@@Tierra T Tij I went to the seminar 2/14/15 and had my appt with the surgeon 3/11/15. Had 3 appointments over 3 months (1 each month) with the bariatric nurses clinic and 3 appointments over 3 months (1 each month) with the exercise/nutritionist) these two places are directly across the street from each other so I always made them back to back on the same day. My surgery day way 7/27/15. They'll give you a list of test that needs to be done and you can do those locally. You will also need to do the psych evaluation at healthy steps as partnership will pay for that too.
In order for partnership to approve the surgery it has to be deemed medically necessary. Go see your primary care doctor and get a referral to Healthy Steps in Santa Rosa (this is the only place partnership accepts so it must be them) after the referral, call healthy steps or go to their website to find out their scheduled days for their seminar, attend the seminar, then call them to schedule your appointment with the surgeon. After you go through the program they will submit to partnership for surgery approval.
before finding all this out, my doctor referred me to UC Davis but when I called them and the rest of the bariatric places that was closer to me here in fairfield, they all did not accept partnership.
So Healthy steps is the only place that Partnership is partnered with for Solano county and they paid 100%
My experience with them is great and my Surgeon Dr. Woodbury is phenomenal.