Hello everyone, I was banded on Monday June 2nd, and am doing very well !! I also had a hernia repair at the same time (that was the worst part of this whole thing)!! My tummy has a big cut down the middle and the sutures are starting to itch :Dancing_wub:, I guess thats a good sign:smile:. I go to the doctor next week to get them removed and also a trip to the dietician. I am eating soft, mushy, foods in very small amounts and feel fine with that. I am supposed to be doing mostly liquids,BUT, I needed some real FOOD!! I can't live on broth and cream of crap soup !!!, and I don't care if the dietician likes it or not . I have eaten some cottage cheese, scrambled egg, tuna w/ a dab of mayo, refried beans, and some mushy rice crispies. All with no problem. I just wanted to check in and wish everyone else the best of luck on their journey and best wishes for a speedy recovery with the surgery... Theresa P