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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by morningoasis811

  1. morningoasis811

    Experiencing Hair Loss

    I noticed my hair loss around the 2 month mark. My hair is already kinda thin ish to begin with. My hair is one of my prize posessions you know. When you're a fat girl, you gotta work with what you got. I had awesome hair, blue eyes and big boobs. I'm freaking out about hair loss! Biotin was suggested. I've been trying to keep up on protien... good to know though that its just a phase and not forever. I'm tierd of cutting hair out of my vaccum each week, pulling it out of the drains and such. Sometimes at work, a hair will just fall to the desktop. I hope it stops soon. I'm doing everything I'm supposed to and meeting my nutirtional goals. At my last fill appointment this past Wednesday, I told my surgeon and he ordered some labs. Looks like a full Protein panel. Not sure what they can find out from that?
  2. morningoasis811

    Lap-Band and Weight Watchers

    I joined WW when I was struggling with my pre-op diet. It really helped. My primary care dr. suggested it. I've made a commitment to stick with it. I like the weigh in's weekly. I'm on the core plan. It's working great for me. Makes me feel like a real normal eater, not on a diet. It really helps me stay motivated weekly. I get a lot of support.
  3. morningoasis811

    Meal Card...anyone heard of this?

    I was given one. It says something like I've had surgery that limits the amount of food I can consume and to allow me to order from age restricted menus. It's all official looking from the hospital. Only one place has given me a hard time about it. I find that kids menus often aren't the most nutritional even though they are smaller portions... so I usually order a regular meal and eat the left overs and lunch for a few days... the card is nice though.
  4. morningoasis811

    Weight Loss Totals

    I've lost 35 pounds since surgery on 10/25. I lost about 20 before surgery from the begining of my journey. woo hoo. I'm averaging about 2lbs per week right now. Dr. is happy with my progress. He'd like to see me at 3-4lbs a week or at least 10lbs per month, but he's happy. So am I. Loving the band!!!!
  5. morningoasis811

    Cardio vs. Strength finding balance

    Hi all. So what are your doctors telling you about how much they want you excercising? Do they distinguish how much cardio and how much strength training they want you to do? or do they just say how many days a week? My primary care Dr. is hounding me about excercise. She says that for weight loss I should concentrate more on Strength to build some muscle so I burn more calories at rest. However cardio is super important. She says I should be working out 5-6 days a week. Like 3 days strength and 2 days cardio. I started walking at lunch for 45 min 3 times a week, she says that not enough. I said I'm doing baby steps, don't want to go balls out right away and get burnt. I'm just curious as to what guidelines are being set forth for other bandsters in terms of Cardio vs. Strength. If it were up to me, I'd do cardio all the time. I know I need to build muscle though...
  6. morningoasis811

    Exercise and Port Pain

    I had port pain, stress, discomfort for 2 months post op. My overall general surgery soreness and pain went away completely by one month. Give yourself time, everyone is different.
  7. Yes, and glad to see from the Poll im not the only one. They come around 15-45 min after a meal. They are deep and satisfying. So they are productive for me, but not in the terms here where food comes up. Just air and I feel SO much better afterwards, like everything is settling. I thought that I'd have trouble with flatulance after surgery (i've heard people who have bypass fart way more after) however I think because i'm eating so much better I guess i probably fart LESS than I did before. Just the burping is consistant. I almost look forward to it now. It's all good.
  8. morningoasis811

    in the 20's pre-band

    I got banded at 27, I was 274 pre-op and 255 day off. Welcome.
  9. morningoasis811

    Don't forget your water!

    Thanks for the reminder. I know I can totally tell when I haven't beeen getting my water.
  10. morningoasis811

    South Beach Diet Bandsters???

    The phases look like they were posted back on page 1. I'm going to go back and read them.
  11. morningoasis811

    Eating with Other People

    Foofy, thank you for posting this point of view. You are right about the poeple pleaseing aspect of it. I guess my motivation in not in not wanting to tell people at work especially is that I don't want them all up in my business. I generally have a pretty big mouth and not a lot of shame. I made the mistake last time when I lost a lot of weight to talk about it a lot, fed off of everyone noticing... but then felt like I needed to eat extra good around all of them.. F them right? Well when I started gaining all the weight back I was very embarassed and even more paranoid about people noticing, no one said anything them. So this time around, since surgery is somewhat controversal subject, and I really DONT care what people think of me having it because it was an extrememly difficult decision to make and others don't know what I have gone through to get here. I just don't want their input so I don't tell them. So for me I guess it's avoidance and "just not going there" rather than people pleasing this time around. But people pleasing is still one of my major character flaws. It seems unlike me becasue I'm seem so strong and independent... Daddy issues for sure... Anyway, thanks for bringing that point up, definitly something to think about on this topic.
  12. morningoasis811

    Eating with Other People

    I can relate for sure. I do what others have suggested If it's on the fly - I tell them I just ate a little while ago not knowing we were going to eat together If it's planned ahead - Just not that hungry I guess Or I have a bit of a belly ache. It's tough, but just set your personal boundaries before you go eat with others and prepare yourself with answers so you're not put on the spot. I call them canned answers.
  13. I'm going in for my second fill appointment tomorrow morning 1/9. I didn't get a fill at my first appointment because I was losing about 3-4 lbs per week. In the past 4 weeks i've only lost 7 pounds, that's 1.75 per week, I guess that's good. The surgeon told me to expect only 1-2lbs per week. I'm hoping to get a fill this week. I can eat at least a cup of food at each serving and I plan little Snacks in between. I'm staying at or under my 1,000 calorie a day limit they have set. I stopped excercising since the weather has been bad. Thanks for the advice on what to eat before a fill. My appointment is at 9am, so I think I'll just drink 1/2 a Protein shake at 7am. I have no idea what to expect as far as a post fill diet... I don't even know how many CC's are in my band. I don't feel like my Surgeon was very thorough at my first appointment, he didn't even check out my scars or my port, he just saw how much weight i was losing, asked if I was excercising and if I was happy with the band so far. That was it... I'm hoping he's less rushed this time. I want him to check it out. My surgery clinic mainly only does Bypass. I was only the 8th Band. They save it for special circumstances they don't give you the option... so I feel like I have to fight for more attention since i'm not the norm I guess.
  14. morningoasis811

    Loving this band for 2008

    hey everyone! woop woop to a great 2008! I look forward to better health and well being. 2007 was a rough year. In late 2006 I had gotten married, graduated with my BA and was working my first management position. In 2007 my company closed and I had to lay off about 50 people before losing my own job, I gained back 80 of the 90 I had lost in the 2 years prior. I stopped taking care of myself. I was fortunate to find a new job right away, but was on contract at a much lower rate of pay but then got hired on full time at great pay. My new job and company are awesome but the job is challenging and is making me doubt how awesome I thought I was before... we had to put off buying a home and starting a family. I closed 2007 by getting the lap band surgery as an investment in my family's future. Life will throw curve balls at you and I'm always ready to take them on. But last year I let myself down. This year I put myself first. Because when I'm first and taking care of my health and my career, it makes me a better wife, a better friend and a better person to everyone around me. The band is the tool I was missing from my tool belt last year. Best wishes to all of you bandsters out there! 2008 is going to be my year!
  15. morningoasis811

    Has anyone else had this problem

    Is your pre-pay transferable? I would not go back if I could avoid it. this surgery is too serious for you to have a doctor who you don't feel confidant and comfortable with.
  16. morningoasis811

    Monthly weight loss report & goal for next month

    From my goals I posted on 11/28 Goals: Continue logging my calories religiously and planning ahead for the next day I had actually stopped journaling... so I'm going to get back on that. I know it works. Try to consume more solid protien and less protien drinks I have not been eating enough protien, mainly because I am not tracking...or planning ahead Reach for 70-80 grams or Protein per day Only been getting about 40 average, have not been drinking shakes Walk 3 days a week on my lunch break Stopped walking because the rain has moved in and I've been sick To be in anywhere in the 220's by the end of December Miraculously I have reached THIS goal!!! OMG, not sure how, but I am now 227 woo hoo. New Goals to reach by February: Get back to logging my food every day Reach my protein goal of 60-80 grams per day Exercise 3 days a week and make it to the gym Eat less sugar and refined carbs, put protein first Measure my food or keep closure track of portions Be under 220 by Feb 1 (10 lbs a month) Let's do this!
  17. morningoasis811

    Confessional Booth

    Hello... so glad I decided to stop by the 10/07 group, you guys are at the same pace as me so it's easier to identify with you all... I must confess that I have not been perfect either, with the holidays and all the goodies... however, I have still been losing weight slowly... I was really good for the first 2 months, journaling all my food, reaching all my Protein and Fluid goals... but I stopped a couple weeks ago... I've been eating sugar and empty carbs, but making decent food choices. I think i'm only getting about 40 grams of protien a day and haven't been taking my Vitamins... I'd like to slowly pull away from all the refined sugar again, its not stuff we normally keep around the house so it should be easier. We've also been eating out a lot... My new plan based on confession: 1) journal daily no matter what 2) Put protein first and carbs/sugar last 3) exercise at least 3 days a week again 4) plan ahead and grocery shop to help make better choices I feel weird because I have not had any fills yet... I do have some restriction, but I think I can eat at least a cull cup of food at each sitting. I'm hoping to get a fill on this next apt coming up... we shall see... I think I convince myself to eat the crap because I have room for it...I eat my cup of food and then I nibble...
  18. Hello All. I need some input here. I've been on the pill for nearly 10 years, I've had very regular periods this whole time. Even when I've lost weight and gained in the past, my period has stayed constant and on time. I've heard that your periods can become irregular and come closer together when losing weight (quickly)... has anyone else experienced this? My period just started one whole week early and I'm not sure how to proceed with my pill packs.:help: Here are my details... I take my pill pack on Mon-Sun basis, 3wks of pink 1 wk of white while i'm on my period. So I was in the hospital for about 5-6 days after surgery, in that time I was not on any medication other than the pain stuff they were giving me. The day I came home from the hospital I started my period, and I was only 2 weeks in to a new pack... I waited till it was over and then waited a week past that, then started a new pack. I had one month totally normal, had my period on time. Now in my second pack since surgery and I started my period a whole week early. SO, now my question is... do I continue with the pack I'm on and start a new one as planned (so this week I'll be taking white period pills) or do I start a whole new pack???? ANY input on the subject is appreciated. I'm waiting for a call back from my doctor, but I wanted to know some bandster experience. Thanks
  19. morningoasis811

    My blender SUCKS

    The magic bullet blender is the best thing ever. It's blends Ice and cooked chicken to perfection. It's a bit spendy at about $60 but well worth it and I'll use it for everything for ever.
  20. morningoasis811

    Question about pre-made meals?

    When eating frozen meals... how much of one can you eat? I know for the eaters we used to be, they didn't yield much satisfaction... however, I assume that eating one now... I'd be satisfied by eating 1/2 - 3/4's of one...
  21. morningoasis811

    What are your' cereal choices??

    I go for little to no sugar and HIGH fiber. I've been eating plain cheerios and also Weetabix biscuits. Due to the whole grain, they are naturally sweet to me. I'll try to mix them with higher protein soy milk.
  22. morningoasis811

    Taking Suggestions for NEW LBT Features!

    I would like to see specific threads for: -Pregnancy with the band -Bandsters attending Overeaters Anonymous or other 12 step support groups.
  23. I'll let you know what my Dr. Says... any input from others who checked with their Dr.s?
  24. morningoasis811

    self-esteem and sex

    For me, feeling sexy has nothing to do with size but everything to do with attitude. I've been with my husband nearly 7 years married for about 1.5 so far, he's seen me go up and down from 190 - 280 pounds and loves me just the same. I get down about myself when I start gaining weight again. In general I have pretty high self esteem, my weight is the only thing I get self conscious of. When I'm gaining or at a heavier state and feeling gross and disgusted with myself, I fake it till I make it... I treat myself well, I pamper myself and I make myself feel better. When I feel better I'm a better lover. I'm not hiding under the covers, i'm strutting around naked and loving it. I have to find my happy place i guess you could say. It's all in your head baby doll. He loves you!
  25. morningoasis811

    Time for some fun...

    An elephant's heart WOW, i have no reference to how big that is... but dang, i'm sure it's bigger than my head!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
