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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by morningoasis811

  1. morningoasis811

    Constantly feel band

    Hi kate, I was recently banded on 10/25/07 and am down about 12 pounds. I'm on my first week of pureed food. I feel something in my chest and and I do get full really fast. I havn't had any fillls or adjustments yet. My first fill appointment is not till Dec 12. On the gas thing, I was drinking everything through straws and sippy cups and was having tremendous gas pain and passing a lot of gas. The last two days I've switched to sipping from the straw to the edge of the glass, and this has helped my gas a lot. Not sure if that will help you or not. I get really paranoid and am really conscious of my band and I visualize everything going down. I'm trying to baby it. I'm really worried about switching over to soft/chopped solid food in a few weeks.
  2. morningoasis811

    I don't understand (goal weight rant)

    I think for some, setting a high goal weight is a fear of failure, but it can also be realisitc for someone who has been large their entire adult life and doesn't even know if their body's can get to a low weight like that. I'm 5'4" and my Dr's told me that my BMI should be under 25 for me not to be considered overweight. I've studied the BMI charts and I've had my body fat percent tested. I set my first goal as 150 which is a BMI of 25. Then I thought, that's not challenging for me. If I'm going to do this, let's DO THIS and get to a healthy range. When I was a freshman in high school I weighed about 146 and was a size 9/11 Juniors. I figure If I can get down to 135 I'll be a size 8 or so. I'm good with that.
  3. Hello All, I'm curious at finding out how much time people were given to be off of work or how long you waited to go back. I hear that it takes 2-3 weeks but some people feel fine after less than a week.:sick I had my Band surgery on Thursday 10/25/07 and am scheduled to go back to work on Monday 11/12. So that's about 2.5 weeks. I'm not sure if I'm ready to go back yet. I'm still so uncomfortable. Please let me know. I know that everyone heals differently and pain levels all vary. I have a desk job, but it is very demanding and fast paced work. I just want to know if I'm being a big baby or not. Thanks.
  4. morningoasis811

    Who still has steri-strips?

    I had staples for the first week. I first post op appointment was 7 days after surgery. They removed the staples and I have the steri stips on now. 2 have already fallen off after 5 days, the rest are still holding strong. I can't wait till they fall off, scabs heal and I can start using vitamin E and stuff to help make the scars go away.
  5. I was prescribed diet stages as follows: Liquid Clear - first two days after surgery during hospital stay Liquid Foods - Weeks 1 & 2 Pureed/Mushy - Week 3 Soft/Chopped - Week 4 Regular - Week 5 forward I think I might do the Pureed/Mushy foods for 2 weeks instead of only 1. I don't want to rush things.
  6. morningoasis811

    Sick of Protien Shakes!!! HELP!

    Unflavored protein powder in soups. Drink high protein soy milk I eat a lot of pudding with the protein powder blenderized soups with meat for added protien
  7. morningoasis811

    Two Weeks Banded

    Hi, I was just banded on 10/25 and have only lost about 10 pounds. I've been on a protein liquid diet only so far with lots of water. No real exercise, just walking around where I can. I'm going to start walking today around the block while I'm still home recovering. I have more energy now but I'm still really sore. How much protein are you drinking a day? My goal is 60-80 grams. How are you losing so much??? tell me. :confused:
  8. morningoasis811

    Did your Doc require a pre-op diet?

    I was advised to lose 10% (27 pounds) before surgery, to show dedication and to shrink the liver. I only lost about 10 pounds and they were happy with that. 2 days before surgery I was on a clear liquid diet and the day before I had to do a "Bowel Cleansing" (not fun).
  9. morningoasis811

    Wish I found this website sooner

    I would have started my journal right away when I got home. In this journal I will record my progress with the band surgery. I am still sore and I'm in the second week after surgery. I've lost about 11 pounds so far. I'm pretty excited about that. The doctors keep reminding me that my loss will be much slower than bypass patients. I'm going to do my best to make this surgery work for me the best it can. I am going to excercise and show my doctors who is boss. I got the lap band surgery because I have failed at losing weight in the past. I'm tired of losing and then regaining it. It's not good mentally and it's not good for my health. More to come.:ranger:
  10. morningoasis811

    Wish I found this website sooner

    I would have started my journal right away when I got home. In this journal I will record my progress with the band surgery. I am still sore and I'm in the second week after surgery. I've lost about 11 pounds so far. I'm pretty excited about that. The doctors keep reminding me that my loss will be much slower than bypass patients. I'm going to do my best to make this surgery work for me the best it can. I am going to excercise and show my doctors who is boss. I got the lap band surgery because I have failed at losing weight in the past. I'm tired of losing and then regaining it. It's not good mentally and it's not good for my health. More to come.:ranger:
  11. morningoasis811

    Just banded October 31!

    Hello All, I'm brand new to this site. I was banded on 10/25/07. I'm home for two weeks. I spent the first night in the hospital then came home for a day, and was back in the hospital for 3 nights after vomitting all day on my first day home. I came home on 10/30 and have been recovering nicely. I'm moving around as much as I can, but am still very sore and trying to get in all my protein. I'm glad I found this site. Everyone I talk to had the bypass and I know they are similar, but sometimes it is hard to relate you know.

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