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Status Updates posted by morningoasis811

  1. Hi Gabi,


    I actually grew up down in Santa Barbara, CA and moved to Sacramento in Sep 2000.


    I do Client Services for WebEx, we're an online web conferencing (webinar) provider.


    What about you? Where did you move to and where are you having the surgery?


    How long have you been in OA?

    I joined back in May 2004. I lost 90 lbs working the program with a 2 year abstinence then shit happend and I gained it all back within a matter of 8 months. My Dr. suggested WLS so I had the band placed in 10/2007. While I was in relapse and gaining weight I still went to meetings occasionally. I never really left for good. I Got the surgery. then realized how f'd up my brain is regardless the size of my stomach. I've only told a few people, once I mentined it at the group level in a share, but not since then. I have a new sponsor now and she knows about the band and supports me and my program.


    Talk to you soon. Thanks for dropping a line.



  2. Hi Jenn. I'm 5'4. Started at a size 24 and am now a 14 (misses not plus size) :)

  3. Hi Anna,


    Sorry for the delay, I just got this message today. I'm still working on figuring out all the new features since they updated the site.

    I started at 274 in September 2007, size 22/24.

    Went on Weight Watchers for pre-op diet, lost about 10 pounds, down to 264 (recorded pre-op weight)

    Then a week before my surgery date, I got the stomach flu and lost 8 pounds in a week, down to 256.

    I had surgery on 10/25/07.


    I currently weight 201.4, size 16

    73 pounds lost since Pre-op diet

    54 pounds since surgery

    So it looks like i'm losing an average of 9 pounds per month since surgery. However, the entire month of Feb I was stuck at 221.


    I'm doing pretty well so far I think. Just trying to keep portions to about 1/2 cup or so and cut back on the SF deserts.


    How are you doing?


    Thanks for dropping me a line. :)



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