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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by divaliciousdee

  1. divaliciousdee

    Update :: bigbellykellie is out of surgery

    Thanks for the update. Kellie , prayers for a not so painful recovery. Yeah and what Kim said the screen name has got to go!!
  2. divaliciousdee

    Kim is Home!

    Yay! That is great! Thanks for keeping us posted. I am glad everything went well. Thanks again!!
  3. divaliciousdee

    Unsupportive family members!!

    Well here is my two cents. I know that your husband is in pain. Even if he is going about things normally he still is their son that they raised and he has to be hurting. We cannot choose who our parents are so we just deal with them the best way we know how. No matter how whacko his mama is(she sounds kind of strange)she is still his mama. I feel honestly that she is jealous. You have taken control of your weight and health in an aggressive manner and you are winning this battle that she obviously has lost or just given up on. It is easier to have a fat DIL than to have a DIL that used to be fat. I hope that you all can work this out. The grandparents no matter what they FEEL should never talk to the grandkids about this EVER!! Just like they are your husbands parents, you are your children's mother. I feel that you should call a meeting and lay down the law. The weight issue is a MUTE subject and in the past. The family is what matters. This was you and your husbands decision. It was nice of you to tell them in the first place cause you didn't have to. The Bible says that when a man and woman get married they leave mother and father and they two become one. Enough said.
  4. divaliciousdee

    Happy Birthday Road Queen

    Happy Birthday! God Bless you!
  5. divaliciousdee

    The countdown is on...

    Best Wishes Kellie! I am with Alex you gotta lose the screen name! LOL
  6. divaliciousdee

    ~Night All

    Praying for a safe surgery and uneventful recovery! See ya in Bandland!
  7. divaliciousdee

    Moving to Malawi - long

    What an awesome adventure you are going to have. I bet it will be just wonderful. To experience new cultures and see how other countries live is something I would love to do. I want pictures!!! I know you will do a great job! God Bless you as you write a new chapter to your book of life!!
  8. divaliciousdee

    Pics Of My Boys

    They are just beautiful! I am with Paula the one where Cristian is kissing Chalio is so touching! I love that! I know you are so proud.
  9. divaliciousdee

    I see the Endo tomorrow-- send love!

    HUgs and Prayers for you crystal. I pray that everything works out for your good. When I was diagnosed with Lupus I was somewhat relieved and upset. I pray you get a definite diagnosis and can proceed with treatment. You are a terrific person with a wealth of knowledge beyond comparison to anybody I know. I want you to take care of yourself, don't worry about the weightloss just about your well being. God Bless You. DeeDee
  10. divaliciousdee

    I Cant Stop Eating!!!

    Paula, I was just checkin' in on you today. Hope you started the day with eggs or some other kind of protein. I started with chicken. I find that if I do this in the AM I am good the rest of the day. I am rootin' for ya Gurlfriend! :cheer2:
  11. divaliciousdee

    Hello! Calling all Georgians, anybody there?

    Hey! Bette Unfortunately I don't live anywhere close to Atlanta. I am about 4 hours away. Until you find a support group feel free to PM me anytime and I will try my best to help with any questions you have. Debbi Dahlin' it has been a while since I have posted on this thread. I am closing in on the 50lbs gone. When I go to the doc it is always around the time my "friend" comes for her monthly visit, lol. I always weigh about 10 lbs more. Then after my "friend "leaves all the weight plus 2 or 3 pounds leave with her. I have great restriction. I am almost coming to terms with this head hunger thing. Now I have to exercise, especially the tummy. It is looking kind of ugly. LOL Oh yeah! Kryssa gurlfriend What's up with you? I miss you Have a great day everyone!!
  12. divaliciousdee

    I Cant Stop Eating!!!

    Jonathan great advice! Paula gurlfriend my chips and dip sistah. You know how we love the stuff:p so every now and then we have to have it:hungry:. With that said you have done a wonderful job with the weightloss,:clap2: so we know that this is not an everyday occurence. Tomorrow is a new day. I have one day that I let be my eat whatever I want day. This is always on a Thursday. I find that this works for me. I also know that when you start out the day eating carbs that is usually how you will end it. Just say that today was a bad bandster day but tomorrow I will be okay! You are a great motivator and an inspiration to us all. So you had a not so good day today , so what you still are 70lbs down! You will be fine! DeeDee
  13. divaliciousdee

    199!!! I Am In Onederland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yay!!!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: WAY TO GO!!! DO Tha' Dang Thang!!
  14. divaliciousdee

    Missing Lesbian

    Hey Angie! Glad you are doing okay? Welcome back!!!
  15. divaliciousdee

    New Update!!!!

    Kathy That is great news! I am so glad that things are going good for you. I hope that the Prozac will help you. Congratulations with being smoke free! I pray that it will be nothing but smooth sailing from here on out! I was on Prozac for about 6 months at 20mg a dose. It worked very well for me. I took it because I was diagnosed with Lupus and scleroderma and was too depressed from just being sick. I am so glad that you are in good spirits! That is half the battle right there. HUgs!!! DeeDee
  16. divaliciousdee

    I'm "official" - my PB story

    Wheetsin welcome to the Pb world! You are no longer a "virgin" . LOL It just pleases me to know end that you had your wonderful husband to stay right there with you. That is just so sweet. He sent you flowers? Now He is just great! Your posts have always been so informative and even though I have been banded longer than you I learn things from your research. I am glad you are a poster on board and share your experiences.
  17. divaliciousdee

    gonna have another baby

    Congrats Carmen! What a wonderful Blessing! Natalie is a beautiful name. I also like the name Natalia.
  18. divaliciousdee

    Banded rich and famous???

    The Boxer is Muhammad Ali . His daughter Khaliah Ali (not the female boxer, her sister is the female boxer Laila Ali) She had lapband surgery. I also believe that Star Jones had lapband too. We will never know who had what in Hollywood unless the paparazzi gets the scoop!
  19. divaliciousdee

    Insomnia and Lunesta

    Lunesta is non narcotic, so addiction to the drug is not as bad as with Ambien. I too suffer with insomnia at times. I am with Alexandra; Melatonin ROcks :rockon: I have used Ambien(my sister has a prescription) and I wake up kind of woosy, nauseous:puke: and off balance for about 30 minutes. I don't like that feeling. Melatonin works great. It is cheaper than the Lunesta but whatever gets you a good night sleep, go for it.
  20. divaliciousdee

    Missing Lesbian

    Well I was her secret Valentine. I have her mailing address. Do you think I should write to see what is up?
  21. divaliciousdee

    100 pounds in one year

    Well Flower I am 6 months out and have lost 46lbs. I want to lose 100lbs in a year too. So I think it is possible. :peace:
  22. divaliciousdee

    Post-op menstruation question for women

    I had my sugery on Aug. 29, 2005. My period came as scheduled in September and October but in November and December a no show! I have been regular since January. I think the weight loss and the surgery causes a slight problem somehow.
  23. Mikey Law and order has a fashion police unit ..tooo cool! LOL Thank you for the laugh I really needed it!! We have number 9 in common! Girl Scout Cookies are the ANTICHRIST!!!!
  24. divaliciousdee

    Why didn't we know ... before surgery?

    There is no Dumb question if you don't know the answer. Yes people eat what they are not supposed to and continue sometimes after the band. All of the support groups, seminars, message boards etc. cannot help you until it just clicks in your head that YOU have to be responsible for YOUR own actions. When I was first banded I thought well I have this band, it holds only so much so I am gonna lose anyway because I can't eat as much cheesecake as I did before. I can have one slice a day instead of half the cheesecake. I still needed to give up the cheesecake. Exercise too, well I have this band so I will lose anyway all I need is exercise to not be so flabby. I have been banded 6 months and just started a regular program of exercise. Like Dawg said it may just be a cry for help. I know that it bothers you but I agree that the topic of this thread is very harsh...no it is kind of mean. No inflection is needed when you ask is someone dumb or lazy..those are negative words anyway. You have your opinion of which you are entitled just as I have mine. I think the topic could have been worded differently. I usually stay away from threads like this but I was curious.
  25. OKay My mama wants all the girl scout cookies. LOL Just the Trefoils. I buy them from my best friend's daughter and I pass them out to all my skinny friends. They are all about my age and you know they have the gotta lose 5-10 more pounds syndrome. So I give them cookies!!!! muahhahahahahhahah! Let them eat cake.....er..COokies!!!!!!!!

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