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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by MerryHearted

  1. MerryHearted

    Yogurt is ok?

    Did your doc specify what calcium sources he wanted you to use? I do have yogurt sometimes, but usually mixed with Cereal so it doesn't slide right through. It's a mushy, so it's not going to give you the satiated feeling that solid food will. My center says no liquid or mushy calories except 2 dairy servings per day. Which sounds more sensible to me than excluding dairy. I still don't get enough calcium, so I take a Viactiv chew these days.
  2. MerryHearted

    Greetings from Washington State!!

    Hey, I'm a Dr. Montgomery patient. He's great. Most of the staff @ NWWLS is great too -- hopefully you'll be able to make it to some of the support groups. Welcome to LBT!
  3. MerryHearted

    Help recently banded and HUNGRY!!!!!!

    Yes, the liquids & mushies are to help you heal after surgery. Don't jeopardize your band by eating solids so soon. As far as the band "preventing" you from eating a whole chicken thigh -- the band needs fill in it before you have restriction. Once you are healed up (4-6 weeks) you will probably have an appt for a fill. Depends on the surgeon you used. Some have a set schedule, others don't. Keep in mind - between the time you heal and the time you get filled, you are probably going to be hungry and able to eat anything. It's called "bandster hell". Don't do it! Stick to your docs orders on the amount and type of food you should be eating, regardless of how much you "can" eat at a time. I know, harder said than done. But avoid sugar and other high-glycemic index foods and it'll be easier. And even if you end up eating 6 oz of chicken at a time instead of the suggested 3 oz, that's still way better than snorking down a bag of potato chips and a pint of ice cream. :thumbup: Good luck!! And congrats on getting banded, it's a whole new adventure.
  4. MerryHearted


    Good question! It's probably different for everyone... I'm so looking forward to the day when I can get off mine. I do know that even 35 lbs down from where I'm at, I still need it, as I was down that low before and did. Much lower pressure, but still necessary. I'm guessing I'm going to be in my normal weight range before I get to get rid of mine. :puke:
  5. MerryHearted

    Any one in NW WA

    I totally know what you mean, I felt the same way! I also have Premera Blue Cross and they covered it with no problems at all. Even cover fills, which is nice.
  6. MerryHearted

    Should I Do It?

    88% sounded high to me, too, so I went and looked it up. I'll quote the information below. Keep in mind what they have mentioned in this quote: slippage and port issues are less common now due to new procedures in band placement. IMHO, seeking out an experienced surgeon attached to an office that offers excellent aftercare would be your best bet at success. Lapband.com - Risk Information I'll add this: I'm really glad I chose to get the band. And I'm very careful with my band, because I don't ever want to lose it. In particular, avoiding getting too tight (increases risk of slippage, blockage, reflux) and avoiding overeating (increases risk of pouch stretching & esophageal issues). But there is always SOME risk, and like others have said, the risk of being obese long-term carries its own set of risks, some of which are pretty scary.
  7. MerryHearted


    Speaking of getting to Cuba, has anyone ever flown with a band? Will the security guard need to rip open my stomach to prove I'm not a terrorist with an intermal bomb? Does the lapband count as one of my personal items I'm allowed to bring on board?
  8. For me, it's not about how much I *can* eat, it's "How long after my meal of 2-3 oz of solid Protein + 1/2 C of veggies does the band dim my hunger?" If I'm hungry in under 3 hrs, it's probably time for a fill. If it keeps me satiated for 3-4 hrs, then my fill level is just right. I'm thinking somewhere between 1 and 2 cups is where I notice I'm getting hungry too soon. Right now my fill is perfect and I can't eat a cup of solid food, e.g. chicken breast + raw veggies. I can easily eat a cup of Kashi Go Lean Cereal + 1 C of milk for Breakfast without the pouch getting full though -- that milk just washes it right down. It keeps me full and my calorie levels are fine, so it's still on my menu for now.
  9. MerryHearted

    Soda - Is this dumb?

    I used to drink TONS and TONS of pop. I can't now -- I tried once, after surgery, and it hurt SO BAD. I will never do that again. I don't miss it. Weird huh? I thought I would, but mostly I don't. There are rare occasions when I really wish I could have a rum & Coke, feel that burn going down... but that's about it. I think you'll be surprised. Also, once you start exercising regularly (if you aren't now), you'll find that Water is more appealing than soda.
  10. MerryHearted

    Acronyms - Please Define

    PB = productive burp (aka vomiting, or food coming back up out of your pouch) DH = dear husband NSV = non-scale victory (like going down a size in pants)
  11. MerryHearted

    Remember me? Anyone?

    I remember you from back in 2005/2006 when I was more active on the board. Welcome back!
  12. MerryHearted

    Measuring Your Food

    I measure just because I log all my food to track my calories & nutritional intake. I try to eat 2-3 oz of Protein and 1/2 c of veggies at each meal, and that's more than 1/2 c total, obviously. Not much though.
  13. MerryHearted

    flying with the band

    I've flown many times with the band and it's never set off the detector. I'm assuming you mean the port. You can always just tell them you have a gastric band if it comes up. The center I went to gives every bandster a card to put in their wallet, too.
  14. Other -- mine were all on the same day. I don't remember what order they were in, it was all one big block of time and I just got led from one person to the other.
  15. MerryHearted

    Seasonal Allergies

    Shouldn't be a problem unless the sneezing is particularly violent. Have you tried daily nasal irrigation with a neti pot or something similar in addition to the medication?
  16. MerryHearted

    130 pounds!

    Depends on the person... I didn't lose most of my weight in the first 6 months. I lost over about 18 months and then stalled. That said: the closer you get to goal, the more you have to work at it (your body needs less calories). And a lot of people find they are very motivated at first, and that motivation fades after the first large chunk of weight is off. Ex: I feel a TON better at this weight than I did at 299. I look a lot better at this weight than at 299. And yet, I'm now getting to the point where it's obvious that a) I'm still ridiculously fat and it looks bad and :eek: there are people just starting out with their surgery right now who are my height and weight! :thumbup: So plan to be in this for the long haul. You might be someone who is at goal a year from your surgery. You might be someone who has to keep slogging away for a couple years. And even once it's off, ya gotta keep it off. I assume people at goal are still having to carefully watch what they eat and exercise to stay that way. Good luck with surgery!!
  17. I'll second both recommendations (get rid of temptation and the Beck Diet Solution) and add a third: write down everything you eat. Document every bite of candy, chips, Cookies, etc. that goes into your mouth during the day. Calorie Counter, Diet Tracking, food Journal, Nutrition Facts at The Daily Plate is free, I recommend that one. FitDay also works but you will find yourself entering a lot of data manually. There's something about seeing the numbers and the nutritional breakdown that's motivating. At least to me. Oh, and with The Beck Diet Solution? Do every exercise. Don't skip anything. Get a pack of 3x5 cards and write down what you need to. I've got a big stack I read through every day.
  18. MerryHearted

    Coffee good/ bad effects on banded

    I drink it every day. The center I go to doesn't have any problem with moderate coffee drinking. Of course, if it causes a particular individual problems like heartburn, that person should avoid it. I've given up the sweet drinks at Starbucks though -- no grande mocha frappucinos now!:teeth_smile: A hot cup o coffee with a splash of milk works fine, or a latte if I need the dairy.
  19. MerryHearted


    I take Emergen-C Bone Health, which is powder that dissolves into a berry-flavored drink. Yum. But if you need 1200 mg per day, you'll have to do something else. Taking 5 packets a day would get rather expensive! What about Viactiv chews? You'd only need 2-3 chews per day, and they are yummy.
  20. MerryHearted

    Head Hunger is killing me!

    :teeth_smile: You're cracking me up. Great job on sticking with it -- I bet the weight is coming off great! All the less to lose later, my dear. :rolleyes2: I assume you are using the usual techniques to avoid breaking down and stuffing a burger and fries down the hatch, right? Keeping away from bad food choices, relaxation exercises, reminding yourself why you want to lose weight, distracting yourself with other activities, drinking lots of non-caloric liquids (hot tea or coffee works great for me when I'm craving sweets, for some reason), reminding yourself that hunger is not an emergency... Best wishes on your surgery!!
  21. MerryHearted

    Feeling Guilty!!

    Ya took the words right outta my mouth! :teeth_smile: I don't feel guilty now. It was the right choice for me.
  22. MerryHearted

    Help!! Having Mix Emotions!

    Perfectly normal! In fact, if you aren't at least a little nervous, you should wonder if something's wrong. :teeth_smile: This is one of those life-changing things. Hope you go forward and not let the fear get the best of you!
  23. You just get used to it. Drinking with meals is a habit we establish from childhood on, so it seems necessary. But it's really not that hard, particularly if you drink something right before you start eating. Like Karen said, sometimes swishing your mouth out with Water afterwards gives you the same thing as you are looking for when you drink with your meal. That said, I've certainly had occasions where I have a glass of wine with dinner - not very often, but once in awhile. I sip at it though, so it probably isn't washing much down. I think Jachut says she sips water or something with her meals and it hasn't been a problem.
  24. MerryHearted

    second thoughts

    You don't, I guess. It's a leap of faith. There are possible complications, but despite what it may seem by reading the Complications board, it does go just fine for most people. Imagine yourself 100 lbs thinner next spring. Wouldn't that be nice? If it's any consolation, most people go through a 'cold feet' stage right before surgery. A lot of people go through a "what the heck have I done to myself" stage shortly afterwards, too. You can get through it. :smile:
  25. Going out to dinner isn't as exciting to me anymore, since I can't eat much. But we still go from time to time. If you are going to bars often, you probably don't want to be drinking alcohol every time -- that stuff really packs in the calories. You can always sip a low-cal beverage or just plan your eating for the day to accomodate the calories of a drink. If you go dancing, that burns a good number of calories. Crystal Light To-Go packets are nice for flavoring Water when you're out & about.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
