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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by linesj

  1. linesj

    Medication Question

    I was just banded yesterday and I would LOVE to take some liquid Motrin, but unfortunately I, too, was told to take only Tylenol. I do have a question, though. Do either of you know how MUCH liquid Tylenol to take?
  2. I am on a special diet for 10 days to 2 weeks before surgery, but it isn't liquid (thank God!). I expected that from what I'd read here, but my Dr. has a specific program that is no carb, very low fat, and pretty much low everything else with Isopure 3 times a day inbetween. I, too, think it's a good idea because I can get my body used to less calories and carbs. I never knew until this program how important protein is to healing and feeling well. I'm not thrilled with my diet, but at least I get to eat some things, and the Isopure between meals helps with the cravings. I've lost 22 pounds since beginning, so anything I lose this last 2 weeks is gravy. After reading about the liver puncture I'll be sure to take it VERY seriously! Thanks for sharing one of the complications that can happen.
  3. My surgeon has me on a "pre" pre op diet to lose whatever I can, and then 2 weeks of a "modified Atkins" which means strict Atkins with serving limits. He mentioned many reasons the surgery would either be cancelled before hand-if I gained weight instead of lost, or my BP went up instead of staying the same or down, and also said if he got in and the liver was too big, he would close up. No open surgery option, he says it's just not worth it, that I would need to work on more weight. My original BMI was 50 and I'm down to about 48 now with less then a month to go. I'll be extremely upset to wake up and find they didn't go ahead with surgery for some reason, but this is how the center I go to has never lost a patient. They are very careful, so I might be disapointed but I won't die.
  4. Craig, I have a feeling I might very feel much like you. I have weighed a normal weight many times in my life, and all my childhood, yet always felt fat. I'm not sure what it will take for me to feel good about the way I look, but losing weight is probably not going to do it all. Compliments? I always think of them as a backhanded way of saying "you were so fat, now your not". I, too, go in a room with the feeling of being judged and found wanting. When I went to the bariatric center near me was the first time I felt at ease, and only then did I realize how much my weight bothers me all the time--it's just there, like a shadow. I'm glad I read your post. I'm just beginning, and I have to remember to work on ALL of me, not just my weight. Losing weight is a big step to feeling better, but I can't count on that to fix self esteem that doesn't even know how to be good. Just like the band, it's not a quick fix (to lose weight). We have to work at it.
  5. linesj

    Pre-op diet

    I WISH I had a liquid diet pre op. Instead I have a strict diet of mostly protein (I can handle that) and vegetables (HATE them). I understand the importance of the pre op diet, and would be willing to drink veg. juices, even going so far as to juice them myself, but that's not allowed. So far I'm on the "Pre" pre-op diet as I'm still working through the preliminaries. Still heavy on veggies, but a little more doable--I'm managing two servings most days, but must have 3-5 later on. So, does anyone have any ideas, recipes or advice about how to prepare these mass quantities? I love spaghetti sauce, even with chunks of tomato. I've bought some canned stewed and diced tomatoes, what can I do to make them taste like the sauce? Carrots I can mash with potatoes, but won't be allowed potatoes later. Soup? How to season it? I'm not much of a cook.
  6. One more idea about what it might have been. Caffeine headaches are the worst-closest thing to migranes that I've ever had. If you quit pop or coffee, that might be it. Glad to hear you feel better. Whether it was blood sugar (another nasty feeling) or caffeine, apparently you have adjusted. Good luck!
  7. Thanks you all make it sound not quite as fearsome as I thought it might be. It helps a lot
  8. linesj

    Staying in Hospital

    Thanks minpinmon, I appreciate the advice and your good experience. I actually don't usually feel nausea from anesthesia (only one out of 4 times, and I was sick going in with a bad gall bladder)I'm just scared that I WILL because this is surgery on my actual stomach. Glad to know there are good drugs for it
  9. linesj

    Staying in Hospital

    I, too, have to stay the night in the hospital, which I'm not thrilled about. Been there and done that with mixed reviews. It sounds like you were all quite nauseous. Silly as it may sound, this is my biggest worry. I can handle pain, don't do well with pain meds anyway, but I know you aren't suppose to vomit so of course I will totally paranoid and while I can handle nausea (been there and done that, too with gall bladder disease) I know I will be having a hard mental time with the worry. Was it really bad? Did any of you vomit, and if so, did you cause any problems to yourself?
  10. I have a question for you newly banded ones. I am working my way through the pre op apts. right now, but I'm wondering something only you can answer. What did you feel like when you awoke from surgery. I've had surgery before, I don't mean the usual, I mean how did your stomach feel? Or did you even feel anything unusual? Did you have a tightness in your throat? A tightness in your chest? Nauseous beyond the usual post general anesthetic problems?
  11. I don't have any advice, but I can sure understand how you feel. I'm partway through the pre processes, but don't have a date yet. Sometimes I think, forget it, I want to be able to eat (and drink!)whatever I want. Then I stop and think about what brought me this far--I really AM willing to do whatever it takes because I don't want to live this way anymore. I've tried everything else and at the end of about 30 years of diets, I'm bigger then ever. So I think "I want to be able to play with grandchildren" "I want to get off high blood pressure medicine" " I don't want to have a heart attack or stroke" and "there's so much more to life that I'm missing, losing a lot of weight will change my life, and I'm ready for that" I like my life, but it's very "small" I want more, and in my family women tend to live well into their nineties. I have a long way to go, and don't want to spend the next 40 years at 300 pounds. OH, and one last thing "I want to buy clothes at a regular store at regular prices". If any of this sounds familiar, remind yourself why you ARE doing this. I know I will be scared to death, but I also tell myself that the scarey part won't last forever. I've had 4 other surgeries. My first was the day after my last child to have my tubes tied. I REALLY wanted that done, but didn't want the surgery. I was up all night, hungry, thirsty, thinking I don't have to do this, I'll just eat something and cancel it. But I made it, I did it, and I was so happy with myself for sticking it out that I was on cloud nine, both to and from surgery. I'm really really hoping this will be something like that.
  12. linesj

    Clothes after Surgery

    Wow, here is something I haven't thought of. I am usually so anal about details, but this one passed me by. I'll have to make sure I have some things to wear the first few days, both at home AND on the way home. Thanks so much for all the great advice.
  13. I haven't heard yet who I see next. I was told 2 days and it's been 4--but who's counting. I I'm struggling more the longer I go without seeing someone there. I better email the dietician to keep in touch, it really helps. I really identify with your "can I really do it?" I've been trying to do weight watchers for a couple of years, but how many people at those meetings have lost 150 pounds--and kept it off. The answer is NO ONE! The few lifetime members I would meet were often over 200 pounds, meaning they had it off and did NOT keep it off. They have a saying on the wall "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got". Well, as far as Weight Watchers is concerned, all I get is temporary weight loss and then rebound, so it's time for something else. I, too, thought I could not eat the way the lapband requires, but I kept reading these postings and thinking about how badly I want to lose the weight, and decided I was willing to make big changes--to get big changes. Yes, even giving up bread. I'm in somewhat of a hurry. I have 2 insurance companies covering me. One is good, and one is the worst they've ever dealt with (my primary, of course) The biggest problem they have is if there is too much time between starting this process and actually having the surgery they try to deny the original claims saying they can't be related because they are too far apart. I thought if I hussle I might keep that from happening. And at my first nurse visit she said "8-12 weeks". That was about 3 weeks ago, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. There are so many things that can cause a delay. I really do expect the psychologist to want to see me again. One concern she had was lack of my husband's support. He's not unsupportive exactly, just sort of neutral. We haven't even talked much about it. I'm sure it all sounded very strange to her for a married couple to not communicate. But we get along better that way. So I'm thinking she might want to see us together. I finally asked him if he would be willing to do that, and he said yes. So while it might take more time, I'm sure I'll get there.
  14. linesj

    Introducing ....ME!

    Hey, Barb, I was at the Genisis Bariatric Center today for my psych eval. Be sure to block out at least 3 hours for that when you get there. If I "pass" my next apt. is the surgeon. Wow, that will make it seem so real. I really like the facility, and it has inspired me to eat better and start losing already. They haven't done a lot of lapbands there yet, but I think it will be special to be one of the first few. Hopefully all goes well and I can help others through the process. I definitely want to be one of their success stories.
  15. Wow, so much of what you said is how I feel EXACTLY. Especially about buying the clothes in a regular store. I, too, mail order mine. One of my short term goals is to get to size 1X because the price always goes up at 2X and higher. I have refused to buy more clothes because I have so many in a size smaller. I am quite sick and tired of my clothes right now, and I'm sure my coworkers are as well. Luckily even just going through the preliminaries as I am now, I've started to lose. I've a ways to go to fit into that 2X wardrobe I have, but it's going to be this year. On New Year's Day I told my daughter I can feel it--this is MY year, this is the year I'm going to change my life. I find out in 2 days if my next appointment is with the surgeon. (or back to the psychologist) Once I see the surgeon it's going to seem VERY real.
  16. linesj

    Just starting

    You're doing better then I did. I spent months reading this website without posting anything. I also am going through the prelims and thought I shouldn't post yet, but decided since I AM going through the process that I can at least discuss that. I took my psych test today and find out in a couple of days if I need to see the psychologist again or am good to go and can see the surgeon. I have 2 insurances, and I've talked to the insurance person, who didn't mention any waiting time, but I haven't been "approved". Both insurances DO cover this, so except for a possible 6 month diet I should be OK. I'm anxious to find out my next step
  17. linesj

    What to tell co-workers

    One reason I've told people I'm "looking into Lapband surgery" is because I have appointments all the time! Do any of you have the problem of taking off work once or twice a week for dietician, psych, surgeon, nurse, etc.? I wouldn't know what to say except for the truth. I'm a terrible liar anyway, and probably would slip and say something. On the other hand, I haven't told my Mother. She has bugged me about my weight my whole life. I probably should listen to myself and say I might find support in her. I can't bring myself to take the chance that she'll "disaprove". I can handle coworkers if they dislike the idea, but not my Mom.
  18. linesj

    What to tell co-workers

    I talked to the nurse about this as I'm still doing preliminaries. Originally I didn't want anyone to know, but then decided my own office could know. The nurse mentioned that you can tell people you had your gall bladder out, but that if I DID tell people, I might find support where I didn't expect it. I thought about it and decided I'm going to go for it and let anyone know who asks. I might just help somoen else find the answer to their problem. As for everyone watching my progress, one thing I won't do is give numbers. "I'm still losing" is enough, not "I've lost 50 pounds" I knew someone who had the by pass and greeted everyone with a number "96" "102" and so on. She is currently the same size as when I met her. My coworkers all struggle with their weight so "I'm doing OK" or "I'm having a hard time" is enough and will gain me some support. I agree, though, it's an extremely personal and individual decision, and much depends on your work place. By the way, I was told one week off work, have you heard differently?
  19. linesj

    Introducing ....ME!

    I want a ticker tape. Does anyone know where I can find one to add to my profile? I love watching everyone else's weight go down. I want to join that bunch that has lost and not only be healthier and happier myself, but inspire someone else as I've been inspired by so many on this forum.
  20. linesj

    Introducing ....ME!

    Hi Barb! I'm from Iowa also. I have been going through all the preliminaries at the Geneisis Center in Davenport. I haven't had a visit with the surgeon yet, nor do I have a date, but there's hope! My BMI is 50 and I have moderately high BP, so Hopefully my two insurance companies will see the light. Where are you located?

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