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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by divaliciousdee

  1. divaliciousdee

    August Bandsters Updates....

    Bump< Bump< Bump How is everyone doing? Just wanted to check on everyone.
  2. divaliciousdee

    The Fat Fairy...

    Wonderful poem. That Fat Fairy sure gets around!
  3. divaliciousdee

    2006 Bandster Pictures

    NIce pic you ladies are just loverly!!!
  4. Yay I did it I drank 72oz of water and I let my dog Tramp take me for a walk! He needs a bath so that will be my tommorrow's goal and to keep up with the water. Oh yeah and then there is cleaning out my truck, YIKES!!
  5. divaliciousdee

    Lap Band in the News!

    GREAT STORY!!! Thanks Velvetkiss for sharing!!
  6. divaliciousdee

    Map your location for LBT!

    Cool! Am I the only one from Georgia? Come on all you peaches!!!
  7. divaliciousdee

    2nd Fill and NO Restriction?

    I also have a 4cc/9.75cm band. I am at 2.9( I think) and I had restriction for about 2weeks and now I don't. I go back to the Doc on the 11th and I am worried because he said that my last fill should be THE LAST FILL. I don't know I do know that I can eat more than 4oz still maybe about 5oz and I get hungry alot faster
  8. This sounds like fun!! I will drink MORE than 64oz of water today and I will let my dog Walk me!!! I will also eat more vegetables!!!
  9. divaliciousdee

    Interesting article on AOL - lapband and...

    My surgeon told me the exact same thing! He said that he is only encouraging HIGH Risk patients for the Bypass surgery. The one's who just want a quick fix will have to meet certain criteria i.e heart problems, life threatening things. I am glad that I am losing weight period and not gaining so if this is considerd slow 40lbs in 4 months then oh well! LOL
  10. divaliciousdee

    Star Jones

    I have a co-worker who had the lapband a month after I did. She is telling everyone that she is losing weight just by eating 4oz of food at any given meal. Everyone knows I had the surgery because I work in the hospital lab and my name was on the surgery schedule. What she does not know is that everyone knows but won't tell her because it is a HIPPA violation. Some of them were not supposed to even look at the schedule but you know how that goes. I sometimes wish alot of people didn't know but oh well. STar Jones looks bad to me. I don't know if it is that her hair weave is too big or her face is too small. I have a tip for her. Since you have lost all of the weight, lose some of the big hair. I think that she did have some type of procedure, I for one am thinking the duodenal switch( Jesse Jackson jr and his sister Santita the singer had it done and they are good friends with Star).
  11. divaliciousdee

    6 days post-op - Is this normal?

    I agree with Betty. I had the "squirts" too, LOL. It will even out when you get to the soft foods. I think alot of my diarrhea was caused by the milk based protein drink I drank. Try switching protein drinks to the powdered kind that you control the milk content(if you are not doing this already). Smile it will get better.
  12. divaliciousdee

    Shoe size shrinking?

    My shoe size is shrinking and the greates thing about it is I was wearing a 12 medium and that is my mother's shoe size and she has gotten all of my shoes! I can now wear an 11 medium or a 10 wide. I wore and 11 medium when I graduated high school but I didn't ever have wide feet until I got into the 300 lb range. I also love to buy shoes so my mom inherited and we counted 15 pairs of boots 8 pairs of sneakers(k-swiss, nike, reebok) and 13 pairs of dress shoes all in perfect condition she is in heaven!!! Now I am on to more shoe shopping LOL
  13. divaliciousdee

    I Gained Over Holidays

    OH my Darlin', Oh my Darlin', Oh my darlin Clementine You have lost weight girlfriend you've done great go for a fill and you'll be fine. (Sing it in the tune of oh my darlin' Clementine)
  14. divaliciousdee

    Hello!!! I am Back!!!!!

    Well I have finally decided to post my pic. It has been really hard for me to do this. I have a birth defect that is called sturgy weber's oslo rondeau disease. It is congenital and I have a facial hemangioma. To put it simply, one side of my face is bigger than the other. It really shows in my lips, my smile is wopsided. I saw a special last night on a woman with half a body and I thought wow she is amazing she takes it all in stride. Here I am worried about what I look like instesd of being thankful that I can walk, talk, see, hear etc. I have lost 40lbs so far and I love the way my life is changing. Well enough about all of that I just want to say that I have finally come to accept me! I love that so here is the pic I also have and avatar now. I haven't posted in a while because I have been dealing with alot of self esteem issues but I am really excited about how I am changing my focus. I gues I am maturing, lol yeah right. WEll have a great holiday season
  15. divaliciousdee

    Hello!!! I am Back!!!!!

    You all made my Week! I have been on cloud nine. I think I have even lost a few more pounds! I will update my weight on Monday! I have a resolution to exercise, exercise, exercise!!! My sister is getting married in July of 2006 and I am the maid of honor , can you say it is on!!!!
  16. divaliciousdee

    Astro has crossed the bridge

    I am so sorry! Pets love unconditionally and when they go they are truly missed. HUGS and you are in my thoughts! I am crying so hard now.I just want you and roadqueen to know that this too will pass but the memories of your life 2gether with your pet lives 4ever!
  17. divaliciousdee


    I know exactly what u are going through. I am soooo sorry. I pray God be with you in this time. I lost my best friend Max in 2001 he was 10 and a wonderful dog. I bet he and Schnapps are somewhere in heaven having a ball!!!
  18. divaliciousdee

    My Christmas Gift To Myself

    MERRY CHRISTMAS! What an awesome job!!! Keep up the great work and have a Happy, Healthy New Year!!!!
  19. wel I am gonna post a headshot of me from 4/7/04 and the one I took christmas day. I can tell a difference in my face. I have to find some body shots later, lol I Have just one chin now lol
  20. Breakfast: orange juice lunch: two beef ribs about 3oz dinner: campbell's chicken soup( I am getting over the flu) water- I am so ashamed 16oz so far I am struggling with the Water. I don't like water that much. I don't like dasani water or the flavored dasani water anybody please help!!! I am also tired of crystal light, any more suggestions please I am open. I love aquafina and nestle waters that is the only water I drink. I guess I love them I manage to get 32oz in a day. HELP!!!!
  21. divaliciousdee

    1 month NO band and NO weight Gain YIPEE!!

    Michelle you ROCK! I am so proud of you. The band is a tool but ultimately it is mind over matter, and you have set your mind to a healthier you! You go girl and I know you will reach your goal in no time. Thanks for the support of all of us newer bandsters. You inspire more than you know! May your new year be filled with all the things you ever dreamed!!! DeeDee
  22. divaliciousdee

    I'm an official Bandster :)

    congrats welcome to bandlandia!
  23. divaliciousdee

    Swallowing gum

    I thought when you were a child and discovered chewing gum/bubble gum the number one parental rule was DO NOT SWALLOW. Gum was meant to chew not swallow. Oh yeah and my grandma told me the same thing, that my insides would stick together lol,lol
  24. Okay I am definitely in on this one. So here it goes; breakfast: orange juice and 2oz of ham(I will be glad when it is all gone cause I feel that it is my PERSONAL responsibility to eat it, lol) lunch:orange juice again, and 1/4 of a wendy's single minus the bun(just the hamburger meat that is about 3oz dinner: two little hot wings just the leg part(I am so tight in the evening go figure) went out with friends had two wallerbedarns from Outback(guilty as charged). I have a problem with drinking Water but I managed to get about 16oz in so far Total water for the day 32oz. I am trying to work up to 64oz, pray for me lol
  25. divaliciousdee

    Hello!!! I am Back!!!!!

    Thank You All For The Great Words Of Encouragement!!! I Really Appreciate It More Than You Know. I Am Really Getting Back Into The Band Life Again. I Never Stopped But Just Didn't Follow The Rules Like I Was Supposed To. I Probably Would Have Lost More If I Had. Well I Am Gonna Try And Post As Often As Possible, I Really Missed You Guys!! You All Are Rockstars!!!!!

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