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Everything posted by SpecialK

  1. SpecialK

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hi Shamrocks! Been out of touch a little lately but still working at this lapband thing. I'm in Arizona now for the holidays visiting with family and this is the first time they are seeing me -120 lbs since the last time they saw me. clearly thrilled and happy for me. Gotta be vigilant though as I still want to eat to relax and enjoy time with them because we did that in the past. I did get out and took a kick butt long walk for over an hour this a.m. for exercise. Take care, K
  2. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Congrats Kidmeister! I didn't remember my initial consult two years ago taking 2-2.5 hrs. There is initial paperwork to fill out, and they did a basic exam, they examined my belly area where they would do the surgery, and they explained lapband versus RNY to me and wanted to be sure I knew the difference in the surgeries. What expectations I had about losing with lapband, etc. I will tell you they might try to give you a strong encouragement to switch to gastric bypass RNY as being more quicker weight loss and higher weight loss than lapband but the studies are proving out that lapband patients at 2-3 years out are as successful as RNY on weight loss from what I have read if we are compliant with our diet, exercise, see the surgeon for fill follow ups, etc. If you are firm you want lapband, then he will probably be good with that. They might send you to the hospital part for your nutritionist consultation as part of that 2 hours or maybe even seeing Melissa Webb the bariatric coordinator, not sure how they could fill up 2 hrs. I can tell you there were a couple times I sat in the waiting room for an hour or more waiting to be seen if they get running behind. Take a book or something to keep you occupied.
  3. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    It is no problem if the steri-strips come off on their own, that is okay and they will do that. They just don't want you pulling them off early if they are itching! My fell off one by one in the shower as time went on. I think from the time I sent my $300 check in until I got a letter or call to schedule my initial consult it was maybe 1-2 weeks, not very long.
  4. SpecialK

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hi ladies. Yep, still hanging in here. I am off work for a week to just relax and get things I want done and that is a relief from the extreme stress I have been under on my job. I have had a pretty good day today, ate very reasonable and unfortunately I am little hungry here but I am going to try a new approach and start limiting my food eating after 9pm. I also promised myself to get to the gym each day this week, no excuses. Its good still hearing from hopeinapril, wishin4, sharona, etc. and hope you'll keep dropping by and letting us know how you are doing. Recently it had been mostly me, scrappy friend, potatie, nymc, and a few others I am missing compared to the big group we had originally. I still have my green CareBear with the good luck four leaf clover and I have him in my bathroom to remind me each day to think of what I committed to. Seems silly for a 53 year old woman to have a CareBear but whatever it takes to get me motivated and keep me going is worth it. I did set aside $2400 in my health care flexible spending account for 2010 as my way of committing to hoping I can have some plastics late in 2010 if I have done well losing weight. Maybe the breast lift or the arms - brachioplasty because I know insurance doesn't cover any of it, at least I don't think I have enough of a case of back pain from the large breasts to merit enough of a breast reduction with the breast lift and the arms they definitely won't cover under any reason, so I know those are all out of pocket costs. I want to be sure I'm far enough along though before I do that.
  5. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Sillypuddy and others - I am heading to the Polaris mall 2-4pm gathering. Hope to see some of you there. Kathy
  6. Potatie-- so happy for you Katie on your PS this week. I wish you all the best from all of your fellow Shrinking Shamrocks from the March 2008 group. Kathy
  7. SpecialK

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Sharon -- we all seem to be hitting that mid-life crisis, as in mid-life stage of lapband post op. Where we want to be done with this losing thing, be skinny, pretty, or whatever and it just isn't magic for some of us. My surgeon indicated I can lose another 100 lb -- talk about a reality wake up call that I could still have that far to go. I am still getting compliments and I am still going down very slowly in some clothing sizes so I am going to keep on hanging in there. Please don't give up. Tell yourself you ARE WORTH IT. You can do this. Post every day how you are feeling and ask for encouragement as you did with your recent post. We need to be here for the long term for those of us still working the program! I look at it like this, at least we are hanging in there, some probably gave up long ago. I never want to go back to where I was 120+ lbs ago but knowing I maybe have 80 lbs to go before I'd have plastic surgery is still a tough mountain to climb.
  8. SpecialK

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hi Christine - my heart goes out to you and I want to extend a big bandster bear hug. I have 10 cc in my 14cc band having just had .25 fill about 2 weeks ago. Restriction has definitely found me again. If you remain band intolerant does that mean you may have to have your lapband removed? Would you be able to revise to RNY or the Sleeve? I wish you all the best. I would be beside myself too if I had what you are dealing with. My best wishes that things get better. Kathy
  9. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Kidmeister - congrats. That sounds like a really understanding husband for recognizing how important this is to you. Keep on truckin!
  10. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    I am finally seeing some progress from my last fill of .25 cc -- very tiny upward adjustment. I am finding I am not too hungry earlier in the day and then I loosen up as the day goes. Yesterday had a sliming episode and I had not had one in probably over a year so I thought I would maybe post here for the newbies who are posting now. Sliming is where the saliva builds up in your upper pouch in a reaction to something you have eaten that is filling up your stomach and the saliva that is generated is adding to the already full sensation you have from what you ate. For me, the pressure in my upper stomach became so strong that I excused myself and went to the bathroom and let the excess out (barfed as they say). Mostly the saliva and a little bit of well chewed food particles and I thought okay, I'll feel better now. Nope, about 15 more minutes later I am sitting at the table in the restaurant and still very uncomfortable again, excused myself again, more productive burping up. Again, thinking I am okay, driving down the road maybe 20 more minutes later and suddenly had the urge to let it out, couldn't stop and just had to use a wad of Kleenex to spit up the saliva. After that, was finally fine. Okay, you newbies are probably wondering, what the heck did you eat? Well, some coffee while waiting, maybe 1/2 cup. Then 1/2 cup of cottage cheese, then I started picking at a small chicken thigh and leg. I was picking off small pieces. I had a couple bites of mashed potatoes. That is it. Then the pressure began. Other days, I can eat much more than this. I guess it was just that I hadn't eaten earlier in the day before I tried to eat chicken or maybe on that day, the cottage cheese alone was enough to fill me up but normally cottage cheese should go down pretty easy due to it being soft and I do chew it also. So, chew, chew, chew to all you newbies. Eat slow. and this 18 month post op bandster better keep to the rules too.
  11. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Floridainohio --Congratulations on your surgery! Glad to hear you are doing well. I think I would agree with you that the more I see Dr. Miller the more personable I think he becomes, has a good mind and very good doctor. I'd rather have his style than an arrogant type doctor any day. I don't feel he rushes when he is with me and that is good too. Sillypuddy - yes, as LadyRoz said, it will keep getting tighter and then suddenly you will find your sweet spot. I'd say that 7.5 cc is getting close so hang in there. I have 10 cc in my 14 cc band. Keep measuring your food, diary what you eat, etc. More info you can provide the doctors about eating, exercising and hunger the more they will adjust your band to the right spot. Kidmeister -- great Christmas/gift to yourself to save up and pay your $300 program costs fee. I know I kept working it to find the money for co-pays, etc. but it was all so worth it.
  12. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Yes, www.Fitday.com, www.sparkpeople.com or www.dailyplate.com are all good ones I have heard people like. I use a bodybugg to track my exercise and it also comes with a food tracker included but if it didn't I would use one of those I mentioned. It is very good to keep track of what you eat.
  13. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Here is the link to the next informal get together of the various Columbus lapband program friends. Will be the 1st Saturday in November where we otherwise have met on a 2nd Saturday. I hope to see some of the Mt. Carmel folks come. I'd be glad to share my experience and or answer questions for those at whatever stage you are at. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f56/central-ohio-lapband-get-together-november-7-2009-a-104279/#post1349065
  14. The invitation is open to all! Whether you are pre-band, newly banded or an old band pro. If this is your first time, feel free to bring a friend or spouse along as we welcome your support system folks too. Everyone is welcome! Where: Polaris Mall food Court When: Saturday November 7, 2009 Time: 2 p.m. Look for us near the entrance to the Great Indoors store in the back corner seating area next to Chik-Fil-A. If we're not there look for a large group of folks sitting at several tables pushed together in the areas on either side of the Great Indoors... that's usually us :-) Hope to see you there! Please note this is the 1st Saturday in November where we have otherwise met on the 2nd Saturday!!!
  15. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Dr. Miller is a super doctor. I see him for all my follow up care and would highly recommend him. Dr. Price did my surgery but then asks either Dr. Choban or Dr. Miller to do follow ups due to his other duties at Mt. Carmel as a teaching staff doctor and trauma surgeon as well as all the other patients he has.
  16. SpecialK

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    BrandNewLisa -- We are happy for you. I am like you that I keep wondering will I ever get brave enough to get out there on the dating frontier again let alone believe someone really appreciates me. Keep posting on this topic. I need to hear how you are overcoming and getting through this. The Mt. Carmel October support group topic was on post weight loss body image! Timely subject. Kathy
  17. SpecialK

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Wow, I am envious of the -170 lbs but I am sure you have worked hard for every pound. Congratulations. I saw my surgeon this week and he put back in .25cc to take me back to 10cc in a 14cc band after having taken .5 cc out 6 weeks ago. Resolved the reflux but definitely left me with less restriction. He asked a good question: ARE YOU EATING UNTIL YOU ARE FULL OR ARE YOU EATING A MEASURED PORTION? I had to say I was eating until full and he told me not to do that - to go to measured portions and try to stay with 3 meals a day, 2 Snacks in the day and try not to snack after my dinner meal. Will try this and see if it gets me kicked into gear. He also gave me a mental kick in the butt by explaining to the resident that was in the exam room helping with my fill that I was half way to where I needed to be, what my pre-op weight was, what a normal BMI weight for me is and how much I had to go -- 100 lbs to go not the 60 lbs I have been keeping on my Ticker. Oh boy... now I need to commit even harder to lose more steady. No Halloween candy for this house!
  18. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Hi folks. I told Dr. Miller I definitely thought I needed a fill because my portions were growing larger and my hunger was coming back sooner since my last unfill adjustment. He asked me a good question that kind of made me stop and think and I thought I'd share it here: Are you eating until you are not hungry or are you eating a measured portion of food? I had to say I was eating until full and he said to go back to putting a measured portion on my plate, eat 3 meals a day, 2 snacks in the daytime and to try not to eat a night snack unless I felt I really needed it. Trying this approach now and hoping this helps me mentally. Like packing my lunch today and I ate all I had and was looking for something else in there and it was empty! No going to the snacks machine at work. lol Dr. Miller put back in .25cc of the fill amount he had taken out 6 weeks ago and I'm doing fine with no reflux. On day 2 now and eating more foods and trying to see where my restriction level is. I don't know if I will get back up to where I was or if this fill level will be the sweet spot. Wish me luck, I still have a long way to go, maybe 100 lbs according to what he suggested. Yikes, I thought it was closer to 60 lbs left to go! K
  19. The suggestion was made to offer something other than a Saturday for our get together so I'm going to put out a chance for a Tuesday p.m. Hope you can join us. Anyone who has an Urban Active Fitness membership and wants to head over to the Polaris location for a workout after, I'd love to have the group workout support. Kathy ******************************************* The invitation is open to all! Whether you are pre-band, newly banded or an old band pro. If this is your first time, feel free to bring a friend or spouse along as we welcome your support system folks too. Everyone is welcome! Where: Polaris Mall food Court When: Tuesday October 13, 2009 Time: 6 p.m. Look for us near the entrance to the Great Indoors store in the back corner seating area next to Chik-Fil-A. If we're not there look for a large group of folks sitting at several tables pushed together in the areas on either side of the Great Indoors... that's usually us :-) Hope to see you there!
  20. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Hi Kidmeister! Nice to see/hear from another new Mt. Carmel lapbandster person at the pre-op/investigating stage. Sillypuddy also answered. I went to my information session late October 2007 and that changed my life. At the one I went to Dr. Marcus Miller was the speaker and I was very impressed with him. I have heard they rotate which of the surgeons speak, sometimes its Dr. Choban and I actually had Dr. Price for my surgeon. Dr. Miller sees me for all my follow up care and has been great. I'd recommend any one of the three of them. Hope you take your time investigating your options because being informed is the best thing you can do for yourself. This website is a great source of information. On insurance, there is a Insurance section off the main page and you should check there. Anyone who has a specific kind of insurance can post there and ask others or search in that forum thread area specifically and it should tell you what others have experienced with your insurance company. Best wishes, Kathy:smile2:
  21. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Lisaasil9 --See the posting above this from FloridainOhio --getting banded Oct 26 at Mt. Carmel. You can Private Message to connect up via email or whatever. Good luck.
  22. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Hi there FloridainOhio -- I bet you are getting really excited. There is a new poster on here named Lisa and she is also an October 2009 bandster for Dr. Choban at Mt. Carmel. You should Private Message her and stay in touch because you will be going through the same stages of things together for awhile now. Best wishes as you countdown to your band surgery date! :confused:
  23. SpecialK

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Hi Lisa. Here is a link to the October 2009 bandsters list on this website. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f22461/ I don't know how many other Mt. Carmel bandsters might be hanging out there but at least you'll connect with those going through the same stages as you. When I looked at the one thread, I didn't see any cute logo name for the month group like I think last October was the Halloween Hotties. Maybe you could suggest something or design something and they'd jump on board with your idea. I have always loved our Shrinking Shamrocks logo for March 2008 when I got banded. I was banded by Dr. Price on St. Patrick's Day so that is a special day for me. Something liquid other than sweet shakes like chocolate, vanilla, etc. protein. I have used the Unjury Chicken Soup and its good protein. I also bought the Unjury Unflavored protein powder and it goes in about anything you'd want, e.g. a glass of V-8 juice maybe if that is something you like? Also, I am a whiz at putting things in my blender or using one of those hand bullet blender/mixer things. I buy Wendy's chili and put it in the blender early on and it was yummy. I also used refried low-fat beans for a soft food that is good fiber and protein and I put salsa on it. I also made a soft food meal out of ricotta cheese mixed with parmesan cheese and then put spaghetti sauce over that and topped it with some shreds of low fat mozarella cheese. Microwaved that. and it tasted along the lines of a pasta-free lasagna. I also mixed unflavored Unjury into that dish when it had cooled a little to give it even more protein boost. You have to be careful with protein powders clumping up if you put it in something too hot. Hope these ideas help. Loved Dr. Choban, Price and Dr. Miller is my follow up doc. I see him Tuesday for a small fill and I hope it helps me get losing again. I am thankful for my -120 lbs so far but need to keep losing and I'm a little stuck. We do have an informal group that meets at the Polaris mall once a month if that interests you. Private Message me and I can give you an email, etc. to stay in touch.
  24. I'm running behind on things too. Did you get your lapband? Where did you go?


    Here is the link to the Mt. Carmel thread in the Columbus area. We also get together about 1 time a month at the Polaris mall if you are interested still.


    Hope all is going well.




  25. SpecialK

    bodybugg or gowear fit

    I thought I would add that the Bodybugg website is showing the monitor on sale for $199 now instead of regular $249. They also lowered the monthly membership fees to keep synching after the first 6 months and I was happy about that.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
