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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by divaliciousdee

  1. divaliciousdee

    JQpublic has just hit the 100 pounds lost mark

    Great Job and not even banded!! Whoo Hoo! That is a great accomplishment I cant wait to get to that point! U are an inspiration! I won't be doing 400 stomach crunches though..lol maybe 4.
  2. divaliciousdee

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    Okay I am in. I hate taking pictures because of my birth defect but what the hay..lol I will post a pic on Thursday. I currently weigh 319. I want to lose 30 lbs in this challenge! Whoo Hoo!
  3. divaliciousdee

    Lokking for Input

    Hey Ebony it is next week and maybe you are banded already. Stop back by and let us know what's up with you. Take care. Dee Dee
  4. divaliciousdee

    Should I do a Liquid diet Pre-op

    Imani girl the liquid phase of the post op can be as long as two weeks. I mean you will lose weight but it is up to you to be on liquids for a month. I would if I were you right now,I would try out different Protein drinks and shakes. Just to see which ones you really like and the ones you can't stand. Then supplement one of them for a meal each day. Start drinking 8 (8oz) glasses of Water a day, and start walking or some physical exercise 30 minutes or more each day. Just get used to doing what you will be required to do after getting the band. If you want to try a liquid diet go ahead, but it is up to you. My doctor didn't require me to do a pre-op liquid diet, thank God. I am barely handling the post-op liquid diet. I just started week two. Hope this helps. Dee Dee
  5. divaliciousdee

    No desire for Soda's

    I absolutely loved Diet Pepsi! I haven't had one since being banded. I went through withdrawls. I really did. I know it was just the caffeine leaving my body. I was a serious Diet pepsi drinking. Almost four 24oz bottles a day. Hardly ever drank water. I have been drinking water non-stop now. I love water now. My skin is looking better too. It took me two days of withdrawls, I mean headaches and all. I now know what a smoker, drug addict, or alcoholic goes through; addiction is addiction.
  6. divaliciousdee

    Anyone over 350lbs? success?

    I was banded on august 8/29/05. I weighed 335.4 lbs at the time of surgery and in a week I have lost 17lbs! I hope it keeps going at this rate! I am sure I will plateau but I will survive!
  7. divaliciousdee

    Penni60 Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday to you and many more!!
  8. divaliciousdee

    August Bandsters Support Line....

    Margo you multiply by 2.2 Another person on this site had there weight in kg and lbs and I did the math. I don't know if this is right cause according to my calulation she has lost 70lbs, and according to the band date it has only been a month.
  9. This is just my own little survey that I am hoping to give my dietician on Thursday when I go back 4 my 10 day post-op visit. I have noticed that the Mexican Doctors are more lenient with the liquid phase. Some of the American Doctors only require 1 week of liquids, 1 week of mushies, 1 week of semi solids, and finally 1 week of solids then you are on your own. Thanks for your participation. I am not concerned about the pre-op liquid fasting just the post -op diet. Thank you, Dee Dee
  10. divaliciousdee

    We've moved!

    Thanks Alex! Man u rock! I love this site I have recommended it to the surgeon's office so they can tell future banders where to go for daily support. Thanks for all you have done and continue to do. Peace, Dee Dee
  11. divaliciousdee

    I am in mourning...

    Eileen 2 more days girlfriend you will be talking with the man!!! Whoo Hoo! Then soon after you will be banded and headed with me toward our brick house bodies!!!
  12. divaliciousdee

    A little Confused About Band

    I think that with mushy food you may want to watch the calories. If you are then it may be your body in survival mode. You know if you think about it when you are on liquids only it is like you are fasting so your body loses at first. When you introduce something back into your diet that is more filling or thicker with more nutrients and more protein your body tends to hold on to it because it remembers what you did to it last week. LOL That is just my theory. Once your body realizes that you are introducing more food it will calm down and let go of the weight.
  13. divaliciousdee

    Not a happy camper on the liquid diet!

    Thanks Margo. 33lbs you go girl!! Whoo hoo! I have lost 17lbs and I love it but I am hungry every hour. I talked to my dietician who said that one lady that had this was fine for 2 weeks on just liquids. Well that is not me. She told me I can have 3oz of tuna or chicken in the can. I can also have pureed foods. Right now I will just soft scramble an egg. Hopefully this will help with the liquids. I won't go to the tuna unless I am in dire straits. I feel better.
  14. divaliciousdee

    Not a happy camper on the liquid diet!

    I am 6 days post op and I hate this liquid diet! I hear alot of people say just stick it out; It is hard. I mean I was 336lbs and I maintained that weight not gaining or losing for 3 years. Do you know how many calories that required? about 4000 I think. Now with the liquids I am only getting about 600 calories. I hate chicken broth it is nasty. I hated it when I wasn't dieting and I hate it now. I never ate popcicles so that was a change they were good the first 2 days now i don't like them. I have been drinking the Protein drinks that my dietician recommended and they taste fine but I am getting tired of them. I have never been the type to eat something over and over again without getting bored with it. I love french fries but I didn't love them enough to eat them everyday. This liquid diet sucks. I love the choice I made to get my band but I think that Mexican Doctors who have been doing this longer than american doctors are more realistic with the liquid phase. My dietician told me I cannot have creamy Soups, sugar free pudding during my 2 week liquid phase. Alot of folks here can have that during their liquid phase. I figure as long as I am not eating solid food a scrambled egg won't hurt. I can't even have a banana, or anything blended with protein. I think this is cruel. Sorry but I am venting now and it feels good.
  15. divaliciousdee

    VENT HERE - anger about Katrina Relief

    Kathy I too believe this is not a race issue. I believe it is a human issue as I posted in my earlier thread. I have to defend my belief because my family thinks it is a race issue. I don't think so. My point is it was still a too slow repsonse. The National Guard are a godsend, The calvary all of these brave men are doing a great job! we as a nation need to vent and where I can see both sides, Michael Moore is to me an agitator. He is gonna ride this wave as far as it can go. Many people with the help of the media is making this a race issue and I as a black american don't like it. I hurt for the elderly and the children the most because they had no choice. Yeah some of them should have gotten out and they chose not to. Children are suffering and the elderly and sick are dying even after being rescued. I debated in high school and to me this is just a debate or discussion. There are no hard feelings and you have every right to express your feelings on this. I have read other posts that you have written on different threads and I can tell that you are a genuine person. You are an encourager and motivator. We all will have opposing views but that is where it ends. I think alot of frustration I have is from being on this liquid diet! LOL I want to chew, I want steak
  16. divaliciousdee

    VENT HERE - anger about Katrina Relief

    I will post this and I am through with this thread. My opinion is exactly that my opinion! It may not be right to some but it is my opinion and I am entitled to say or believe anything I choose. We all have opinions and every opinion is an opinion, not Fact. We all don't have the facts as to why it took so long for aid. When race is brought up in an issue it is always looked upon as an excuse. I don't know what world some of you are living in but here is a news flash racism does exist. We all know it does but some of us push it under the rug. Personally,I don't think this situation has to do with race just lack of organization by the government. If the government is not supposed to act in emergencies then why in the world do we have FEMA? My reality ladies is that I saw thousands of black people stranded on rooftops and in unsanitary conditions. Maybe the media chose not to show the white people I saw a few. Maybe the media is to blame. Maybe it is a conspiracy to help the democrats in the elections coming up. I speak for myself I did not vote for Bush but I respect him as president. I think the ball was dropped period. If it was thousands of white people stranded I would have the same reaction too slow of a response. Some people will use the race issue for their own agenda be it against the government or for it. I have been black for 36 years racism does exist. Hide from it if you will but it is here. Yes it is in local, state and federal government. If you are proud of the response the president gave then be proud, but if it was u stranded for 4 days without the basic neccessities, children getting raped, elderly dying all around you would you think the timing was good. I don't think so. There but for the grace of God go I.
  17. divaliciousdee


    captain cavvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve mannnnnnnnnnnnnn!!! LOL
  18. divaliciousdee

    August Bandsters Support Line....

    Amy girl that is gas! Weird how gas expresses it's presence in the body! My mom is a nurse and she told me that gas feels like a heart attack when it is trapped in the upper body. Walk Girlfriend it has helped me to walk it off. LOL I am still fighting about chewing something it is unatural not to chew. LOL
  19. divaliciousdee


    Here is wishing a speedy recovery to you and your hubby!! Welcome to the state of bandland!! Loserville is our capital!!!
  20. divaliciousdee

    VENT HERE - anger about Katrina Relief

    Kathy I don't think all the poor Black people refused help. I think that you are generalizing. You actually belive all of those people stayed because they didn't want help? You actually believe they don't realize that they are below sea level? yes they are in dire straits because this is a fact of life most of their day to day living is because of dire straits. Poor is Poor if you are not poor thank God for that. Don't blame them for not being able to evacuate! 4 days may be enough time for you and your family to evacuate but not everyone may be as fortunate as you are. I had to evacuate in 1999 I did not wait I had to make sure family members that didn't have the means to evacuate got to safety. We were packed to capacity in a caravan and some still had to go to shelters or schools. It is hard. They are not blaming the government for the Hurricane wiping out everything they owned and the lost lives but the response time was tooooo slow. Even the president said it was unacceptable. I don't speak for all of my people but I do know that we are not ignorant to the fact that when there is a hurricane with 150 mile per hour winds we know that tis catastrophic. Our faith has held us this far for over 400 years and will continue to do so. The government helps others in diasters abroad almost instantaneously but our own americans it takes 4 days to get basic supplies. yes I too blame the government for their slow response and I am a black woman, but looking at the headline news stations alot of white people agree with me too.
  21. divaliciousdee

    I am in mourning...

    I feel ya. I am in mourning to I suppose. All of my good and bad times food was a big part. I have to totlly get a grip. I will suceed with my band..I will name her Betsy.
  22. divaliciousdee

    VENT HERE - anger about Katrina Relief

    he was in Lafayette La. Kissing and hugging a black woman and her daughter. Walking all three of them hugging! Media shot. That will be front page! Stop hugging and get to feeding, and finding the shelter. I mean I know he has to play this race thing down, okay I am black but what the Hell feed somebody. Get the young girls and babies out of the way for the rapists and the crazies!! Hug them later. They will understand. get them to a bathtub so them babies can smell like babies. Diabetics need insulin, the people know that we are responding the kissy huggy can come after they have been put in a safe, protected environment! I need to stop. This whole thing has just pissed me off not withstanding the fact I am on the LIQUID Phase of my diet. I need to chew!!! LOL But I will not, I mean NOT mess up my band!! Okay what was i saying?.....
  23. divaliciousdee

    VENT HERE - anger about Katrina Relief

    It may be 50/50 in New Orleans but when I look at the news I see about 95% black and 5% white in the stadium and streets. So all the white people had the means to escape?? Well Kare looks like it to me. Unless they are all trapped somewhere. I mean all of those people at the stadium have no cars, and if they have a car I don't think it would be highway travelling ready. I mean alot of people have gone to Mardi Gras but have you ever gone past the strip. The public housing looks like it was bombed, glass broken out,just horrible. People go to the casino with 2 dollars just to try and win grocery money. This city is and was poor. Mardi gras and the jazz festivals just make it look good. The Big Easy. This is so sad. All of the millions generated in the casino's and hotels alone. They need to invest it in the city.
  24. divaliciousdee

    I am so excited - I have to share!!

    Kellie U go Girl!!
  25. divaliciousdee

    VENT HERE - anger about Katrina Relief

    I am constantly looking at the news and getting outraged! This catastrophe has gotten me so emotional. Everyone that is watching these people Die in the streets and begging for the basics are wondering why in the hell isn't our government doing anything? The majority of the people are poor and black, that is reality I am not making it up look at the news. I desperately am hoping for the government to wake up because this is going to turn into a race issue instead of the HUMAN issue it is. FOx News,and CNN has already said it looks like a refugee camp in Somalia or Haiti. They are right it looks like something in Africa Or haiti, I am so sad. My people are dying in the streets like animals. They are covering up dead bodies in wheelchairs, bodies floating in the streets! We helped people in the tsunami catastrophe but we can't help our own. This is sad. We go to IRAQ to fight terrorists and free the Iraqui people from torment but babies in the flooded streets are dying? Babies are dying!(I am really crying right now).Elderly people who God has graced to live for 80 + years dying because of dehydration and hunger. Ambulances scared to go in because of the overwhelming sense of there is violence. Yes there are a few bad apples in the bunch . Yes I know that a gurdsman was shot and I thank God he was not killed. Everybody is not shooting at help! They have stereotyped everyone because of some nut! I wonder sometimes why? If we can help other nations why can't we help ourselves? Where is homeland security? If this was a terrorist attack say they bombed the levvies(sp), wiped out the power, and the city was flooded how would they help these people? I look at this great land and think we do not have our priorities straight. We need to sweep around our own front door before we try to sweep around others. How can we effectively help other countries when we cannot help our own! Whew I am through, now on to more crying. Dee Dee

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