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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Larly109

  1. Larly109

    How many weeks did you take off?

    I took 2 weeks off. Luckily I only had a 3 day week when I got back to work and then a long weekend. I was ok after the first day back but was pretty wiped after the third day. I'm sure it will continue to get better!
  2. Larly109

    Soft diet

    I would be curious about that too. I can do chicken if it's pureed with something else, but fish or chicken on it's own come right back up.
  3. Larly109

    Postive Support needed...

    I'm almost at 3 weeks out and tried to eat a little baked tilapia yesterday - bad mistake. I ended up with my first vomiting episode since surgery. I'm getting tired of protein shakes but I need to remember not to push it with regard to regular food. It's no fun getting sick.
  4. Larly109

    Bypass vs sleeve?

    I chose bypass because it has a longer track record (40 years) and is considered the gold standard for bariatric surgery. There just wasn't enough history and data on the sleeve for me. Also, I was (am - only 11 days post surgery) pretty heavy and bypass was the better choice for that reason. I know it has worked well for others, but wasn't a good fit in my case.
  5. Larly109

    The Hunger beast

    I agree with others. It sounds like you need to back up a bit and get back on Protein shakes for a while. It is possible for people who were not diabetic to develop issues with hypoglycemia after bariatric surgery. Google hypoglycemia and WLS. The solution is to up the protein. I would definitely stay away from the chocolate! It's too easy to fall back into bad habits.
  6. Larly109

    Bodies Chemical Changes

    Your body gets thrown into ketosis after surgery which may make your body smell different. This is major surgery and throws your body into a state of shock. It will eventually level out again.
  7. My surgeon told me he puts in a drain when necessary - usually for heavier patients. I had a drain for 4 days. It was supposed to be in for a week, but the tubing got plugged and it had to come out early. It was a bit of a pain to deal with, but not too bad overall.
  8. Larly109

    Need some advice

    I hope you were able to see your doctor and are feeling better!
  9. It's good to have someone with you for at least the first few days. You won't be able to drive until you are off pain meds and your energy level will likely be zapped fairly quickly. I'm sure it's possible to manage on your own, but I felt better having my Mom with me. In my case, my husband is a Type 1 diabetic with lots of complications and it was very reassuring to have extra help not only for me, but for him as well.
  10. Larly109

    Lets Talk Gas...

    Keep walking and ask your doctor if you can have chewable Gas-X. That did the trick for me!
  11. I was very nervous before my surgery as well. I had never had any major medical procedures or hospital stays. I was honest with my doctor, anesthesiologist, and nurses and they took excellent care of me. I did wake up in pain from the gas used to inflate my abdomen, but the pain meds helped and the worst was over in a few hours. I'm 10 days out from surgery and things have gone pretty smoothly. It's normal to be nervous - this is a huge commitment. Acknowledge your feelings and talk about them with your healthcare team, they have done this before and will be able to help you work through it.
  12. Larly109

    Had surgery on the 2nd

    Walk as much as you can - it really does help with the gas - and ask your doctor if you can have some Gas-X.
  13. Larly109

    How did you tell people?

    I've been very open with everyone in my life. I figured since it was no secret I've been obese pretty much my whole life, it would be very obvious when my body started to change. I don't mind answering questions as I find my experience is helpful for others. I have received nothing but support and positive feedback. If anyone disagrees with my decision, they have had the good sense to keep their opinion to themselves.
  14. Larly109

    Tired of meal replacement shakes!

    Try mixing shake flavors (I mix caramel pretzel with chocolate) or adding a banana and/or a very small dollop of peanut butter. It makes a huge difference in the flavor!
  15. The Protein powders can be rough, but they are a must right after surgery. There is a Nutrishop store in my town and they are really good about selling small samples of protein so you don't get stuck with a huge tub you hate. Try calling around and see if anyone where you live will help you with samples. Also, once you move to full liquids and purée, it helps A LOT to add a banana to your shake and blend it well. Another idea is to mix flavors - I have caramel pretzel flavored protein which is too sweet by itself, but when I mix it with chocolate it's just right. Several companies also offer unflavored Protein Powder that you can add to your own drinks. I ordered a pound of the Syntrax nectar brand unflavored protein from Amazon for $17.39. Don't give up! It can take some time and some trial and error to find what works for you.
  16. Larly109

    What are you drinking?

    I drank pretty much just plain water before surgery, but just can't seem to get much down post surgery. I hit Walmart and got an assortment of sugar-free flavoring to add to my water and it has made a huge difference. My favorites right now are the Crystal Light Raspberry and Strawberry Green Teas. Also, Lipton has a line of herbal, caffeine-free teas that are really good. I have tried the Pineapple Chamomile and the Peppermint. I add one packet of Stevia and it's perfect.
  17. I just ordered the Syntrax unflavored from Amazon.
  18. Larly109

    Favorite things!

    Vita sport Pro 7 Protein Synthesis Protein powder in Caramel Pretzel Flavor. It's a bit too sweet by itself, but I have been mixing it with Pure Protein chocolate whey and it's just perfect. The Caramel Pretzel is 34 grams protein and the Chocolate is 25 - one scoop of each and I get 59 grams in one go! Now that my diet has been advanced, I added a banana and a tbsp of Peanut Butter and the protein total is up to 64 grams. Better yet, the banana and PB make the shake extra delicious! I haven't been impressed with the chewable Vitamins - they ALL taste awful - but I came across these the other day at Sam's Club and they are MUCH better than others I've tried. Meant to upload a picture, but app isn't cooperating. Name is: NatureMade VitaMelts Fast Melting Tablets Multivitamin. I agree about Quest Bars - they are fantastic! I can't have them yet, but tried them before surgery and loved them. Syntrax nectar protein powders are a nice change from the usual flavors. They have about 15 mostly fruity flavors.
  19. Larly109

    Favorite things!

    I am loving Crystal Light Raspberry and Strawberry Green Tea!
  20. I had a pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream as my last big splurge. It's funny, but that was something I have craved and enjoyed so much in the past and that last time just wasn't very satisfying. Now that I'm 10 days post surgery, I'm not craving anything sweet - in fact I'm a little sick of sweet with all the Protein shakes. What I want now is savory flavors to counteract the sweetness of the shakes. I am on full liquids now, working up to puréed and find that it all gets easier as you heal. There are still adjustments - had my first "oof, that was one bite too much" today as I ate a scrambled egg. Hang in there! It does get better!
  21. Larly109

    2 days out of surgery

    The first week is the worst. It WILL get better!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
