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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by MerryHearted

  1. MerryHearted

    Maybe a little TMI (toot toot)

    Glad it's not just me! I'm trying a new probiotics thing to see if it'll help at all. But the tooting is something else, and it's definitely gotten worse as the band has gotten tighter. After healing but before I was filled very tight, I was not fluffing anything like this in either quantity or smell.
  2. MerryHearted

    wierd painful feelings

    Looks like you were banded about 9 or 10 months ago? If the pain is mostly constant (i.e. it's not a sharp stab and then gone) my guess is intestinal gas. It can really hurt! Try some Gas-X or the Aussie equivalent and see if it goes away in a few hours. Otherwise: have you been doing any exercise that might have pulled the muscle your port is stitched to, like lifting something heavy?
  3. MerryHearted

    Hypochondriac alert

    You might want to switch to SmartBandsters Yahoo group until banding if the complications threads are freaking you out. There are tons of bandsters will little to no complications. You should expect to PB at some point in your bandster journey. I'm almost a year out and haven't yet, but I know it's just a matter of time. The only thing close to a complication I've had is gas. I'm working on finding a way to manage this with probiotics*. In the meantime, Gas-X is my friend and food items that cause me significant distress get crossed off my "OK to eat" list. *Probiotics: These are a group of dietary supplements which provide various strains of friendly bacteria to encourage a good balance of intestinal microflora. These bacteria have many important functions including promote digestion, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, boost the immune system, increase the resistance to infections. The natural balance of intestinal flora can be upset by diets high in animal fats, dairy, produce, sugar, stress, alcohol, antibiotics and other drugs.
  4. MerryHearted

    My fill surgeon just told me....

    Also, don't wait to "feel full". Eat a "bandster portion" (2-3 oz of protein and 1/2 - 1 C of veggies) and then walk away. Give it a half hour and then see how you feel. If you're actually physically hungry -- meaning you are happy to sit down and eat protein & produce, not just carbs or junk food -- then you probably aren't filled enough.
  5. MerryHearted

    Gone For Good Club- August 2006

    Woohoo! I'm in. Sorry I'm a day late for my weigh-in. MollyMolly - SBMI 48.3 / CBMI 35.8 / C 222 (-77 lbs total, -4 this week)
  6. MerryHearted

    Leaking band??

    For me it would depend on whether I was losing weight and/or hungry all the time. If I were still losing and maintaining fullness between meals, I'd just wait awhile. Are you feeling more restricted after the fills? Otherwise I'd be getting prices for a fluoro and/or barium swallow and saving my pennies I guess. Sorry this happened to you.
  7. MerryHearted

    Laser hair removal

    I never did end up using numbing cream. Regular ice cubes in a plastic bag (or double bag) turned out to be the best. Push it against your skin and hold it (use a towel so your hands don't freeze). Eventually the ice will stop burning and your skin will be pink & numb. Plus ibuprofen taken about 30 min prior to treatment. AND -- I found that having the tech go fast was much better than having her go slow. It's over quicker, if nothing else. Don't forget the bacitracin after the treatment. (after you've iced for a bit). Or at least put it on before bed that night. And/or wash with a good antibacterial face wash. Marisa -- I totally get the annoyance with the red tomato look. Is it possible to set the treatment up for a Friday afternoon and just plan to not go out on the weekends after getting lasered? I try to schedule mine on Fridays as showing up at work all red and swollen is more attention getting than the hair was to begin with. Or so it feels! I'm just so glad it's gone.
  8. MerryHearted

    Laser hair removal

    I'm so glad I had this done. My hair is pretty much gone now on my upper lip and chin. I don't have to shave at all. There wasn't even enough hair on my chin this last time to even bother doing a treatment, so we postponed for a month. So now I'm into "maintenance" phase where they charge a lot less and only hit the spots that need it. I'll only have to go in a couple times a year as needed. Oh, wouldn't it be great to have my leg, belly, and underarm hair gone too! But besides the pain, there's the issue of this being expensive. Maybe once I hit goal I'll consider doing my underarms. I don't know if they do bikini lines. One of my spa treatments I'll be trying at goal is a Brazilian wax though! :omg:
  9. MerryHearted

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    C 226 (-73 lbs total, -2 this week) And I'm retaining water (I can tell by my ring!) so I bet when it cools back down I'll drop another pound or two just of water weight. :huggie:
  10. MerryHearted

    Confusion... my ramblings

    Here's how it was explained to me: the upper part of the stomach is where your pouch is, and also where the most sensors are for satiety. When you eat solid food it stretches your pouch, which causes the stretch receptors to send satiety signals to the brain. Soft food and liquids slide through without really stretching your pouch enough to set the satiety signals off, unless you are chugging a large quantity. Even then, it runs right through and doesn't trigger long-term satiety. Staying full for 4 hrs requires the stomach wall tension to be held for a little while. So getting more fill is not so much about restricting the amount you can eat at one time. It's about slowing the food exiting your pouch. The goal is to get to the point where it creates a few hours of satiety instead of you feeling hungry too soon - this is your "sweet spot". Our part is to eat the 2-3 oz of Protein and 1/2 C or so of produce at each meal and no more, regardless of whether the pouch "allows" us to eat more. That's how it was explained to me anyway. I just wish I was better at always making the right food choices. I *know* what I should eat but am still battling the boredom or stress grazing.
  11. MerryHearted

    Tubing has come loose from port...

    Oh my! Sorry to hear that. I've heard of it happening, but I thought it was kind of rare due to how much extra tubing they put in. Hope you have a speedy recovery and can start getting your fills soon!
  12. MerryHearted

    What is the Gone For Good Club?

    Hope you come and join us in there!
  13. MerryHearted

    New to site

    Welcome! My wee bit o' advice: join the "Gone for Good Club" on this board for extra motivation & comraderie in your journey. Not to mention public accountability. It's in the "Lap Band Support" forum and weigh ins are on Wed. (here's a link, no idea if it will work: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=20375) I'm sure as you read posts here you'll see lots of advice. "SmartBandsters" Yahoo Group is also a great place for support & advice.
  14. MerryHearted

    Post-Band Weight Loss Hell

    No advice for you, but a big HUG :hug:
  15. MerryHearted

    Crushing pills

    I've never needed to crush, even for the huge horse pill sized fish oil gels I occasionally take. For those who are worried, try drinking a little hot tea or warm Water first to relax the stoma, then wash the pill down with some more warm/hot drink. Maybe your doc has had folks in his practice who have gotten pills stuck and he doesn't want to see someone else suffer through it.
  16. MerryHearted

    diet coke

    I've heard of the forbidden straws too, but I think that's another personal thing. The first thing I got when I woke up from surgery was a glass of water with a straw to drink it! I've had no trouble with straws. (and I'm the one who hurts like heck if I have even the tiniest bit of carbonation. I tried Propel the other day -- that was yummy stuff! I might add a bottle of that every day since too much Crystal Light worries me (the aspartame). Propel uses Splenda.
  17. MerryHearted

    How difficult is it?

    Not silly, ask away! Honestly, I don't think anyone even notices the extra chewing. Since restaurant portions are so big and since you will only be eating a small amount, the extra chewing is quite useful -- you get done eating your small portion around the same time everyone else is done cleaning their plates. If anyone does notice, and you aren't planning to tell them about the band, you can just say that you're trying to slow down and enjoy your food these days. I've only told 3 people about my band (not counting other bandsters): husband, mom & dad. And I've eaten out quite a bit with others who have no idea. Regarding meal length, you shouldn't eat longer than 20 min or you can end up overeating. So there's no problem with your meals stretching out into infinity while you chew chew chew and everyone sitting there staring at you. At work I keep 2 things on hand: Glucerna chocolate meal shakes and Glucerna meal bars. They are there for emergencies: the meal bars for if I'm in a hurry or in a situation where there's no healthy food on hand, the chocolate meal shakes for if I ever end up PBing (haven't yet!) or am swollen after a fill and need a liquid meal.
  18. MerryHearted

    Reflux Poll

    No reflux here and I'm almost a year out. Age at surgery: 35 Gall bladder out: yes, 9 years ago Avoiding reflux: My doc's office says it can be related to being too tight, so I'm wondering if it's not a matter of how tight you are more than how long you've been banded. (although those sometimes go together, don't they?). I've also heard: don't eat within a certain amount of time before going to bed (2-3 hours?)
  19. MerryHearted

    diet coke

    I can't drink anything with even the slightest bit of carbonation or I will be in MAJOR pain -- groaning, rolling on the floor pain -- from the gas. Really, it's that bad. So some of us do have problems with carbonation. I've found that the only thing I miss is that some of my favorite alcoholic drinks have Coke in them and I can't have them anymore. Since alcohol isn't exactly conducive to weight loss, that's probably not a bad thing. Otherwise I don't miss it at all -- there are plenty of other yummy things to drink. Lots of flavors of Crystal Lite. So if you're a bandster who hasn't tried carbonation since banding, proceed with caution.
  20. MerryHearted

    Help Me Decide

    My insurance would have covered either. I went for the band, and I don't regret it one bit. You can expect to lose 1-2 lbs a week with the band. That's a healthy rate of loss, and it adds up nicely over time. This is for life, so if it takes a bit of extra time that's OK. The time is going to pass one way or another. If you don't get your insurance to cover the band, make sure to pick a surgery center that doesn't charge ridiculous prices for your fills and/or other followup care. The center with the cheapest surgery price isn't always the best choice. Good luck!
  21. MerryHearted

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    Oops, I'm a little late with my weigh in. That's OK, you can just update me next week. C 228 -3 lbs (and *finally* out of the 230's -- that took forever!)
  22. MerryHearted

    How difficult is it?

    I think you'll be fine, just cut it into very small pieces across the grain. I haven't had problems with meat yet. I don't like mine burnt, so I can't really speak to that part. I have chewed and chewed on harder pieces of steak and then just eventually spit out the gristle. Not a big deal.
  23. MerryHearted

    looking into the band

    Good luck making your decision! I'm almost a year out and I'm not a bit sorry I chose this path.
  24. MerryHearted

    HUNGRY and eating alot!

    The hunger is completely normal! It just means your swelling has gone down. Hopefully your doc's office allows you to get a fill at 6 weeks? Do your best to focus on Protein & veggies, and to stay away from the bread, Pasta, rice, etc as it will make you more hungry. I know, easier said than done! A fill (well, probably more than one) will make all the difference.
  25. MerryHearted

    Any one in NW WA

    Welcome Gattica! I didn't use the Wish Center, I went with NWWLS. But congrats on getting banded soon -- I'm also an August bandster, but from last year (8/31/2005). 14 days sounds reasonable for liquid diet -- I'm assuming that's to shrink your liver before surgery. Trust me, between that and the after-surgery liquid & mushies diet you'll be ready to move on to solid food again when it's time. I wasn't required to do a diet prior to surgery but I did it anyway, figuring it would kick-start my weight loss. Which it did, quite nicely. Best wishes!!

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