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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by divaliciousdee

  1. divaliciousdee

    Food Rules!!!

    SHrimp Fried RIce with RIbs!!!! Hot wings, Hot wings, Hot wings NOW-- hot wings, chips and dip oh my gosh Paula I do this too. LOL sometimes it is my meal. How weird is that, lol and yep it is bad:faint:
  2. divaliciousdee

    About ready to have this band cut out of me

    Glad you are getting the hang of it! I had a piece of steak that I thought I chewed last night but it did not agree with me. This was the second time I have tried steak so I am gonna leave it alone and go back to my good ole chicken, lol. There were 2 foods that I never thought I could live without and they are the two foods that I can't tolerate anymore Steak and Rice. I am a southern country gurl and this is hard. I know you will suceed at this and this site is so great with the support! Peace and Blessings!! DeeDee:hippie:
  3. divaliciousdee

    Surgery in the Morning!

    I am saying a prayer for you! You will do great! With your husband's support you are on your way!! See ya in Bandland!!!:gluck:
  4. divaliciousdee

    Slimmng tea

    I have tried the Diet Green Tea. It really keeps me going to the Bathroom alot. I try and drink it at least once a month. I have friends who drink it everyday that are not banded. It works with me as a laxative. I don't really like it that much but it helps to detoxify and my skin looks better.
  5. divaliciousdee

    I was banded on Jan 9th. '06

    Hey It will get better and you will definitley feel better!!
  6. How do you put all the great smilies in the posts. The birthday one I saw on Margo's birthday page was cute. Help for the challenged? LOL
  7. divaliciousdee

    Alex, LBT is going haywire, help!

    my smilies won't pop up for me when I go advanced. BooHoo.
  8. divaliciousdee

    ALL the great smilies! WHere do you get them?

    I did the go advanced thing but I still only get the post icon smileys at the bottom? I don't see a link that says more. Help!!!
  9. divaliciousdee

    Happy Birthday Margo!!

    GO Margo it's ya birthday Go Margo it's ya birthday So party hard cause it's ya birthday! Have a Very Great Day!!!!
  10. divaliciousdee

    Where are the happy bandsters?

    Happy here too! Oh yeah wouldn't change it for anything!! Losing weight and gaining a whole new perspective on life. Besides I love this board and the people. Everyone is supported through good and bad!!! Cool bunch of folk on this sight!!!!
  11. divaliciousdee

    About ready to have this band cut out of me

    Well with the band comes all kinds of interesting situations. If you eat too fast and don't chew, chew, chew to goo, you will have problems. I think of it as conditioning. Pavlov did it with a dog, he rang a bell and fed the dog, kept doing this until the dog started salivating when he heard the bell cause he knew it was chow time. Keep eating too fast and not following the RULES of bandster life you will condition yourself. SO with that said please slow down, chew, chew, chew and relax. You will not be able to eat certain things that you used to eat. You will not be able to INHALE your food anymore. If you remember they(surgeon, nutritionist) told you your eating would have to be modified. They were not lying. Hang in there it gets better trust me. PEace!!!
  12. I have a 9.75cm band does this mean it only can hold 4cc's of saline? I was always under the impression that I would hold like 9cc's of fluid. My surgeon told me earlier out that I hade the petite band. ANyone know much about this?
  13. divaliciousdee

    9.75cm band? How much fluid does it hold?

    I am worried because I think I have about 2.5 ccs I don't know and I have restriction but sometimes I can eat more than the 4 oz my nutritionist suggests. I have to concentrate on eating the RIGHT things. I can diet but I don't want to be in diet mode with the band. I go to him on Thursday so I will ask him how much I have in there now. I have had three fills. He told me at my last fill that I wouldn't need anymore. I don't know I am worried.
  14. divaliciousdee

    What to expect from the nutritionist??

    Well first of all expect someone about 110lbs and always smiling! My nutritionist is very tiny. She looks great in everything she wears and sometimes I want to be her, LOL. They know their stuff though and will discuss portion sizes and food choices. Protein is always first then the other things like complex carbohydrates. I can honestly say if you go with an open mind or like I went with a blank slate you will learn alot. I try and see my nutritionist everytime I see my surgeon. She is actually the one who recommends my fills. She judges this by how much I can eat at a meal.
  15. divaliciousdee

    Happy MLK Day !!

    Isn't it just wonderful that we can all chat together. share our dreams and hopes together and the only discrimination we have is against certain types of FOOD. LOL I am living the dream everyday. Growing up in the south I have and had experienced all types of discrimination because of my Color. My grandfather was shot at, beaten, and almost killed all before the age of 16. He just turned 88 years old and I will never forget the lessons he has taught me. Man is judged by character not by the color of his skin. That goes either way white or black. We are all created equal no more no less. I know that there are only a few black people on this site that I can recall and I am very proud to say that I have never felt uncomfortable and not accepted by anyone on this site. I know there are still alot of people who have hangups about race relations; but I am into the human race relations and just getting along with my fellow brother and sister. No matter what color, creed, religion.weight lol etc. Martin Luther King Jr had a dream and I am living it. Wow,what a LIFE!!!!
  16. divaliciousdee

    Happy Birthday Candysmooch!!!

    Happy Belated Birthday!!!!!!!!
  17. divaliciousdee

    Sanity Prevails!!!

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Froma one Mega DIva To another!!! It won't be long now!! I am so happy for you!!!! You really inspire us all!
  18. divaliciousdee

    I am in AWE..................

    Whoa MAMA!!! That is just fantabulous!!!!! Good Job!!!
  19. divaliciousdee

    New Foods, New Diet.. with WLS

    Trish I feel ya girlfriend. I think when you are our weight to begin with (I am talking the MEGA DIVA'S who are 300lbs and above) it is hard. I know I had dreams of how much smaller I would be 6 months out of surgery. I figured I would have lost about 60lbs well I am at 40lbs gone and I am a little upset. Then I think about it and say man I used to weigh 345lbs at the beginning of 2005 and then I lost 9lbs when I decided to have the surgery. I am now 40lbs down plus or minus 5lbs but at least I am not where I used to be. I don't like the fact of DIETING but I do try and watch out for the bad stuff. The great part about the band is when you do eat the wrong things you cannot over do it like you used to. I can only eat 5 hot wings whereas before the band I could eat 20. I can only eat 1 slice of cheesecake where as before I could eat a whole frozen sara lee cheesecake in one sitting. Think of it like that. I know you can work this band thing out physically but you have to get it in your head that you are not DIETING you are just making better choices. Go ahead have a little something something every now and then just not everyday. I am here for you and I noticed you took your avatar down. I think you are beautiful so put that picture back up and let's do the dang thang!! I am here for you. DEEDEE( SPokesperson for the MEGA DIVAS!!! LOL)
  20. divaliciousdee

    I'm Feeling Foxy!

    Beautiful, just beautiful!! Before and After. SPeaking as a 300 pounder I know the feeling. I was at my highest about 345lbs. I will post those pics in about 2 months. I will be 37 on March 18 and I want to do a before and after then. It will be about 7 months since being banded. I really admire your perserverance and energy! You my dear are a Class act all the way!!! Oh yeah and your hubby is hot!!! LOL
  21. divaliciousdee

    Is Nooky Better or What?

    U go Girlfriend!!!! Yay!!! What a great way to exercise!!!!! I am currently single but one day I hope to be having fun like you!! LOL
  22. divaliciousdee

    Has Oprah had WLS?

    (Quote DODY): I took a few more minutes and thought about what I have just said, and then I wondered. If Oprah can get by about lying about the curly wig she wears, and making excuses that her producer called her into her office about her own hair (which she was just wearing straight for awhile) perhaps she is capable of having flown someone to her private island in the Caribbean to do this surgery. I just came in to edit this, because I know that is a wig she is wearing and she won't ever own up to it. It is so vastly different from her own hair that it is obvious. (END QUOTE DODY) Well DODY speaking of Hair weave which is what Oprah has it is called a quick weave. Some of her hair is incorperated in the weave. I say if she bought it is hers! LOL SO she wears a wig so what! If she doesn't own up to it, so what. SHe is not bashing wig, weave, toupee wearing people on her show. I love her hair and I think it looks good. I don't think she has had WLS but I do think she had something done to her eyes for the puffiness.
  23. divaliciousdee

    August Bandsters Updates....

    I too am loving this band! I haven't been losing as of late. Time of the month and what have you but I am working hard at it. The holidays were not so bad for me but I made terrible food choices. LOL Well at least I have a tool to help me when I can't seem to help myself. I am at 40lbs gone and I want to have 50lbs at my 6 month mark. I think I can do it. I am starting an exercise regimen tommorrow. I thought about joining the gym and I never did. I have decided to pull out all of my workout dvds and use them. I have everything, Beach Body workout, The Firm, Kathy Whats her name walking dvds, Denise Austin ab blasters in 10 minutes or something like that, you name it I have it. Well I have enough to keep me fit forever LOL. Well I am beginning to ramble so I better stop now, LOL Best wishes to everyone
  24. Okay I started with fruit this morning and even packed my lunch more fruit and vegetables. I also have my balsamic vinegar and olive oil for my salad. I have not drank any water today(uh oh). I usually drink it at work . I go in at 2 and get off at 1045. I get about 64oz at work on a good day. Well I am off to work.
  25. divaliciousdee

    Introducing myself

    welcome and enjoy the great company!

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