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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Status Updates posted by CaliGirl1216

  1. -106 pounds and FINALLY myself again!

    1. ProudGrammy


      wonderful, wonderful - you must feel great - keep up the great job - congrats!!!


    2. Tams5bab


      Congrats I bet it feels great.

    3. _Kate_


      Congratulations and well done !!

  2. 2 pounds from GOAL, Lost 100lbs!

    1. ProudGrammy


      good for you!!! sounds like you should make this a separate thread for all to see keep up the good job congrats kathy

    2. MrsSugarbabe



      What an amazing achievement!

    3. blondebomb


      woohoo!!!! awsome!!

  3. 2 pounds from GOAL, Lost 100lbs!

  4. Almost to goal after only 5 months post-op!

  5. 5 months post-op, 85 lbs lost, feeling Amazing!

    1. blondebomb


      congrats!!! I know that feeling!! well done!

    2. Smye
    3. Blue Sky

      Blue Sky

      Awesome! Thx for sharing!

  6. 4 mo. post-op, 75 pounds gone & I do not want them back.

    1. ProudGrammy


      75 lbs down!!! that is great

      keep following all the rules, continue doing what you have been doing - keep up the good work - congrats kathy

    2. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Well, somebodys amazing !! Congratulations !!!

  7. 60 lbs lost and I don't want them back!

    1. BigGirlPanties


      u will need to find someone else to load them on... I don't want them either! ;)


    2. CaliGirl1216
  8. Thanksgiving weekend and I lost 2 lbs, YES!! Wasn't even tempted by all of the food. Stuck to it and it shows. Feeling Great!!!

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