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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by morningoasis811

  1. Thank god for this forum... because of reading these posts from everyone I know i'm not going to die and that I'll be ok. Yesterday I had a fill of 2cc's in a 4 cc band. My previous fill in January was only 1 cc. I now have a total of 3. My doctor is usually very conservative. If I'm losing weight he doesn't fill. I didn't get one in February. Restriction was good, eating 1/2-1cup at a time, staying full decently, but last month I lost like only 3 pounds. He walked in to my appointment with the fill needle and said it's time. He put in 2cc's, sounded like a lot, a big jump for mister conservative... I hadn't really noticed a huge difference after the first fill... just a little and enough I guess. The fill went fine, he loves my port, says I'm his favorite, he gets it the first time every time, it's a learning hostpital so I always have an audience... I was able to drink the Water fine so I was allowed to leave the office. I sipped on two Protein shakes all day, was feeling good and restricted, hungry under the band and tight on top. Last night I way over did it though, I'm feeling really shameful and embarassed. I'm so used to being invincible to most bandster no no's, i never throw up, i've never been STUCK, no PB"s no sliming...I can eat lettuce and rice... I was totally testing myself and am now hating myself today. I ate 2 cheezits and 3 potatoe chips when I got home from work... softened them up, swallowed with a sip of water, all good. Then I had some creamed corn Soup, thinned out, all good. THEN, I blended up some of my husbands hormel chili with the corn soup... 1/2c down ok. THEN, while I was cleaning the Kitchen at 10pm, I took two bites of the whole chilli to clean the spoon from the pot... OMG, I'm surprised i didn't hurl. It hurt and burned like nothing i'd ever felt before. I was weak, panting, sweating, slimiing, spitting into the sink. my husband was freaking out. I didn' twant to tell him it was because i ate chilli!!! It passed for the most part after about 20 min. But I had a horrible tummy ache after wards, I couldn't sip water to take my pills, i was up almost all night in pain. This morning i'm feeling better, but wounded. I am very aware of my tightness, it's hard to sip water, feels like i'm swalling a cotton ball. trying to sip protein slowly... I know that after surgery I had problems with inflamations, hence had to be re-admitted for de-hydration for 4 days. So i know this is normal for me. I'm kind of scared, but I know i just have to take it easy on myself, water and protein, no Soups, or other mushies for now. He advised I do liquid/mushy for two weeks with this fill... why am I so defiant? Please share your experience, thank you all so much for being here, otherwise i'd feel so alone, probably would have gone to the ER or something... I promise to take it easy today. I'll report back.
  2. morningoasis811

    Port site pain 1 month post-op

    betrthnever, I've been banded for almost 5 months now... however, in regards to pain subsiding post op... port pain lasted the longest for me. I'd say at least 1-2 months. I had port pain and discomfort for at least a full month after I felt recovered and healed from everything else. Where is your port located? Mine is to the left of my belly button, right on my waistline. I was consciously aware of it all the time. NOW I never feel it or even think about it. My dr. said my pain was ok and nothing to worry about. Check with your NP or PA if it persists... hope you feel better.
  3. morningoasis811

    2nd fill: on the verge of misery

    What does "perfect restriction" look like for you? - How much volume can you eat at one sitting? (i.e. 1/2 cup) - Do you count calories? Track food? - How often do eat per day? snacks? -How long do you feel full for after meals? That kind of stuff??? Thanks for sharing.
  4. morningoasis811

    2nd fill: on the verge of misery

    So I stayed on liquids all weekend. I'm definitly feeling better. Good restriction that's for sure, but nothing like that first day home. I think the swelling is all gone. I'm on liquids through Wednesday, then I'll move to mushies. I swear, I was messed up for like 3 days after that fill. Couldn't take my pills, couldn't take anything for my headache i got from not eating anything, or for my belly ache. I finally got some sleep this weekend.
  5. morningoasis811

    Its been a year! please read

    All very good to know. My Dr. Said I shouldn't have more than 4cc's in my band... At my second fill I'm up to 3cc's. I've thought of the future and what if I get "used" to this fill level and it becomes in-effective... Do complete unfills and then new fills work? I was kind of wishing that I was given like a 10 or 14cc band so I'd have a broader range for fills. Seems like 4 is so small and appearltly get's used up pretty quick.
  6. morningoasis811

    What the heck is going on...

    Mindyemt08, I'm kinda in the same boat... I have a 4 cc band as well. My first fill in Jan I got 1cc, felt mild restriction. Then yesterday I got 2 cc's (see my misery thread posted this morning) granted I pushed my limits last night... but i'm super tight. I think he may have jumped the gun on adding 2.... I can't offer advice that you're looking for above... however, I'm wondering, can you tell me how long you waited to go back for an unfill? Did you call the dr and they said come in? what symptoms prompted you? I just want to make sure I give it a chance and let the swelling go down before I ask for an unfill you know what i mean? It's hard to find 4cc' bands on here. keep me posted ok. :grouphug:
  7. morningoasis811

    2nd fill: on the verge of misery

    losingjusme, Thanks for the advice. I'm doing ok today on the Water and protien drink, i'm really thirsty though. I'll call my nurse practitioner this afternoon if the pain persists or if I still feel like i'm going to throw up after a decent swallow of water... I'm definitly staying on the 2 week plan he set for me... I certainly learned my lesson... and I'll be cautious and aware to make sure I'm not too tight going forward after the damage from last night goes away...
  8. morningoasis811

    Experiencing Hair Loss

    Last night I went to GNC and picked up some Folic Acid and Biotin. I picked low dosage like 300 or 600. I thought it was ironic that while I was showering thismorning, i noticed LESS hair loss than normal. Usually that's where I lose the most is when I'm washing my hair and running my fingers through it. So I'm going to five this stuff a try, take them both daily and see what happens.
  9. morningoasis811

    Experiencing Hair Loss

    RPC Thanks for the info about Folic Acid... I'm already taking a prenatal multi-Vitamin. I've added a B Thiamine vitamin supplement as directed by my surgeon after blood work came back that I was low in this. I'm planning on adding Biotin, was actually going to GNC today at lunch... How do we know how much folic acid we should take? do you know what form they come in? Can I get them at GNC or other supplemnt store? Thanks,
  10. morningoasis811

    Can't lose any weight!

    Can you call and give the nutritionist a heads up that you're on your period and see if you can reschedule or if they can cut you a one time break? I think that by calling ahead you're showing initiative and taking responsibility ahead of time.
  11. morningoasis811

    Experiencing Hair Loss

    I'm taking a prenatal Vitamin once a day plus a B complex w/Thiamine. I'm getting my 60 grams of protien in a day. I'm working on getting it up to 80, but that's challenging without drinking shakes and stuff... trying to eat all the protien. When I asked my surgeon about the hair loss (rather gave him an update) he gave me a lap slip to have my "Albumin total protein" checked. I haven't gotton the results back yet and i'm not sure what they can find out from that... I'll repost later after my fill apt on the 12th to let you know...
  12. morningoasis811

    4 months out and struggling

    Thanks for your support... I love this website. I can't imagine going through this alone... I'm still trying to find bandster groups in my area. I have a lot of pride and it's been really hard to admit that I'm not "succeeding" at this band... after losing 90 on my own... then gaining it all back, then having the surgery... should I "get it" by now... I guess we'll learn from our daily struggle...I try not to beat myself up. But I want to be the shining example of how the band can work when everything else has failed you... however we have to work hard, the band just helps.
  13. morningoasis811

    4 months out and struggling

    Hello! So I'm rounding the corner on 4 months post op. I am having a really hard time with deserts and sugar. I have fallen prey to holiday indulgences (cookie parties, brunches, dinner parties, valentines...) I have been losing about 2-5 pounds a month if that. I got a fill in January because I had fallen below 8-10lbs per month as per my Dr. I haven't gained any... so I have this maintaining thing down! that's not doing me any good right now. I'm not being honest with myself, I haven't been on the support boards that much, i'm not tracking my food everyday, my excercise is less consistant. I guess I'n in the mindset of "I have the band, that means I can eat whatever normal people eat... just MUCH less". Not good. With the band doing it's job and helping me out so much like the tool that it is, I guess I started getting cocky. I started feeling like a "normal" eater. I could have a few bites of desert and be satisfied. I could eat half an enchilada and be OK. Like all my friends who don't have a problem with food. But I am different. I know this, that's how I got to be obese in the first place. :thumbup: I want to get back on track. I'm going to get more involved on these boards again, read about what people are going through. I want to hear about others struggles as well and successes. I feel that since i've gotten the band I've become more self involved (good for the most part) but It's affecting my home life, i'm out socializing more, trying to be there more for my friends, and now i'm neglecting my husband. I'm trying to be there and support people who were there for me... but I've transferred my energy. Time to put myself first again... with humility and care. Just needed to put that out there and say it out loud. I'm not the picture perfect bandster I was 2 months ago. Tracking and measuring my food. I know i'm due for a fill soon, but I need to stop abusing my lack of restriction in the mean time. right?
  14. morningoasis811

    12 Steps of Overeaters Anonymous

    Hi Daniel, Thank you for sharing. I have been in OA almost 4 years. In my first two years I was abstinent, working the program and lost 90 lbs. Then life got in the way, i stopped going to meetings and gained 80 back. (that's when my Dr. suggested the surgery). I feel that OA is always in my heart and i KNOW that it works for me if I work it. I feel the same as you said, one more tool in my arsenal. I'm going back to meetings and trying to get back to working the program. I was so excited to see a 12 step thread started finally here... a whole area for multiple threads even... I tried to start a thread for people who have been in OA/FA to get feedback on how others in program have responded, did you share at a group level or only with your sponsor... could you help out that thread maybe and share your experience there? This thread is GREAT for people to help learn about OA and if it's right for you. I'd really like to see some threads for support for people IN OA and working the program for support. I know you're all out there... I could really use the help. I haven't gotten a good response from some people in OA...I lost my sponsor when I decided to get the surgery. I know thats just her, and I keep on going... Thank you all.
  15. morningoasis811

    Sacramento Area Bandsters?

    Hi 65toGo, Yes, I had my lapband surgery done by Dr. fuller at UCD in October of 2007. I had Healthnet at the time and everything was covered. I was worried of course but the gals at the clinic assured me that I'd be good. I had previously lost weight using OA and was supervised by my PCP so that helped (even though I gained it all back) my case AND my BMI was over 40. So I'm not sure for you since every insurer is different. But if the surgeon feels that you're a candidate I know they will fight for you. They seem to do a good job of making a case for you. If you have co-morbidities (bp and such) you might be good. I know the band is preferred for lower BMI's in general I guess... Word of caution to you though, UCD is not Pro-Band. I had to fight pretty hard for mine. I think I was only the 8th band they did. Usually they do the band as a back up if you are not considered a good candidate for bypass. Feel free to message me with questions along the way or let me know how your experience is going. If you do get the band through them, Dr fuller himself does all the fills. The nurses are great. I go in once a month for an adjustment. Good luck, let me know how it goes. Emily~
  16. morningoasis811


    My doctor said that I need to be under a BMI of 25 to be considered not overweight and in a healthy range. I think the range for my height. Ideally i'm shooting for a dress size... I think that a 6-8 misses would be good. I'm 5'4" and for me, the healthy range is 117-146... Last time I was in that range was Freshman year of high school 15 years ago... They gave me a number of 130, but that sounds a little low for me. I'd be happy with 140-150 but don't want to be considered overweight.
  17. morningoasis811

    Spaghetti Squash Pesto Casserole

    Looks tasty, I'm saving this recipe. Thanks.
  18. morningoasis811

    Pain at left rib cage area

    I have the same weird left side pain. Not in the exact area indicated in that picture. Mine is a little more over to the left side and kinda runs up and down. My port is about 3 inches to the left of my belly button, so it's lower than most I think... not sure. My pain is inconsistant. sometimes if I eat too much, or whatever, can't pin it down. I remember reading in all my pre-op stuff (All for Bypass patients btw) that people experience left side pain and that was due to the fact that they had their plumbing re-routed on and mostly on that side. Considering that doesn't apply to us bandsters... I wonder where our side pain comes from. I'm checking with my nurse practitioner... I'll let you know if I find anything out.
  19. morningoasis811

    What is your current fill in your 4cc band?

    I have a 4 cc band. I've had 3 fill appointments with only one fill. I have 1.2cc in my band right now. I have decent restriction, but I can eat a full cup at each sitting and get hungry every 3-4 hours. I passed up a fill at the begining of this month becasue I was right on the 2lbs a week mark (he fills if you fall below that) but I have only lost 1 lb in the last few weeks. Definitly need another one. My next apt is on Mar 12th. Trying to do the best I can until then. I'm glad I found this thread for people with the same band size... When I found out how small my band was, I was thinking that we'd have to be really conservative with my fills since I only have 4 CC's and I hear about 10 and 14 cc bands all the time. How many cc's do you get each fill?
  20. Hi Bandster 1007, I feel ya sister. I've only been banded for about 4 months now and my hair is falling out like crazy lately. Hair is huge thing for me. I love my hair. As a big girl I relied on my good features like hair and boobs in hopes that people wouldn't notice my huge ass. Anyhow, my hair is fairly thin to begin with. It's also naturally wavy and I have been fighting it tooth and nail since junior high school with blow dryers, curling and flat irons. My hair has remained healthy as I take really good care of it even though it gets colored a few times a year and such. So I love the idea of having longer hair, past my shoulders nice and thick and have been in the process of growing it out. With my layers and rate of hair loss, my bangs were looking thin and I was freaking out about it. No one says they notice it, but I do, when I'm cleaning hair out of my drain and off of my desk all day. I decided to keep it medium length, not get all crazy short with shorter layers so it looks thicker (layers around the bottom only, not towards the top). I'm trying to wear my hair more natural and curly too. But I think that it makes me look sloppy and not put together (fat and lazy) when I don't DO my hair you know... anyway. This is what I settled for. Seems to be working ok, just got it done about a month ago. I figure I can keep it this length while it's falling out and growing in, then I can grow it back out in a year or so... whenever it stops falling out.... I hope that helps. Check it out.
  21. morningoasis811

    Sacramento Area Bandsters?

    I'm so glad this popped up in the threads again. Looks like an old one that's been revived. I would LOVE to find some local support in Sacramento. I just submitted a request to join the Yahoo groups mentioned above. Let's keep this one rolling.
  22. morningoasis811

    comparison with gastric bypass patients

    Denise, thanks for bringing this up. When you look at it like that... we are on track. We are given the time to loss slowly and more naturally. AND when I was considering the band, that is one fact that sold me even more... it's adjustable. I know people who have stretched their pouch and are gaining or who have stopped losing... it takes a lot of hard work no matter which path you take. Side note rant - I really wish our surgical teams took more of an active roll in after care in terms of mental recovery from food addiction and nutritional support. I know we have to do the work, but I feel kinda out to dry in terms of support for the long run.
  23. morningoasis811

    comparison with gastric bypass patients

    Comparison to the bypass is THE main reason I refrained from telling the world about my band. Only 3 people at work know and my close friends and family. I try to give people mini education lessons about the band, it's easy to bring up when I'm talking about fills (no one understands how that works) so that's how I explain the difference. The band is adjustable and I have to find a sweet spot, until then weight loss is slow and wavering. My family and stuff has been very supportive so far. At work is where I'm most concerned. These people don't care about me like my friends and family. I try to keep it to myself, I also go to WW for support so I'm just telling people that notice my loss that I'm going to WW and excercising. It's hard not to compare myself either... but that's useless for me since the bypass was NOT an option. I had pre-existing digestive track issues (malrotation and adhesions) that would prohibit them from the "bypass" part of the bypass. Lucky me. The band is awesome though. I'm just not working it like I should.
  24. morningoasis811

    tenacious tens-what are your intolerable foods so far

    Thus far I've only had one "stuck" feeling and that was with a pill after my first fill. No pb's, no throwing up... I was very cautious going back in to solid food for a few months. Especially with foods commonly mentioned as problematic. Like, lettuce, rice, soft bread, orange/citrus membrane, meats and so on. Some things don't sit well but nothing extreme has resulted. Like raw carrots are a no no and I avoid dry meat, so I use a lot of condiments like ketchup and mustard. I've been VERY conscious about CHEWING well and slowly. This has helped. I can tell somethign doesn't sit right when I havne't chewed enough. I have 1.2 CC's in a 4 CC band. some restriction so far, I think the max I can ingest at one time is 1 - 1.5 cups volume depending on the item. but I still feel like i'm eating too much.
  25. morningoasis811

    Hiatal Hernia anyone?

    I had a Hiatal Hernia for years before my lapband. I also had a scope done before my surgery. They said it is something they could fix easily while performing the surgery. They fixed me right up and all is good now. My story is similar to JaxBandster.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
