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Delta Dawn

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Delta Dawn

  1. Delta Dawn

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    OK so I just checked and of course there is no siggis yogurt to be found in my area. I'm still on the road in Texas and heading home tomorrow. I'm so ready to get home... I'm tired of unjury skim milk and Protein Water. I'm ready to play with some recipes. I need a little flavor in my life. Everything has gone as well as it could have. I continue to feel blessed with my recovery and the process in general. I haven't weighed since before my surgery so I'm excited to see if I've lost any weight or if I'm hanging onto it like I have in the past. As excited as I am to continue this journey at home I must confess that I am more excited to see, hold,kiss and sleep beside the wonderful man that is My Better Half!! Best Wishes to all who are about to embark on this journey!!!
  2. I'm getting Sleeved in 3 days. Since making this decision I have pondered many things for example; Will I look like one of those wrinkled faced little dogs after losing weight? Will I be so beautiful that I cause traffic jams in my town population 5,000 ( ok had to throw in a little humor)? Will I be a smooth sailor or will I end up with every text book gone wrong moment with this procedure happening to me? and so on and so on. My most recent ponderable has to do with my intellect and how it will change after this procedure. I've been told by many people that I'm crazy. They tell me in different ways you know like......your not that big......you don't look that bad.....and there are many others but my favorite is, YOU'VE LOST YOUR COTTON PICKING MIND!!! After pondering that sentiment I think that they are probably right in their assumption but their timing is off. I haven't lost it yet. It occurs to me that most of my life when it comes to food I've been thinking with my stomach and not my brain so I see (after removing a large portion of my stomach) where it could affect my intellect. Isn't that what we are doing it for? To change our way of thinking about food? So I intend to stand firm in my decision to have this procedure even if some people think I've lost my mind for doing it. I certainly hope that it affects my way of thinking about food and I am positive that I am more intelligent for choosing to live a healthier life.
  3. Delta Dawn

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    I'm still in the hospital . I will be released from here tomorrow. I had a great night and this morning my ice chips seems like ice cream. I can honestly say that I've had no issues. I have found a dermatologist down the hall so I'm about to have some botox done. How cool is that. I may be able to go over to the local craft and farmers market in a bit if I keep doing so well. Thanks again for all of the prayers.
  4. Delta Dawn

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Sorry I tried to post from phone and goofed!! If I continue doing as well tomorrow as I have today I may get to try liquids after lunch tomorrow which would be nice. Thanks for checking on me:)
  5. Delta Dawn

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Probably tomorrow. I know ice chips in the a.m. If I keep doing "
  6. Delta Dawn

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Hello to all sleevers!! I just wanted everyone to know that my surgery was done around lunch time today..I am thanking you all for the prayers and I'm thanking God for seeing me through the surgery with out any issues. I had a hernia repair as well as my sleeve surgery. I came back to my room took a short nap then went for walk #1. Been out walking 4 times 2-3 laps each time. I've cleaned up as much as possible without showering (only because Doc said absolutely not) and I'm in my own P.J. sitting on the side of my bed catching up with friends and family. I think that is pretty awesome. I know I have a lot of work ahead but I have been blessed with an awesome start!!! Love to all, Dawn
  7. Delta Dawn

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Hello Everyone!! Sorry I've been absent. I've been preparing for the big day which is Friday for me. My assistant and I flew into San Antonio on the way to Peidras Negras. We are attempting to have a mini vay- cay and occupy my mind. Guess what? As beautiful as our view of the River Walk is I can only think of one think and that's my new sleeve. How wrinkled will I be when I lose weight? How much better will I feel Physically? and etc...... Anyway..... Love and support to all sleevers past, present and future. I am saying a special prayer for strength courage and calmness for all of you scheduled tomorrow. Best Wishes.
  8. BEST WISHES TO EVERYONE GETTING SLEEVED TOMORROW!!!!!! I will be sending up prayers along with positives thoughts for all. This is the day that everyone of you have worked so hard for. Congratulations!!!!!
  9. Hello Monique and welcome. You've come to the right place for support, great advice and answers. I've only been here since Oct. 5 even though I'm having surgery Oct. 17. I'm not your typical red tape sleever. I have had some pretty traumatic experiences this past year that encouraged me to speed up the process. Honestly I'm not sure how long it would've taken if ever my insurance would've paid. I'm 5 ft 7 in and some old injuries and weight gain has made it impossible for me to be physically active due to chronic pain. I decided to forgo all the time it would take for my insurance to approve this procedure. I'm afraid if it took a yr. to jump through all of the hoops I might be completely immobile. I was 220 at my heaviest and I'm down to 207-208 lbs at present. If I could get down to 140 lbs and be active again I would be pleased with my results. I'm really not into runway model skinny. The folks here are at all stages of the game and everyone seems to be willing to offer as much help as they can. Again Welcome and best wishes on this amazing journey you are beginning!!
  10. Delta Dawn

    What I've stocked so far.

  11. Delta Dawn


    From the album: What I've stocked so far.

    Most Important....A picture of my beautiful boy .....my Angel!! Warren Tate Sutherland 05/24/1992--12/15/2013
  12. From the album: What I've stocked so far.

    I'm having trouble finding supplements that I'm comfortable with. I'll take any suggestions!!
  13. Idahospud, I don't have the answer about losing weight because I haven't been sleeved yet but I wanted you to know that you have been on my mind, in my heart and in my prayers as well. You are so inspiring and brave. I have no doubt that you are going to be very successful with your sleeve. Kudos to you and best wishes. I will be anxiously awaiting updates from you.
  14. Delta Dawn

    10 days post op.. HELP

    Imaher718. You are way ahead of me I'm scheduled for Oct. 17 (6 days from today). I went out and bought baby spoons. A friend that is 7 months out told me how hard it was for her to learn to take small bites. I fear that I will be the same way so I'm using baby spoons to help train my brain and hopefully keep me from becoming ill. As crazy as it sounds it might just be something you could try as well. Good luck!!
  15. Delta Dawn

    Testing pre op?

    My prayer today..... Dear Lord Pleeease make sure they put me to sleep not almost to sleep but let them knock me OUT before doing this procedure!!!!! Amen
  16. Delta Dawn

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Chelle- looks like you are on top of things as usual !! Kathy- Thanks for the compliment (Delta Dawn is super sweet) I've fooled another.LOL Suturia- So nice to have another Sleeve Sister with the same surgery date. Mona- I will message you so that we can get logistics worked out and perhaps meet in person Jen, lindalue, & krimrod- We have a great support group here & I will support and help in any way that I can. Susan M- We have connected through our pain which will hopefully make us stronger. I justlove you and you are gonna do fine!! EVERYONE that has already been sleeved- Thank you all for the advice and calming words of experience and wisdom. You enable us to be as prepared as possible. I'm so glad that I found this place and have you all here!!!
  17. Delta Dawn

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Lindalue.... Just sending you a word of encouragement and LOVE. We all deserve to make choices that make us healthy and happy!! Best of Luck.
  18. Myonlybattle....thank you for sharing. We must be kindred spirits because the issues you questioned are the same that I question. Your resolve has calmed me. Thanks again!!
  19. Delta Dawn

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Hello Mona!! I'm so glad to see you here. I just realized where you are from and "Honey" We live only 35-40 minuets from each other.... Let's do lunch Protein shakes sometime!! LOL
  20. Delta Dawn

    Freaking Out Right Now

    The only way I could get to this point was to concentrate on the end result. One of my habits is to over analyze everything. Over analyzing this procedure will scare you to death or at least it does me. So I decided to focus on the end result and the rewards of the hard work that I have to do. After focusing on and visualizing the end result I realized the rewards far out weigh the fears for me.....as I've said before we are all entitled to choose what is right for us as individuals and no one here will ever think less of someone because of their decision not to have this procedure. Best wishes sweetheart.....you will make the decision that is best for you. Don't be hard on yourself.
  21. Delta Dawn

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Yes mam! I'm an addict. It's hard not to eat. I eat for fun...I eat when I'm sad, I eat when I'm happy, I eat when I see anything that resembles golden arches, a crown or a little red headed girl with pig tales...Honestly that's why I'm here. I can't do this alone. My give a damn is busted and I've never been able to perceive the concept of will power. I am looking at this as my chance to start over. My chance to retrain my brain....for my brain to learn to listen to my stomach. I reach for the potato chip like the smoker lights a cigarette or the gambler rolls the dice. It's swallowed before I even realized I picked it up. My best guess tells me it's gonna get harder before I'm done but we can do this. We are strong or we wouldn't be here. We have never been perfect and this procedure will not make us perfect. There is not a perfect person here. We are still human but we can do this. We can get past our moments of weakness and we are arming ourselves with an awesome tool to help us. Do not be hard on yourself when you feel this way. Instead know that you have an army of us here that will lend support. Good luck friend, you've go this!!
  22. Delta Dawn

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Way to go Leslie!! Your chiropractor must be great because it's obvious that you have one fine backbone!!!!! We must defend our right to do this. We shouldn't have to but it's just what we have to do. I decorated what I have yesterday in an effort to look nice when meeting my girl friends ( who are all smaller than me) to let them in on my plans. I started the conversation w/ if you can't be a positive support to me during what I'm about to go through then you may leave. They all stuck around and have promised to be supportive. I've got to be focused and I will speak up for myself as needed just like you!!
  23. You are welcome!!! and I meant hear not here!!!! Lol If you can't make fun of yourself you had better not make fun of anyone else!!
  24. Welcome Home amp2014!!! Sorry to here that you had any issues but it sounds like you are doing well and that you are on track. Thanks for sharing your experience and best wishes for smooth sailing and many more pounds lost!!

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