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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by divaliciousdee

  1. The two drink thing I thought I was the ONLY one who did that. That is just bizarre to me that so many of you have done that too. I have Totally ordered the largest pizza and pretended it was family night! I have also bought a dozen donuts for the "family" but they NEVER got any. LOL Kind of sad in a way but that WAS my life. A reality check is what this thread is. I don't want to ever go back to those habits again, EVER!!!
  2. divaliciousdee

    officially sick of liquid diet

    I need to just get moving period. I am losing weight just fine but I know I need to do weight resistance and cardio. I joined our local gym here today...Pray for me! LOL I want to be like you when I grow up lol.(even though I am older than you now LOL)
  3. divaliciousdee

    officially sick of liquid diet

    IT WILL BE OVER BEFORE YOU KNOW IT(liquid stage)! It is great that you are in the gym so soon after surgery. You are truly inspiring! I am going to join a gym today. Way to motivate!
  4. divaliciousdee

    PMS sufferers get a laugh out of this!!

    LMAO!! LMAO some more!!! I am at the scissors in the temple point as we speak! LOL LOL
  5. divaliciousdee

    In case of an emergency...I did this last night.

    Vines I hear ya! Maybe we can get the charm bracelet as a 2 for 1 deal. I may need to get a necklace and earrings just for the rest of them. LOL
  6. divaliciousdee

    Weekend Pictures

    U are truly Lovely! I love it when a Diva is officially in 'Divamode". I was just thinking maybe I should go blonde...what do ya think, lol cause you are definitely having fun and you look just great!!!
  7. divaliciousdee

    Weeeeeeeeeeeee 50lbs gone forever...

    U go girl!!!! Keep it up you sexy thang you!!! Way to rock that band!
  8. divaliciousdee

    I have a date!!!

    Yay!!!!!! FEeeeeeeeeee!!!!! Congratulations you are on your way! Dee Dee
  9. divaliciousdee

    Forever in my heart... Jeter

    Jenna I can truly relate I lost my very best friend Max( bulldog/chow mix) in march 2001. He was 10 years old. I loved him truly and he loved me through everything I went through. I found out I had Lupus and was so sick at times I could only go in the backyard and sit down to play with him. He just sat right next to me and laid his head on my lap as to say it's okay I am just glad to see you. He died laying in my arms and I will never forget him. Why can't people love like animals, I will never know. Jeter looks like he was a lot of fun an love. You will always have him in your heart, there they never die. BIg HUGS!!!!!! Dee Dee
  10. divaliciousdee

    How much time did you take off of work?

    I agree with Jenna. My sister teaches Kindergarten and you guys are on the go alot with the lower grades. I volunteer and read to the classes K-5th grade and I would suggest from what I see you teachers do in a day that you do it over your christmas break. I am a laboratory technician and I was back in a week.
  11. divaliciousdee

    I Forgot My Bandiversary!

    Congratulations! You look awesome! I too want to lose 100lbs by my bandiversary! What an inspiration, thank you for this post!!! Keep up the great work. Dee Dee
  12. divaliciousdee

    NSV for my DH

    That is just great! 200lbs in 2 years?!! That is just fantastic! From the pics he looks like a very fun man. Way to give your man Props!! He deserves it! Tell him to keep up the good work!!!
  13. divaliciousdee

    I got Stuck :(

    Kristen girlfriend I feel ya. I had an episode with rice and it was not pretty. My eyes started watering my mouth started watering and I could not breathe! I was terrified. I remembered some posts on here about breathing through it and walking that helped but it wasn't over until the fat lady sang and believe me baby I sang! LOL. Stick with the liquids and follow your docs orders. I did liquids after that for 3 days I was terrified. Now I hate rice! I used to love rice but that was then. It only takes one time with me for anything and I am done. LOL Glad to hear you are okay.
  14. divaliciousdee

    What do I tell my boss?

    How about just saying it is personal and I don't want to discuss it. Beats telling a lie anyday.
  15. divaliciousdee

    Affraid To Eat

    I agree with Vines. My surgeon wouldn't fill me at my six week visit because I was losing steadily and not hungry alot. So you may not get a fill on your next visit. I also feel that you have gone through alot as of late and restriction I think is emotional too. When I get all upset or even a little frustrated now since the band I can't eat alot. It is like what Jack says that "the silicone fist" just starts to make it's presence known. I hear you on being afraid of the PB. Be afraid be VERY afraid. Chew, Chew, Chew believe me I had my first and only one with rice and I almost wished for death, LOL.
  16. divaliciousdee

    Icon Story - FUNNY!!

    TOO FUNNY! That is so cute!!
  17. divaliciousdee

    Sexy is an Attitude

    Great post! We are all Beautiful! The definition of beautiful- WordNet Dictionary Definition: [adj] aesthetically pleasing [adj] delighting the senses or exciting intellectual or emotional admiration Synonyms: aesthetic, aesthetical, beauteous, better-looking, bonnie, bonny, comely, dishy, esthetic, esthetical, exquisite, fair, fine-looking, glorious, good-looking, gorgeous, handsome, lovely, picturesque, pleasant, pretty, pretty-pretty, pulchritudinous, ravishing, resplendent, scenic, sightly, splendid, splendiferous, stunning, well-favored, well-favoured ! I say that this describes about everyone of you women and men I have met since I joined this site!!!
  18. divaliciousdee

    The Biggest Loser

    Candy he also was binge eating at night and going back to bed. I would also like to say that Jillian the guy's trainer is ..how do you say...CRAZY!!!!! If I had her for a trainer we would be doing alot of kickboxing! LOL STill she has motivated me to go to the gym regularly!
  19. divaliciousdee

    Food list answer yes or no please

    1. Bread- toasted yes no problem 2. Pasta- Haven't tried yet 3. Pop- Gave em up forever 4. Tortillas- haven't tried 5. Salad- no problem at all 6. Steak- cooked really tender(tenderloin) 7. Roast-no problem cooked really tender 8. Cereal- haven't tried 9. Hamburger- haven't tried) really scared to anyway bread and meat 2gether(scary) 10. Pizza- no problem just have to pick the toppings off first and then it has to be thin(very thin crust) 11. Apples- kind of hard for me to do 12. Chips- haven't tried 13. Cheese- no problem 14. Shrimp- chewed really, really well I can ;but as much as I LOVE shrimp after you chew it to death it is gross 15. Pop corn- no problem 16. Pretzels- haven't tried P.S. As a girl growing up down south I ate rice everyday at dinner like clockwork. I love rice but I can't do it now. I had my first PB with rice and I thought I was going to die. It only takes one time with me so no rice for me maybe someday....I can dream. LOL OH yeah and I can't do eggs anymore. When I went to mushies I was fine with them now I can't get them down, go figure and I haven't even been filled yet.
  20. divaliciousdee

    Today is my Bandiversary!

    Congratulations!!!! Keep up the great work.
  21. divaliciousdee

    How did you determine your goal weight?

    I chose the weight that was on my driver's license when I was 22 years old! Back then it was a lie lol! The driver's license lady changed it to 230lbs from 190lbs. I thanked her greatly because I was 275lbs then lol!
  22. I am seriously thinking about steak. I want some steak. I also want to eat some rice. What did you do? Did you give in? Will it hurt my band? I am getting so tired of the same ole food choices. I am a picky eater for a fat person and some of this stuff I get tired of really fast. I mean MOnday I will be 4 weeks post op. My nutritionist has me going to solids on week 6. I am beginning to think that it is not for the band but to optimize the weight loss or jumpstart it. I am so sick of yogurt and sf jello and I don't like mashed potatos I want some mac n cheese. I really got this band so that it would help me with portion control I don't want to have to diet with it. Certain foods are restricted everything has to be low fat and sugar free. This is the pits!
  23. divaliciousdee


    I want to weigh what is on my driver's license too! 230lbs! I know alot of people look at my ticker and probably ask why is her goal is 230lbs and not like 150lbs but this is the reason why LOL! I know after I get to 230lbs I will then change it to 190lbs that is what it said on my license when I was 21. HAHAHAHA!
  24. divaliciousdee

    How do you deal with nosey people....

    I usually ask them something very personal back. I had some co-workers ask me "how much have you lost", I tell them 31lbs. Then they ask "well how much do you weigh now"? I then ask them how much do they make an hour and how much is their mortgage? They have the same stupid expression on their face that I have on mine...then they just walk off. Point taken!!! LOL Some people are just nosey! This particular co-worker is having marriage problems so I asked her is her husband still having that affair, she was pissed and said I was rude and I said that oh I'm sorry are you the only one allowed to be rude today! LOL
  25. divaliciousdee

    Today's my birthday and I hope I don't overdo!

    Happy Birthday Diva!!! Eat cake and tommorrow back to bandster rules! You are doing a great job! Truly inspiring! God Bless!!!

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