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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by divaliciousdee

  1. I don't really miss diet pepsi's that much. I think it is the caffeine. My mom stopped smoking years ago and she said giving up sodas is the same, you will eventually get over them. I do miss the carbonation feeling ...you know that sharp gas blast that makes you belch..lol I know that is gross. DeeDee
  2. divaliciousdee

    August Bandsters Support Line....

    I am just wanting to chew something! LOL i am resisting temptation don't want to screw up my band! It has been 3 days and I have lost a great deal of weight. I just wish the mushie stage would get here so I can have some eggs. LOL
  3. divaliciousdee

    Any Band-Over-Bypass people here?

    Alatina I understand what you are saying. I was just banded on August 29th and I am going through girlfriend!!! I mean this liquid diet is playing with my head. I know that I am only gonna be on this for 2 weeks, then mushies, then soft foods, then soft solids etc for 6 weeks. In essence 6 weeks is not alot of time but for an overeater it is a lifetime. I look at food and instantly my mouth waters hungry or not. I have to really battle my head demons. If you are looking for something that will just make the weight disappear without you managing your eating habits you are not being realistic. This band is a tool. It will not let you eat more than the allowed per sitting without giving you a signal that enough is enough. I think your mind is playing games with you. You are losing weight but it seems hard because you have to take accountability for the weight loss or not loss. Maybe you have cheated so what. Everyday is a new day. I hope that you realize that you are stronger than your urges. I am dealing with this now more intimately. I am responsible for my size and what I eat or not eat. If I want this band to work I have to work with this band. That's just the way it is. It will get better just hang in there. DeeDee
  4. divaliciousdee

    No help for the wicked

    GREAT THREAD! Thanks for bumping it Crystal. I needed this! YOu are truly one of the greats on this site!!!
  5. I am so hungry! I had almost no appetite surgery day and the next but this third day is something! I drink my protein and water and I am full for about 2 hours but then I am so hungry! ANybody had to deal with this! HELP! lol I AM GETTING REALLY FRUSTRATED! I know that my calorie intake is way down but how many calories can you get in by just drinking. I am really hungry though. What can I do about this I can't see this for 2 weeks I don't think I will make it! Help!!!
  6. divaliciousdee

    Okay this is day 3 and I am starving!!

    Amy My pain is okay now. The first 2 days were hard. Today I feel great. I will keep sipping and trying different flavors of drinks. I think most of it is in my head. I am getting kind of frustrated with the protein drinks I like em okay but it is in my head I know. I mean I can eat french fries everyday no problem but protein drinks everyday Yuk!! LOL well I am getting my water in and I have some strawberyy-kiwi crystal light that is really yummy! Gabriel we all get nervous having surgery is serious. I am only saying how I have been feeling but I know alot of it is in my head. Okay like now my mom is cooking this huge Delmonico steak, smells delicious but I am full and I know this and I can't have any cause I am on liquids. My mouth is watering and I feel full! My mind's playing tricks on me! LOL
  7. divaliciousdee

    Looking For August Bandsters....

    Great margo!! We are on our way!!! Whoo Hoo!!!!
  8. divaliciousdee

    Crystal's complete list of NSVs

    Great NSV's!! Vines that is what I'm talkin' About! I am not really a scale person but an inches and achievement kind of gal!! Your are an inspriration and funny as all get out!! You deserve all the best!!! DeeDee
  9. divaliciousdee

    Okay this is day 3 and I am starving!!

    Thanks you guys! I AM DRINKING WATER! I am also drinking my Protein drinks and sucking on my popsicles(sugar free-fat free). It is the weirdest thing I drink Water and I am full I mean really full then about 20 minutes later I am hungry so I drink a crystal light and that keeps me full for about an hour. I have not chewed a thing so don't worry. I have been tempted but I have braved surgery not to ruin my band. Yes I wll make it. I just had a temporary moment of weakness. Daisybelle I admire your willpower, u go girl! I am not hungry at all today yet oh yeah maybe it is all the drinking. Thanks again!! Peace, DeeDee
  10. divaliciousdee

    I am banded!

    Good for you Amy! I was really nervous until I woke up from anesthesia,lol. Now we begin the journey. I have already posted a thread about being very hungry on the 3rd day after surgery. I think that it is me not getting enough water in. I have to constantly sip on water or some fluid. I do this for about 5 minutes and then I am full. Then it starts again so I just keep drinking water. It helps with the fullness. Just a tip I learned.
  11. divaliciousdee

    New Beginning

    I was just banded on monday and I can tell you the gas is about the worst part. I walked a little but I was sore as all get out. It is now the third day and I feel a whole lot better. I am getting hungry alot but when I drink my protein or water I get full pretty quickly. I have lost 16 lbs since the surgery maybe this is water weight but I will take it! LOL I am gonna make sure I follow all the rules so my band can work for me. In order for the band to work you are gonna have to work with it! I am on my way and you will be too. This is a great decision if you want to take control of your eating and health.
  12. divaliciousdee

    Hello! Calling all Georgians, anybody there?

    Hey I was banded by Dr Kent
  13. divaliciousdee

    Banded, Finally

    GOod for you Jodie!!! Congratulations!!
  14. divaliciousdee

    Looking For August Bandsters....

    Hey Molly u go girl!! U will do great. See you over on the banded side.
  15. divaliciousdee

    Sometimes I Just Need a Hug

    More HUggssssssssssssssss!! I can't hug too much still a little sore after getting banded yesterday lol. UhOh I feel another big huggggggggggggggg!!! You are doing great! keep it up!
  16. divaliciousdee

    Monday Is The Big Day!!!!!!

    I go in for surgery on Monday you guys!! Yes!!!! I am soooo nervous and excited! My surgery is scheduled for 6am. I am the first on the surgery schedule! I guess it helps to be an employee and have friends in surgery(wink). My mom says thatI should not be nervous(she is a nurse) because this is something that I want very much I say anesthesia is scary! LOL I am so glad that I have yall for support!. I stopped by the nutritionalist's office and purchased my Protein drinks. The name is PROTI MAX they taste really good! Well please keep me in your prayers and thoughts on Monday at 6am. I know that you all will be there with me in spirit. Thanks!! I love you guys!!! Dee Dee
  17. divaliciousdee

    Monday Is The Big Day!!!!!!

    I have finally made it!! I am a bandster! I am sore as all get out but I am banded. My surgeon told my mother everything went really smooth the best he has done so far. No complications or anything. I know it is becasued you guys were sending me all the positive prayers and well wishes. I am gonna go lay down now. I tried the propel peach water it is good. I have to drink a protein drink later. I am just trying to get in my water now. My sister is gonna bring me some sugar-free popsicles when she gets off at 4pm. Yay!!! I will try to post again 2mmorrow. Vicodin is awesome Hehehe
  18. divaliciousdee

    Questions about Triglicerides and HDL

    A 400 triglyceride level is very high. LDL and risk ratios cannot be accurately calculated with a triglyceride that high. I don't know if they told you to fast for this test but it would help. Risk ratios are what they use to help with distinguishing your good cholesterol from the bad. You want your HDL(high density lipids) to be in a higher range than your LDL(low density lipids). In order to get the number for your LDL it has to be calculated by using your triglyceride level. This can't be done accurately with a triglyceride of 400 or above. The calculation usually yields negative number results which are invalid. I am a medical lab tech and in our lab when we have such a high trig level we report out "LDL and risk ratios cannot be performed with triglycerides greater or equal to 400. I hope this helps. YOur platelets may have been low because if they had a hard time drawing your blood a small clot could have been in the purple top. DEEDEE p.s. I don't know why this would interfere with surgery I think maybe they want to see if you are trying to control the amount of fat you have in your diet. I would think that the platelet would be more of a concern, cause platelets aid in blood clotting.
  19. divaliciousdee

    Sending Prayers

    I too Send out prayers to all who are in Katrina's pathway. This is a very big storm and I pray that all are safe and kept from harm.
  20. divaliciousdee

    Monday is band day!

    Amy we will be band sisters! I am excited for us both! We are bringing up the rear for August bandsters!!
  21. divaliciousdee

    I've been approved!!

    Great news! I know you are relieved! It won't be long now.
  22. divaliciousdee

    Looking For August Bandsters....

    Welcome back Queenbee! It is on now girlfriend! Work that band! LOL. Well I go for surgery tommorrow at 6am. feeling a little nervous but leaving it in God's hands! Glad you are doing great. DeeDee
  23. Amy isn't this site great!! Everyone on here knows a little about something you may be experiencing or will experience. I feel better about my choice for the band because of the people on this site. They are my kindred spirits. Not to sound preachy but God directs us in paths that we should go and the people we meet on this path are met for a purpose. I know you will be happy posting and reading about the ups and downs of the bandlife. The support here is great!!!
  24. divaliciousdee

    What is your food weakness?...

    Beef Sausages!!!!! I love them spicy, mild or whatever. I love em boiled, fried , baked yum, yum. I also love Hotwings!!!! Cheesecake, Cheesecake, and more cheesecake!! Plain no toppings. Yum YUm last but not least I absolutely adore my mama's collard greens(yep I am down south yall) . This may sound healthy collards are a vegetable, but my mama puts all parts of the pig in them yyyyyummmyyyyyy. I am talking Hamhocks, pigtails(maybe I am grossing some of you out but this is my favorite dish). I also love chitterlings(chittlins'). I love everything unhealthy ....yep that's about it. LOL
  25. divaliciousdee

    I was Approved!!!!

    I just wanted everyone to know that I was approved by my insurance company I got the call minutes ago:banana !!! I am so happy! My insurance company is Group Resources!! Yea!!!!!!!!!:banana :banana Oh yeah surgery date is still the same the 29th!! Whoo HOO!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
