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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by jenbaby75

  1. Congrats! I think BCBS is pretty on the ball. If you need it, they are good about being quick. We have it through Boeing, and anything that has needed approval, was very easy to get. I have to switch plans from Selections to Traditional before I can schedule my sleeve, but am doing all of me preop now.
  2. jenbaby75

    What would you do?

    I would do it!
  3. jenbaby75

    Cold all the time

    If you are in a fat burning state, you tend to be a bit colder. I imagine it is a combo of loosing weight, and being in ketosis. it's a good thing!
  4. It seems DVTs and leaks. Most surgeons use Lovenox to prevent clots prior to and just after surgery. I have actually had a DVT after an ankle surgery, where my ankle was immobilized in a boot. It was awful. And probably largely due to the surgeon not having me stop birth control prior to surgery. I have no abnormal blood clotting markers genetically. I had crazy extensive testing from my hemoglobin doc. Mine did totally disappear after treatment, so I am lucky. I suggest moving as much as you can, get your blood pumping in order to keep in from pooling. DVTs are no joke. I am scared to death I will develop another one after surgery.
  5. jenbaby75

    Catheter during surgery

    It's called a "pee-hat." No joke
  6. jenbaby75

    Large Sleeve - Bypass Revision

    I would be pretty upset. This is your life, and body he is playing with. He is not God. He clearly does not value his patients as fellow humans, he looks down on them, and their weaknesses. That is disgusting. I would do my best to gather all research, go in armed, and see how he reacts. Find out how many of his patients vs other surgeon's patients, have to have multiple surgeries. Sleeve size, etc. Consult an attorney. Bypass surgery is awful. I wouldn't do it. Why can't they make your stomach smaller?
  7. jenbaby75

    Smoking/Hubble bubble

    I imagine hookah is out, as you get far more bad stuff with each inhale, than you do smoking cigarettes.
  8. jenbaby75

    Feels like forever

    I have to wait unt after the 1st of the year for stuff to go to the insurance company. I had my consult with the surgeon, ekg, and did a home sleep study last night, (hope it worked, i hae a 10 month d who decided tonot sleep last night.) then I have no appts until Dec 29, when I do my psych, fitness trainer, and nut appointments. Then it's a matter of waiting for ins approval. I will be taking the 1st avail surgery date. I wanna get the hard part over with and start living the sleeved life!
  9. jenbaby75

    Sleeved 10/29/14

    Have you had issues with blood clots in the past? I have had to use Lovenox, and it really does burn, and bruise
  10. jenbaby75

    Decisions decisions

    The sleeve has a much lower mortality rate. With bypass, you can die a year later. It's scary. I am excited to get sleeved after the 1st of the year. nervous about the recovery, but a month is such a short time!! I think about how this time next year, I will be smokin hot! Loving to shop!! I can't wait to be able to wear normal clothes, and look good in them.
  11. jenbaby75

    Decisions decisions

    My general practitioner was happy I had chosen the sleeve, as he had a patient that died after the bypass.
  12. I was trying to watch via iphone.
  13. I can't watch the videos for some reason. What is your protein drink recommendations? I am worried about finding good ones..
  14. jenbaby75

    Pre op diet

    My surgical center also does a high protein, low carb diet preop.
  15. I am worried about the artificial sweetener. It makes my stomach hurt. Idk what I am going to do.
  16. I imagine a piece of skinless chicken wouldn't hurt. However, these docs know what they are doing, your best bet is to follow their instruction.
  17. jenbaby75

    Blood Work - Fasting

    Usually it is a 12 hour fast.
  18. jenbaby75

    Breastfeeding after surgery?

    I was told you cannot breastfeed after surgery because you cannot take in enough nutrition to sustain you.
  19. I had my first preop appointment last week, but have to wait until after the 1st of the year for surgery, due to needing to switch ins plans. It's driving me nuts. What I have been doing is: pouring over forums, you tube videos (vsg kirk is amazing, he has really helped me), and this week I have put myself on a high protein, low carb diet. Preparing myself for my actual preop diet, and really, for after surgery. It hasn't been too tough, probably because I am ready for this, and am willing to do whatever I need to in order to get there. I will admit, I really want to drink a coke, which is kind of odd, since I am not a huge soda drinker, I think it's because I "can't" have it. I will continue to watch hours of videos, and reading advice her, probably for quite some time, at least until surgery, and probably after as well. Keep to your plan, your day will come faster than you think!!
  20. jenbaby75


    Yes, they will take about 12 vials of blood! Good luck to you all!!
  21. jenbaby75

    I'm new and just wanted to say "Hey!"

    I will be having mine after the first of the year. I am taking care of all my preop stuff now. I have to switch insurance plans in order to get the surgery covered. I am looking to make some friends to share the journey with also, people who understand, so we can support each other, laugh, cry..
  22. jenbaby75


    You could have a genetic predisposition to clotting. I swear by going to a hemoglobin doctor. It seems that everyone has a different opinion on how, when, where..I was finally sent to a hemoglobin doc, and it made a world of difference. They should be doing extensive blood work, testing all sorts of things. Best wishes to you.
  23. jenbaby75

    One month

    With blood thinners, you have to watch your vitamin k intake. You want your inr to be below a certain number. I developed a dvt aftet an ankle surgery had me immobile in a boot. Had to give myself shots for 2 weeks, then was on Warfarin for 5 months. Follow all your docs instructions, my blood clot completely vanished. I hope you are seeing a hemoglobin specialist for the dvt.
  24. What was the shot in your belly for?
  25. jenbaby75

    Any Washington State Sleevers?

    Mid afternoon on a Sunday would be good for me too! I cannot do week nights due to my spouse working second shift at the Lazy B.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
