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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by cd0727

  1. cd0727

    Sw Florida anyone?

    Yes. Dr. Bass is awesome. I'm only 3 days out and still feel sick. I hope it passes soon so I can see the reward. Trust me, it gets better! I'm alittle over 3 months out and I vaguely remember recovery. I remember it was alittle tough but I'm so happy with the results I have pushed that part out of my memory this was honestly the best thing I could've done for myself.
  2. cd0727

    Sw Florida anyone?

    Hey! I was sleeved by dr bass 12/22/14. I'm down 54lbs as of this morning. It was honestly the best decision I could've made it's nice to see a group of other dr bass' success stories!
  3. cd0727

    Getting sleeved with PCOS

    Mine used to fluctuate but now they are light for the first two days, heavy for 2 and the light/spotting for the last day.
  4. You look amazing!! I was sleeved on 12/22. 314 SW 264 CW 150 GW. I am officially down 50 lbs today! I'm super excited! This is my most recent progress picture. It was taken last week. I plan on taking a new one tomorrow for my 50lb mark
  5. cd0727

    Need some hope

    Just sent you a private message
  6. cd0727

    Need some hope

    Yes! The stalls are so frustrating! I'm officially down 40lbs but I lost 30 of those in the first month. This second month has been hard. I'm hoping now that the stall has seemed to have been broken, it will fall off. I'm trying to be down 75lbs by my brother in laws wedding in late April. Do you have a timeline of when you are going to start trying again? My dr said for me, it is safe to start trying between 8-12 month mark. My husband and I haven't really talked much but I think once I hit 100lbs down, it will be a good time but who know! I just hope this surgery will help the PCOS and fertility problems. We tried clomid and had a chemical pregnancy our second month but other than that my body didn't respond to it. Fingers crossed for the both of us that this is our golden ticket!
  7. cd0727


  8. cd0727

    2 month progress

    From the album: Progress!

  9. cd0727

    Need some hope

    I'm doing well! Down 38lbs and am trying to learn this new life style. Some times it's hard but I have to look at the big picture and that the more I lose, the better my chances are at getting pregnant How are you doing? I love meeting other women that are in this for the same reason!
  10. cd0727

    Need some hope

    While I don't have an answer for you, I will be following this post. I had my surgery done for a very similar reason. My health is priority one but babies are a a very close second. I hope people can weigh in and give some insite. I was sleeved 12/22/14 so I'm a little behind you but I would love to see the answers people have. I wish you all the luck in the world! I'm sure when your body is ready, you will have a beautiful bundle of joy
  11. Can you elaborate on what your small meals consisted of? I'm curious to see what they were so I can follow in your success thank you!!
  12. Yep, I've been walking as much as I can. Hubby got me a Fitbit for Christmas and I'm logging 5000 steps a day.
  13. Hi all! I have been doing some googling but figured I would come here to ask my question since you all are so knowledgable about the ins and outs of the sleeve. Since yesterday, I have had tightness in my stomach. I can drink but it makes me nauseous. I keep getting gas bubbles but it's almost like they can't get out. I woke up this morning kinda sweaty and dizzy. I was going to try and wait until tomorrow to call my dr. I just don't know what if there is anything I can do to make this better. I am so scared about having a leak. I feel paranoid.. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!
  14. Just got a call back and the dr didn't seem overly concerned. He said he thinks it's my new tummy trying to get used to the amount of acid and gas it needs to produce. He wants me to keep up on my nausea and acid meds and said not to be afraid to take a pain pill or Tylenol of I need it. He said fluids will be my best friend because the more I drink, the more the gas gets displaced and has to come out. He said he is not thinking leak at this point, which is a good thing! I have an appointment Tuesday for a follow up but he said if I need anything to just call.
  15. I just put a call into my doctor because I had a restless night and woke up just as bad as I was yesterday. I'm hoping to get a call back soon... I'll keep you all posted.
  16. I'm actually feeling a lot better. I laid down flat for a few hours and the pain subsided with a few burps. I'm still tender and have a little ting of pain so I'll call in to morning to see if they want me to come in. I have my follow up on Tuesday but i don't Want to wait if it's important to go in.
  17. Believe me, I went from sobbing when they were getting ready to leave to laughing because I couldn't get on the OR table right. It was magic haha I was sleeved 12/22/2014 and am down 30lbs from pre op and post op dieting (19lbs since surgery). The first couple days were rough but it's totally worth it!
  18. I was only alone maybe 5 minutes. I told the drs that I was a nervous wreck and starte crying when my parents and husband were telling me bye. The gave me something in my iv when I started crying and everything calmed down. You will be fine, just be sure to tell them how nervous you are and ask if you can get something for your nerves. Good luck!!
  19. I'm on acid reflux meds and have had bms since surgery. I know it sounds stupid, I just didn't want to bother my dr on New Years. I can drink water, it just feels like a lava lamp in my belly.
  20. Did anyone else get scared and the "oh my gosh, am I really doing this?" Feeling before their surgery?? I start my liquids tomorrow for surgery on the 22nd. I think it's finally hitting me and I would lie if I said I wasn't scared. I'm not really scared for the life after more so the surgery it's self..
  21. That's my date too!! such an awesome Christmas present!
  22. I'm dec 22nd too!! Are you getting excited?? I finish my pre op testing today and will start preop diet on the 15th! It's getting so close!!
  23. Small world! I'm actually from bradenton but stayed down here after I started at FGCU and met my husband
  24. I am self paying since my insurance doesn't cover it and I'm going to end up paying $15k for everything including a years worth of follow up appointments with doc and nutritionist.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
