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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by morningoasis811

  1. morningoasis811

    Why no caffein?

    That's exactly what I heard. I was told I can't even drink decaf coffee or tea. 1) Caffiene is a diuretic and it's hard enough for us to get all our liquids in anyway. 2) It's a stimulant 3) Tea and coffee have acid which can contribute to ulcers, gerd, reflux and more... so even decaf still has the acid... The message seems to be consistant.
  2. morningoasis811

    In Your 20's And Had Surgery?

    I got my band about 2.5 months after my 27th birthday. I am so happy with my decision. Since I graduated high school (nearly 10 years now) my weight has gone up and down drastically. I have my education now, I have a great job, I'm married to the man of my dreams, I want to buy a house and have kids... my life is great... accept I was still fat and struggling. I fugure get it while you're young! learn to live a different life, it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks right? I'm looking forward to my new life ahead with the band, the ups and the downs. I know for sure that it will be better than any life I had before it. Good luck!
  3. morningoasis811

    Kicking the addiction...

    sorry, I don't want to find another addiction, I want to get to the root of why I have an addiction, fix that crap and move on with my life with new coping skills. Why just toss more stuff in your baggage to carry around with you the rest of your life in a skinny body with all the same mental problems. That's not what I want for myself. If my body is going to be healthy, my mind better catch up. I'm too young to have this crap plague me the rest of my life. I have better things to do that battle addiction. The boards are awesome support, I'm so glad I found this website. I don't know anyone else who even knows people who got the band. there is so much insite and wisdom on here, different points of views and experiences to learn from.
  4. morningoasis811

    Kicking the addiction...

    For me, my addiction to food is like a disease. I compare it to feeling like a drug addict (my dad has been sober for 15 years now) He stopped the drugs but his disease of addiction (head hunger for us I guess) tells him he can control it, that he can have just one bite, he deserves it. But he knows his life is better without drugs, He says that it is still a daily struggle sometimes to not turn to any substance as a coping mechanism. I feel the same way about food. I did find relief from my compulsion and obsession from food by working the 12 steps in OA. I'm not endorsing this answer for everyone because we are all different. I'm simply stating that this I know has worked for me in the past. I lost 90 pounds on my own and the obsession was completely gone, I was relieved. However, I stopped working the program, life got in the way and I got cocky and thought I could do it on my own and I didn't need help anymore. I had it under control. Well I gained back 80 pounds in one year! Then my Doctor suggested the Lap-Band for me. She still asks that I go to OA meetings. *rant*:whoo: I keep thinking that if there was surgery that would help people quit drugs or alcohol becuase it was killing them, they would be required to go to AA meetings and go to rehab and stuff. Why is food different? Because it's socially acceptable? food is taxable? we are american gluttons? Why is there not stricter mental after care for WLS people? I'm disappointed in the after support that is encouraged or provided by my surgical team. I know my band is a tool. And I need this tool. I had been successful on my own before but I was missing something. I'm hoping this band plus excercise will be my key. I also know that I need to be right in the head. I can't control my food. I'm an addict and I have a problem. Take what you like and leave the rest. thanks.
  5. I was scheduled for an overnight stay so they told me to plan ahead. I brought a light robe (for when you're up walking around to cover your bum and for warmth. *Note too, that when you're walking it helps to hold a pillow to your tummy for support, but you also have an IV pole, so I used the robe belt to tie the pillow around my tummy, I just tucked the pillow inside the robe. It looked silly, but it really helped. Bring slippers for sure. Eye mask and ear plugs, nurses are lound and neighbors are noisy. tooth brush and toothpaste. Your mouth is nasty after you wake up from surgery. I list of phone numbers since you can't use your cell phone, I was bored so I called all my friends. Clean underwear I was too groggy to read any books or magazines. Just mostly TV. Plan ahead in case you need to stay longer. I was in for one night, home for one night then back in the hospital for 4 days due to dehydration and over inflamation, I couldn't keep Water or pain meds down. Good Luck!
  6. morningoasis811

    Fiber and Digestion

    I've been taking over the counter Miralax powder each day, mixes clear with Water, and I'm going twice a day like clockwork. My Doctor also perscribed me Colace (Docusate Sodium) which is a stool softener and safe to take every day for weeks at a time. I was advised to stay away from LAXATIVES - Stool softeners are you want. Less gas, less drama, more calm and very "regular". The colace helps you hold more water in your colon to help move things along.
  7. morningoasis811

    Why did you choose the band over GB?

    This is a really interesting thread and something I've thought of asking as well... I chose the band over the bypass for a few reasons: 1) I have not had kids yet and it can be adjusted when I get pregnant 2) I have lots of abdominal issues already stemming for a birth defect called Gastroschisis. I have malrotation of my bowels and adhesions holding everything together in the wrong place. So they wouldn't be able to go in and re-route and remove my guts. I already have digestive issues from all of that as well. 3) slower healthier weight loss 4) No dependence on suppliments the rest of my life 5) It's adjustable, so there is less risk of stretching out the pouch, like with the bypass, if you stretch back out you're screwed, we can have our Drs adjust to assist us a long the way. Thank you for all your posts.
  8. My top weight was 46, I think i'm 41 now
  9. morningoasis811

    What will you eat for Thanksgiving??

    Thanksgiving marks my 4 week Bandiversary! I'm on my second week of mushies. All the good soft stuff is loaded with fats and sugars. So I'm making the sweet potatoes and green bean caserole this year with low fat low sugar everything to help me out. I plan on mashing up some white meat turkey 2oz or so. 1/4 c yams & 1/4 c of green Beans and sauce (no crispy onions and mashed up) I'll have a 1/4 of the LF pumpkin pie filling for desert and that's all I plan on. Lord help me!
  10. morningoasis811

    What do you do for a living?

    I'm a Client Services Manager for WebEx Communications. We're an web conferencing service that Cisco owns. Located in Sacramento, CA.
  11. morningoasis811

    How the heck to you sip without getting air in?

    Yeah, My surgeon said NO STRAWS. I'm being very careful and following all the rules to a T, but not with the straw thing. I find that i will forget to drink if I can't just lean down and sip through a straw, especially now that I'm back to work. I got travel Water bottles with the straws, I stick straws in my Protein shake cartons. But the straws help me sip slowly and get all my liquids in (which I struggle with). I used to Gulp water out of bottles. I am aware of the gas and do feel that I may be getting too much air, so I'm trying to be very careful and aware of the air. Maybe i'm being stubborn and need to give them up. I do still get gas, normal I think though. I'll check with the Dr. again on my first fill date 12/12. Thanks for everyone sharing their no air tricks... I do burp and fight back hiccups alot. Damnit! must be the straws.
  12. morningoasis811

    Anyone register their band?

    Hi abckids, How cool! I'd register mine if they told me how... What kind of band did you get (brand name?) I got the "Allergan Lap-Band System" What is this Post-op bag you speak of? I want to know if I can get one...
  13. morningoasis811

    Sorry, the sex is bad!

    I meant Schmoe, like a schmuck and average joe. sorry I can't type today. I'm just making words up.
  14. morningoasis811

    Sorry, the sex is bad!

    My husband was used to skinny girls, he said he never had a preference, it's just whether he like the girl or not. Guess he really liked me and I'm the biggest he's ever had. He said the sex is better, I'm not very self/body conscious though when it comes to sex though. I figure, he was attracted to me when I had my clothes on, nothing changes size wise when they're off! so I have a good time! Anyhow darling! That guy was a schoe as everyone has already said, but girl, when you have it with the right guy, it will be awesome! In losing weight before sex got way better, I could reach things, bend over further and so on. Have fun and don't let one bad apple spoil the bunch. You're a badass making yourself a better person. Don't let this guy bring you down after all you've been through! go get 'em tiger!
  15. morningoasis811

    Do you ever get frustrated with band babies?

    I'm a newbie and find all threads to be very helpful. I never seek advice, I look to learn from other's expereince with the same thing I'm going through. Every BODY is different. It is very hard to find people around me who have had the band. I can name 10 with the bypass, but I had to dig and dig through my network to find people that other people knew to get advice from before I got the band. I didn't find THIS website till a week before I got my surgery. I had done a ton of research, looked at studies and at obesity help... but again, most experience is for the bypass. As a newbie I was asking a TON of questions, even to bypass patients. I was asking about the mental challenges, eating with others or spouses, obsession over weight, is it weird not to be hungry. Some bandsters and bypassers were like "wow, that's really good you're thinking about these things... I just went for it" I was astonished at how many people just jumped in to this. I needed to know everything for elective surgery. I doubted myself, my decision... how do i know I could keep it off with the band? I wanted to make sure I was in good mental condition to make the decision... there is a lot that goes in to this and it is a very serious thing. Thanks to everyone who posts RnR's, inspiration, positive and negative. Yes some is scary for newbies, but you HAVE to know these things before you elect to get this done. Know the statistics, talk to real people! you must. We are all here for support we can't get anywhere else! we need each other on here. Thank god for the internet!
  16. morningoasis811

    Transfering to alcohol?

    I have a friend who got the gastric bypass, he's lost like 120 pounds so far... and is now an alcoholic. I've heard this put as "Floating compulsions" It's how we cope. If we don't learn how to "really deal" with our issues, we will just transfer our coping drug of choice so to speak.
  17. Hi there. I'm in week 1 of two weeks on "mushies" or pureed foods. I'm just curious as to what everyone else is eating. I'm looking for some variety and just to compare, I'm really curious. This is what I've been eating: Morning - 8oz Protein shake Snack - 1/4 c. low fat ricotta lunch - 1/2 c. bean/veggie Soup with mashed chicken added Snack - 1/2 c. tomato or other low fat creamy soup (squash, mushroom) dinner - 1/2 c. bean/veggie soup with 1/4 c. meat, Beans, or potatoes Snack - 1/4 c. sugar free puddings or popsicle 600-700 calories 60-70 grams of protien I also drink about 3-4 bottles of Water a day I space out the 1/2 c. portions over 30 min or so Thanks for the input.
  18. morningoasis811

    Recovery Time//Time Off From Work

    I have a fast paced desk job and I was told to take off 2-3 weeks. I had my surgery on a Thursday (10/25) and went back to work about 2.5 wks later on Monday 11/12. I'm still pretty sore and don't have lots of energy. I think by this friday I'll be back up to 100%. I stretch and walk around a lot.
  19. morningoasis811

    Just banded and HUNGRY!!

    Do you know about how many calories a day you're consuming? Im only at about 600-700... Lucky, you get to have coffee and tea? They said no to the caffiene and no to decaf because of the acid... I'm going to start drinking veggie juice for sure. I'm tierd of just Water and protien drinks. A full 1/2 cup at one sitting sounds like so much to me. Maybe I'm babying myself. I should be feeding my metabolism more. I only get hungry at night, but i'm affraid to eat before going to bed. I'm going to modify a little bit to like what you're doing and see how the hunger goes. thanks for the tips.
  20. morningoasis811

    Just banded and HUNGRY!!

    I was on Protein liquids for the first two weeks, 4 0z per hour Mushies - 1 week - 1/8 - 1/4 cup solid portions with fluids still Soft/chopped - 1 week - 1/4 - 1/2 cup solid portions along with fluids Timeline:They also said that it should take 20-30 min to finish these small portions... whatever, they get too cold. I take about 10 min to eat that small amount. They are all a little different. I'm trying to stick to smaller portions. Like for lunch I have 1/2 cup of bean soup, but I have 1/4 cup each half hour. that helps me. I'm worried about stretching out my pouch too soon.
  21. morningoasis811

    Expectations vs. reality

    Thank you for bringing up the word addiction. It's not just head games, head hunger, or getting your shit together. For some it is an addiction. ~this is my personal opinion, take what you like, leave the rest, I'm not pushing my thoughts on anyone, just sharing my experience~ I heard someone once say "I could have just as easily become an alcoholic, but I was mugged by Sara Lee and the Pilsbury dough boy before I was old enough to be seduced by the Jose Cuervo and Jack Daniel's." - Anonymous My dad and a few others in my family have struggled with substance abuse with drugs and alcohol. I am the only fat one. I feel that I chose food to cope. I saw what drugs and alcohol did to my family and thought I would never be like that. Then facing 300 pounds, one day I realized that I had simply chosen a different drug. A more socially acceptable drug.:hungry: Sometimes I think it would be easier to be an alcoholic, you just STOP drinking all together, stop going to bars, stop hanging out with drunks. You cant stop eating, stop going to the grocery store, stop going out to eat, stop being around food. When I hit 280 I considered gastric bypass, at that seminar, I realized the problem is in my head and not my stomach. At that point I joined OA (overeaters anonymous) and over the next two years, I worked the program and lost 90 pounds. The obsession had been lifted. I started changing my life and dealing with old shit and the weight fell off. Then last year I got married, graduated and lost my job. It was a lot to handle, I stopped working the program and gained back 80 pounds in a year.:whoo: Last April my Dr. Suggested the bypass again, I decided on the band. I figured that with all of my knowledge of working the steps in OA that had helped so many other drunks/foodies the band would be one extra tool in my tool belt. I know it will be hard. I have to do the foot work and USE my tools. I got myself into this mess, and now with help I can get myself out. I am looking forward to my journey with the band. I also plan on going back to OA and working the program again. My addiction/disease will always be there. I simply need to change the way I handle and give in to this disease. Thank you for letting me share my experience. I Assume that the band will help me if I use it. This thread has been very insightful and helpful! I'm on this site daily soaking up as much persepective and experience as I can. Sorry this went on so long.
  22. morningoasis811

    Need a kick in the pants!

    Hi Lady bug, I was asked to lose about 27 pounds before my surgery, but they told me 10-15 would be good enough for them to schedule me a date... I lost nicely on my own by counting calories for about 6-8 pounds, then I freaked and gained back like 10. I feel ya sister... After talking with my primary care physician, we agreed on weekly weigh ins at the dr's office so it was recorded AND I joined weight watchers and started the core (low carb) plan. I lost 11 pounds in a couple weeks and I was scheduled for a sugery date 3 weeks later. That was my experience.
  23. I did the two weeks of Fluids (protien shakes) and I just started the second stage of pureed/soft foods. I'm still doing a lot of the shakes becuase I'm so affraid of stretching out my pouch so soon or not letting myself heal well enough. Even 3 weeks post op I'm still pretty sore and can feel the band in there. I know myself too well... hello complusive eater that's how I got fat in the first place, testing limits, nibbling here and there... no good. I'm being really strict with myself and taking it really slow. I have to try and be different this time. I don't want to screw this up.
  24. morningoasis811

    Just banded and HUNGRY!!

    I started to feel hunger about my 4th-5th day post op. Not hunger pangs like I was used to, but a definite emptyness and grumbling to be filled. I just mixed in Protein powder with my pudding and sipped on thick Protein shakes. It goes away, feed it with the fluids. I can relate on the cracker thing. It's so weird not to chew. I have to admit I've taken bites of things and chewed them up, but spit it out before swallowing. I sucked the salt off of a chip. I chewed and spit two bites of pizza then two bites of cake. Not good behavior for this I'm sure, but old habits are hard to break. So I'm working on it, but didn't swallow though, too affraid to mess up my band or stretch out my tummy too soon. good luck
  25. morningoasis811

    Newly Banded--Similar Pain Anyone?

    I was banded on 10/25, and I have to say that the gas pain was probably about 60% of my total discomfort. In the hospital they gave me milk of magnesia, and I took gas-x chewables when I got home. Lots of walking helped too. I started passing gas finally around day 4-5 and I was in heaven. On the pain meds... before surgery I was able to take vicodin no problem! However, that liquid stuff made me throw up all day my first day home from the hospital. I couldn't stomach it. One ounce every 4 hours, that filled my little pouch, I couldn't get any other liquids down. After the first vomit session the surgons told me to switch to tylenol but I couldn't keep that down either. I ended up back in the hospital for 3 days on IV's because I was in so much pain and dehydrated. I just couldn't take the pain medicine on an empty stomach. They switched me to Oxycodone, I just put a drop under my tongue ever two hours. It worked reallly well for me. Now since I'm over 2 weeks post op, I'm taking Tylenol rapid release pills, as directed by my Dr. I take them about 5-10 min a part. Take the pain medicine you can while it's prescribed. take advantage and use as directed, you'll feel so much better.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
