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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by divaliciousdee

  1. divaliciousdee

    I was Approved!!!!

    My entire process took about 3 months. Make sure you have at least 2 years of medical documentation about being overweight. This can be by your gynecologist, PCP, or any specialist that you are seeing for a medical condition. I have found that after the Dr. consultation, psychology exam, and the nutritionalist visit the rest of this process is entirely up to your health care provider.
  2. divaliciousdee

    SHOCKED to discover...

    Alex I am saying a prayer right now that everything will be fine! I know that there will be no slippage or anything negative! You are a very great help to all of us here and I wish you nothing but the best outcome possible! Stay Blessed and don't worry. Dee Dee
  3. divaliciousdee

    Nut-ritionalist Today

    Same here!! I swear my nutritionist weighs 100lbs soaking wet! I think that is a requirement cause let's face it would we take nutritional advice from a person who looked like we did before the band? Something to think about. Good luck Eileen.
  4. Hey Everyone I am on the countdown now! I am on my way to the hospital to get my preop labwork done and to be preadmitted. I have worked in the lab at this hospital for 14 years. I know alot of people in that place. I know we have HIPPA protection but still people I work with will know. I have kept it just to my coworkers in the lab but now a few more will know. To me that means pressure cause they are gonna watch me like a HAWK. It is only fair because some of the people that had RNY that works at the hospital I kinda watched them like a hawk too. I mean the transformation is kinda hypnotic. LOL . I cannot believe that Monday is just 4 days away! Whoo HOo (I think, hehehehe). I am nervous as all get out! I will check back in after i get back! Peace DeeDee
  5. divaliciousdee

    What does everyone do for a living?

    I am a medical laboratory technician. I work in our hospital lab. I am considered a generalist in our core lab. I have been doing this for 14 years! DeeDee MLT(ASCP)-my title
  6. I am really nervous I go for my pre-op visit tommorrow. I am anxious as to what we are gonna talk about. My surgeon does the lapband as an outpatient procedure. I know about having to sip Water and do a barium swallow before I leave the hospital. I am soooooo nervous and excited!!! I just can't wait. Even though I know that the weight loss isn't as fast as with RNY I will be happy just to lose weight period. I too am kinda nervous about how I would feel if I don't lose as much weight as I am expecting. I see alot of folks on here that have been banded for 6 months and have lost sometimes just 8lbs or 20lbs. I want to lose more than that with the band. Maybe it is because they have not been filled or just because of metabolism or maybe just maybe non compliance. I have seen alot of people who have done trememndously with the band. Maybe I should look at the weight loss in 6 month intervals instead of month to month,I am not knocking anyone's weightloss or lack of but I do wonder if it is the band not working or them not working the band. I just don't want to get all excited about losing weight with the help of the band , and end up not losing at all. I get all deep like this when I am nervous so part of this is just the ramblings of a crazy fat woman. Well I welcome any comments. I respect everyone's opinion and thanks for the support. Dee Dee
  7. divaliciousdee

    Pre op visit on tommorrow the 24th

    Well the pre-op visit went pretty quickly! I lost one pound(lol). My blood pressure was elevated a little and I have to pre-admit tommorrow! I am so excited! After the surgery I have to sip at least 30ml's of water every 15 minutes, or suck on ice cubes. I do the barium swallow thing and I am out! There was a lady who had the lapband at our hospital lab for her 6 month checkup and she has lost about 60lbs that ain't bad at all. She is very compliant and follows all the rules. I know that I want to be healthier and smaller than I am now so I am gonna work really hard to lose the weight. I am gonna exercise everyday( that seems to be the key to better results according to my surgeon). I am going to stock up on crystal light and sugar free popsicles!! 2 weeks is a long time on liquids but I am motivated!!
  8. divaliciousdee

    7 days til surgery

    Good for you!! I am scheduled the day before you on the 29th! Are you nervous and excited at the same time? I am with you I can't wait to get this show on the road. Well I will say a prayer for you, and I know you will do fine. Keep positive thoughts. We are bringing up the rear for the August bandsters!!! Stay Blessed!! Dee Dee
  9. Hi everyone! I am on the countdown now. I am nervous and excited! I work in a hospital and have for 14 years but I am a chicken when it comes to surgery. I figure I would ask you guys what are some of the things you needed after surgery that you forgot to get before surgery. I am buying Gas-x and glycerine suppositories today. I read in a thread that the gas sometimes can be HELL, so I am trying to prepare. Please hip me to some of the things that you all did in preparation for the surgery. I am already praying that helps alot. I love this sight you all have a friend in me and I feel the same. I never thought that I would get so much support from people who don't even know me and so little support from people I have known all of my life. Thank you all for what you do!!! Suggestions, suggestions, suggestions please. Your friend, Dee Dee
  10. divaliciousdee


    Thanks you guys! I truly appreciate all of your words of encouragement. I found this site just by typing in lapband in my search bar. Who would have thought I should have just typed THE Greatest Lapband Support Site out there. My mom is excited for me and she is glad I found people that I can talk to about this decision. I have a birth defect that is facial it is a hemangioma with a port wine stain. It makes my face appear to be bigger on one side. My PS said that when I lose about 80 or 90lbs it will be less noticeable. I don't take pictures because of it and the fact that I am overweight. I am excited for the first time in my life to take a picture( a before picture). I am even more excited to do the after picture. Thanks to all of you guys I am more confident with alot of other things in my life. This is the beginning of the newest chapter in my life and all of you are invited to read it. Dee Dee
  11. divaliciousdee

    Hello! Calling all Georgians, anybody there?

    HI Heather and welcome to the Georgia board! How do you like your band .and what has changed with you as a result of having the band?
  12. divaliciousdee

    Looking Forward

    OMG Eileen, you are a hoot!! Ask me that question in about 6 months!! I hope to have and answer!!
  13. divaliciousdee

    Hello! Calling all Georgians, anybody there?

    HI Chantel!! I live in Brunswick, Ga and will be banded on August 29th. Nice to meet you too!! So how do you like the band?
  14. divaliciousdee

    Looking For August Bandsters....

    Glad to hear everything is going well for you Margo and Shelley!!! I am so excited for you both. I have 8 more days and counting til the big day!!! Man, August is a big bandster month this year!!!
  15. divaliciousdee

    I was Approved!!!!

    hi Diane! No I am not required to do the liquid fast. I am though required to walk 30 minutes a day until surgery day and then when I am able to get around good after surgery I will start back. I have been on my own trying protein drinks and different broths(low sodium). I know that protein is a must and fats then complex carbohydrates. I am going to stick with the nutritionist suggestion she is great! I am so nervous and excited. I am finally on my way. We don't have a costco here but man oh man do I want to fit in a pair of jeans from the gap!! LOL
  16. divaliciousdee

    Looking Forward

    I got more, here it goes I am looking forward to walking from the parking lot(at work) to my bench in the lab without feeling like I need to stop by respiratory therapy! I am looking forward to wearing stilettos i am looking forward to my class reunion in 2 years(20th) I am looking forward to wearing a dress(I only wear skirts and blouses cause my top doen't match my bottom) I am looking forward to the Victoria secret angel collection I am looking forward to my boyfriend picking me up when I think of more I will post again. And to some this may seem gross or TMI but it is my reality I want to be able to see my vagina I know it is down there I just haven't seen it since the 12th grade. lol
  17. divaliciousdee

    i'm back and banded

    Congrats Desiree. I hope u feel better each waking minute(smile). I am sending you positive thoughts and energy!!! Godspeed!! Dee Dee
  18. divaliciousdee

    Looking For August Bandsters....

    Carolyn you are in my prayers. Everything will be fine! I know that you will have a sucessful and uneventful surgery. You will have a smooth recovery and never have felt better in your life!! Peace and Godspeed Dee Dee
  19. divaliciousdee

    I was Approved!!!!

    Thank you all for the well wishes!! Besides my mother and a couple of friends you guys and gals are my only support system. I mean it seems it is alright for me to be hanging around living life in the background but when the understudy is ready to take the lead there is a problem. I just want to be happy and right now the saddest thing in my life is my weight. I am on my way to freedom!! HALLELUJAH!!! come on get happy!!!!
  20. divaliciousdee

    Art work and their artists

    I love it!!!!!! Thank you I am gonna print it and put it in a frame . I can look like that(yeah right) Lol.My hair is like that all the time now. Thanks again!! God sure didn't waste talent with you. U rock!!!
  21. divaliciousdee

    Learning Lessons

    WEll said!!!!! I think you are a mind reader. Thank you! My name is Danielle and I am fat but in 11 days I will start my journey to the new me!!! God has so many plans for all of us even for those who don't believe in him. I suffered all my life being fat (my BF says that is too harsh he says I am heavyset..geez. that sounds soooo much better...DUH.) I am finally taking control and admitting I need help. The band will be my help. I do enjoy life and love people and now I am gonna take em by storm!!!
  22. divaliciousdee

    I was Approved!!!!

    Thanks Shirley and might I say WOW!!! I am 336lbs and my mother is my biggest support! SHe retired from nursing after 35 years she is 56 years old and looks like she is in her late 30's!!! She never had a weight problem until she stopped smoking and still she looks great(she is 6'0 tall). I want the same results that you have LOL!!! I saw your before and after and you look Fantastic!!! I can see it really !! It is like the real you was in the after shot. YOu are a hottie!!!! I know your husband is like whoa mama!!!!! keep it up you are my inspiration. Anyone who weighs over 300lbs knows how hard it is to even see weighing 250lbs. I can honestly say that everyone on this board have been an inspiration to me. Thank you and I can't wait to show my before and after shots.
  23. divaliciousdee

    OT- Star Jones (the View)

    Yep you are right . I must be confused somebody had the lapband who was it? LOL Star Jones was talking about it at one time with somebody I can't remember who. I am a member of her website and she said that although she will admit to having something done she won't divulge as to what it was. I know that she is wanting a baby now with her hubby. That is why I agree with you about the band thing. She is so logical in her thinking and wanting to get pregnant she wouldn't choose RNY I don't think but who knows that's Hollywood!! LOL
  24. divaliciousdee

    OT- Star Jones (the View)

    Really? I thought it was the band cause he said that the procedure he had was not as high risk as gastric Bypass. I will do some research.
  25. divaliciousdee

    OT- Star Jones (the View)

    I am with you Alexandra. I believe it was the band. You know rumor has it that Randy Jackson of American Idol was inspired to have the Lapband after talking with Ms. Jones. he has the Lapband. What I am thinking is that she had a fill and the last fill was her goodie. LOL

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