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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by CaliGirl1216

  1. CaliGirl1216

    5 days out from surgery....

    These surgeries are life saving, we are all courageous.
  2. CaliGirl1216


    Depression can come with it, yes I would say that is normal. I'm sure it is temporary. Sometimes we go into shock after surgery, once we finally realize what we've done to our bodies. That may cause the depression and/or she may just need more time to heal her mind and spirit after what she has been through.
  3. CaliGirl1216

    Constipation Club

    4 tablespoons of Milk of Magnesia every other day, works like a charm for me.
  4. CaliGirl1216

    Constipation Club

    Milk of Magnesia works for me.
  5. CaliGirl1216

    Oh My I am Miserable!

    I also ate sugar free popsicles to get in more fluids, try that too.
  6. CaliGirl1216

    Oh My I am Miserable!

    You'll gradually be able to drink more water. I actually had a bout of dehydration about a week past surgery, but slowly I was able to intake more water. Some days I still feel like I'm not drinking enough but as long as the dehydration symptoms don't come back, I'm getting enough in. Just keep trying ... sip, sip, sip all day.
  7. 60 lbs lost and I don't want them back!

    1. BigGirlPanties


      u will need to find someone else to load them on... I don't want them either! ;)


    2. CaliGirl1216
  8. CaliGirl1216

    Very beginning stage

    You have so much to look forward too. It's been an unbelievable experience, and so many wonderful things ahead of you. Good Luck with your surgery.
  9. CaliGirl1216

    Very beginning stage

    No, I'm from California.
  10. CaliGirl1216

    Very beginning stage

    My experience with Weight Loss Surgery has been life-saving. So thankful for this procedure. Hang in there, the process takes time, but it's worth it.
  11. Thanksgiving weekend and I lost 2 lbs, YES!! Wasn't even tempted by all of the food. Stuck to it and it shows. Feeling Great!!!

  12. CaliGirl1216

    Thinking about Gastric Bypass

    I had my surgery 2 months ago, and I am so happy I did. As far as Insurance goes, you'll have to jump through the hoops and it can take a couple of months for them to approve it. Your primary care physician will have to sign off on it, you'll have to go to nutrition counseling, psych evaluation, surgery education classes, and weight loss support groups after. That's what I had to go through. I wasn't too overweight when I started, but I had the other health concerns that made me a higher risk (high BP, triglycerides, cholesterol, borderline pre-diabetes) so my insurance paid for it. Good Luck! You'll be so happy you did it. This surgery is life-changing!
  13. CaliGirl1216

    Bummed out

    You have hit the infamous stall. It happened to me too. I sought out this forum for answers and it usually happens to everyone. Mine started at week 2 post-op and went until the middle of week 4 post-up, it is temporary. Now that I am in the end of week 4, I have started losing again. Wait through it, stay on your diet and nutrition and Protein drinks. It is normal to hit this stage and it is temporary. You are doing nothing wrong. Unfortunately, you just have to wait it out. It will pass and you will lose weight again.
  14. CaliGirl1216

    3 weeks Post-Op Question

    I am finally into my 4th week post-op AND the scale is moving again. I feel like throwing a party! I stalled for 2 weeks and finally am having progress again. So what everyone is saying is so true. It is temporary, just stick to the nutririon guidelines and get enough Water and Protein drinks. Yeah, back on track!!!
  15. CaliGirl1216

    3 weeks Post-Op Question

    I have a Weight Watchers scale that I just love. It is digital and tells your weight to the 10th place.
  16. CaliGirl1216

    3 weeks Post-Op Question

    I am heading into my 4th week post-op tomorrow and the scale has not moved in like 10 days. I am trying to keep my protein up too. I found some good protein drinks at Costco. But I have been stuck at the same weight for nearly 2 weeks. I can't wait for this stall to pass. Thanks for the great advice!
  17. CaliGirl1216

    When Can I Take a Bath?!

    I waited a week after the skin adhesive tape fell off, about 3 weeks after surgery.
  18. CaliGirl1216

    3 weeks post op

    My Weight Loss Nutritionist said that drinking the 2 protein drinks a day should also help us get past this hurdle AND to not forget about the water too.
  19. CaliGirl1216

    3 weeks post op

    I think our periods will in fact effect our weight. I usually gain 2 or 3 pounds during my period anyway. I also was on my period this week. So the fact that I haven't lost any for a week I think is part of it too. I called my WL nutritionist and they really urged me to drink the two protein shakes a day. I gotta get better about that.
  20. CaliGirl1216

    3 weeks post op

    I am going through the same thing. I am 3 weeks post-op and I have not lost any weight in over a week. It's getting very frustrating. I have sought answers in this forum and they are calling it the 3-4 week stall. I am still in the middle of it, so I have not passed through it yet. But others are telling me that it is temporary and that the weight loss will continue after this hurdle. Hold on and we'll get there!
  21. CaliGirl1216

    3 weeks Post-Op Question

    Does anyone know how long the stall lasts?
  22. CaliGirl1216

    3 weeks Post-Op Question

    Thank you Ladies! I have not heard of this before. I have been doing everything right and the scale will not budge. I was starting to get really down and depressed about it. Thinking that the initial weight that came off right after surgery was all that I was going to lose, and I need to lose 100 pounds. I am compelled to weigh myself daily. But I will try to take both of your advice and hide it, weighing myself 1-2 times a week. I am so thankful to know that this stall is normal. Thank Goodness! Thank you for replying!!

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