I had my surgery in 2007 and lost 80 lbs and have really kept the weight off the past 7 years. My husband and I went through several rounds of IVF (due to an issue he has, nothing to do with the lap band) and I am finally 6 weeks pregnant... with twins.
Before I was pregnant, my band always felt looser right before my period and tighter the last few days/after. For the past few weeks it has felt tighter like it normally does towards the end of my cycle. I shared this with my fertility doctor during my last visit as I have been experiencing some vomiting and it feels more like the band is tight vs. pregnancy symptoms. From the beginning my fertility doctor (and even OBGYN) seemed very un-knowledgeable about the lap band in general. In fact my fertility doctor didn't even know that it was an easy procedure to loosen/tighten the band (he thought it was a whole other surgery).
I have asked him if I should loosen the band based on how I am feeling and am nervous that as I continue to get further along into my pregnancy, I may have issues with nutrients for my babies. Obviously, I'm even more nervous as at the moment I'm pregnant with multiples.
Additionally, I have had spells of feeling light headed/dehydrated (which I did suffer from sometimes prior to pregnancy as well). He said I should wait until I was done with my progesterone shots (another 4-6 weeks) before I make any decisions to loosen the band as right now the progesterone/additional hormones I'm taking is affecting everything. Based on his lack of knowledge with the lap band, I wanted to get some feedback.
Anyone who have underdone gone IVF/progesterone shots as well as carried multiples with lap band have any insights? Any suggestions?
Thank you, Vita