi guys! I'm hitting the internet pavement big time job hunting. Had 1 meeting with a recruiter and 1 interview with the CIO of a company and 4 of his direct reports and I was told I came in a strong 3rd out of the candidates they talked to. I am applying online to things I see that I think are my strongest matches, not just applying for anything on the board. I went to an invite at a different consulting company last night and had a great Ah-ha! moment - I had applied on this bank's website about noon and then at 4pm when I got there, a bank VP of that same bank I applied to was there actually meeting people right there and doing informal interviews on the spot! She seemed very interested in me, even whispered off to the side what the salary range she had to work with was... so I'm hoping for more good things to come. I've been out and played 3 rounds of 9 holes of golf and have hit the driving range a couple times too. I've been riding not walking though because its been almost 90 degrees and humid. I am getting alot of morning walks and/or walk/jogs in, going to the gym, and just doing anything I can to stay busy and active. It is easy to want to curl up and take a nap in the afternoon (a depression sign for me) and I'm trying to especially make plans to keep me up and not doing that so I sleep good at night. Unfortunately still fighting the same 3-5 lbs right now, not out of control but not losing. I'm okay with it given the stress of the moment. Happy summer to all. Keep on hanging in there.

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