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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by divaliciousdee

  1. divaliciousdee

    August Bandsters Updates....

    Just checking in with everyone. I hope we all have been having great sucess with the band. It has been 6 weeks and 5 days for me, I am losing steadily every week about 4-5 lbs. I love this band and I haven't even been filled yet! Whoo Hoo!
  2. divaliciousdee

    African American Bandsters?

    I am an African American and I don't exactly understand this study. Could you please enlighten me a bit more. Why would it be more of a struggle for African Americans? food choices are a struggle for alot of people. Please let me know what you find. Diva
  3. divaliciousdee

    True Confessions Of A LapBander

    Megan Girlfriend you still are doing so great to see that you were once in the 300's inspires me like you will never know. My no-no's I drink sweet tea at least twice a week( I gave up sodas completely but sweet tea is not an option) Chicken tenders(fried) at least once a week I chew gum (sugar-free) I don't exercise at all!( shoot me now) I am working on that it is hard Other than those I am straight,lol
  4. divaliciousdee

    New Here! :)

    Hey Tricia! Way to rock that band! Welcome to the hot spot!
  5. divaliciousdee

    August Bandsters....

    I didn't have a fill, the Doc said I didn't need a fill. I have steadily lost at least 3-4lbs a week. He said if it ain't broke don't fix it. The great news is that I was at 311lbs this morning that is 25lbs gone bye-bye! I am so thrilled. I have my next appointment in 4 weeks. If I have stopped losing steadily by then we will do the fill thingy if I am still losing he said no fill until I am at a standstill. I feel great as long as it is coming off I am cool. I love Shaquita(my band)!
  6. divaliciousdee

    August Bandsters Updates....

    Well I had my checkup today, no fill. My doc said that I was steadily losing each week so if it ain't broke don't fix it. Good thing is I get to change my ticker, I am down 25lbs!!! Yes in five and a half weeks! SHaquita(my band) and I are in this thing for life!!!
  7. divaliciousdee

    August Bandsters....

    Hi all! I go today to get a fill! I have been losing every week fine but I can eat more than the 3 or 4 oz per meal. I have lost 24.5 lbs as of yesterday I hope it read 25lbs at the doctors office. I am really concentrating on portion control so that may indicate I need a fill. I dunno, the doc will have to tell me. I will let ya'll know what happens! Great sucess to us all!
  8. divaliciousdee

    3 months post op

    Maria, Girlfriend you are rockin this band! You are doing great! 40lbs ain't nothin to snuff about. You will reach 99kg it is closer than you think. I love reading your posts and you have a great sense of humor and I love that! Like Kathy said tap into it, it is right there on the inside. Bring that DIva to the Forefront baby and work it!!!
  9. divaliciousdee

    staples, stitches or glue?

    I had internal disolving stitches and external glue. I don't think I could do staples ...well the actual removal of the staples YIKES!
  10. divaliciousdee

    The Best Easiest Meal

    Okay Ladies watch the sodium content those two dishes are packing heavily with sodium. I have high blood pressure and for those of you like me stay away from those pre-packaged stroke meals! They will do more harm than good especially with all that sodium! Remember that salt is NaCl(sodium chloride). Diva
  11. divaliciousdee

    August Bandsters Updates....

    Hey yall! Glad to see all the great progress! So far I am down 23lbs and I know inches are going somewhere but I don't do the tape measuring stuff. I am down 2 sizes! I was wearing 28W and now I wear a 24W! WHoo Hoo! I go tomorrow for my first fill and six week checkup. I am so happy for all of us. We are definitely rockin this band!!! Diva
  12. divaliciousdee

    Name Your Band

    My band is named Shaquita and she don't play all that eatin whatevah , whenevah I want to. Shaquita holds it down! LOL
  13. divaliciousdee

    Say a prayer for me

    I am on the prayer bandwagon right with the rest of them. You will do great. See you in Bandland! DeeDee
  14. divaliciousdee

    Calling on creative Moms/Dads... Costume ideas

    Make him an Orange county chopper! I think that would be cool.
  15. divaliciousdee

    I'm in the 100 lb club.. FINALLY!!!

    WAY TO GO!!!! You are such an inspiring person. The way you offer advice to us "freshmen" when we have difficult band times set you up there with the best of them. I pray that I have the sucess that you have had. Not only with losing the weight but understanding the process so well. Sometimes when I have a question I type in the search area and the answer is always something that you have been through or know first hand about. Thank you and U GO GIrl!! Hope everything goes well for your husband. Keep up the Inspiring work!!! Dee Dee
  16. divaliciousdee

    Game: What leader and movie are you?

    I am Apocalypse Now. I am a rogue wanderer on the winding river of life, searching after my shadow self. I am Abe Lincoln ,mild mannered and an assasination victim LMAO. I have a peaceful nature and am good at mediating disputes(I do this often). Interesting thread...pretty cool
  17. divaliciousdee

    Did anyone else see it? (Cold Case on CBS)

    Hey I saw it. It really disturbed me at how something like that could actually happen in a college. BIg girls are beautiful. The girls on the show were all pretty and excited about the party. Then to be led into a room and placed on HOG Scales. I cried in the end cause the guy didn't care. He was calling her a porker when he knew he threw the key away and trapped her in the room. I have been fat all of my life and have experienced alot of negative situations because of it. I think this was a great way for people to see what their words or actions can do to someone. The Bible says the power Life or Death is in the tongue. Something to think about.
  18. divaliciousdee

    Happy Birthday Jack !!!

    Happy Birthday Captain!!! Dee Dee
  19. divaliciousdee

    ~*Dating after weight loss success*~

    I never thought about it in that way. I have noticed that I take a little extra time with my makeup and hair...hmmmm and get compliments and smiles every time. Yes and I do feel a little saucier...lol. By George I think I have got it!! Thanks Darcey! Dee Dee
  20. divaliciousdee

    Why are YOU Fat?

    To be honest I have been avoiding this thread like the plague! I am now ready to say it. I am fat because I eat too much. I eat too much of what I enjoy. Hot Wings and Margaritas are of the devil..LOL Just kidding but I love greasy, salty, fatty foods. Now that I have "shaquita"( that is what I named my band cause with a name like that attitude goes along with it) LOL I am forced to make better choices. Shaquita don't play all that hot wing eatin' and margarita drinkin', Hell she really has been givin me hell about scrambled eggs lately and I have no fill yet. I said it there it is. I am not an emotional eater I eat when I am happy and I eat when I am sad. I wasn't traumatized as a child I had a very happy childhood aside from the occasional teasing by kids but who hasn't experienced that. I do not eat because I was poor and food was scarce so I eat all I can now that I have money...nope I eat cause I love to and that is it. I have been eating "good" all my life . We didn't have special occasions to have big meals we just had them. I was taught clean your plate but they didn't have to tell me that I cleaned it alright..twice and ate what was leftover on my babysister's plate. My mother said that the only thing I would not eat as a child was oatmeal(I still hate it to this day)and black-eyed peas(yuk!). Well that is why I am fat cause I keep bending my dang on elbow. But now that Shaquita is helping me to hold it down I am on my way to being fierce baby, just wait.
  21. divaliciousdee

    Am I being unreasonable?? Need Opinions

    Well I understand you being angry with your mama for leaking it to your SIL. DO not stop talking with your mother because of it. Not getting them from the airport is well...a bit childish. There is a post on here where someone lost their mother to cancer, you still have your mother here cherish that. Every second you stay angry is a second lost to have that special time to enjoy her. I know you want to keep it on the low but don't let it ruin your relationship with your mama. Life is too short, and you don't want to ever have to say if only I would have talked to her one last time or if I could turn back the hands of time I would have done. What is done is done, be the bigger person if she doesn't apologize forgive her anyway. Just know now that she can't keep a secret(LOL). Don't tell her anything else that you want to keep secret. What mama doesn't know won't hurt her....or you.. LOL DeeDee
  22. divaliciousdee

    Parvathi's Medium Paced Loser NSV List ...lol

    U GO GIRL!!! U are ROckin that band Bigtime!!! I am so wanting to do a size 16!!! I am jealous but in a good way!! Way to go!
  23. divaliciousdee

    ~*Dating after weight loss success*~

    JOelle GIrlfriend we have the same story. Do we live in the same town? LOL. I have lost 23lbs so far and I am getting looks from guys who didn't notice me before. I am a bit stuck up with them because I am the same person but just a little bit smaller. My mama says it looks like I lost about 50lbs instead of 23lbs cause of the walking and aerobics, that is why they are looking. I don't know if my soulmate is in my little town. I know everyone and all the guys I see around I am not interested. We have one hospital and I work there so that gives you an idea about the size. So I see alot of guys(course the hospital isn't a great pickup spot, unless they are visitors lol). I would like to know about weight loss stories and love to. I am gonna keep up with this one. Great Idea for a topic. Thanks Dee Dee
  24. divaliciousdee

    ONe MOnth Bandiversary!

    I just realized that yesterday was one month with my band! I made it through the liquid stage from hell, then the mushie stage and now this semi-solid stage(still don't understand what semi-solid is). I have lost 23lbs and I go for my first fill on Oct. 6. he said if I am losing really good he would only do a fill if I requested one. I am gonna request it anyway. The band is meant to work with fills . I want to keep up the steady loss that I have been seeing weekly. I am trying really hard, even though I swear my nutritionist has me on an ATkins diet. Well I am so glad I made this decision. I have been getting alot of looks from the fellas lately too! I mean I can tell the difference in my face which just amazes me. Never before have I done a diet or lost weight and noticed it in my face. I have a birth defect that is called sturgy weber's oslo rondeau. It is a hemangioma that makes one side of my face bigger than the other. It always looks swollen. Now I can truly say that it just looks a tiny bit swollen . My plastic surgeon said that before she would do the last corrective surgery on the lip I would have to lose 100lbs now she told me I would only have to lose 27 more pounds and I am approved for the reconstruction on my lip(it is like normal on one side and on the other side it looks like Angelina Jolie lol). I told her I am going to wait because I will have to have a boob job. I have gone form a D cup to a C(the girls are leaving me). My mama said that when I lose 100lbs she is gonna buy me some boobs, Yea! Well enough rambling, but all in all my life is so much better now that I took a chance with this band. This is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I will try to put some pictures up when I figure out how. DeeDee
  25. divaliciousdee

    Can't remember...

    Brenda I was told by my surgeon NO SODA FOREVER AFTER. I have not had a soda since August 28, 2005 the day before I was banded. I was in excrutiating withdrawls LOL but I made it through. I think of a Diet Pepsi Every now and then but I know that most of my weight loss is from not drinking the 2 liters a day I was drinking. Besides Diet sodas Have tons of sodium and they make you retain fluid.

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