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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Revgirl

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  1. Revgirl

    GERD, PPI's and low WBC

    Starwars and cupcakes, Thanks for your insights! I would love to hear more about your second procedure. Hoping I don't have to go that route.
  2. I had vertical sleeve in 2014. I can't believe its been 6 years. I have kept off the weight of 105 pounds for that 6 years bringing back the help of a dietician when I felt I needed it. I have been on PPI's for longer to reduce acid reflux. I am just recently experiencing low white blood cell count. I have heard PPI's can suppress the immune system causing this issue. Has anyone else experienced this? Are there other medications not in the PPI family that were effective for your GERD issues? Any info appreciated... Sent from my SM-G965U using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. Revgirl

    Anti inflammatories

    Thank you both for your helpful input. It's a relief to know people with sleeves who have been on this medication. Very helpful Thank you both for your helpful input. It's a relief to know people with sleeves who have been on this medication. Very helpful
  4. I'm two years post surgery. Is it ok to take a daily anti inflammatory? My allergist put me on singulair for allergies. I don't know if this can cause stomach bleeding... Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G925A using the BariatricPal App
  5. Revgirl

    November sleevers in Mexico?

    Hello everyone, Feb. 7th will be my 3 month anniversary. I have lost 50 pds. and am wearing a size 16. I've been getting alot of compliments from family and support from them as well. Buying new clothes is so much fun and a great reward! I have set some personal goals. Once I see a '1' in front of my weight I've decided I'm getting a tattoo that says, "Believe". And when I reach 100 pds. lost I'm getting my second tattoo that says, "Re-Imagine!" These are two powerful words for me because it wasn't until I believed and I re-imagined how my life could be that I was able to take steps to make it happen. Would love to hear how everyone is doing...
  6. Revgirl

    November sleevers in Mexico?

    At the 3 week mark since surgery. Have lost 29 pds. Wanted to ask if anyone is still experiencing pain where your drain tube was? I seem to catch gas in that area and it is quite painful.
  7. Revgirl

    November sleevers in Mexico?

    Sorry for the typo! It is Bariatric Foodie
  8. Revgirl

    November sleevers in Mexico?

    I did promise some wonderful resources. Two I have found online are Bariatric Foodie which has fantastic recipes of all kinds and Nashua Nutrition where I've ordered the most delicious protein shakes/ puddings. I also highly recommend Daiya cheeses from the grocery store. So the recipes I'm using from Bariatric goodie? For thanksgiving I'm making a Chocolate Cheesecake by mixing 2 packets of Nashua Cheesecake mix for every 8 oz. Chocolate protein drink. The whole cheesecake takes 4 packets of cheesecake mix and 2 8 oz. Chocolate protein drinks. Let it set in fridge and enjoy! The other recipe that can be used in the full liquid stage and beyond is what I call Swiss cheese soup. Place 8 oz. of water in a bowl, add 1 boullion cube (I like chicken) then add 2 slices of Daiya Swiss cheese. Microwave for 3mins. Enjoy! When in the puree stage I hope to use this as a cheese sauce to add flavor.
  9. Revgirl

    November sleevers in Mexico?

    Becca, I think what I'm dealing with in my throat is thrush. I will be heading to the Dr. Today. It can be caused by antibiotics which of course we were on after surgery. It is not dangerous in any way, it does hurt alot in my throat though. Hoping to get it under control before thanksgiving!
  10. Revgirl

    November sleevers in Mexico?

    Is anyone experiencing uncomfortableness or soreness in your throat from when that entibate you during surgery? I'm one week and 4days in and thought my throat would feel better by now.
  11. Revgirl

    November sleevers in Mexico?

    Susie MN, going into this I knew how hot natured I was and that Mexico would be warmer. The spray bottle was for my husband to spray my face nd arms when I got to hot and then with the fan in me would have a nice cooling effect. After surgery though I'm now cold natured and find myself bundled up these days. Curious how everyone is doing with their weight loss. Do you include the weight you lost before surgery? I do. So far 24 pounds total, 18 pds. before surgery and 6 pds. since surgery. I plan to weigh at the end of each week.
  12. Revgirl

    November sleevers in Mexico?

    Wanted to share one strange but good effect from the surgery. Before surgery I was a hot natured person. Since surgery I've been cold natured. I researched and found out this can be an effect of the surgery. I actually like it!
  13. Revgirl

    November sleevers in Mexico?

    Revgirl checking in! Didn't mean to worry anyone. Just concentrating on laying low! One week and 3 days after surgery with Garcia at Florence. The best surgery experience I've ever had. Professional, efficient, caring staff and very organized. Things that I found very valuable was bring my own fan, gas x, spray bottle and wash clothes. Have to tell the funny story of how I made my husband order certain foods to eat so I could smell it! Yes, smell it before he could eat it! Aroma therapy was my saving grace! Week two into the diet, I find myself always eating or drinking so I'm very rarely hungry. I feel best on days I walk. Soon I'll post some fantastic sites, products and recipes I've found on line. Glad to hear everyone's experiences and for anyone anticipating, peace in the thought that their are alot of great people there to go through the process with you!
  14. Revgirl

    November sleevers in Mexico?

    Krispaz, So glad you are doing so well!! I'll be on my way tomorrow! I hope your husband has been a great support to you as well as the nursing staff! Praying for comfort and continued healing! Blessings!
  15. Revgirl

    November sleevers in Mexico?

    Becca, Thank you so much for being so candid and telling your story that was so poignant! It takes alot of courage to talk about the emotions that come with descrimination that sometimes feels like it takes away your power. Congratulations for being your own advocate, moving forward and making bold choices for your own life. I applaud you! Some of my struggles were similar to yours and some were different. I happened to be a "beanpole" growing up with frizzy, naturally curly hair and glasses. I say all this to make the point that even though I was skinny didn't mean I fit in...As I got married and had children ( 4 of them to be exact) My body decided it didn't want to lose weight. I too gained alot when I was pregnant with each child and never could really lose much afterwards, 20 pds. hear and there. But each time I lost, I would inevidably gain it back and then some. It was a steady climb up the weight gain "ladder." I am now 51. The wake up call was when I kept exercising, eating right and yet I would still gain weight. I blamed alot of the medications I'm on. Then my last dr. visit was like somebody snapped me out of a dream. "It looks like we will have to put you on a second blood pressure medication." I realized I was walking down the wrong road and with that decided I was taking charge of my health and my life and making a change. I decided to walk "the road less traveled." So, on this forum, it is nice to walk the road with others, like you! I hope we can encourage each other along the way. I have no reservations about the decision, I'm so ready! Just with losing 20 pds. on my pre-op diet, I notice when I go out that people talk to me more, respond to me more, hear what I'm saying. I don't feel so invisible. But my response from my immediate family members has been less than. Meaning, I would like them to celebrate my weight loss and yet, I usually get silence or them making some comment about how they are unable to lose weight, in other words the focus is on them. I think that is why this forum is a great relief to me because we are going through this together and can praise and celebrate our choices and accomplishments together. Tomorrow is my big day! flying to San Diego, having surgery in Tijuana on Friday! I can't wait!

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