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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About hildegardhamhocker

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    Advanced Member

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    Retired High School Teacher
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  1. hildegardhamhocker

    Protein bars suggestions.

    You can order a "Variety Pack" of Quest bars on the Quest website or from Amazon. They have Many flavors; with the variety pack you can try them all and see which you like best. They are great for protein and pretty low calorie.
  2. hildegardhamhocker

    Question after reading book rec. by Dr.

    Usually the need for a catheter is based on the length of the surgery. If the surgery is two or more hours, a catheter is usually used. They give you IV Fluid before, during, and after the surgery, and they don't want your bladder to get too full and expand. It isn't a big deal if you have one. They put it in while you are asleep, and it means you don't have to get up to go to the bathroom until after they remove it.
  3. hildegardhamhocker

    Bariatric support belt

    I don't know of anyone who has had a support belt after WLS. The skin and tissue under it are not affected by laparoscopic surgery. However, one is required for at least six weeks following "tummy tuck" surgery. The skin is separated, stretched and cut and and the ab/tummy area needs the compression to reduce fluid build up and to keep the skin/tissue tightly in place as it heals.
  4. hildegardhamhocker

    Fluids question

    My NUT always says caffeine is a diuretic so you have to subtract any fluids with caffeine from your total. Decaf is fine.
  5. hildegardhamhocker

    I've been stalled for 1 month - 5 months post op.

    I found that changing calorie amounts helped break a stall. I would eat more than usual one day and less than normal the next. Your body can get used to a set number of calories and just sit there. Good Luck!
  6. hildegardhamhocker

    Twisted Stomach after Sleeve Surgery

    Short follow-up - My surgeon never even suggested having to switch the sleeve to a bypass. It may be that your surgeon is not familiar with this problem and/or repair. If that is the case, I suggest you find another surgeon who knows how to take care of the problem. (I found articles about it on the internet, too.) Let us know what you find out when you see your surgeon again.
  7. hildegardhamhocker

    Twisted Stomach after Sleeve Surgery

    I had a large hiatal hernia that was repaired when I had my sleeve done. Very shortly after, I found that I had problems with liquid and food going through my small stomach. Denser food seemed to go through a little better, but liquids would take from an hour to several hours and I could hear the liquid gurgling through. I had an endoscopy done and and the diagnosis was a twisted sleeve. The picture from the endoscopy procedure looked similar to twisting a towel and opening it up to see the twist inside. Eleven months after my original sleeve surgery, I had to have a laparoscopic outpatient procedure to untwist the sleeve and tack it in places to keep it open. This was very successful, and I have had no further problems. Although it happens fairy rarely, my surgeon was familiar with the problem and had corrected it before. A knowledgeable, competent surgeon can easily fix the problem. (I have my own theory about why this may have happened, although there was no medical explanation given. I think my hiatal hernia was so large, and a major portion of stomach was twisted above the diaphragm, that the stomach that was left twisted to the position it had been in so long before. With the little amount of stomach left, it twisted more and more easily than it might have otherwise.) The good news is that it can easily be fixed. Good luck!
  8. hildegardhamhocker

    Resuming medications in pill form

    I also take Cymbalta, one in the a.m. and one before bed. My Psychiatrist suggested I take the morning capsule apart and mix the little balls with applesauce or something like it. There is no powder; there are 12 little "balls" in each capsule. I checked with my Pharmacist, and she said it is fine to take Cymbalta this way. I cut a very little bit off the end of the 'larger' part of the capsule with a small, very sharp paring knife and empty the "balls" in to a small dish. I add a tablespoon or more of applesauce, mix it together, and eat it with a spoon. (Swallow the little "balls" without chewing them.) I have been doing this for several months, and I have not encountered any problems.
  9. hildegardhamhocker


    When my weight loss stalled, one day I would increase the number of calories over what my normal daily calorie goal was and then eat fewer calories than usual the next day. After a few days, this seemed to "trick" my body in to thinking I wasn't starving it and weight loss would continue. It is very important to document your calories and Protein every day. As has already been said, you may not be eating enough. Too few calories and too little protein will not increase your weight loss. Everyone has stalls. Good luck with your weight loss journey!
  10. I started gaining weight about 25 years ago following a divorce and a broken leg and ankle. I realize now that people really did treat me differently when I was overweight and then obese. I do feel better about myself, and my major depression is the best controlled it has been for many years, so I know I come across differently. People who knew me before I gained all of the weight don't seem to remember that I was thinner years ago. I am pleased with the compliments I get, but some of them make me think I must have looked really, really bad before. I am now able to say thank you to compliments and hope that's the end of the discussion. (Very few people know that I had the sleeve.) What always amazes me is the people who ask how I am losing the weight and ask how much I have lost. No one ever asked how I gained the weight or how much I had gained. For years I have known that people said about me, some to my face, "She has such a pretty face. She would look so good if she could just lose weight." Now my face is thin, people I haven't seen in some time really don't recognize me, and I get lots of positive comments and reinforcement. I could have used those when I was obese!
  11. hildegardhamhocker

    Sleeve with hiatal hernia?

    I had a very large hiatal hernia that the surgeon fixed along with the sleeve. There was never any discussion about that being a problem. In fact, many, if not most, people who qualify for bariatric surgery have a hiatal hernia. Sizes vary, but I have not heard that having one caused a problem with the sleeve or the bypass. Everyone who goes through the Bariatric Center here has to have an Endoscopy prior to surgery, and hiatal hernia is one of the things they look for. I am relieved to have mine fixed.
  12. hildegardhamhocker

    Increasing calories

    When I stalled (several times in 14 months) it helped me to increase calories one day above my usual around 800 calories to 900 or so calories and then down to about 700 or less calories the next day. I did that for a few days, and it worked for me. I think it "tricks" my body in to "thinking" I'm not stuck/starving at 800 calories, and I start losing again. I am less than 15 pounds from my goal weight, and it is really hard to lose these last pounds!
  13. hildegardhamhocker

    Calorie intake?

    My bariatric center, dietician, etc., said my goal was 800 calories a day and 80 plus grams of protein. I am 11 months out and have lost 115 pounds. I fluctuate between 750 and 850 calories and always more than 800 grams of protein. I drink two protein shakes per day and eat a protein bar that has 20 grams of protein. I "eat" less than I drink in calories and protein. When I have stalled, I alternate between fewer calories (700 - 750) and more calories (850 - 900) so my body doesn't think it is starving. That has worked to break the stalls. It does get harder to lose the more you have lost. I am 10-15 pounds to my goal and now am concerned about staying disciplined to keep it off. I keep track of calories and protein every day, and I don't eat a significant variety of foods. I live alone, so this is easier. I cannot eat gluten and have found that eating a limited number of choices is easier for me - I don't have to think much about what I am going to eat or focus on foods, groceries, and meal planning. Having too few calories can back-fire if your body goes in to starvation mode and/or when you need to have more calories per day. Everyone is different, and you need to figure out what works for you. Good luck!
  14. hildegardhamhocker

    4 weeks out can I wear a spanx for stomach support!

    Thank you all for the great info on body shapers!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
