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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by built2livenotexist

  1. I can't answer your question but I can validate the whole wondering what this experience will be like for you. I totally get it. This site does give users the option of displaying their height, weight, date of surgery, not to mention before and after pics and it's difficult not to look at someone's stats/pics and think "Wow! " or to see someone state being " a slow loser" and think " is that going to happen to me?" I have the same type of anticipatory thoughts or fears and, I don't think it's unreasonable. Your doc is the best person to forecast what you can expect to lose(if compliant) but the timetable isn't something they can really tell you for sure

  2. I did not tell my PCP about my surgery which is in Mexico next Wednesday. I've had this same doc for ten years and when I first broached the subject a few years back she was incredibly unsupportive. She told me that I should just eat less and be more active and "do it on my own" She is a firm believer in will power and she's not the only person ever that's taken that position about wls, so I've only shared with my mom, a trustworthy friend and my therapist. In all other respects, my doc has been encouraging and open minded but I just don't need any guff from anyone.

  3. @@clautxs my pre-op diet had been so easy compared to quitting smoking and caffeine. I am one of the lucky ones who actually gets to have a smart meal along with Protein Shakes and Clear Liquids. I also have been doing 30 minutes of cardio exercise daily and balloon exercises to help my lungs. I feel pretty good. I just keep reminding myself that the things that I feel deprived of are all of the things that helped me get to such a crucial point. I acknowledge that I know little of real hunger; I've always eating beyond satiety and biological urge. This helps me get through the sucky moments (like the aroma of Chinese from the restaurant next to the gym!) HTH.

  4. I haven't had my surgery yet; I'm the day before you. But I started my pre-op last Wednesday and I can say I'm the only person in the house who's made any changes; this includes coffee/caffeine, smoking and the diet itself. I'm also the only who is morbidly obese. Sigh. I do my best in relationships when I ask for what I need though. I am not sure about your fiancé but you can't know how your decision may be rolling around in his head. He may be anxious or worried as well and not say anything for fear of not being supportive. Did you bring up the "last meal" and how important it was to you to share it as a family?

    I had to dredge out my will and life insurance policy info for my mom. She'll be caring for my son and I didn't want to go there, but I have to ,as a responsible parent, acknowledge the risk. My mother poo - pooed me away which hurt my feelings. Here I am trying to be sensible about it and she's calling me silly. Later on, she came and told me that it suddenly became real when I brought her the documents and that she'd only been thinking about me losing weight and getting healthier but no other possibilities. She was scared and deflected; my tough old battle axe RN mom did the best she could so that she could feel better about being scared. It just didn't feel good on my end.

    Perhaps you can arrange for a late night snack in bed with your guy. Something you both enjoy, maybe? This is a huge change for you and thus for those you love and who love you. Change is good but it can be scary and uncomfortable. The benefit of the doubt is always a good first step for me when I feel offended or let down by someone close. JMO.

  5. I feel overwhelmed as well. I know I can do it but familiarity is a powerful thing in my life. I've stayed stuck around so many things in life simply because they were recognizable; I knew what to expect. I have been making changes slowly regarding the things that will be necessary for optimal results and health safety(not drinking with food, exercise, etc.) and I still have no doubt that I will be shocked and that it will take time for my body and mind to adjust.

    I laughed when I read the childbirth bit! I remember afterwards wondering why not one single woman in my life told me that it would feel like someone was shoving a fiery sword into my lady parts!

  6. My gastric sleeve surgery is scheduled for October 22nd. I've been lurking on the site for months though and am grateful for all of the support that is out there; only 2 very supportive people in my life know about my decision. I am about 3 days into the pre-op diet. I am a coffee fiend and a smoker and the withdrawal from both the nicotine and caffeine that my surgeon requires feels like poo; so much so that the diet isn't even fazing me. I've gone back and forth between cranky and lethargic and weepy and anxious. I understand that this is normal. I thought to myself, "Why are you doing this!?" I thought I would remind myself and share with all of you.

    I've always been fat. I never used words like curvy or fluffy because they just don't do these rolls and blubber justice. Also, because I just couldn't bring myself to romanticize something that I've always hated; my body. I went on my first diet program at the age of 15 and over the course of the last 22 years I have spent thousands of dollars on infomercial exercise devices and weight loss tablets all so that I could lose and gain the same 150lbs over and over and over. It's crazy how I managed to become comfortable being uncomfortable. Last year, I got a sassy short haircut and while running my hand along the back of my head, I felt a fat roll....on my head. Not my first, of course, but a great dawning began. I realized that my highest weight and largest clothing size had been consistently growing over the years. The pile of smaller clothing that I one day hoped to wear again was made up of garments that were no longer fashionable and began to outnumber the clothes that actually fit. I realized how tired I was after attempting to play with my young child and felt immense guilt at just how many activities I begged out of due to my weight and lack of endurance. I realized that it was becoming increasingly difficult to wipe my own behind thoroughly, especially in tiny public bathroom stalls. I realized how much of my thoughts revolved around food and how ashamed I felt to even raise a fork to my lips in front of others. I realized much of this while carrying a basket of laundry to from the basement to the top floor; I had to stop on the ground level to catch my breath.

    Why am I doing this? Because despite how big I am, I feel really small. This was certainly not the plan. I am tired of being a slave to food and I am tired of the bondage of this body that doesn't reflect who I really am. I don't recognize the lady in the mirror and I don't like her. I am doing this because I am ready to stop limiting myself. Because I want to live and not exist.

    Please share if you will. Why are you doing/did you do this? What moments were really memorable in your decision making process?

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