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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by divaliciousdee

  1. divaliciousdee

    Help Bad breath

    YOu are in Ketosis! It makes your breath so funky! Because you are on liquids you don't have alot of nutritional benefits yet. Just suck on a sugar free mint. That helped me. I also chewed sugar free gum. Don't swallow it (i never do) but some people do, lol.
  2. divaliciousdee

    scrambled eggs

    GIRL! AIn't them the best tasting eggs ever! I know exactly how you feel ,,LOL It only gets better wait until u eat tuna. LMAO
  3. divaliciousdee

    To Miss Delovely Delarla - Happy Birthday

    OKay another thread for your birthday. Go girl! U DIVA rockstar you! HAP-PY BIrth-day to ya Hap-py Birth-day to Ya Happy birth------------day! (the Stevie Wonder version) __________________
  4. divaliciousdee

    Happy Birthday Delarla !!!

    HAP-PY BIrth-day to ya Hap-py Birth-day to Ya Happy birth------------day! (the Stevie Wonder version)
  5. divaliciousdee

    Do I tell the Ex that I had it done?

    WHy would you want to tell her? I mean what would telling her do? I mean the only thing you have in common with her is him. You are the children's stepmother. I mean do you just want her to know. Why is she even in the equation with your band? I don't understand is she a friend of yours? I don't get why the EX-wife needs to know about your band. This confuses me. I am again perpelexed why this "need" to tell her. I have edited this just to ask this question, Are you telling her because you want to one up her by being honest about how you are losing weight to make her feel ashamed of lying about her "doing it the old fashoned way"? If she is lying about how she lost the weight then that is her lie and what does it have to do with you?. WHy are you concerned if she is lying? I don't mean to sound harsh but I think you want to tell her because you know she is lying about how she lost weight and you just want to show her up by not being as phony as you are thinking she is for lying. Weight loss surgery is a personal and major decision. Who to tell and who not to tell is up to that person. If you want to tell her go ahead but if she doesn't want to be OUTED about her Gastric Bypass then don't judge her for not telling everyone. You do what feels right for you, but telling her about your surgery seems weird to me. P.S.(this hits so close to home I guess this is why I am agitated by this thread) you stated that she obviously didn't love him because she left after the Gastric Bypass, maybe she loved herself more and realized that it wasn't working. Maybe he had a problem with her weight loss. Seems like to me the two women he married had at least two things in common and that is being overweight and loving him. Is he alright with your choice in getting the band? Cause if she had Gastric Bypass and you had Lapband surgery it is obvious to me that his preference is larger women. DISCLAIMER The thoughts posted above are not in anyway to be considered the thoughts of the members of Lapbandtalk.com. This is only Divaliciousdee's opinion. If this resembles anypart of someone's life it is purely coincidental.
  6. divaliciousdee

    I'm Engaged!

    COngratulations!! I am offering my services for your wedding! I playthe piano and sing and have been a wedding singer/pianist in my town since I was 11 years old. SO whatever you need I am your girl. Oh yeah I have references and I do about 25 weddings a year that is my cutoff. LOL
  7. divaliciousdee


    OKay I started not to post but I am curious also. Was she a member here of LBT? DId she have a previous heart condition that was not addressed or was it something congenital and not diagnosed. I too am sorry for your loss of your friend, and at 40 that is bad. There are always risks to surgeries of anykind and they can happen here in the states just as in Mexico. I had a friend who's cousin died at the dentist from getting too much sedation. He was only 21. That happened here in Georgia, but it didn't hinder me from going to my dentist and having procedures done that may require sedation. I don't know if it was meant to say that Mexican medical practices caused her death but I don't agree if that was the message. I don't mean to sound harsh but when someone dies unexpectedly we sometimes want someone to blame. Your friend died doing something she wanted to do to help her with her weight. My prayers to her husband and family.
  8. divaliciousdee

    It's A Heart Break

    Breakups are just so hard sometimes! I always think of it like this if he was or is the one you will be together. If not then See ya! Remember your true love will never walk out on you. A true love will work things out with you. True love will be with you till you take your last breath. Maybe he is getting out of the way so that your true love will have a clear path. Then again if he is the one he will be back, and if he does come back...make him beg!! HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS DeeDee
  9. divaliciousdee

    Getting bored on soft food..UGH!

    Kathy girl you get to have GRITS! I can't have grits and I am 4 weeks out! I know the feeling. The mushy stage is better than the liquid stage though, but you will be on solids before you know it. Hang in there. Dee Dee
  10. divaliciousdee

    I NEED to share my story.

    Robyn I sent you an email. My prayers are with you. Dee Dee
  11. divaliciousdee

    What is your doctor's diet protocol?

    Here is my diet. No pre-op diet required. 1 week clear liquids 1 week full liquids(include tuna and chicken chopped in a can) 2 weeks soft/mushy foods 1 week semi solid(whatever this means) on to solids the 6th week. No Carbonated sodas or as they told me DIET PEPSI"S ARE EVIL lol!! Carbonation is like Kryptonite to the banded. No drinking until 1-2 hours after eating. I usually wait 1h 30min befroe I drink anything. NO Boost, Ensure, etc. Sugar free beverages , Diet snapple, KOBe citrus energy drink, etc Walking 30 minutes a day.
  12. divaliciousdee

    What's in your CD Player???

    In my truck I have Lyfe Jennings Missy Elliott Kanye West SLim Thug LiL' Mo Destiny's Child Mike JOnes Mary Mary Tweet Fantasia CIara and a mixed cd(personally made by me) of oldies but goodies I am a R&B, HIp-HOp kinda girl!!
  13. divaliciousdee

    Why did I do this?

    Margo, girlfriend you are human! We chose the band to help us with our weightloss. Some days you will have little restriction and other days you will have lots of restriction. You are not on a diet! Just because you ate that today doen't mean you will tommorrow. Moderation is the key. When you were not banded there were days when you may had pizza just like there were days when you maybe had salad and fruits or other health choices. It all goes day to day. I used to be able to eat all the toppings(not really a bread person) off of a large pizza. I don't think I can do that now with my band. Relax you are doing great. Just don't eat pizza everynight maybe once a week or so. We are not Dieting just changing a few bad habits!!! From one Diva to another Dee Dee
  14. divaliciousdee

    please help me

    Christine I have been there girlfriend and it is hard. Everyone tells you it will get better for me it did not get better I just dealt with it better. I know how you feel and everyone is different. I didn't have to go through a pre-op diet but for me the 2 weeks liquid diet post-op was bad. You will survive it and get through it..but as for it getting better if that were the case then we all would still stay on liquid diets right? You will be on the liquids for 4 weeks by my calculation 2 before and 2 after. After banding you will not find it that hard for the first week to ten days due to the swelling. I don't know if your doctor fills at the time of surgery or not. If he does you will probably have an easier time with the post-op liquids. Hang in there. Keeping it real, DeeDee
  15. divaliciousdee

    Secret Fanstasy II -- contemporary

    OKay Here it goes! Henry Simmons! Yes Lord! He is the the tall(6'5) buff black guy in the movie Taxi with Queen Latifah! He also plays on NYPD blue. He can arrest me anytime(cardiac too lol). I Will wear him out!! Whew, is it hot in here?
  16. I talked with my surgeon(caught him in the hallway at work..good thing about working at a hospital). he said it was okay with the tenders if I smashed and chewed them to mush. He also said that I did not hurt my band because even though it takes 4 to 6 weeks to heal some people heal faster than others thus the increase in appetite. I told him I was scared I hurt my band and he told me not to worry. I am not gonna sweat it. I am not perfect in any way and what is easy for some of you may not be for me. I admire all of you who did not cheat in anyway during the first 6 weeks, you have great resolve. I am not like that if I was I would not have gotten the band. I would like to thank all the other banders who PM'd me(u will remain nameless) about your cheating episodes. I thank you for keeping it real with me. I feel better that you guys PM'D me to say that you slipped up too. Everyone is not perfect but the PM's(lol..pms..lol) really lifted my spirits. For the record, I didn't eat 20 tenders like I usually did before the band it was 4. My surgeon said 4 tenders will not slip or stretch my pouch especially cause I am unfilled. Thank you for all of your posts. Dee Dee
  17. divaliciousdee

    I'm APPROVED!!!!!!!

    Congratulations Beth! You are on your way!
  18. I broke down and ate some chicken tenders I smushed them to death and chewed them to mush. I had no problem eating them. They went down fine. As long as everything is mushy when it goes down it is alright isn't it? I mean chew to goo is what i did. Well that has been my only saving grace the tenders. I can have chicken in the can to make chicken salad so I figured chicken is chicken I just mashed it up. I did not get sick or anything.
  19. divaliciousdee

    Hurricane Rita

    I pray you all are safe and no harm to life of anykind! You are in my prayers!
  20. I was in and out! NO hospital stay for me. My surgery was totally outpatient. It was great. My mom is a retired nurse so she took very good care of me afterward. Most outpatient surgery centers do not provide rooms for overnight. If it is determined that you may need to stay overnight they will transport you to the hospital. I had outpatient surgery in my hospital so I knew I was not going to have to stay overnight! YEA! I have worked there for 14 years I do not want to have to stay overnight then it would be like I lived there. LOL
  21. divaliciousdee

    Tomorrow is the big day!!!

    Go Keri! welcome to the land of the losers! You are gonna be fine and have a great recovery! See ya on the banded side!
  22. divaliciousdee

    One year bandiversary

    Congrats! 73lbs loss is great! Very motivating!
  23. divaliciousdee

    100 + forum?

    I am in! I need to lose about 150lbs! I will just do it in mini goals for now it seems so far away.
  24. divaliciousdee

    Congratulations Robin(CoffeeWench)

    Didn't work for me neither and I have the latest quicktime pro on windows xp.
  25. divaliciousdee

    I've always wanted to....

    I am looking forward to the following: 1. Wearing stillettos 2. Cute panties and bras 3. Swimming without the cover-up 4. Shopping in "regular" stores

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
