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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by morningoasis811

  1. morningoasis811

    Help - Post surgery problems

    Hi, I have a similar story to MamaT I went in for one night, home for one night, then back to the hospital for another 3 days before I could home again, all due to swelling, inflamation, and dehydration. I've been fine ever since. I had my surgery on 10/25, was discharged and came home 10/26 at 8pm. In the hospital I was able to sip Water, but got really nautious when I started sipping the Lortab elixer (liquid Vicodan) before I left. It passed and they let me go home. The next morning my husband went to pick up my Lortab RX, I took the first dose at 10am, felt ok but couldn't get any water or protien down, just felt too full and nautious. Then I took the second dose at 3pm, as soon as the RX hit my stomach I started throwing up (lots of liquid) very scary. Called the surgery team, they said take it easy, don't force the liquids, switch to childrens chewable Tylenol for pain. I was fine all day, sipping little liquids. I took the tylenol at 2am and started throwing up all over again. At that time I called the surgeons again, I was told to go to the ER. I got to the ER on 10/27 (Sun) at 2am, got hooked up on IV's for fluids and morphin, I was super dehydrated and in a lot of pain. I was checked in later that afternoon to my own room at 3:30 and stayed on IV fluids with NO liquids down my throat. I was able to go home on 10/29 because I could hold liquid down. and they put me on new pain meds. ALL of this was due to swelling and sensitivity. Some people just heal differently. *note* they determined my swelling by taking ct scans (xrays) watching me swallow barium stuff, then resting and taking more pictures to make sure stuff was moving through. They fully checked me out and were very good to me. I hope your wife gets better soon.
  2. morningoasis811

    Kicking the addiction...

    Sorry to post so much about addiction, it's just something I work on a lot and am really conscious of. I just wanted share a book title that the Psychologist at my surgery clinic recommended that I read. After reading this thread I went through my therapy notes and found the title and decided to buy it and start reading it tonight. Why Can't I Stop Eating?: Recognizing, Understanding, and Overcoming food Addiction (Paperback) by [ame=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/104-1789117-5955955?%5Fencoding=UTF8&search-type=ss&index=books&field-author=Ph.D.%2C%20Debbie%20Danowski]Ph.D., Debbie Danowski[/ame] (Author), [ame=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/104-1789117-5955955?%5Fencoding=UTF8&search-type=ss&index=books&field-author=Pedro%20Lazaro%20M.D.]Pedro Lazaro M.D.[/ame] (Author) "What causes your physical cravings for food?..."
  3. morningoasis811

    Kicking the addiction...

    Hi MichelleB, I feel the same way, I was advised by a mentor to allow myself to grieve the loss of this friend, feel it, go through it and learn new coping skills. Your comments reminded me of something I read in my clinic's bariatric literature that really hit home on this topic and I found it to be inspirational once I had moved pass the grief: "Losing certian foods is not deprivation - It is LIBERATION from the damage, pain and suffering they were causing your body. Celebrate their loss, don't mourn it!" -Kaye Bailey I know it's still hard and of course I struglle with it, but this little mantra helps me think of the band as liberation, to help me do what I could not do alone.
  4. morningoasis811

    Follow WW?

    The Core plan is different from the Flex plan in that you aren't alotted a certain amount of points per day. There is a core foods list, and you can eat any of the foods until you are satisfied. The list includes these (quoted) food groups: Lean meat and fish Fruits, Veggies and leafy greens Whole Grains Milk and dairy You still get like 35 points to use during the course of a week. On things like White bread, sweets, alcohol (any foods not on the core list) For me, since being banded I find this easier to follow and easy to get my protien. I feel that it pretty much mimics the food plan the doctors have perscribed for me anyway: Avoid refined sugar and flour, eat whole grains, limit empty carbohydrates, alcohol and sweets. So it's easy for me to get my Protein from the meat and dairy and Beans, then I fill up on veggies and fruit and use a little healthy oil in the mean time. And like others have said, have a glass of wine on special occasions or one peice (not a whole bar) of chocolate. For me, it provides the structure on a weekly basis for what has been advised by my doctors a few times on paper before surgery.
  5. On Oct 3 I got my appointment for Oct 25th, so I had 3 weeks to plan. At this point I'm about 5 weeks post op finishing my third week back to work. I can't believe how fast it's all gone by. I'm glad I only had short notice of the date though.
  6. My insurance process was relatively stress free. I have Health Net of California. Once my PCP put in the referral for the Bariatric clinic and I started that journey and decided to move forward, I called Healthnet to see if they cover weight loss surgeries. They said they did if I had a BMI over 40 and showed a medically monitered weight loss plan for 6 months prior. (luckily my old PCP with a different insurance but some health care group, kept track of me when I lost 90 pounds about 2 years ago on my own) So that counted for me. When It got down to it and I was scheduled for surgery I was nervous becuase they hadn't discussed insurance so far. I called the clinic and they assured me not to worry and that they really fight to prove that it is medically neccessary for me to have this. They did the work for me. I was approved within one calendar week excatly.
  7. morningoasis811

    Anyone From Sacramento?

    Hi Vicki, I was the 8th Band that UC Davis did, they only planned on doing 10 (a study or something) they are very Pro-Bypass only, I had to beg, borrow and plead my case to get the band. After surgery the Dr. agreed that the band was best (based on my other internal issues) Anyhow... so all the stuff I recieved and learned about was for Bypass. Not until my pre-op appointment did I get a Band specific food plan, but it's not as detialed as the bypass, the phases post op are quicker, and the calories and volume increase more than the bypass does. I've kind of been following a combo of the bypass/Band guidelines to help me keep portions smaller and to allow myself to heal more before advancing to solid foods. Some hospitals in Sacramento give you the choice Bypass or Band right when you get there.
  8. morningoasis811

    Anyone From Sacramento?

    Here is my email for the support group: morningoasis811@yahoo.com Vicki J - I love the magic bullet. A friend got it for me as a get well gift and it was the best thing EVER. made my life so easy with the food. All soups and meat... no problem. I used it to mix protein powders. Even though I'm on full foods now I still use it. Way better than a huge blender or a clunky food processor. The blending containers are just our size.
  9. morningoasis811

    Anyone From Sacramento?

    Hello Everyone! I JUST found this thread! I live in Sacramento! I was banded at UC Davis Med Center by Dr. William Fuller on 10-25-07. I read at the begining somewhere that you guys meet up once a month? Is that still true? and if so Where and When? Did anyone else have their band at UC Davis? so glad to be here.
  10. morningoasis811

    Follow WW?

    Hi, I used WW points system to lose the 20 pounds needed before surgery. My PCP wants me to continue going to WW (like a perscription) for structure a food plan and support post op. I have switched from Points the CORE plan (basically no white flower or white sugar) like I've been advised to do with the band anyeay. Plus at my weight I'd be on like 33 points a day which is WAY too much food for my little tummy to handle. I love the WW plan, my husband eats the food, it's easy to follow, great online and meeting support. Keep track of my weight weekly. I plan on staying on it.
  11. morningoasis811

    Alcohol ?

    Yeah, I'm really interested in this topic too. Again, I'm not a big drinker but I'd have a beer or a glas of wine every week or so. I know I can't do beer because of the calories and the carbonation. I heard that wine, especially red was ok. Just not sure how much or how often. All doctors are a little different, like some Bandsters are told it's ok to drink coffee and tea, but mine said I can't even if it's decaf because of the acid may cause ulcers. I hope some seasoned bandsters can help shed some light on the subject. Thanks
  12. I had my first STUCK feeling this morning while taking a pill. I am 5 weeks post op. I am eating "soft/chopped" foods and have been taking pills for the last two weeks (ok per Dr.) I normally take about 6 meds a day, before surgery I'd even swallow a few at a time with a big gulp of Water... However, today I was at my desk, going to take my Colace stool softner gel tab, I took a swig of water, realized it was soo much, spit some back into the cup, then tried to swallow the pill. NO GOOD. It felt like it was stuck in my throat right above my collar bone. I was freaking out. I went to the restroom and stood over the toilet thinking I'd PB...? I did sip water...now I know that's bad... I tried swallowing saliva hard. I ended up licking little bits of watered down yogurt (lubrication?) until it passed. It took about 2 hours till it felt passed, but I've felt the remnance all day. scared me. So glad people post past experience on here! thank you. Now I know for next time.
  13. morningoasis811

    Monthly weight loss report & goal for next month

    Surgery: 10/25 Loss to date: 17 pounds in 5 weeks Frist fill: 12/12 Hunger level: I get a little hungry between each meal. I only eat 1/2 cup servings at a time. Calories: I currently range from 600-850 a day. I'm trying to stay between 700-800 Protien: averaging about 60-70 a day (one shake the rest solid) Goals: Continue logging my calories religiuosly and planning ahead for the next day Try to consume more solid protien and less protien drinks Reach for 70-80 grams or Protein per day Walk 3 days a week on my lunch break To be in anywhere in the 220's by the end of December I'm looking forward to seeing how my restriction goes after my first fill and how that affects my hunger and weight loss. Love this group!
  14. morningoasis811

    TENaciousTENS "roll call" as promised!

    Can you add me too? morningoasis811.......25........Emily Thanks!
  15. morningoasis811


    Chicken and Turkey are tricky if they are dry. I use a lot of condiments like ketchup or mustard to help moisten them up and get them down.
  16. morningoasis811

    Do we all have "issues"?

    MusigalF - your #1 and #3 hit the nail on the head for me. 1) I have had many discussions with my dad (who has been sober from drugs and alcohol for 15 years) about how we handled our addictions. He told me about how he changed his life, his surroundings, his social circle and so on after he stopped using. He used to view overweight people as just "fat and lazy and needed some self control" but after talking with me and understanding that I have to face this demon 3 times a day with all of these other influences and my emotions... I'm not saying It's harder to lose weight than to quit drinking... but i'm an all or nothing kind of girl, black and white. It's easier for me to just cut something out completely than to moderate myself. That's just me. 3) It scares the crap out of me to have overweight kids. I hope and pray that any of my future children inherit my husbands family genes, they are all tall, thin/lean. My mom was somewhat overweight while I was growing up, but not obese. She was the largest of her three sisters. My dad's side of the family, he only has one overweight sister, everyone else is an addict of another kind. I am by FAR the largest person in my whole extended family. I hope and pray to god that I can get my "issues" worked out and manageble beofore I have kids, i've done a lot of emotional and spiritual work over the years and feel i have a pretty good head on this whole obesity issue and why I'm fat, why I stayed fat, and how i'm changing my life. Thank you for your insight! it really hit home for me.
  17. morningoasis811

    i'm so confused!

    Hi gemini68 Can I ask what how tall you are and what you weigh? do you know your BMI? I feel that I can relate to you, we're around the same age and one of my primary motivations to lose weight is so that i can get pregnant besides being healthy for myself and not yo-yo the rest of my life. My top weight was 280 at age 23. I'm young, got the boys, I take good care of myself, dress well, educated, funny and so on. From age 23-25 I lost 90 pounds on my own. I maintained for a year and was a perfectly happy size 14 totally average. Then I had a string of very stressful events happen and from 26-27 I gained back nearly all of my weight. Last May after making my way back up to 274 my Dr. suggested the Bypass. I'm married now, i'm done with school and have a good job, we're ready to start a family. But I have other health problems that already put me at a high risk pregnancy. So they advised that I be at least down to 180 before I try and get prego. I chose the band over the bypass for many reasons, even though the loss is slower. I'm only a month out and I've lost about 18 pounds and I lost about 20 before surgery. So far, I feel it's totally worth it. Yes I can lose weight on my own, I know I can. But the band is a tool I carry with me all the time that helps tame my hunger and control my portions which is something I couldn't do for myself before. There are challenges and risks, but my Doctor and I discussed all my fears and concerns and after going to therapy and doing a TON of research, we decided the Band was for me. So here I am. I look forward to reaching a healthy goal weight in 12-18 months before I try getting pregnant. I too want a baby SO bad, I'm at the right place in my life with everything except my weight. So I've dealt with that and have my husband for support and he's willing to wait with me while I get healthy to carry a new member of our family. I'm not sure if any of this has helped you. But please let me know if you have any other questions or anything. Good luck. Do tons of research before you make up your mind. Go through the motions and talk to a surgeon, you can always back out, they can't make you get the surgery. I promised my doctor I would at least go through the motions while I made my decision.
  18. morningoasis811

    How Many Times a Day?

    They told me the same, 3 meals with no Snacks. However I believe that they hope it's a deturant for grazing you know. I do the 5-6 small meals a day. I'm only a month post op so I'm only able to get down 1/2 cup of food at a time. So I plan a lunch and just eat it in two phases. I'm hoping it keeps my metabolism higher.
  19. morningoasis811

    Banded in October

    Hey there, how did your surgery go? I am 27, 5'5, was banded on 10/25 and am concerned about having kids after I lose weight. My surgeon said they would simply unfill my band when I get preggo. He also said to wait 12-18 months or until I reach goal weight before trying so that the concentration stays on me and not a baby. The only risk I've heard of is that if your body is in starvation mode, there is a small risk of malnutirtion for the fetus. Give us some updates on how you're doing? we have a lot in common. thanks
  20. morningoasis811

    Worst Food in America

    OMG! thank you for sharing this link. I'm sending to everyone I know and making my husband read it. He eats this crap!
  21. Hi, What were/are your stats at one month post op? Plus your comments on how you feel about the rate of loss so far? Day of surgery weight: 254 One month post-op : 238 Pounds lost from surgery: 16 Calories at one month: 800 max I feel like I'm in starvation mode. I've been at a plataue already for the last week or so. I can't excercise for another two weeks. I'm carefully tracking everything I eat, calories, protien, liquid and so on. thanks for posting your stats to share.:clap2:
  22. morningoasis811

    Kicking the addiction...

    Hi Lindata, I totally get ya. Floating Compulsion or Addiction transfer is what I've heard it called. we're on the same page for sure!
  23. morningoasis811

    All frustrated October bandsters....

    I was banded on 10/25/07 I read Wendall's post while I was home recovering. I think i'm missing something and I want to be part of this October thread. What is the frustration? My first fill is scheduled for 12/12 (6 weeks) I too got the Allergan Lap-Band that he is speaking of. My weight loss has slowed down as I've gradually progressed in calories as directed. I'm following my post op guidelines to a T and not going over my calorie limit. I eat about 6-8 times a day about a half cup at each sitting. I'm getting my Protein in. I went from losing 6 pounds one week, to 3, then 2.2 then 0.4 this last week. I thought I'd lose more with more calories because I was kick starting my metabolism again... who knows. the unknown and starvation mode are frustrating to me. Not sure I'm on the right page here. Thanks for the guidance.
  24. morningoasis811

    What the hell do i do now??

    Zicam nose spray is a miricle elixer. A week before surgery I got a crazy cold with the worst head congestion EVER. It's a bit pricey (like $8-$9) but it's the only cold remedy that delivers what it promises. 12 hours of a clear head. And you don't have to swallow anything! I sound like a commercial, but I really was amazed. I hope you feel better.
  25. morningoasis811

    post-op return to work

    My surgery clinic recommended 2-3 weeks before returning to work. I took short term disability and was off for 2.5 weeks. I think that was the perfect amount of time for me. I wasn't required to take sick or vacation time. I had my surgery on a thursday, came home friday night. Couldn't keep any liquids or pain meds down on Saturday and went to the ER that night. I stayed in again until the following Tuesday. (I had a lot of inflamation and couldn't handle the pain meds and was super dehydrated) So there is NO way I could have gone back within a week even. Everyone is different though. I tend to heal slower in general.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
