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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by divaliciousdee

  1. divaliciousdee

    NFL QB Jim Kelly's 8-year-old son dies

    He was a brave boy. My heartfelt sympathy for his family and friends. To quote a phrase from Eric Clapton" And I know there will be no more Tears In Heaven.
  2. divaliciousdee

    OT Bunnies without a home

    Please Save the bunnies! Also look into the elementary school system to see if maybe a class wants to adopt a bunny. First you have to get them checked by a vet. Sometimes you can inquire at the vet to see if they know people who are interested in Bunnies. I don't really care for cats but a stray had 3 kittens in my backyard. They have been eating my dogs food and he lets them he is a BIG puppy. I broke down and bought cat food an now even though I am afraid of cats they run to me and purr and rub against me (after I finish having my panic attack) I go inside. Last night I went to check on the kitties and found a big turtle in my back yard. I guess the cats spread the word so I gave the turtle some lettuce I saw that on tv or something. I guess i am officially Dr. Doolittle. LOL Take care! DeeDee
  3. divaliciousdee


    I collect pens. Writing pens the crazier looking the better. I love anything purple so all of my friends if they see a purple fuzzy pen or some neat pen that maybe lights up or sing a song they get it for me! LOL I had a pen once that had a radio in it, unfortunately it "walked" away from me LOL. So if any of you have interested pens that you stumble upon PM me. Oh yeah and somehow I have this huge collection of PowerPuff Girl stuff. I love them!!!(at 36 who would have thunk it)
  4. divaliciousdee

    UHC - Stalling?????

    My insurance plan is with GROUP RESOURCES in Duluth Ga. I am a Lab technician in our one and only hospital. Our hospital provides the service so it is in the "network". My pre cert was submitted on june 6th they received it on june 13th. We waited and waited on July 6th they informed me that they needed 2 years of medical records to corroberate that I had high blood pressure and was over 300lbs for more than 2 years! How about I have been over 300lbs since I turned 27. I am now 36. I have called and they recieved my 2 years worth of records so now on the 15th I will know if I am approved. I have high blood pressure, Lupus, Secondary scleroderma, Arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome , and fibromyalgia(other stuff they can't diagnos). My insurance already pays alot for the other illnesses in medicne alone. My PCP, and my specialist say that everything except the lupus would be eliminated or manageable with WLS. Get this they both suggested the Lapband because they say it is safer. They are advocates for the band Hurray and have written letters along with the records. If they turn me down I am fighting like hell to get it!
  5. divaliciousdee

    Advise about Psychiatry eval???

    I took a 560 question test first. About 100 of the questions were asking me if I ever thought about killing someone just reworded each time LOL! Naw just kidding but some of the questions were weird. I had and appointment with the psych doc who was really sweet and said that nothing was wrong with me!(shocked my sister and mother who swore up and down that someone else took the test for me! lol) I was very honest and upfront about what I wanted to do when I had lost the weight. The number one thing is to ride a horse. He said but you can do that now. I said that would be cruel to the horse LOL!! Don't sweat it be honest and upfront and you will be fine.
  6. divaliciousdee

    Getting Married ?

    quote form Karen: I'm 36....how are my odds? I am waiting on that answer myself. I doesn't help that my baby sister(33) is getting married next year. If I hear "so what are you waiting for?' one more time I am gonna scream!!!! LOL
  7. divaliciousdee

    So Sick and Tired of This Battle

    DOes mobic work for you? It did absolutely nothing for me. The cyclobenzo thing is flexeril I think . I have that it works and tramadol. The wellbutrin and phentermine are the ones working against your kidneys. I was taking them too had to stop because I went from regular kidney function to once a day but when I stopped them both I went back to normal in about a week. Prozac is good not only for depression but for pain management and in some cases it acts as an appetite suppresant. Ask your doc to switch u up and see. Take it from me I should go into pharmacy profession as many pills as I had to take with the lupus and other stuff lol. Peace!
  8. divaliciousdee

    Game: This or That

    Bottom this or that?
  9. divaliciousdee

    Game: This or That

    SOUTH!!! love or hate
  10. divaliciousdee

    Loose Skin!

    I have been anxiously awaiting getting my band and although I am 336lbs I never thought about having loose skin! According to my Doctors, relatives, and friends I don't "look" like I weigh that much? I have asked friends to guess(I know this sounds cruel to some, lol) and they always guess around 250-280lbs. I think my height throws it off. I am 5'9 all of my family (women) are like 5'10-6'2. I am one of the shortiest. Can I start toning now to offset the extra skin that is "supposed" to be expected? Anyone over 300lbs experience the saggin skin, and if so did you exercise with the band and how much did you do. I still want the band even if it entails sagging skin. I'll just tuck it in and camoflauge it like I am doing my rolls now. LOL
  11. divaliciousdee

    Game: This or That

    Leather! tulips or roses
  12. divaliciousdee

    So Sick and Tired of This Battle

    dyscalculic, What does this mean? U have problem calculating numbers? Jodie I have a question? Do you want to just vent and all of us not respond or do you want us to respond? I suggest you read Jessica O's story. I believe so far all of us have read this poor girls tragic experience and your life is sunshine on a cloudy day compared to hers. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=7414 http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/profile.phtml?N=O1024075523
  13. divaliciousdee

    Please send a Prayer

    I have a friend who did the RNY. My insurance approved her for that right away(we have the same insurance plan). Yet with the lapband they are jackin their jaws and taking there sweet time. Well she decided to go with the quick approval. Her starting weight was 404lbs. That was in December of 2004. Her weight now is 280lbs. Her blood pressure is under control but now she is diabetic. When we started it was just the blood pressure and the weight. Now she has traded her BP pill for Glucophage(diabetic pill). Her vitamin B12 is so out of whack that she has to get shots weekly for that. All of her hair fell out and she still can't eat very much. It took her 2 days to eat a carnation oatmeal breakfast pack. When we go out it is 2 bites and she is either full or running to the bathroom. I have also seen very good outcomes of RNY but for me one bad apple spoils the whole bunch. Last night we talked on the phone and her words to me was I should have waited like you did. She is alot smaller than she has ever been since I met her 16 years ago but a light from her is gone. She takes 2 pills a day now . One for diabetes and the other for depression, and a shot every week. DeeDee
  14. divaliciousdee

    Game: This or That

    granny panties(for now) bought a pair of thongs once just to see. They got lost LOL oprah winfrey or dr. phil
  15. divaliciousdee

    Hair loss

    Well, I lost my hair when I was diagnosed with lupus cause of all the medicines and stuff but oil of rosemary helped me alot. I am african american so I put it in my hair grease . If you are caucasian I recommend using it in your leave in conditioner just pour it in the conditoner bottle. It is kind of expensive and they come in small bottles liquid form.They also come in pill form which helps tremendously. You can find it at any health food store! Hope this helps, DeeDee
  16. divaliciousdee

    Game: This or That

    Natural(with acrylic overlay )lol blonde or brunnette
  17. divaliciousdee

    Game: 5 Letters

    Little Lucy left for Texas. iwtbl
  18. divaliciousdee

    Game: This or That

    SLow dancing! american idol or The Swan(reality shows )
  19. divaliciousdee

    Game: 5 Letters

    Bury body under your house. rpthy
  20. divaliciousdee

    Game: This or That

    spit. lol, lol here or there?
  21. divaliciousdee

    Game: This or That

    crab wedding or eloping
  22. divaliciousdee

    Accepting My Current Weight

    Well from a 5'9 gal 250 sounds great. I went to my doctor and he asked me what would be my goal weight and I said 220lb. The nurse said why 200lbs your bmi will still be over normal. I told her I was born abnormal so normal is not a way of life. Dysfunction has been my experience for a while! LOL When you are 336lbs, 250lbs is great! To maintain 65lbs is fantabuluous! I would like to say that I enjoy all of your posts , you are very inciteful and funny as all get out! I am glad i found this site!
  23. divaliciousdee

    Pictures of my Daughter

    Buttercup She is beautiful and her name is too! Fits her perfectly! she is definitely a cutie patutie!
  24. divaliciousdee

    Please send a Prayer

    I am speechless! I complain alot about what now to me are "little things". I am Praying for Jessica now as I type through tears. I have a strong faith in God and I am faithful that God will help her! Whatever his will may be. The last entry is just .....I dunno what else could happen she has been through it all. Thank you for sharing that link. I feel that she has somehow changed my life. In all of my years I have never felt the way I am feeling right now. When you think that you are going through a bad time then you read something like this and realize your problem is nothing. I know God will be with Jessica whatever the outcome.
  25. divaliciousdee

    Game: This or That

    fiction and facial hair I will answer both sitcoms or reality tv?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
